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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Vivi, please come in...

My husband summited his application kit to IMM Beijing office on March 26th, 2001. The Imm set up his case on Apr 6th. My husband got his ME form on June 27th, and completed ME on June 29th. Then he got a letter from Imm requesting him to provide more documents on July 29th. After that, it was 3 months waiting, hopeless and endless waiting. Finally, we got the interview informing letter on Nov 2nd, 2001. And we were required to have an interview on Dec 3rd, 2001. That's all my process. Hopefully it is helpful to you.

Vivi, I didn't come here very offen. If you would like to contact me, please send me an email at lazytutu@hotmail.com.

Have a nice day...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / To viviccaca, Sorry, 那个老贴子太长了,不好读,于是另起炉灶了。
    • 你好,我刚看到你的留言。我是申请未婚妻签证的。 请问你会跟你先生一起去面试吗?做好思想准备,他们会让你们分别进去,每人十分钟,要注意口径一致,以情动人。这是关键。我还没有问到那个朋友,尽快吧,不用谢,同是天涯等候人!
    • 请问,你的先生有甚麽特殊情况吗?不是说一般都不面视吗?家庭团聚类的面视是和技术移民类的面视一起排队吗?那岂不是要等到头发都白了?
      • 我的头发是快要白了!祝你好运! gigi
        • 发给你的伊妹收到了吗?近来有没有新的消息?
          • Vivi, 我有发信给你,你收到了吗?
            • 我没有收到你的信。可能我的信箱有点问题。可以再发一遍吗?你有MSN吗?
              • Vivi, 我没有msn, 而且,今天我的信箱也出了问题,太奇怪了。我的密码被人改了,怎么都进不去。气死我了。我需要重新找一个。待会儿再联络。
        • gigi,你看飞雪的申请,跟你的时间是差不多的。怎么你的会要面试呢?是不是你的材料不够多啊?呵,电话打得太少了:)
          • 是的,不过我想不是电话打少了,我每个月的电话费要200多快了,我已经很心疼了,不知道他们打多少。
            • 呵继续打,得每个月五百块才行啊。你现在还没有收到面试通知吗?好象他们是打电话通知然后才书面的,会给你20天的时间准备。
              • Vivi, I can't figure out your mail box address, my new mail box address is gigizhang01@yahoo.ca. You could contact me if you want.
        • status查询网站好象可以用了,你能查到吗?
          • 我怎么连WWW。CANADA。ORG。CN都上不去。
            • 今天下午时我可以查询,但是出现的是出错页面,说是申请结果出来到现在还未到两个月,不能查询。王府那很多人也是这么说。可能他们还没有来得及更新数据库!
              • 也许时候不对,过几天我再试试,谢谢!
      • 为什么未婚妻移民要棉试?我记得都几乎可以免的啊?还有,我是7月中旬体检的,8月底又复检了一次。现在的代码还是10,就是说还在等待初审,为什么这么慢?我和我的那位想12 月结婚。会有什么影响?拜托各位指点。
        • 你在办理结婚手续手把结婚证书寄给使馆,他们会在收到你的证书之日起开始受理你的spouse visa. 一般是六个月到八个月(正常的话:)
        • 请问你认识的朋友里有办未婚妻签证成功的范例吗?如有请提供给我们参考,好吗?我现在对于未婚妻签证的可能性有些怀疑了。
          • you 'd better apply for the spouse visa,otherwise it will take a long long time for you to get your visa if you apply for the fiancee's.That's what i have learned from my own case!!!And I m going to get married.
            • 能说一下你的时间表吗?
    • gigi, gigi, can I contact you via your email gigizhang01@yahoo.ca? I am in the same boat as you....:(
      I am also applying my husband for immigration as Spouse case. Unfortunely, same as you, we were required to be interviewed. Today I did a query on their website and found that our status has been changed to 1(yesterday was still 2), which means "interview has been scheduled". .................I am going to write a email with detail information inside to yo. Hopefully you are able to see it.
      • Sure, what do you mean: same boat.
        • I mean that my husband is also required to take an interview. Please check your email at gigizhang01@yahoo.ca .
          • I've replied your mail. Please check
        • GiGi,qiuqiu,现在他们正在面试2001/1以前递交的家属配偶申请。你们是在这之后的吧?你们从查到等待面试到现在有多久了?现在面试2000/8之前递交的未婚妻申请,我是去年8月交的,现在我的status还是12,不知道会不会要面试!!
          • Vivi, please come in...
            My husband summited his application kit to IMM Beijing office on March 26th, 2001. The Imm set up his case on Apr 6th. My husband got his ME form on June 27th, and completed ME on June 29th. Then he got a letter from Imm requesting him to provide more documents on July 29th. After that, it was 3 months waiting, hopeless and endless waiting. Finally, we got the interview informing letter on Nov 2nd, 2001. And we were required to have an interview on Dec 3rd, 2001. That's all my process. Hopefully it is helpful to you.

            Vivi, I didn't come here very offen. If you would like to contact me, please send me an email at lazytutu@hotmail.com.

            Have a nice day...
          • 那么慢????不会把?那不是我要在中国再浪费我的几年青春吗????你是听谁说的????
            • 就在加拿大使馆网站上看到的啊!
        • GiGi,我已经将一些有关面谈的全面资料发给你了。请查收。
          • thanks so much. Vivi. It's very regret I can't download the file. I wonder what's the problem. Perhaps's the file name is too long. Would you like to send it to me one more time? thank you very much.
          • Vivi, 才看见你这条消息,你可以也给我发一份吗?非常感谢!!!!!! 我的邮件地址是lazytutu@hotmail.com.
          • Hi, vivi and gigi. I have sent an email to you. Can you please check it out? Thanks...Have a nice day!
            • 收到了吗?仅供参考。
              • 收到了,真的非常感谢你的热心帮助!
          • viviccaca,四海之内皆姐妹,我最近也正在为面试发愁,你能也给我发一份么?真的非常感谢!!@#$%^& 我的E MAIL地址是lauraleelee@sohu.com Thank You again!!!!
    • to vivi and grace it's me Irene,any news these days?i heard that the process of fiancee immigrate is 14 month, how about your case?