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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛文章由贝多芬第28号奏鸣曲说起,谈贝多芬的晚期风格,然后不由自主的和时下盛行的沙龙音乐和意大利美声歌剧做了比较,可以看出作者
对意大利歌剧持鄙视和讽刺的态度。 作者是Edmund Morris, 出自他最新的贝多芬传记《Beethoven the Universal Composer》,我正在读。

Modern sensibilities detect a new kind of lyricism in the sonata's opening and slow movements, concentrated yet pure, impossible to tire of. This last quality, surely definitive of supreme beauty in any art, was not shared by two other styles that became the rage of Vienna that year: "Biedermeier" parlor pieces, all sugar and tears, and the bustling frivolity of a new opera by Rossini, The Barber of Seville. It was Beethoven's misfortune that his famous "third period" style, nascent for years but maturing finally in Op.101, should announce itself at the very moment that popular taste turned against him.

.... those conservatives who had always found Beethoven too radical, and were turning to Rossini now, as they had to Paisiello and Salieri in the past -- any composer, it would seem, whose name ended in a vowel and who could be relied on to stay in the same key.(很讽刺,把意大利作曲家都给骂了) Beethoven had never cared much for the florid, oompah-pah, Italiante style, and he even parodied it in the slow movement of his Op.31 No.1 piano sonata, which might be described as Rossini with brains.(言外之意就是罗西尼没有大脑,只会煽情)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 今天读到一段对贝多芬和罗西尼极为有趣的描述,抄在这里给喜欢意大利歌剧的朋友,哈哈哈~~
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛文章由贝多芬第28号奏鸣曲说起,谈贝多芬的晚期风格,然后不由自主的和时下盛行的沙龙音乐和意大利美声歌剧做了比较,可以看出作者
    对意大利歌剧持鄙视和讽刺的态度。 作者是Edmund Morris, 出自他最新的贝多芬传记《Beethoven the Universal Composer》,我正在读。

    Modern sensibilities detect a new kind of lyricism in the sonata's opening and slow movements, concentrated yet pure, impossible to tire of. This last quality, surely definitive of supreme beauty in any art, was not shared by two other styles that became the rage of Vienna that year: "Biedermeier" parlor pieces, all sugar and tears, and the bustling frivolity of a new opera by Rossini, The Barber of Seville. It was Beethoven's misfortune that his famous "third period" style, nascent for years but maturing finally in Op.101, should announce itself at the very moment that popular taste turned against him.

    .... those conservatives who had always found Beethoven too radical, and were turning to Rossini now, as they had to Paisiello and Salieri in the past -- any composer, it would seem, whose name ended in a vowel and who could be relied on to stay in the same key.(很讽刺,把意大利作曲家都给骂了) Beethoven had never cared much for the florid, oompah-pah, Italiante style, and he even parodied it in the slow movement of his Op.31 No.1 piano sonata, which might be described as Rossini with brains.(言外之意就是罗西尼没有大脑,只会煽情)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Edmond Morris 只不过是一个传记作家而已, 对音乐史的了解他肯定不如朔爷
      • 而且, 对歌剧史的纵横, 对室内乐的透彻, 对音乐剧的广博,远远不如老迷~
      • Morris写里根的传记我也不敢恭维~
        • 据说此人是一个 (private) scholar of music, 对贝多芬已研究了半个世纪了, 真是"厚积薄发"啊! ;)
    • 朔爷的评论如下 :)))
      • 贝多芬愤世嫉俗,精神可嘉,但是,远远不是一流的,论气度和气势,他不如瓦格纳,论配器和影响,他不如老柴,论深度和技巧, 不如勃拉姆斯, , 为什么地位显赫?就是因为他的顽强和偏执 -njzy("王朔"); 2005.2.14 17:49 (#2124722)
        • 我看贝多份啊, 在上帝面前, 莫差特比他更近, 在人间, 巴赫比他更亲和, 歌曲写不过舒伯特,细腻远在肖邦之下, 力度和李斯特不相上下, .... -njzy("王朔"); 2005.2.14 17:50 (#2124727)
          • 风格单调, 只见处处惊天动地, 难得孱孱小桥流水, 只可好比古典音乐的猛张飞而已~ -njzy("王朔"); 2005.2.14 17:52 (#2124730)
            • 真有你的, 新年快到了,过去常说要"旧貌换新颜", 你这是"旧帖代新言"~
              • 年终正好列一下乐韵书香的top ten posts. 上面的算是我的一票.
                • 这可不公平, 年底是我忙的时候, 没有很多时间投票~;-)
          • interesting, I never cared for Chopin either.
            • #2568601
        • 如此体会, 我同感焉.
          从听贝多芬开始, 我开始了古典音乐的启蒙, 特别是第5. 简直就是捧着说明书, 听了又听, 才开始上路. 如今9个都听了, 却觉得贝多芬交响曲的没有BRAHMUS的好.
          • 说明你已经深入进去了。由于我们所处的时代和文化背景的限制,过去被太多的“专家”所启蒙和开导,忽略了自我欣赏和自我感受。对古典乐的自悟,胜过体验他人的感受和诠释,每个人都应该是自我感受的权威,专家的评判只是参考。。。
          • 各人都有自己喜欢的作曲家,这没啥好说的。但我认为说贝多芬的交响曲没有勃拉坶斯的好就象说萨士比亚没有王尔德好一样,我无法同意。
            • 没错. 个人喜好问题.
              • 我也喜欢勃拉姆斯。
        • 不能同意。要考虑贝多芬所处的时代。应该拿与他同时代的作曲家比较方显其伟大之处,况且像您那样比也不公平。比如拿同时期的海顿,克雷门第,萨里耶利,斯波尔,韦伯比较。舒伯特和伯辽兹都不能比,因为那时他们还小。
          • 哈哈哈。。。:)
          • 为何只提海顿,不提莫扎特?
            • happy new year :)
              • Happy New Year to you and everyone here!
            • 倍多芬还是一个杰出的钢琴家,16岁的贝第一次来到维也纳时,莫扎特曾听过他的演奏并这样评价贝多芬:“当心这小子,有一天他会在这世界上奏出强音。”可见身手不凡。
        • 不能这样说;贝多芬是浪漫主义初期西方音乐的一根支柱,他标志着人类走向自我实现的道路上的一块十分耀眼并抹杀不掉的历程碑。他是大变动或革命性的朝着千百万人呐喊。。。
      • long time no see ,how are you ? :)
        • fine, and thank you. Happy New Year!