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These are only a few points, I agree there are other things to consider. But

there are both for and against opinions among the economists in China. The goverment sometimes think more political issues than economic issues. Most politicians in the North America don't hope the Communist Government keeping stable for a long time. I understand you mean they will consider their investment there. But they are very clear they will get more economic and politicla benefits if there is a discomposition in China. Americans are very good at project management. If you have the time, review the Russian's history in the past 50 years.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 请问有谁学经济的?我有一个简单的问题一直不明白,想请教或推荐些文章给我读读。 :咋说中国入世农业最危险呢?
    • 北美农产品是又好又便宜,可是离中国远啊。我寄东西回去要200RMB/1kg呢。土豆不是芯片,重着啦。
      • 经销商不会通过POSTCANADA 一斤一斤运土豆的.
    • 打个电话,问一下朱总理不就清楚了. 总的来说,中国的农业机械化程度不高,也没有大面积的生产规模,成本自然就高. 竞争力当然就弱了...只是农夫的一点肤浅知识,
      • 没叫中国的农产品出口啊。呆在本地,占着天时地利人和,还敌不过从北美欧洲空运过来的土豆大米么?
        • 中国出口美国的都是大件,美国出口都是高科技产品,所以货物运输不平衡,利用一下.
    • 再加上保鲜等问题。成本一定不低。就算在这里不要钱的东西,运到中国卖也不可能便宜到哪里去啊?
    • .
      • Thanks
    • 主要是小麦,玉米,不知道这些农民这么办.
    • 绝对顶不住。前两年看到进口的大米到货价0。5元/斤,当时国内市场价1。3元/斤(本地米)。
      • 专家说中国南方种大米还是有优势的.
      • 价格是一方面,质量和品种是另一方面。看一看国外的大米和面粉种类就知道了。
      • 是泰国大米么? 明白了。中国农民不是怕欧美,是怕东南亚,是不是?
      • 有毒大米也是一个原因
    • 据说泰国国王是农学家, 他亲自培育优良稻种呐~! :-))
      • 做国王的整天闲的无聊,又不能管国家大事,只好搞点科研了
        • 错。国王有很多事忙的。比如
      • 日本天皇是海洋动物学家。
        • 错了,是鸟类学家,他写了几本观鸟的书籍
    • Because even more people lost job in field, that's a big problem. Compare the the price of flour of canada with china, you see the potential dangerous.
      • 大量的 种小麦,玉米的农民失业
    • Those are three points
      1. The production cost is much cheaper here than in China. The most part of the price of the rice in suppermarkets is the distribution cost . And the international transportation fee is not a big deal compare with the price of the goods if you use big vessels(imazing the coal and ore that are in the same situation)
      2.There are 75 to 80% Chinese live in countryside, if they lost their "jobs", what will happen there?
      3. The fields will become barren if none plent on for several years. For some reasons in future, if North American can not or will not sell grains to China, where can Chinese find enough food for its 1.3 billion pople?
      • Good Points! Agree
      • 2)中国会出口更多的服装,鞋帽,但不知道能不能抵消失业.3)中国政府比你考虑的更多,因为那危及他的统治.其实从现在起外国资本家更担心共产党倒台.
        • These are only a few points, I agree there are other things to consider. But
          there are both for and against opinions among the economists in China. The goverment sometimes think more political issues than economic issues. Most politicians in the North America don't hope the Communist Government keeping stable for a long time. I understand you mean they will consider their investment there. But they are very clear they will get more economic and politicla benefits if there is a discomposition in China. Americans are very good at project management. If you have the time, review the Russian's history in the past 50 years.
          • 资本主义将的是投资和回报,他们在苏联没有投资.在最近的BBC的回忆孙中山的节目里就对他提出许多批评,认为在新世纪中国革命应该吸取教训.
    • 还有一事:我认为入世真的不用怕,就一纸空文,怕啥啊。若真的顶不住了,就宣布它不合法,退出!难道还怕洋鬼子打过来不成?担心的人是不是太迂腐呢?
      • Now you know why lao wai don't believe Chinese.
        • 哈哈,你今年多大了? 国与国之间有信任的么?若是有的话这个世界就没那么多新闻了。
    • 背景资料:多哈会议为发起全球贸易谈判作最后努力