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about format

Video quality from better to worse:

MiniDV >> DVD/Mpeg2> mpeg4/Divx >> VCD/mpeg1
>> : much better
> : slightly better

MiniDV has best video quality which is better than DVD. You can download file to PC through firewire but it costs lots of effort and space which isn't very pratical. Then you need software convert them VCD or DVD in order to play them in DVD player. Latest DVD player can directly play Divx/Mpeg4 so you can convert it into these formats as well.

Camcorders supporting flash/drive should record the file directly in Divx/Mpeg4 format (you sould double check). Divx/Mpeg4 file is much smaller than DVD but only with slightly quality loss.

Buy a MiniDV and keep the tape for best quality. Be prepared lots of hussle to convert between formats.

Buy flash/drive type for convinience. And it's the trend in my view.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 摄影艺术 / 想买个 camcorder,有几个问题实在没搞清楚...
    也看了看 camcorderinfo 之类的网站,不过还是没有完全明白。

    使用 flash / microdrive / hard drive 的 camcorder 好像都挺贵,而且 video 质量都一般般。
    使用 miniDV 格式的 camcorder 如果带有 usb / 火线接口,是否也可以把 video 传到 PC 上变成 AVI 之类的文件格式?如果可以,那么使用 flash / microdrive / hd 的主要优点又是什么?

    能够非常方便传到 PC 上,变成 AVI 文件

    象这样的需求,是不是 400 美金之内的就可以了?
    • about format
      Video quality from better to worse:

      MiniDV >> DVD/Mpeg2> mpeg4/Divx >> VCD/mpeg1
      >> : much better
      > : slightly better

      MiniDV has best video quality which is better than DVD. You can download file to PC through firewire but it costs lots of effort and space which isn't very pratical. Then you need software convert them VCD or DVD in order to play them in DVD player. Latest DVD player can directly play Divx/Mpeg4 so you can convert it into these formats as well.

      Camcorders supporting flash/drive should record the file directly in Divx/Mpeg4 format (you sould double check). Divx/Mpeg4 file is much smaller than DVD but only with slightly quality loss.

      Buy a MiniDV and keep the tape for best quality. Be prepared lots of hussle to convert between formats.

      Buy flash/drive type for convinience. And it's the trend in my view.
      • mark, 明白人
    • 这两天逛街,看见了一款SONY的HD的camcorder,$2499,那录出来的。。。啧啧啧。。。如果家里有HDTV了,在目前HDSource这么少的情况下,不如咬牙买这个?:)
      • 是啊,就有HD的XXX看了 LOL
    • 再加50美金买这个把, 我买了它,SO FAR 很满意. 3CCD 色彩很鲜., 2.3M 相机. USB2 转VIDEO 去PC.
      • 这是个好建议,PV-GS150/200/250/400 是个好系列.
      • 我怀疑它在低亮度下的性能。不过这个价格就这个样子了,是不是SONY的就好一点?
        • GS150的镜头很好. 肯定好过同价位的SONY 机器.
          • 低亮度下的性能主要是CCD和处理器的性能,跟镜头没关系。
        • 估计这个价格的都差不多,低光性能还不如模拟的。从网上review看,GS250或400会好很多
      • USB传VIDEO是不是很慢?据说比FIREWIRE的慢不少
        • USB2 is required for video format transfer. 可能要好一些的PC. (big memory+fast speed HD+USB2). it is not too bad on my PC.
        • 如果是miniDV的camcorder,usb就没有神马意义,必须1394。
      • 多谢。我也在考虑 gs150 或 250,camcorderinfo 推荐的么。但是就是不了解他们好在哪里,和具体细微的差别。
        比如我觉得 DSLR 和非DSLR 差别很大,但 20D 和 350D 对我个人而言可能就差不多了,因为自己使用水平。

        所以我仍然不清楚的是: gs150 拍摄室内,比如给小孩拍摄是不是够用了? gs 250 review 比 150 好很多,是否用得上?
        • 低光下,OIS比EIS更有效,而且听说250在on sale, 降到999,不妨考虑一下
          • "才 999" - 真便宜。比楼上 $2499 便宜多了。;-)
            谢谢。我再看看 review。
            据说目前日本基本上on sale 也都是基于 dvd 的了...
            • :-)
              • 看到网上有一个对比 video

                觉得两个一样烂,好像不比我以前用 DC 拍得好多少。(可惜 DSLR 不能干这个副业了。)
                决定破罐破摔 ---- 继续朝低端靠拢...
                • 严重不同意。=) 如果你课程dvd在TV上看,就知道区别了。
                • 480线也就这样了,期望越高失望越大
    • 见内。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛也看了看 camcorderinfo 之类的网站,不过还是没有完全明白。

