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rolia 谁人不识eglinton君. 老市长, 关于分圣诞礼物,我曾经参加过一个party, 觉得也挺有趣的,详情见内:

交礼物时抽一个号码, 发的时候可以按号码从小到大开始去挑, 回来后打开,如果喜欢就退出game, 不喜欢的,或者更喜欢别人的礼物的人继续。从大到小, 去交换想要得礼物 (大号有priority now, so people with smaller number cann't refuse, this is the risk of the game, you may get a "better" one, or even a " worse" one). , 同样,满意的人退出。下一轮, 从小到大, until all people leave the game. The good thing about this is it is just like a game and add a little fun to adults. Each round, people can get a new number (and follow the same order, small -> larger numbers for example) too to add a little uncertainty.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 一年一度的” Mississauga老市长圣诞Party”邀请函 :D
    • 沙发,2人报名。谢谢!
    • 马扎儿,3人报名!
    • 聊天室,2 seniors,Bar 2 adults,雪爬犁,2 kids。多谢!
    • 游戏 idea 3个
      打雪仗,打雪架,打雪耳刮子 ^_^
      • 打雪仗倒是个好主意,我可是从小玩到大的,到时候你可别哭鼻子:d
        • 嘿嘿,先别吹牛,看看咱们谁哭鼻子。T_T
    • 3 adults +2 kids, thanks. Games: Upgrade!!!
    • 报名,3人
    • 你这人不厚道, 总是在偶没空的时侯搞吃喝玩乐
      • 我这是庙小容不下你这大和尚。Happy Xmas!
    • 有多少人啦?
      • 说的哪里话?一点儿也不麻烦,我不过是提供了场所,大家无主题的自娱自乐,非常欢迎!
      • Do not see you there.....
    • 赶不上了。Have a great party!
    • 上班,哎,去不成了
      • 那,摄影的光荣使命就非蛋爷莫属了!
    • 市长真是个热心人。我跟贴不是为了报名, 但愿大家PARTY开心。
      • 谢谢,Happy Xmas!
    • 报名,2 adults +1 kids
    • Hi, please count us in, two adults.
      • 这个Id比我的还老!
        • 是超级潜水员了:)
          • 那,见面的时候我就给你们撮合撮合:p
            • rolia 谁人不识eglinton君. 老市长, 关于分圣诞礼物,我曾经参加过一个party, 觉得也挺有趣的,详情见内:
              交礼物时抽一个号码, 发的时候可以按号码从小到大开始去挑, 回来后打开,如果喜欢就退出game, 不喜欢的,或者更喜欢别人的礼物的人继续。从大到小, 去交换想要得礼物 (大号有priority now, so people with smaller number cann't refuse, this is the risk of the game, you may get a "better" one, or even a " worse" one). , 同样,满意的人退出。下一轮, 从小到大, until all people leave the game. The good thing about this is it is just like a game and add a little fun to adults. Each round, people can get a new number (and follow the same order, small -> larger numbers for example) too to add a little uncertainty.
              • support
              • Thank you very much reddriver, i will call you for details.
    • 报名报名,Bar 4 adults。谢谢谢谢!!!
    • 2+2, thanks.
    • 报名报名, 1 adult
    • 小小娃带去,会不会很麻烦?很想去啊
    • 报名,2 Adults. Thanks!
    • count me in, a single man. & I need a ride to mayor's mansion.
      count me in, a single man. & I need a ride to mayor's mansion.
      I live around Queen and Pape.

      cannot wait... need a break after studying so hard.

      email: mapletoronto@gmail.com
      • anyone could give him a ride, pls contact him directly, thanks
        • sigh
          Ayah, no one could give me a ride? how could it be possible? we are supposed to help each other, folks.
          people, it takes forever walking to his home.
          enh, maybe a little incentive will do?!!
          Yeah, I will offer a cheese cake to whoever that drives me there. We can also ruin the cake on the way to the party if you cannot wait... hahaha :)

          Finally, i hope to see you guys there, and let's party up.

