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上次不想写太多是因为当时时间很晚, 并没有什么说不得的. 另外在公共论坛大篇地引经也会有些不合时宜. 我只能算是一个圣经阅读者, 不代表任何基督徒, 下面请进

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛-----What does a beast represent in Bible prophecies?

Daniel 7:17 These great beasts are four kings who will be cut off from the earth.

Daniel 7:23 This is what he said: The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom which will come on earth, different from all the kingdoms, and it will overcome all the earth, crushing it down and smashing it.

Daniel 8:21 And the he-goat is the king of Greece: and the great horn between his eyes is the first king.

Note: In Bible prophecy, a beast represents a government, kingdom, or political power. God uses beasts to symbolize governments, as we do today-- an eagle (the United State of America), a bear (Russia), etc. In the Bible, "beast" is not a disrespectful term. It does not suggest beastly characteristics. The beast that has the mark is pictured in Revelation 13:1-10, 15-18. Please take time to read these verses before porceeding to next one.

----How does the Bible identify the beast?

Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Note: In Revelation 13:1-10, 15-18, God gives 10 clues to help us identify the beast. He gives us a long list of characteristics so that we can be absolutely certain of the beast's identity.
point 1: Rises up out of the sea. (verse 1)
point 2: Receives its power, seat, and authority from the dragon (verse 2)
point 3: Become a worldwide power (verses 3,7)
point 4: Is guilty of blasphemy (verses 1, 5, 6)
point 5: Rules for 42 prophetic months (verse 5)
point 6: Receives a deadly wound that heals (verse 3)
point 7: Is a religious power that recieves worship (verses 4, 8)
point 8: Persecutes God's saints (verse 7)
point 9: Has the mysterious number 666 (verse 18)
point 10: Is led by one supreme man (verse 18)

Only one power fits all 10 of these identifying marks -- the papacy. But in order to be certain, we will consider them one by one .....

上面十点还可以详细列出圣经相关原文并加以解释. 但是我不确定是否你还愿意继续...

Also please note that there are many godly, loving Roman Catholic Christians whom God counts as His children. There have also been many gracious and courageous popes who loved God. This lesson is not an attack upon our Catholic friends. It is an attack upon the devil, who lures churches away from scriptural truth. However, God Himself has told us that this institution has a mark we dare not receive. Sincere Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and non-Christians will all be eager to discover what this mark is so they can avoid receiving it. Let's thank God that in His Word He has exposed Satan's ugly plans to destory us all.

以上英文引用圣经学习课程. 圣经引用出自 http://www.o-bible.com/bbe.html "Basic English Version", 其中也有中文版本可以参照. 谢谢!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 最讨厌基督教的几个地方
    • 最近这坛子要变成批斗大会了。有好多贫下中农要痛诉革命家史。
      • 思想斗争是跟那个难民贴,还是去心灵感应贴,算了还是跟这里吧。最近LD心里有点烦,开展谈心活动了解到,原来几个月前她们教会来了一对天津口音的夫妇,上来就要受洗,人家教会人说先得学好圣经,才能受洗,天津人风风火火地说:不行,
        今天就得受洗。“ 大伙都笑话他们不懂规矩
        • 好多教会没这么严格阿,哪个系统的
          • 所以加拿大的(至少华人)教会良莠不齐,什么人都入教,根本没有看过宗教典籍,在本坛,就有什么天主教反基督,天主教不是基督教,基督教历史500年的怪论,真搞不清他们是哪个系统的,经常是鸡对鸭讲
            • 天主教和基督教有区别. 以罗马教廷为代表的天主教一千多年以来一直是地球上最大的宗教势力,直到如今. 从纯基督教看来, 罗马教廷是人类历史上的Anti-Christ 势力, 是撒旦假上帝之名来混淆视听. 圣经多处,尤其是最后一章对此有相关暗示.
              • 那Pope 和 撒旦什么关系?
                • 罗马教廷的权力来自Satan, 参见 #2579034 point2, 圣经中 dragon 代表 Satan. 但是具体到每个Pope要因人而异
              • 如果你的教会暗示启示录是比喻天主教会的,如果你的教会没事拿别的宗派闲嗑牙,那你真该思考你的教会,你的信仰的正当性。我在新教教会时,也不认同天主教的一些教义,现在更是,但是,已故教宗若望保禄2世毕生致力



