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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

There are so many good suggestions upstairs. Just let your daughter to draw sth on the card. If your want to buy sth special, then you need to observe. I know nothing about your daughter's teacher.

Here is a link. Maybe you will find sth interesting.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 女儿正上daycare的toddler班,请教这里的妈妈们你们过圣诞节要给老师买礼物吗?买什么比较合适?
    • 别把国内的歪风邪气带到这里了!!!
      • 请不要这么激动,我特意问了我的西人同事,她年年送。大家说送女老师Olay moisture cream 好不好?
        • 是的.我家孩子的老师曾经写信给家长说不要送她个人,大家如果想送,就给CLASSROOM送礼物.今年孩子学校干脆来了个全体教职工签名的信,让大家不要送个人,专门成立了一个图书专项基金,大家可以捐款给基金,
    • 你去文学城孩子教育版看看, 那儿讨论的很激烈啊. 我觉得送张20-25的gift card也不过分
      • I gave each teacher a $25 hbc gift card + Chrismas Card. One teacher said she would use the card to buy a mixer.
      • 如果那个老师受了20张25$, 那就是500$, 养成习惯就惨了。 多少年前,中国的医生也不收红包的。然后羞羞答答收一点,直到XXXX
        • There are only 10 students in one class. So it is almost impossible to reveive 20 x $25 for each teacher. Not all parents will satisfy with the teachers. I gave that much just because my daughter is so happy there.
          • 周一教A班,周二教B班。 你送了卡,下学期老师就会这么换班了。 :))
    • 可以送给幼儿园啊,我LD给老师一个中国结手工艺品,老师很喜欢,顺手就挂教室墙上了。离开幼园多年回去,那个结还在。。。
    • 我都买的.但从没送过大东西,也就是巧克力,小烛台什么的.
    • 孩子的涂鸦圣诞卡,女老师的话,可以送漂亮包装的小盒巧克力,小巧的咖啡杯,蜡烛,有中国特色的小手镯。。各种小摆饰。。。总之不要超过10元的小东西都可以。
    • 借题发挥一下,因为这都是孩子上daycare的妈妈们:大家认为YMCA的daycare怎么样?
      • Excellent. My daughter is in a YMCA daycare toddler class.This morning I asked her if she would to stay at home with my wife. But she said she wanted to go to daycare.
        • May I know how long she has been there? Do you know what she likes most there?
          • 16 monthes. She went there since she was 10 monthes. She likes the teachers most there, I guess.
            • Thanks a lot for your quick response.
              My daughter has been a YMCA day care only for 2 weeks. I am still not very sure if I did correctly to send her to day care since it is winter time now. Your response made me feel better.
              Come back to the original topic: would you suggest me to send a christmas gift to her teacher(s)? Thanks again.
              • I am not quite sure, because your daughter has been there for just 2 weeks. Any way, I would give each teacher a $10 gift if I were you.
                • Will do. What would be a good gift... Thanks......
                  • There are so many good suggestions upstairs. Just let your daughter to draw sth on the card. If your want to buy sth special, then you need to observe. I know nothing about your daughter's teacher.
                    Here is a link. Maybe you will find sth interesting.
                    • Thanks a lot.
      • I have the same question. YMCA and Montessori, which one is better for a 3 years old kid?
        • up
    • My kid is in a daycare, too. I just wonder when to give the gift to the teacher. On the Xmas party before all kids and teachers, or behind others.