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In answer to your PM. hope you don't mind I post it here.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I am pipi’s mom. My husband never visit qingqingbaobei. Just try to answer your question.
I didn’t have twice C sections within one year. I have one recently to give birth to twins. Don’t misunderstand haha.. I am now perfect thanks for Dr. Shuen’s skills. Indeed the surgery is far more enjoyable than the one I did in China. I was joking with my hubby while the Dr. Shuen was processing. And like other people say, it was very fast and when they pull out the babies I can’t believe it was so fast and push my hubby to count if babies have correct number of fingers… and nothing hurts, except for when I was give a shot for epidural.
还有你可以告诉我去医院 要带什么去吗
I followed the books I was gave but didn’t bring all listed. Just some personal stuff like clothes, brush, toothpaste ect.. Don’t forget to bring diapers for new born baby if you will be in NYGH. And of course car seats and babies’ clothing they need when go home.
Nurses will let you know that… indeed, no worries at all andI just played it by ears. I ate all food provided and my husband also took some chicken soup for me. I didn’t care too much about food( you know in china there are may taboos and I don’t care), and just ate whatever provided by the hospital and by my hubby.
Babies are crying… talk later..更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 请问,有哪位妈妈在North York General Hospital做过剖腹产的。医院条件怎么样,恢复的好吗,医生和护士的态度好吗。先谢谢。
    • 我也非常想知道,另外可以给推荐一下好的家庭医生和产科医生吗?在NORTH YORK,谢谢
    • 难道大家都是顺产吗。真羡慕你们,我也想可是身体状况不允许。
    • I had the C section in NYGH.
      compare to Dr and Nurses in China, people here are far more nice and my experience with them are very positive. my OB is Dr Shuen, It is said that his skills is very good. Anyway, he looks experienced.
    • 我的OB也是DR.旋,又有谁知道剖腹产后隔多久可以生2胎.今年11月生,07年10月左右可以再生吗,实在想要一个猪宝宝.
      • C section 一年以后就可以要老2拉,我2004年3月C section in NYGH,明年2月老2将要C section in NYGH,医生说一共可以剖4次....
        • wow, 我也是04年3月在NYGH生的宝宝:)
    • 医生护士都很专业,态度也非常好。手术快极了,感觉十分钟孩子就出来了,放心把自己交给他们就是了:)
    • 这里产房的医生和护士会好得让你感动。病房的相对忙些,也很好,但是就没有那么那么好了。另,剖腹产是个好小的产科手术。相信任何一个有医生资格的人都非常有这方面的经验,不用担心。恭喜你要做妈妈了
      • 对,产房护士的态度不是一般的好。我的黑人小护士下班了没等到baby,第二天还专门到病房来看看我们
    • 谢谢各位的答复,让我安心了,真心感谢,也祝每位妈妈和宝宝健康。现在觉得健康比什么都重要.
      • 还有几个问题要请教一下.去医院要带些什么去,住3天院不是单人病房,自己能应付过来吗(好象去厕所,给孩子喂奶什么的)?什么时候可以吃东西,医院的东西可以吃吗?(听说饮料都是凉的)。麻药过后伤口痛怎么办?
        • 厕所在病房里,不用担心上厕所.我是在这的刨副产,一般4个人一间.免费.2个人一间的交钱.我当时没有4个人的,就免费住了2个人的.医院还不错.护士很负责,
          就是我的家庭医生很糟,不是一般的糟.Vincent Chang香港人.

        • 如果住单人间,有LG在,应该没问题。不然的话,晚上就让护士把孩子抱走吧,到点拿回来喂奶就是了。新妈妈,伤口又一动就疼,照顾自己还好,照顾孩子就比较狼狈了。至于麻药过后的疼,护士会一直给止疼药,倒不用担心。
          • I got twins. so at night I just let nurses take the babies and enjoy my self... No worries. BTW, LG are not allowed to be with you at night.
            • twins? cool. How old are they? 在NYGH,单人房LG可以留下, 还能有个折叠床睡觉. 双人和4人间好象不行
              • 我也跟着问一句,.产房里能不能褒汤?:P
                • No. you hubby can cook at home and bring it to you..
                  • 只是生产的时候,他也会陪我的. 不行大概只能请人了:(
                    • 生产的时候不让吃东西,最多给几块jello。如果c-section, 生完了还不给吃的,可可怜了:)
                      • 还有JELLO吃,不错了.我以为10多个小时都得挺呢,正想着现在要多吃,膘一定要养出 来:)
                        • 得主动要,而且一副被饿的痛不欲生的样子,不然也没人给你。我不禁饿,所以生前生后给自己要了好几顿饭:)
                          • 我也是不禁饿得.吃对我来说非常的重要.谢谢TIPS, 这下至少知道被饿得痛不欲生 的时候还是有希望吃上东西的:)
                • Hehe, NO WAY! 不过医院的饭挺好吃的, 想想回家后会被灌多少汤,就不急在这一两天了:P
                  • 谢谢.以前看别人说生完后医院给两片面包,一杯凉开水,所以很担心
                    • That is not true. Food is very good in hospital.
                      • 那就好,又少一样担心的事:)
              • Oh yeah?, I was in 双人房. twins are four months now. double hardship and double happiness.
                • 这个是可遇不可求的
                  • Thanks a lot. I know they are so adorable ha.
                    • 大家都说剖腹产生完会很饿,难道你不饿吗,Pipi Mom。你有吃东西吗。你还想再生个帅哥吗。
        • Just let nurses know whenever you need help.. it is their job to take good care of you and your baby(babies) ha..
    • In answer to your PM. hope you don't mind I post it here.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I am pipi’s mom. My husband never visit qingqingbaobei. Just try to answer your question.
      I didn’t have twice C sections within one year. I have one recently to give birth to twins. Don’t misunderstand haha.. I am now perfect thanks for Dr. Shuen’s skills. Indeed the surgery is far more enjoyable than the one I did in China. I was joking with my hubby while the Dr. Shuen was processing. And like other people say, it was very fast and when they pull out the babies I can’t believe it was so fast and push my hubby to count if babies have correct number of fingers… and nothing hurts, except for when I was give a shot for epidural.
      还有你可以告诉我去医院 要带什么去吗
      I followed the books I was gave but didn’t bring all listed. Just some personal stuff like clothes, brush, toothpaste ect.. Don’t forget to bring diapers for new born baby if you will be in NYGH. And of course car seats and babies’ clothing they need when go home.
      Nurses will let you know that… indeed, no worries at all andI just played it by ears. I ate all food provided and my husband also took some chicken soup for me. I didn’t care too much about food( you know in china there are may taboos and I don’t care), and just ate whatever provided by the hospital and by my hubby.
      Babies are crying… talk later..更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 非常感谢你Pipi Mom。真羡慕你生了双胞胎,这方面的经验你也要传授一下。是龙凤胎吗?你一定很辛苦吧。
        • Both are girls.
          hehe... it is a great gift from Nature Mother. There is no way to beg for it ha.. Like what 有翼自薄said, 这个是可遇不可求的.
          Suggestions on working with nurse.
          1.Remember their name and use them when talk with them.
          2. Recognize that they are busy when making a request. Say something like “could you please help me with blahblah… when you get a chance?” few people can reject a polite and reasonable request.
          Good luck and enjoy your motherhood.