                • 无论信什么的人都可能有伟大的人格. 但是某个人不能代表宗教的全部. 罗马教廷具有圣经描述的Anti-Christ 特征, 不是哪个教会说的, 是圣经说的. 罗马教廷历史上也一直迫害压制基督教的发展.我要澄清的只有一点,
                  不管你认为我上面说的对不对, 天主教--不是--基督教. 如果你有兴趣了解圣经中具体有关章节, 我们可以私下讨论. 另外据我理解, 宗教和解一说, 是违背圣经原义的. 我理解的不对之处欢迎基督教朋友们指正.
                  • <q>罗马教廷具有...是圣经说的. </q><q>...我们可以私下讨论</q>那就拿上来讨论,有什么藏着噎着的?又不是什么隐私。<q>宗教和解一说, 是违背圣经原义的.</q>那你就抱着你那本圣经,咒骂末世,坐等审判到来吧。这不是我对宗教的理解
                    • 上次不想写太多是因为当时时间很晚, 并没有什么说不得的. 另外在公共论坛大篇地引经也会有些不合时宜. 我只能算是一个圣经阅读者, 不代表任何基督徒, 下面请进
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛-----What does a beast represent in Bible prophecies?

                      Daniel 7:17 These great beasts are four kings who will be cut off from the earth.

                      Daniel 7:23 This is what he said: The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom which will come on earth, different from all the kingdoms, and it will overcome all the earth, crushing it down and smashing it.

                      Daniel 8:21 And the he-goat is the king of Greece: and the great horn between his eyes is the first king.

                      Note: In Bible prophecy, a beast represents a government, kingdom, or political power. God uses beasts to symbolize governments, as we do today-- an eagle (the United State of America), a bear (Russia), etc. In the Bible, "beast" is not a disrespectful term. It does not suggest beastly characteristics. The beast that has the mark is pictured in Revelation 13:1-10, 15-18. Please take time to read these verses before porceeding to next one.

                      ----How does the Bible identify the beast?

                      Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

                      Note: In Revelation 13:1-10, 15-18, God gives 10 clues to help us identify the beast. He gives us a long list of characteristics so that we can be absolutely certain of the beast's identity.
                      point 1: Rises up out of the sea. (verse 1)
                      point 2: Receives its power, seat, and authority from the dragon (verse 2)
                      point 3: Become a worldwide power (verses 3,7)
                      point 4: Is guilty of blasphemy (verses 1, 5, 6)
                      point 5: Rules for 42 prophetic months (verse 5)
                      point 6: Receives a deadly wound that heals (verse 3)
                      point 7: Is a religious power that recieves worship (verses 4, 8)
                      point 8: Persecutes God's saints (verse 7)
                      point 9: Has the mysterious number 666 (verse 18)
                      point 10: Is led by one supreme man (verse 18)

                      Only one power fits all 10 of these identifying marks -- the papacy. But in order to be certain, we will consider them one by one .....

                      上面十点还可以详细列出圣经相关原文并加以解释. 但是我不确定是否你还愿意继续...

                      Also please note that there are many godly, loving Roman Catholic Christians whom God counts as His children. There have also been many gracious and courageous popes who loved God. This lesson is not an attack upon our Catholic friends. It is an attack upon the devil, who lures churches away from scriptural truth. However, God Himself has told us that this institution has a mark we dare not receive. Sincere Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and non-Christians will all be eager to discover what this mark is so they can avoid receiving it. Let's thank God that in His Word He has exposed Satan's ugly plans to destory us all.

