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For some people yes, for some others no, coz here, the way to evaluate a person's value or quality is different comparing to china, you have to admit,

that's why some take longer time, some shorter. i believe anybody may find a proper position to suit him/her, just about time and have to be strong. that's it!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 前天看了关于卢刚的文章,现在看到‘自杀’两字,心就哆嗦一下。
    • 为什么那么不珍视生命?
      • 因为他觉得自己的生命没有被别人重视。
        • 别人不重视他的生命?我不明白。
          • 我也不知道我在说什么了......现在一片混乱......别理会我!!!!
        • 希望完全以个人的标准来要求社会,以个人的力量来对抗社会,最终脱离社会,导致毁灭。个人不能完全驾驭自己的命运,我想,卢刚用自己的生命又一次证明了这句话。
          • JP!
        • 要想活得舒心而不累,就不要把自己太当‘人’看。
          • 让我想起了“活着”....
    • 更可怕的是这里还有很多人自以为能看出来想自杀的人应该有什么样的表现,没有什么样表现。
      • ?
        • his meaning is: u couldn't tell by their face or appearance before the accident. but only shaked surround after.
      • 太多的新移民需要心理辅导。目前这种缺乏倾诉机构的情况下,rolia作为一个新移民论坛,多少还是能起到一些宣泄和调节作用的。大家有各种看法也是正常的,因为一般非专业人士很难做到冷静的面对和理解别人的种种心态。
        • Release is helpful sometimes, but not always, coz don't really solve any problem. My suggestion would be: build a more systematic and professional organization, FROM US! FROM NOW.
          Let new immigrates don't feel too cold in canada, esp in winter now!
          • 恐怕现在心有余而力不逮。我还在国内,到了加拿大我也要先找个工作过上温饱生活,然后才有可能派bingle去学心理学去。:)
            • I mean even vietnams have a vietnams associate to help new immigrates to find jobs, how come there is no even a single Chinese organization to really do something to help?
              Since there are more smart and professional chinese people here.
              JUST DO SOMETHING!
              • 我想中国移民应该是有这种组织的,只不过可能在大陆新移民中影响不是很大。
                现在可以做的是联络现有的组织,报名担任volunteer的辅导员,或者注册一个面向大陆新移民的Non-for-profit Organization,最好可以获得政府或者什么机构的资助,设立help center,雇用专业人士和业余志愿工作者。但是这需要有人(创办者)把它当作一项专门的事业来从事,必须是全身心投入,抛开个人短浅的生存、经济等等的束缚。我相信这样的人一定很快会在我们这一批移民中出现。
      • 金字塔,你说的太含混了嘛。不知你到底要说什麽?
        • Please see inside.
          What I mean is when somebody feels hopeless and have a dim of wish for finding some support here, even expresses that he/she might end the life himself, we'd better help him, at least post some encourage words to him. One can not define a man who want suicide or not by his words or appearance. At least we should stop laughing at him. Many people just can not believe it even if it became a fact. I just read the story of Lu Gang somedays before, of course the responsibility laid meanly at himself, but what else did his community do to help him before the accident took place? They must at least regard him as a mankind even he is somewhat different, in fact everyone is different as the mother of Forrest Gump said.
          • 要自杀的人,心里是怎样的一种悲伤与无奈啊!唉
          • 我要去自杀,你陪我不?
          • 你是个热心人,但是我觉得这件事上你的言论也太矫情。我也想同情他,可是这个时候我的同情心不知道跑哪儿躲着去了,找不到了,嘿嘿。这点事就要死要活,那我不是已经自杀好几回了?毛病。
            • 我虽然来了不到三个月,听到的尽是女方跟别人跑掉的悲惨故事。您当然不会有这种事,自己是一枝花,还有一个非你不嫁的小女孩,但是你就没有听说新移民的离婚的事吗?
              • 忘了你是家里有钱的国际学生了,没有我们移民这么大的生存压力。
                • 我是国际学生???您哪儿打听到的?
                • sometimes I don't want to fight with you, but your words looks really like shit, is there any relationship wih his family and this topic? His family has money , so what? Is there anything wrong?
                  • Search all your words here and we can see who is really a shit. Normally I do not want to talk a person like u whom born by sombody but educated by nobody.
                • 更好笑的是,他自杀的目的还包括“唤起政府对大陆新移民的关注”,什吗狗屁罗辑,在这里说这种话好象也成了一种时髦了,太把自己当回事。
              • 拜脱,不要提这事了好不好?沾边吗?我还要怎么改名啊?离婚又怎样?离婚就是自杀的理由?真奇怪,国内进城的乡下人的遭遇可比这些人惨多了八?你关心过?来了加拿大怎么就开始爱心暴棚了?出国的移民就高一等需要你特别的关注?
                • I am a 国内进城的乡下人. What do you think should be the real reason to suicide?
                  • 呵,我到没听说过进城的乡下人呼天抢地要自杀来博取关注的,就这儿见的多,为什么?自己身上的臭毛病。
                  • reason? no reason, if you wan to suicide, go ahead, I don't care. BUT DON'T bother other people, life is hard, None like to hear someone suicide, but we already said many many, if there is no use, just let him go.
    • Should Chinese society in canada be more close and supportive? life is so tough here sometime I feel, esp for new immigrates,
      no matter how good you were before coming here, everything just start from zero. and take so long time to adapt ourselves and learn to play the rules here.
      • You don't have to start from zero. There are always something that do count. I firmly believe that. Find them and express them appropriately. : )
        • For some people yes, for some others no, coz here, the way to evaluate a person's value or quality is different comparing to china, you have to admit,