          Pleas kindly PM me if you drive.
    • 报名。2大2小
    • 老市长的活动咱得参加, 你那能滑雪吗,
      • 滑到河里别怪我:p
        • I can bring the Snow Shoe and try in your yard or the Riverbank.......
    • 想去,但怕太晚,不知方便否?
      我23日开车去OTTAWA, 24日和女友回MISSISSAUGA,可能会迟到,可以吗?
      一直想多认识一些在MISSISSAUGA 的网友,:)
      • 没问题,给你留两个座:d 如果有玩通宵的,就更好了
    • ****************人数已满,报名截止。谢谢大家。
      • 啊?这么快?waiting list 吧,那就。
      • 还能通融一下吗~~~~~:)—
      • 请查PM.
    • 等下次了,这次时间安排得满满的。
    • 现在报名还来得及不?
    • Annie, Jerry and our friends, 2+2!
    • Annie,Jerry and friends 报名2+2!
    • 对不起,新来的,不知回帖更新的排列顺序,没看见已截止了。Have Fun!
    • 对不起,新来的,不知回帖的排列顺序,没看见已截止了。Have fun!
    • attached pls find the guest list, any friends not on the list, i am sorry, i only got a small house:p Hope you all have a Happy Xmas!!!
      • 讨厌, 人家不在你就乱发请帖.
        • 特批你当狗仔队长!:p
      • 哎呀~~~哎呀~~~~真的加上三儿喽~~~~~:)))
    • 我住在TORONTO 的YORK 大学附近,请问如果以后您有什么活动,住在TORONTO的可以参加吗?谢谢
      • 当然可以!朋友不分边界,下次希望早些报名。:p
    • 老市长,请看pm
    • K,来晚了, 关门了已经.
    • 老市长看过来!实在不好意思,我报了4个adult,但是现在其中一个人有事情去不了了,所以要改成3 adults。添麻烦了!
    • (1) updated guest list. any questions or if anyone get lost, pls call Jacky 416-828-5287 for direction :p
      (2)谢谢网友的热心提醒,请参加的成人朋友务必每人包裹一份礼品(无论贵贱,just for fun)以便参加Gift Exchange.
      (3)请家长给自己孩子准备的礼物务必写清自己孩子的名字在上面。(这些礼物不参加Gift Exchange.直接由santa 派发)
      • Dear Mayor Jackie, I cannot make it since nobody can give me a ride. So please let somebody else fill my shoes instead. I'll see ya next year.
      • 试一试,看排在waiting list 上能不能有戏。
        • 鉴于楼上,楼下都退出,我是否能加进去。2 adults, 1 kid.
      • Dear Jacky, sorry I could not make it this time. :( I will miss you. Hope you guys have lots of fun. Merry Christmas to everyone.
      • waiting list: 2 adults,1 child
    • 名额满了吗?2 adults.
    • Ennnnn , 老市长的 Basement 豪华卡拉 OK 包房不错......
      HO , HO , HO

      HO LA LOOP.........
      • 还有KTV包房?估计是后半夜才开的吧?那几家提前离开的亏大了。
        • 谁让你走这么早呢?我们后来OK到了半夜3点多,连“让我们荡起双桨”“社会主义好”都没放过, 仿佛回到了“年轻时代”呵:p
          • 提前走了,没赶上,可惜可惜!不过前半段已经够好了!谢谢老市长!另外,借这个地方,祝所有人新年进步!
      • There are two white tail deer in the yard at the night . Hard to see in the GTA area except the Toronto Zoo...... He He
    • 在这里谢谢老市长。
    • 谢谢Jacky和Maggie的热情好客,我们全家不但领略了你们温馨气派的家,豪爽洒脱的人,还与那么多新朋友度过了一个最最快乐的圣诞前夜。难忘......
    • Santa and Little Buddy
      • 看不见呀,老罗? 我只顾玩去了,没有照照片。看来这爬梯少了egg是不行的!:p
        • 唉,俺们这爱踢工作,圣诞也不能休息啊,错过了,错过了
        • You need join the group first. PM your E-mail. I have some good pictures of you and the Shanghai MM .......
    • 在此对一些没能邀请到的朋友们说声抱歉:由于是冬天的Party,怕家里太拥挤,没敢邀请太多的朋友,希望等夏天到来之际,能给大家补上一个大型的party! 到时候再“让我们荡起双桨”“对酒当歌”!
      另祝大家Happy New Year!!!
      • 特别邀请: 老市长, ( 不食言, 给你发正式邀请, ) Ski in Blue Mountain on Jan 01 . Can teach you Ski if need.
        But you need to bring the 3 Shanghai MM ….. He He

        If interested. please check my post
        • 老罗,给你留言了(电话也不接!),晚上见到3个MMs, 她们一致要求“你买单就去”! 顺便问一句“我的单是否也可以你买?”:p
          • 哎, 免费教你们, 还不够意思. .....
    • Some pictures here. Please let me know if anybody would like to remove any picture from the album. Thanks.
      • 好热闹的PARTY。借问,那位贝贝的滑冰头盔在哪买的?多少钱?
        • 去CT看看,我孩子的那个2年前好象29...
          • 谢谢逸涵。你知道那种白色冰刀,还是向硬塑的(有粉红色)的冰刀,哪种更适合初学者?
            • 你孩子快5岁了吧,学起来应该很快的,常用的就可以了.
              头盔好好转转,我先买49的,发现不很合适,换的时候另外一种软点的有GOOD PRICE,导购建议下就换成29的了.实在不行,问他们,他们比较有经验...你孩子在哪学?说不准,以后我们搭伴让孩子们练习呢...
              • 我女儿在AGINCOURT学,能搭伴练就太好了。明天休息去CT转转,谢谢,31号见。
        • CT, 49.99 + tax
          • 谢谢。
        • 很可爱的BABY. 不过绿衣BABY的妈咪,你要是给孩子穿上同色系的袜子就更可爱了.
          • 孩子她妈本来想让她当圣诞树全身绿色,但因为没有绿袜子,只好给穿了一个圣诞老人的袜子。
      • baby 好可爱,真想抱一个回家。
        • 看出来了^_^