                      以上英文引用圣经学习课程. 圣经引用出自 http://www.o-bible.com/bbe.html "Basic English Version", 其中也有中文版本可以参照. 谢谢!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • 叹为观止......Good Job!!
                  • "宗教和解一说, 是违背圣经原义"...
                    • 是不太能让人接受, 包括我. 但是圣经讲的那个上帝眼里, 不存在除他以外的任何宗教, 只有耶稣可以救赎人, 只有圣经是唯一的标准. 他没有和其他任何宗教和解的可能.
                      • Completely Understood!! 对基督教,天主教,伊斯兰教这种靠一本书作为依据的信仰是无法容忍差异的.
        • 可以换个地洗嘛,很多教会只考一些基本知识,没洗也可以领圣餐。
          • 於是出现许多二百五教徒?圣经写的啥都不知道,用奇谈怪论就来护教?
            • 这样的教徒确实不太让人钦佩,不过另外还是有不少值得大家学习的嘛。
          • 换个地方洗? 上帝是开澡堂的吗, 不同的地方还有不同的促销方式?
            • 不同的地方促销不同很正常啊。各教派对洗礼和圣餐的看法是不一样的。你有机会选择自己喜欢的方式来跟随神。
              • 既然神只有一个, 为什么可以允许看法不一样呢?
                • 人是被赋予选择能力的,选择错了会远离神,各教派务必十分小心。神对有的看法是不允许的,增加罪,会受到审判。
                  • 如果选择的能力是神赐给人的, 神为什么要给人们机会做错误的选择呢? 这不是诱人犯罪吗?
        • .
        • 在我走过的岁月里,对人(包括对自己)我一直很失望。却无从找答案。原来看人怎么行是没有希望的,希望在于看神怎么行。
          • 对人失望,很好。你应该把对人的失望上升为一种信仰。
            • 这个信仰就是基督教.
          • 世态炎凉谁没尝过?谁没有经过坎坷,受过伤害?可是对人和对自己失望就是对生活整个的放弃。所以你只有在这些虚无缥缈的神话里寻找寄托。
            • Well, that's your own interpretation, please don't speak for me.
              • "在我走过的岁月里,对人(包括对自己)我一直很失望。却无从找答案。" That's what you've said, my friend.
                • Oh, I meant "所以你只有在这些虚无缥缈的神话里寻找寄托". That's just what you think.
                  • but that's what you are doing now, is it not?
    • 我觉得最可恨的地方是:不信我,下地狱;信我,再坏的人,只要临死前信了我,都不用下。对比来说,佛教的“我不下地狱谁下地狱”就大气得多了。
      • 说得好!所以多年来我徘徊在教堂的门外不能真正踏进去.
        • 这下好了,可找着理由不去了。向蛋泥学习,大气啊!
      • 哈哈,那也不错呀,那俺就干一辈子坏事,等省最后一口气时再信。
        • 你很难做到“不信”,特别是你做坏事的时候,神会阻止你,并使你震惊。
          • 得了吧,干坏事的基督徒多着呢。
            • 多吗?我看不见得。也许不幸的你经常碰上。但愿神让你遇到好的基督徒,并见识到基督的道。
              • 你还是多读点历史吧。
                • 历史啊,您建议读哪本呢?犹太史还是中国史?这几本书您看如何?
                  科学与宗教关系及其历史演变 (B913/8)
                  钱时惕 著 人民版

                  • 到网上查几本书名,就拿来唬人, 一看你就没读过。早就诚意忠告过你, 一知半解是要闹笑话地。 您最好是把这几本书看完了再出来卖吧。
              • 你算了吧,你们可以颠倒黑白说HITLER不是基督徒,你能够否认那些性骚扰儿童的神职人员们是基督徒吗?还有美国那个臭名昭著杀害支持黑人民权人士的3K党头子,他的职业就是牧师...
              • #2577102
      • 问基督徒:孔子、老子是上了天堂还是下地狱了?

        • 这个问题很有价值。
        • 估计下地狱了.希特勒很可能上了天堂,他死前多半作了忏悔
        • 福音初次临时到我的时候,我也曾有相同的困惑。即使刚刚成为基督徒的时候,我还是有同样的想法。那时我在想,如果我不告诉我父母,也许他们就不用去选择。
          后来才慢慢地体会,其实神对每个人的生命都有计划。二十岁以前不闻道,不代表你六十岁的时候也不会闻道。不从A的口中听道,也难免从B的口中听到。没有强辩的意思,如果你不信,那么不应该害怕圣经里的所谓“诅咒”。我到了三十多岁的时候才第一次听道,初初听到的时候很高兴,心中曾有的一切对人生的问题一下子找到了答案。但要我单单地接受福音without a fight是几乎不可能的,于是我也有过日日夜夜和基督徒争论的日子,也有过徘徊在门外不肯进入的时候。有些事真的是难以用言语来表达的,不知什么时候,我的心就转向了。当然了,那是神亲自来touch my heart, and my soul。等那一天到来的时候,人自然就会信了。所以,有问题是好事,也不要勉强自己去接受什么。直等神亲自动工的那一天吧。
        • I've bothered with the same question before, then learned "神差他的儿子到世上来, 不是要定世人的罪, 而是要使世人借着他得救."(约翰福音3:17) 没有听过福音的"立志行善由得我, 只是行出来由不得我."(罗马书七:18)
          何况我悔改之前并没有"立志行善",反而自傲,并为各种恶行恶念恶语找借口. 所以福音对我是真正的福音,除此以外我别无拯救. 另一个阻力会是我们对亡故亲友的担忧. --就像以前我回答太极的,我想无论他们现在在哪里,都是会愿意我们回到神的身边.

          神对不同情况的人的不同审判, eg. 上帝審判的原則 (罗马书二:1-16):
          他必  照各人的行為 報應各人.

          Again, welcome to attend a Sunday school class. 会有主日学老师组织系统详细讨论,并听到其他人的心路历程. BBS也许并不能反映全部信息, 如tone, body lauguage, eye(心灵的窗户) contact, etc...
          • 答非所问!
    • 补充5

      • 这是对天下有贼 #2577102 的回应
    • 吾国人的骨头硬,是压不服地