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You are so right!

I am not a religious people. But something in real life just confuse me. Can't find anwser. I am contacted by some religious people. They try so hard want me to believe something that I have no idea at all. I have so many questions their anwser can't satify me at all. And I ask my dad (he read a lot! weasten, easten, history, religious, philosophy ect.) His anwser do make sense to me. He told me. Weasten religions, You no need question them. You just believe it. But "Dou" or "Chan" is sort of philosophy of life. It is good for you to balance your attitude in real life. Is he right? My dad is old enough to withdraw from the real life. But I am still young. I still want to be a warm blood explorer, adventurer and fighter. But I do agree with you. Everything comes from inside. But if there are not so much content inside a person. All kind believes are just blind. Tend to become superstition.Is that right? How to fulfill a person's inside?

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  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 观美女天葬叹人生无常[转帖]
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛观美女天葬叹人生无常













    事情虽然已经过去了很久,但那种感觉抑或幻觉,时时在我的眼前出现。 世间有没有超越生与死的爱恋?有没有永恒不变的真情?如果有,那个也许曾经深爱着她的他,在看到她那冰冷的尸体的时候,还能满怀激情地去拥抱亲吻吗?一个实实在在的肉体都抵不住无常轻轻的一瞥,我们还能指望那变幻不定的心天长地久吗?男女之间的感情,就象秋天草原上的云,来的时候犹如高山流云气象万千,去的时候又如雪泥鸿爪无影无踪,吝啬得连一丝痕迹和影子都不会留下。

    世间的人每每渴望和追寻着永恒的爱情,渴望能与自己所爱的人天荒地老。但造化弄人,人生苦短,世事无常,经受不了几次挥霍,也承担不起几多幻想。那种凄美动人的爱情,不过是我们的一相情愿,就象那追赶太阳的夸父,虽然苦苦的追寻,但最终除了累累伤痛之以外什么也不会得到。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不妥!不妥!大不妥!唉!
    • 所言极是。无论老幼美丑,又何尝是她一人经历无常?是人皆然。life is short, prepare hard. :)
    • I am totally shocked by the dramaticaly contrast scene!!!
      Can't believe a life can be vanished so easly. Start to think about what is the meaning of life. We struggle so hard in this real world. What for? What is we realy looking for? Only some big figures are writing the history of human being. Most of people' fates just like the ants, disappear without any trace. Sigh. Start to feel depressive.
      • that's true and this is the point for us to think about deeply. what is the meaning of life?
        美貌終有衰老的一日﹐青春會有退卻的時候﹐名利呢﹐ 權力呢﹐看看眼下我們正在追逐的一切。。。甚至親情愛情都有離別的一刻。金剛經說的好﹕一切﹐非一切﹐名為一切。世間之物﹐皆如夢幻泡影﹐實為虛妄。但也別驚慌﹐無論如何﹐你的心性還在﹐完好無缺。每人與生俱來的如來智慧﹐開顯出來﹐會帶人去遠離恐怖顛倒夢想的涅槃世界。
        • Which direction?
          I guess basiclly two big directions. One exclude yourself from the real world. Like the monks. If you already see through the emptyness of life, just save the energy, don't pursue anything . Another, enjoy the life as much as possible. Don't waste anytime to have fun. Right now I am between. But most time the fun just make me feel more emptyness deep down inside me. What do I want in the life? This moment? or next life?
          • You're experiencing the two extreme thoughts like me. Right now, I'm trying to combine this two extremes into my real life, and try to reduce the gap in balance.


            禅修可能是一个很好的方法,让思辨的心慢慢找到真正中庸之道,得到平和、智慧。May worth of a try.
            • You are so right!
              I am not a religious people. But something in real life just confuse me. Can't find anwser. I am contacted by some religious people. They try so hard want me to believe something that I have no idea at all. I have so many questions their anwser can't satify me at all. And I ask my dad (he read a lot! weasten, easten, history, religious, philosophy ect.) His anwser do make sense to me. He told me. Weasten religions, You no need question them. You just believe it. But "Dou" or "Chan" is sort of philosophy of life. It is good for you to balance your attitude in real life. Is he right? My dad is old enough to withdraw from the real life. But I am still young. I still want to be a warm blood explorer, adventurer and fighter. But I do agree with you. Everything comes from inside. But if there are not so much content inside a person. All kind believes are just blind. Tend to become superstition.Is that right? How to fulfill a person's inside?
              • I totally agree with your dad's thought on the western or eastern religion. It shows he has an open mind to different kind of things.
                Personally I will not sell something which is a treasure for me, like meditation, however, if you want to try it, it is better to follow a good teacher, who might be a monk or lama, or any one you have confidence on.

