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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

试着纠正你的excerllent english里的一些错误吧,尽管我的英语说不上很好。你条件这么好,我可谈不上“嫉妒”什么的。

“Male, 32, good-looking, high-income, excerllent english”说到这为止,前面的这几个词或短语都是形容你个人特征的一些形容词短语或名词短语,所以后面的这句“doesn't understand french”就不太匹配了。你可以写成“unable to speak French”。再者,懂不懂某种语言,多用speak,而不用understand。Vous savez?

“looking for a girl with good quality, anything good”,关于这个“good quality, anything good”,我理解你的意思,就是想找个各方面都好的女孩,对吧。不过地道的英语不是这么说的。表达你这个意思的词和短语有很多,建议你去看看本地人的征婚广告。

其实,还有一些小环节,你可能没注意到,比如“English”、“French”、“Do not...”等首词都应大写,这其实算不上什么错误,但我还是想给你提出来,谁让你有excerllent english呢。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / Male, 32, good-looking, high-income, excerllent english, doesn't understand french, looking for a girl with good quality, anything good. do not bother if no passion or being very jealous.
    • Excerllent English...
      • are you very jealous to him? haha, just kidding.
    • passionate and not jealous? Sounds perfect lover. hmmmm.....
    • 请问阁下这样的‘excerllent english'是从哪里学来的?确实是大开眼界。
      • HAHA,人同此言
        • Is that the phat phat boy there?
          • 您,还是回家练两年吧
    • Look at the preference he puts here for himelf: 1. Looking, 2. Income I doubt any good quality girls will be attracted by these.
      • The prioirty is gender and age. Read carefully... :)
        • Sorry for my poor english, but what does \"prioirty \" mean?
          • really?
      • actually you used the wrong command, it's ls -lsr not -ltr... ;)
      • 你说你们这些人啊。。。这是作啥?人家就只说是male,你们这么上心干什么?俗话说“Internet上,没人知道他是狗。”能说成这样的跨物种语言,你们还挑剔!sigh。。。
        • 我算是充份认识到了,谁在网上说自己好,一定会被板砖拍死。怕怕亚
          • 9494,看看俺这么好,但是俺从来没有说过不是。。。
            • 别在厕所里面打灯笼,小心啊。 :-)
              • 钢盔已戴好,防弹衣也穿好~~
                • 你倒下了,还有我们
          • Well, it really depends on who bashes it and who response to it. Infamous post helps. Shame on me. :)
            • who 'response' to it => who responds to it
          • 看到“怕怕亚”,就想起打mud的时光了,大家猜猜英文papaya的意思是什么?
            • 木瓜
    • 试着纠正你的excerllent english里的一些错误吧,尽管我的英语说不上很好。你条件这么好,我可谈不上“嫉妒”什么的。
      “Male, 32, good-looking, high-income, excerllent english”说到这为止,前面的这几个词或短语都是形容你个人特征的一些形容词短语或名词短语,所以后面的这句“doesn't understand french”就不太匹配了。你可以写成“unable to speak French”。再者,懂不懂某种语言,多用speak,而不用understand。Vous savez?

      “looking for a girl with good quality, anything good”,关于这个“good quality, anything good”,我理解你的意思,就是想找个各方面都好的女孩,对吧。不过地道的英语不是这么说的。表达你这个意思的词和短语有很多,建议你去看看本地人的征婚广告。

      其实,还有一些小环节,你可能没注意到,比如“English”、“French”、“Do not...”等首词都应大写,这其实算不上什么错误,但我还是想给你提出来,谁让你有excerllent english呢。

      • Wow, can't seem to ignore your post here. Would love to see your post in English. Don't mean to chanllenge tho.
        by with good quality and anything good I actually meant to be open to anything one or two or a few good qualities. Didn't expect so many follow-ups, or rather bashing here. I think I just found the moral of the story. You can say through a hard way. But hey, my points are being understood by the targeting audiences, and I am glad I start to getting some response.

        What if that post didn't have all kinds of apparent typos and errors? I am very curious to see what people here would be kindly doing to help my post stay afloat and surfacing...

        Thanks all for your great help!
        • Single(Never married) Chinese male, 30-yr-old, 178cm, 165lbs, good-looking, outgoing, interesting, loving, caring and honest. Seeking a single(Never married) Asian girl, no dependents and kind
          我也凑个热闹, 看看有人打我吗?
          • 本人到加拿大不足1个月,no dependant 是什么意思,请赐教. 太阳雨
      • Anybody knows French here? Really want to learn. Quebec girls are far more beautiful and age more gracefully than Ontario girls.
        • Je parle un certain français
      • Moreover, it is better to use "handsome" instead of "good-looking", "personality" instead of "quality". Any way, most Chinese girls can understand what he says, except for the "excerllent english".
        • Personality doesn't include a "nice body" for example, which is more of a good quality. Good-looking is arguably more generic than handsome, which is very much of a personal test.
    • This post reminds me an old joke posted here a long time ago.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A love letter - forwarded by lumlum


      by lumlumq (lumlum) at 2001.3.26 13:23



      Dear wang little girl:
      还不一定好意思应呢,把小姐译成little girl吧,又怕她理解成小丫头,这样”wang
      little girl”变成了王小丫,上天作证,我可没有喜欢这个漂亮的主持人,其实主要
      方法-----丢硬币决定还是译成little girl。)
      From see you one eye, I shit love you.

      your eyes close, I die; your eyes open ,I come back to live. Your eyes close
      and open again and again ,I die again and again.
      Maybe you do not know me, no matter, one see clock emotion is pop.
      从电视中学来的,最流行的音乐唱片就是top of the pops,呵呵,处处留心皆学问

      I think I should introduce myself to you.

      I call Li old big. toyear 25.
      My home four mouth people: papa, mama,I and DD.

      I beat letter very fast,because I am a computer high hand.I even act as
      black guest.

      I do early fuck every day, so that I can have strong body to protect you.
      Please come to eat and sleep with me, or I will cut my hair to be
      a monk , and find a place where many monks live in to over my life.
      吗?为自己的聪明鼓掌!至于了此一生,打游戏时最后不是game over吧,over当然就
      your old big
      哦,为写这封情书熬了一个通宵,天都亮了,该do early fuck (做早操)去了!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 哈哈!!这种英文情书MM容易看懂~~
      • 哈哈,笑死我了!
    • 看redplanet的英文,确实需要连猜带蒙,外加点想象力啊。嘿嘿!
    • Don't know French.........
      but I know french kiss. ( script from a movie) :-)