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I think you had better bring money by yourself.It's nomal situation when the new comers landing hidden lot of cash.But you must be careful or buy double life insurence for flying--it's just 20 rmb.

because even transfering money between banks in one city may be delay without any reason, after you sign the offer and put the deposit,before closing day you can not pay out the rest,you will lose the doposit and credit in Ca.And even you have no job,you still can only pay 25% for downpayment,
and get loan
from some finacial group,that is legal and sometime you get a much better deal than from Bank.Because there is a business protect agreement between financial group and bank,so sometime the lender is still bank,but you can not get that deal by yourself.25% is better downpayment,because you no need buy insurence for lender if you just pay less than 25%.For sure if you are rich enough,pay more is better.But for rainy days in our living in the future,it's always better you have plenty of cash to handle .

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请问:1.在加拿大买房首期一般付百分之几?2.能否用国内银行(如中行工行招行)的国际卡支付?3.是不是这样就没有信用积分了?4.除了没积分以外还有什么不好之处?不好意思问题太多,主要是这些钱不好随身带出境,请大虾们一一指教,谢谢了!
    • You should downpay 35% if you don't have a job.
      • 谢谢!其他问题有朋友知道吗?
        • if you really want to buy a house,you can reach me at mary_yihan@yahoo.com,I will try my best to anwser your questions.I'm working in mortage business.
    • 1. 如果有工作,5%就可以了.2. 不能用信用卡支付. 3. No 4. No. 我原来和你一样想法,结果现在钱在中国的信用卡里取不出来,每天用中国的信用卡买菜不知道猴年马月才能用完.
      • 信用卡里面怎么会有钱?你不是用的信用卡吧
        • 中国的信用卡一般是先存钱,后消费。尽量少透支。
          • 那不是信用卡吧,国内也有真正的信用卡了,和这边的一样,不过我也没有用过
            • 这边的信用卡如果你愿意也可以存它个10万啊。
            • 国内的信用卡从你透支的那一天起开始计算利息!
              • 我有中行的长城卡,在还款期之前付清,不计利息.
                • 国际卡还是人民币普通卡?
                  • 国际卡,我的是美元卡,就是以美元结算,中行还有一种港币卡. 年费是15美元.
                    • 这2种是正式的国际标准信用卡,但你必须抵押一比现金在中行吧?国内的人民币信用卡都是我说的那种。
    • 如果没有工作,首期一般是35%,一旦破产,银行可以将房子拍卖,肯定能收回余下的65%。另外,会要求买保险,万一死亡,保险公司的赔款可以cover余款。 肯定不能用信用卡支付。
    • 好象是工作两年以上才可以首期付5%, 不足两年仍要35%.
    • 多谢以上各位大虾!那我想买房的钱怎样才能带到加拿大呢?请各位务必贡献你们宝贵的经验和智慧,这条最重要!
      • 如果你真想带的话,1。钱不离身,放在你最里层的贴身口袋内,神情自若的进出海关,就没有问题。钱千万不要离身,人在钱在。2。找个有生意或生活在加拿大的朋友,在国内将钱给他的家人,到加拿大后取相应的钱
        • 第二种方法有倒汇嫌疑,在中国是不合法的,不受法律保护的。一旦出了问题,合同或纸条都没用。如果用这种办法,只能靠信任。所以要慎重。
          • 多谢Fiona妹妹提醒!
            • i took the way mentioned before bring the money to CANADA by myself
              • Which way? No.2?
      • you could find a house first then make a down payment about CAD3000-5000
        you could find a house first then make a down payment about CAD3000-5000. the settlement date is about 3 months later. you could prepare all your money at that time. then remit it form china to your account in Canada. i made such schedule. i could share my experience olivwb@yahoo.com
        • 请查收你的信箱.
          • I think you had better bring money by yourself.It's nomal situation when the new comers landing hidden lot of cash.But you must be careful or buy double life insurence for flying--it's just 20 rmb.
            because even transfering money between banks in one city may be delay without any reason, after you sign the offer and put the deposit,before closing day you can not pay out the rest,you will lose the doposit and credit in Ca.And even you have no job,you still can only pay 25% for downpayment,
            and get loan
            from some finacial group,that is legal and sometime you get a much better deal than from Bank.Because there is a business protect agreement between financial group and bank,so sometime the lender is still bank,but you can not get that deal by yourself.25% is better downpayment,because you no need buy insurence for lender if you just pay less than 25%.For sure if you are rich enough,pay more is better.But for rainy days in our living in the future,it's always better you have plenty of cash to handle .
        • Where are you? I've sent you an email too.