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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

if he has very nice financial condition,then it will be a little easier.But what did you put in the form of the relation with him???-----fiancee?that's will be dangerous,because ....

if he has very nice financial condition,then it will be a little easier.But what did you put in the form of the relation with him???-----fiancee?that's will be dangerous,because the immigration office will consider you as peole who have intendency to immigrate.I suggest you should have a serious talk with your fiancee about your future.Or to marry him then apply for the spouse visa or apply for the fiancee's visa.Otherwise you will find out that before you it is a long and suffering way to go.I was in the same boat with you,but now i had applied for the fiancee's visa,and soon i will marry my fiancee.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 小敏想请教如何多快好省的办好VISA 赴加,我的未婚夫是加拿大公民,我们计划12月举行婚礼,10月中开始申请访问签证,现在还没有消息,到底还要等多久?我该怎么办?谢谢


    2)10月10日我邮寄所有的材料到北京,申请PERSONAL VISTOR VISA ,过去后马上要举行婚礼了,10月底他们发EMAIL 告知我,收到我的申请,IT IS IN INTINAL PROCESS,叫我继续等。我到底还要等多久了?是否要INTERVIEW?今年冬天可以拿到VISA 吗?

    • 为什么不问你未婚夫,这事应该他办呢?都公民了这点儿事还办不了.
      • 是真的公民么?
        • 你挺聪明,啊.
          • 打小老师就这么夸我~~~。嘻嘻。
            • 搞定了?
    • 你以什么名义申请?担保人是谁?如果都与你的未婚夫有关,那你就只能祈求上天保佑你非常好运气能被批准了。如果都与你未婚夫无关,倒有可能申请得批。
      • 我的担保人就是他嘛,从税收单/工资单等一切原材料,那我现在可怎么办 啊?
        • 100%移民倾向的VISTOR VISA申请能否获签,当然是100%靠运气了。如果在此同时你们并没有申请团聚,那我只能说一句,你们在浪费宝贵的时间。建议你还是把精力集中在团聚申请(不管是未婚还是配偶)这条路上。
          既然已递了VISTOR VISA的申请,就权当是搏搏意外的运气,不要再去考虑它了。
        • 不过,我很好奇:既然担保人是你未婚夫,那申请VISTOR VISA的理由是什么?你们没想过合不合逻辑的吗?
          • 这不我们都没有经验嘛,还想着这样又快又好呢!他是加拿大华人,中文又不好,我们现在天天在电话里讨论,觉得先申请访问签证看看,毕竟移民等待太久了,是吗?
            • 你这样申请VISTOR VISA,意图极其明显是为了移民,移民就应该用移民类别申请。你现在赶紧申请未婚移民吧(最好是结了婚作配偶移民),要非得等到VISTOR VISA有了结果再做就浪费好多时间了。你的他可以打电话给CIC,看看具体怎么做。
    • haha, xiaoming, don't be worried. just relax and wait, wait, wait...it will be a long period. say hello to ur husband. it seems u can't get here be4 X'mas.
      • she have to get the landing paper rather than vistor visa.
    • 你的未婚夫是叫Norman吗?
      • Who is Norman as you mean? and who are you indeed?may i ask you in this way?
    • is your husband a local people??Or a chinese Canadian?If he is the former one,then it won't too much difficuty.
      • thanks, he is canadian citizen(local resident), so..whatis going on? would it goes well in my personal vistor vistor visa this time?
        • if he has very nice financial condition,then it will be a little easier.But what did you put in the form of the relation with him???-----fiancee?that's will be dangerous,because ....
          if he has very nice financial condition,then it will be a little easier.But what did you put in the form of the relation with him???-----fiancee?that's will be dangerous,because the immigration office will consider you as peole who have intendency to immigrate.I suggest you should have a serious talk with your fiancee about your future.Or to marry him then apply for the spouse visa or apply for the fiancee's visa.Otherwise you will find out that before you it is a long and suffering way to go.I was in the same boat with you,but now i had applied for the fiancee's visa,and soon i will marry my fiancee.
        • you can marry your fiancee in China.
          If you can't get the visitor's visa,then you can ask your fiancee to come back to China to marry you,then you can apply for the spouse visa.The marriage process won't take a long time,you can pay more to fasten it.I plan to get married this December,around Christmas.Good luck to your application!