      使用 flash / microdrive / hard drive 的 camcorder 好像都挺贵,而且 video 质量都一般般。

      **实际上,图像质量和存储媒体没有太大的关系。flash/hd多用mpeg2格式,可以用usb直接copy到computer,miniDV就必须用1394/firewire/i-link(whatever you call it)“抓”到computer上,而且还得encode成mpeg2格式。60分钟的miniDV,抓到computer上需要1个小时,14g的硬盘空间,还需要2到3个小时转换成mpeg2格式。

      使用 miniDV 格式的 camcorder 如果带有 usb / 火线接口,是否也可以把 video 传到 PC 上变成 AVI 之类的文件格式?如果可以,那么使用 flash / microdrive / hd 的主要优点又是什么?

      ** 可以直接copy mpeg2 ,不需要encode的时间。


      **呵呵,这是所有家庭用miniDV的弱项。$400US you can't find a good camcorder for low light condition for sure.

      能够非常方便传到 PC 上,变成 AVI 文件

      **if you want AVI, you have to goto miniDV, no other media offer AVI.


      ** then you'd go for flash/dvd/HD...but they are all expensive.


      ** Most in-package camcorder battery can only last 1 hour or so.


      ** Correct...still ability is garbage for camcorder.

      象这样的需求,是不是 400 美金之内的就可以了?

      **....recommend GS250..it's a good one but it's $770 on amazon.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 总算明白点儿了...我还以为 miniDV 配备了 usb 2.0 / 1394 就可以直接“拷贝”文件了呢 --- 您这个“抓”字用得好...
        我还以为 miniDV 配备了 usb 2.0 / 1394 就可以直接“拷贝”文件了呢 --- 您这个“抓”字用得好...

        以前朋友也说起过,miniDV 变成 pc 文件极其烦,但我还以为现在早就日月换新天了。

        再加上我的机器比较烂,看来我应该考虑基于 DVD 的了?

        实在信不过基于 flash 的 --- 淘汰速度太快,家里不同 format 不同 size (都很小) 的 flash memory 好多,买的时候都很贵,现在垫杯子还嫌小...
        • 看来得是Sony DCR-DVD403了...
          • 不错的选择。我正要考虑是否买个403,网上对403的各方评价都不错,特别是easy of use & low light perforance。
            唯一的缺点(IMHO)就是不能把时间放到footage上,对纪录baby成长的milestone非常有用。如果这不是你的concern,go for it!
            • the other disadvantage of mini-DVD Camcorder is that it is difficult to edit the DVD movie - there is very few software that does a good job. Anyway I bought a Sony DVD403, no complaints so far.
        • "抓"字用得好!我就是“抓”烦了,准备再买一个hd的,可以直接考佩。谁能推荐一个好的夜摄功能的?
          • 没用过,不敢乱推荐,好像只有jvc的几款?research一下camcorderinfo.com的 review report吧!have fun and let's know it's good or not. :)
          • 呵呵,下次拍reindeer就能不错了。
    • Come in ->
      flash / microdrive / hard drive or miniDV doesn't matter.
      It's the record formate: DV, MPEG2 (DVD) or others. MPEG2 are more convenient if you want to store your movie on DVD.

      Check the size of CCD (1/2inch, 1/4 inch, 1/6 inch) number of CCD (1 or 3)

      It's very challenge for smaller CCD.

      能够非常方便传到 PC 上,变成 AVI 文件
      You can use USB2.0 but not as good as IEEE1394

      Most standard battery only last for a hour or two, buy a extra large one.

      That's OK, you can not expect too much on that.

      象这样的需求,是不是 400 美金之内的就可以了?
      If you don't need 室内稍暗灯光拍摄. Most miniDV under $400CAD doing very well.
    • 我现在一般是MiniDV,用特殊的软件把时间码提取出来,变成日期时间字幕,再用mpeg4工具压缩成rmvb格式
      • can i ask why rmvb? it might be good for online sharing, but not good for DVD
        • RVMB是MPEG4格式,压缩率更低,我一般采用1.5Mb/s的码流压缩,应该比普通DVD更清楚一些。这样之后硬盘放一份,光碟刻一份。
          • can you play RMVB file on a regular DVD player that connects to TV?
            • DVD机是看不了的,我现在家里没有DVD机,所有的录像都是电脑放,接根线在电视机上看。不过发布给外公外婆、爷爷奶奶时,还是能在DVD机上播放的MPEG2的DVD比较方便。主要是MPEG2的体积太大了
            • MPEG4比MPEG2要先进很多,在同样的图像质量情况下,可以大大降低文件体积,基本上1:4甚至更低