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I always use existing light and put my baby near window. Use a reflector, or a big mirror, on the other side.

Share some my experience I got from taking my 5-month baby. Normally, infant doesn't move very fast. She/he will not move from place to place. (for older kids who can walk, toddlers, that's different story) Use a tripod and shuttle release cable or remote control. The advantages are you can free you hand and can talk with baby, and avoid hand shake as well. Set ISO as high enough and noise you can accept (depends on what digital camera you use. if film camera, use high ISO film.) so that the shuttle speed can be higher. I often use 28-70 zoom lens and set aperture as F5.6-8. Use manual focus and focus on her/his eyes if use tripod. Don't compose too tight in viewfinder, zoom out little bit, to avoid baby move out picture. Then you can talk with baby, and control the camera with remote or cable in good moment. Tips: 1.always focus on eyes. 2.avoid busy background. 3.avoid cut baby's hands or feet. 4.use continue shoot mode

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 摄影艺术 / 记得ROLIA有同学发明了一种可以避开BABY眼睛的照相技术,有哪位可以给SEARCH出来...谢谢!孩子爸爸就是坚持照相会伤着孩子的眼睛...:(
    • 不用闪光灯就行。室外自然光拍摄,稳妥一点的话把相机的闪光灯调到强制关闭档。
    • 如果闪光灯可以动,对这房顶闪;或闪光灯罩上厕所用纸;或者夕阳的时候把孩子抱到挡着纱帘的窗前;或多用几只射顶灯立在孩子床前;总之要亮,又不能闪到孩子眼睛。。。
      • 谢谢啤酒大叔...好象记得咱ROLIA哪位摄影大师发明了一种方法,当时没太留意,有哪位同学记得啊,请帮帮俺们这批摄影盲吧,...俺现在脑子比较傻瓜,喜欢用一样傻瓜的相机,没有关闪光灯的功能...:'((
        • 简单,戴个墨镜。
        • 就是小黑说的吧,把闪光灯头包起来?
        • 问小黑,PM他
      • 发现VIDEO模式不错,没有闪光灯问题,新生儿父母可以试试...
    • 最新私房照片,独家奉献...:)
      • 你们家三个boys都很cute嘛.
        • 我也想看这cute boys,可是打不开,教教我怎么看呀!
    • 我给我的丫头照了3000多张照片了,从来没有特意地关了flash,她现在2岁,眼睛可好那。谁听说过照相多了把眼睛照瞎的?
      • LD这方面就是特别固执,他说小婴儿眼睛还没长好,闪一下总是不舒服D,老大就没让照,老2还不让,俺现在只好想折向SPEED去经,升级器材先...
        • 厉害,3个baby,几个人照顾阿?看了desperate housewives, 里面的那个Lynette,被3个小家伙折磨得够呛。
        • 对了,器材还是很重要的。弄个高ISO 别太差的相机和一个大光圈的定焦头,根本不用闪光灯。
        • that is my point。很多的precious moment一闪而过,如果不纪录下来,肯定会后悔的。
          • 是啊,尤其想想这大概是俺最后一个娃了...数码,很容易花,还是手动的更容易抓拍,缺点是一SCAN到网上就失真了一点点,可好的数码PP,PRINT时也会失真一点...家里有台古董理光7,看来得拿出来练练了...
            • 遗憾没有看到你的“最新私房照片”,第3个还大概??!!厉害厉害,supermom!!!!, 呵呵。我4年前开始用kodak3200,2M pixel,从来没花过呀?
              就是shutterlag太长。有了baby之后,upgrade to sony v3,very satisfied with it! 坛子里的器材派要笑话cheapcheap了,i don't care...:)
      • 建议组织学习一下
    • 柔光箱/伞
    • 生了? 恭喜恭喜
    • I always use existing light and put my baby near window. Use a reflector, or a big mirror, on the other side.
      Share some my experience I got from taking my 5-month baby. Normally, infant doesn't move very fast. She/he will not move from place to place. (for older kids who can walk, toddlers, that's different story) Use a tripod and shuttle release cable or remote control. The advantages are you can free you hand and can talk with baby, and avoid hand shake as well. Set ISO as high enough and noise you can accept (depends on what digital camera you use. if film camera, use high ISO film.) so that the shuttle speed can be higher. I often use 28-70 zoom lens and set aperture as F5.6-8. Use manual focus and focus on her/his eyes if use tripod. Don't compose too tight in viewfinder, zoom out little bit, to avoid baby move out picture. Then you can talk with baby, and control the camera with remote or cable in good moment. Tips: 1.always focus on eyes. 2.avoid busy background. 3.avoid cut baby's hands or feet. 4.use continue shoot mode
      • THANKS,I will try...