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Nice pictures, tiger. Some comments FYI

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛0001: Cut off the roads and the poles at the bottom of the picture will make it better.
0029: The background( trees) is too bright while the muse in in the shadow. But you can do nothing about it, can't you?
0037: The picture is unbalance. If you look it carefully, you will feel the right side of the picture is dropping. By the way, if there is a train with steam on the rails, it would be a terrafic.
0038: It is too flat. If you catch only the reflections from the water, it must be better.
0039: The foreground is good and important in this picture. Try to make it clear next time.(focus on it or increase the depth of field by decrease the appetures)
0042: is much better than 0041. but the foreground on the left of the picture is ugly and unecessary.
0061: Maybe you need a lens shadow here.
0062: It is good except the shadow on the foreground of yours or your companies.
0064: This is my favorite one, especially the red reflects on the lake.
0091: is much better than 0089. If you can avoid the bush at the bottom of the picture, it will be perfect.
Again, those are only my comments fyi. Generally speaking, all the pictures are good.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 哇, 快3点半了, 总算把这次落基山自助游的数码相机拍的照片整理好了, 上传了一部分(19张), 以后还会陆续上传更多的单反相机拍的照片, 请大家多多指教. 谢谢! :-)
    • Very nice , I even smell the air , fresh and cold. I like the photos.
    • 真漂亮 ... // 发现你特喜欢拍水中倒影
      • 如果再早一个月去,景色会更美. 现在很多山被CLOSE了,湖水也结了冰.
    • Oh, I miss Canada! It seems very cloudy.
    • 还是俺的相机好呀
      • 嘿嘿,什么相机?切磋切磋?
        • nikon800,买了一年半,不过nikon镜头很好。
          • 你用的什么 SLR ?
            • nikon m2,i love this classic one
              • You mean FM2? Which lens do you usually use?
                • right.two lans,28-70,80-200.but,i left my camera in china but brought a digital one.
      • 数码相机还是不行, 拍的色彩还不是太满意,我是尽量多用单反相机拍摄. BTW, 请问谁知道温哥华哪冲洗相片比较好?SUPERSTORE的相片色彩还原的不好.
        • London Drugs 洗的照片质量好。
        • 数码相机拍出来的效果虽然很清晰,可是颜色都太逊~~~~!
        • If you are in Vancouver, you can go to "The Lab". It is a professional processer for all kinks of photography. It is on the 1st st. near Manitaba.
          • thank you. 你知道价钱吗?
        • cause u use the lowest storage mode,try the best one,8M per pic,that will be preety good.
    • Thanks for sharing your photos. Very nice pictures! Would you mind tell me more information about your travel? Thanks again.
      • 谢谢.过两天,有空时会贴出来.
    • 哇,不错,尤其喜欢0038,0039,很有水墨画的感觉。
    • 太漂亮了。怪不得人说一年四季去Rocky Mountain,各有不同风景。这跟我们夏天去的时候果然两样。
      • 我们去得还太迟了点, 最好是9月底. 10月初, 很多景点还是开放的, 而且山顶上的雪比夏天多. 8月路过BANFF时山上几乎没什么雪.
      • ROCKIES最好的景色是在秋天, 其次是夏天, 冬天只能排第三. 以后我还想再去几次.实在是太美了,无法用语言形容.
    • tiger,你的照片真是太美了。我也想去,你可不可以详细的说说你的自助游过程,包括路线,交通方式,去过的经典,谢谢。
      • 谢谢你的欣赏. 我们是租车自己开, 来回5天. 详情过两天有空时再贴上去.
    • Nice pictures, tiger. Some comments FYI
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛0001: Cut off the roads and the poles at the bottom of the picture will make it better.
      0029: The background( trees) is too bright while the muse in in the shadow. But you can do nothing about it, can't you?
      0037: The picture is unbalance. If you look it carefully, you will feel the right side of the picture is dropping. By the way, if there is a train with steam on the rails, it would be a terrafic.
      0038: It is too flat. If you catch only the reflections from the water, it must be better.
      0039: The foreground is good and important in this picture. Try to make it clear next time.(focus on it or increase the depth of field by decrease the appetures)
      0042: is much better than 0041. but the foreground on the left of the picture is ugly and unecessary.
      0061: Maybe you need a lens shadow here.
      0062: It is good except the shadow on the foreground of yours or your companies.
      0064: This is my favorite one, especially the red reflects on the lake.
      0091: is much better than 0089. If you can avoid the bush at the bottom of the picture, it will be perfect.
      Again, those are only my comments fyi. Generally speaking, all the pictures are good.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 多谢你的建议.
    • 真绝了!!!景色摄影都一级棒!!!不知道冬天去行不行?或者春天去(1-3月)怎么样?
      • #259205, #259212
      • 冬天可能会有更多的景点CLOSED. 我们去时已经有部分CLOSED, 所以最好时间是9月底10月初. 而且大部分景点是5月后才开放.
        • THANKS!看来不得不再忍一年了,好羡慕啊。。。
      • 春天的景色是一年四季中最差的.
        • 你是从温自己租车去的吧?等你的文章呢。。。
          • 是的. 可惜我的文笔不佳, 只能简单介绍一下日程安排.
    • 才看到你贴的相片,真的好美
      • 谢谢. 多谢你的豆芽宴, 还有酸梅烤鸭好吃极了. CHEESE蛋糕很不错.:)
    • Hi, 我也想买一个数字相机,价格不要太贵,功能呢又希望强一点,又要比较容易使用,望给些意见,多谢!
      • 我也正在考虑买数码相机,正在研究比较之中......., 不过我还是比较喜欢传统的单反相机, 手动的. :-0
        • then buy a professional one,40k
        • Once you get the research result for digit camera, could u please pass me the information? Really don't have idea for that.
          • i will.
    • 漂亮!太漂亮了!