                Then you will find your own answer from it, also you will know what should be filled into your daily mind.

                You may also try as many things as you can when you are young, at least, after a try you will know if it attracts you or not .

                Good luck for the life journey.
                • ow, you bet. I admire my dad a lot. I am glad I can find a person who have something in common with my Dad.
                  You are very right again. Experience more and think more. Finally find a balance. Thank you for you sharing your treasure with me and everybody here. You mentioned Monks and Lama. Ya, I start to become interested in them. I happened to watch a documentry film playing on CBC a few month ago. It is about a Lama. Two canadians visited him in his mountain village. The Lama's talking is fasinating to me.Can you believe he can speak very academic english. I just love the words he chose when he talks. Very spiritual and made sense to me. oh, lord. And he is a very attractive guy. I had the impulsion to looking for him and live with him. Wonderful, Not too much material stuff around him. But so rich in his spirit. Still can't believe an intelligence , good educated, good looking Lama live that remote mountain village.
                  • very glad to hear this. I am viewing a right way from you. Again, life is short, prepare hard and enjoy each moment you have.
                    I know some monks and lamas, they are really rich because of the real compassion ,love and wisdom. I am sure they will bring you a different view beyond the mudane life and help you to reach the innest peace eventually if you are willing to prepare yourself in.

                    Again, may all the auspiciousness with you and your lovely dad.
                    • You inspire me. Trigger something deep down inside of me.
                      Before I only believe science, logical, rational analysis, provement etc. Since gaining more life experience. Start to realize people is very complicated organic stuff. The spirit world is not only consist of music, poem, literature, movie,paint etc. I need a philosophy guide my life. To penetrate the surface of life and find , at least, my meaning of life. I do not want to bother me a lot, I do not want to make my life too comlicated. But when the simple fun just cann't satify me anymore. When there are so many questions start to stir my brain. I need anwsers badly.
                      i will pass your massage to my Dad. And I am going to push him to write something .
                      Very nice talk to you.
    • 这方式太残忍了。
    • 痴男冤女太多,缺乏对生命的深刻认识. 好似有啥深仇大恨, 其实都是鸡毛蒜皮. 人生无常,一死百了, 好好活着,何必太多抱怨.
    • 亮出你的舌苔或空空荡荡
    • good one。
    • T_T
    • 不错,看透了就知道美和不美其实没有那么大的区别,人生一世也不过如浮生一梦啊。
      • It's hard to 看透, thoughts and emotions only exist when we are alive.
        And it's the beauty of "being", that we can laugh, cry, give and take. Indeed, there's no big difference between beautiful and ugly, there's big difference between normal and abnormal.
        • I agree with you too.But who can definite what is nomal what is abnomal. you or me? Weasten or Easten? African people or European people?
        • it is even harder to still believe our life has meaning after such observation, and still have the courage to live our life with paasion, kindness and generosity.
          life is a process leading to a fixed destiny -- the only mathmatic certainty we know of.
          waht makes a difference is not how long or how short we have lived, but how intensive we lived -- length means nothing because the end is the same. life is beautiful, but not life's purpose.
          • Not the length. but the width. I agree.
            But how to extend the width? I guess different people have different points. My way: read more, travel more, think more. Anothern thing I realy want to do is coming back China help a few poor kids. Before I moved here, I tried to help a 3 years old kid she got HIVS . Very unsuccefully experience. Changing my attitude of life a lot. But I won't give up . Is this attitude of life ok or not? I want to know everybody here how to extend the width of life. How to make life more meaningful in your own way?
            • 好人一生平安
    • 经历战争, 了解了南京大屠杀, 你就不会有这样的感慨.
    • 没了灵魂,美丽也就失去了意义。只有经过天葬的她,才能在轮回中将美丽永驻。