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Maya indeed did a wonderful job as the director. No MP.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛First, she is whole-heartedly working on this. She is a wife, mother and a piano teacher, with a very busy schedule and routine, yet she is with every group and makes sure they are working towards the right directions;
Second, she has the expertise. I thought I knew something about acting before I met Maya, but now I am very humble before her. She really has the sensitivity and the feel about the stage and all that is involved;
Finally, she is strict and straight forward. She doesn't beat around the bush. This style might have offended a few, and indeed not very comfortable to face, but it works, and it saves us lots of time and energy.
We are no saint. We all have our shortcomings. Let us focus on a person's motivation and ability.
Our main goal is to have fun, to make the life as immigrants less stressful, less pitiful, less miserable and less lonely, to be together in search for that sense of togetherness, of family, "because we are one family", as the song goes.
This is not a show to show off, to exhibit our skills, to advertise our goodnesses, but to learn, to cooperate, to educate and to be educated, to be normal, to be humane....
Please know that life goes on without you, or you, or you, or you. Nothing will change without you or you or you or even you.
But life can be much better with you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and even the most invisible you, for you have willingly contributed to this whole event, you have brought to us your passion and compassion, you have revealed to us how kind and generous and forgiving and patient you are, you have shown us you are humble, easy-going and open-minded, and you are amazing.
We are not professionals, but who cares. We are here to have fun. Attitude is everything, not skills, tact, schemes, competition....
I love you all, and it is with love and compassion and sincerity I wrote this...
Let's work together to make this work.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 表演是晚会的更高追求--记导演玛雅
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛从聚会做游戏到演出,ROLIA晚会已经进入到第5年,演员的队伍仍然是以网友为主力,但从以往的演出来看,大多数的演出都局限与,把一个歌唱好,把舞蹈跳下来,真正的表演和观众的交流,把观众带入艺术境地的节目比较少。因为大家毕竟都是业余的,有些演员在演出时不敢目视观众,眼光发散,看着地面。其实上过台的人都知道,当追光灯射向你的时候,台下是一片漆黑,但一个好的演员,哪怕是高度近视,都能用目光把观众带入意境,让每个观众都感觉这首歌为他而唱,这支舞为他而跳。



    从准备的情况来看,今年的晚会比起去年应该又上了个档次,但是我们的观众品味也再提高,要求也越来越高。所以无论是导演和演员都要面临更大的压力。希望经过导演和众位演员的努力,能给各位网友带来节日的快乐!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我知道,我检讨,昨天彩排发脾气不应该,下次努力改正:)
      • Maya, last night you did very well . That is the only way to get the show going , so you don't need to apologiz to us. You go girl
        • Maya indeed did a wonderful job as the director. No MP.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛First, she is whole-heartedly working on this. She is a wife, mother and a piano teacher, with a very busy schedule and routine, yet she is with every group and makes sure they are working towards the right directions;
          Second, she has the expertise. I thought I knew something about acting before I met Maya, but now I am very humble before her. She really has the sensitivity and the feel about the stage and all that is involved;
          Finally, she is strict and straight forward. She doesn't beat around the bush. This style might have offended a few, and indeed not very comfortable to face, but it works, and it saves us lots of time and energy.
          We are no saint. We all have our shortcomings. Let us focus on a person's motivation and ability.
          Our main goal is to have fun, to make the life as immigrants less stressful, less pitiful, less miserable and less lonely, to be together in search for that sense of togetherness, of family, "because we are one family", as the song goes.
          This is not a show to show off, to exhibit our skills, to advertise our goodnesses, but to learn, to cooperate, to educate and to be educated, to be normal, to be humane....
          Please know that life goes on without you, or you, or you, or you. Nothing will change without you or you or you or even you.
          But life can be much better with you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and even the most invisible you, for you have willingly contributed to this whole event, you have brought to us your passion and compassion, you have revealed to us how kind and generous and forgiving and patient you are, you have shown us you are humble, easy-going and open-minded, and you are amazing.
          We are not professionals, but who cares. We are here to have fun. Attitude is everything, not skills, tact, schemes, competition....
          I love you all, and it is with love and compassion and sincerity I wrote this...
          Let's work together to make this work.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 俺就纳闷儿这老字怎么突然献媚起来,原来昨天惹你生气了 :)
    • 导演给你留面子, 说你不懂相声.... :)
      • 是说她自己不懂相声,我现在一般用英文,法文写论文和小说,中文有些退步。
    • 我昨天表现很差,但我感到导演对我批评的还不够,这不利于我的进步。
      • MSSD, MP大王。。。
        • 帮主慧眼,佩服佩服!
      • 你可以请导演吃饭,接受再教育。
      • 导演说了,演不好,信不信我掐死你,小样!!!!
      • 没想到诚恳的自我批评引来这么多人落井下石。是该整顿整顿了。
        • 这是人的共性,说别人都是一套一套的,轮到自己做事都是一水一水的。成事不足,败事有余!
          • hehe~~~,字者说相声一级棒!夏河演小品简直没得说!他们是太谦虚了,从他们那,我还真学到不少东西呢。
      • h ahahahah
    • 我就最佩服玛雅老师了. 玛雅老师说我做服装不够好, 我立刻再做一套. 这套也不好, 我还做! 其实我想改进一下肩牌, 加高, 胸前贴金银色花, 是不是好些呢. 昨天刚下飞机, 咳嗽厉害, 晕得不得了, 早走了, 没有留下来听玛雅老师的意见.
      • 1. 说到晕, jessye昨天好像跟我说什么, 我回答了没有? 我神情恍惚, 精神发散, 知道有人问我, 我想回答, 就是集中不了精神. 2. 说到服装, 明年应该设服装组义工, 导演把对服装的要求传达下去, 咱们义工自己做, 肯定符合要求.
        • 仔细地端详了你,真的是进化版的潘长江啊
          • 潘长江要是听见了,非跟你拼老命不可:你这不是埋汰人潘长江吗?
            • 12月24号, 等着瞧!
              • 咋地~~~~潘长江还加入黑社会了不成~~~吓唬谁那~~~~
              • 那天俺上班
              • 咋地,真潘长江也来了?
        • 舞蹈队全体队员感谢你不辞辛苦, 千里迢迢给我们带回来的服装, 特别邀请你为我们的荣誉队员. :P 谢谢谢谢!!!
          • 举手之劳, 何足挂齿. 荣誉队员, 呵呵, 我一个人等于俩, 是说身材:-)
            • 赫,老兄关键时刻真露脸.
    • 还要不要少数民族帽子了
      • 谢谢,怎么联系你