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multi-belief - freedom of religion

To tell you the truth, I sometimes go to temple and other times go to the church: in Toronto, mostly I went to temple; this year working in U.S. so conveniently go to the church.

for the sake of God and Law, religion is freedom, our right and option. as mentioned above, I have multi-beliefs. To me, human being is human being, who can tell and force us to have only one belief which is so called the *BEST* ?

my current gl goes to church every Sunday, of course mostly I go with her; on the other hand, she likes to go with me to visi temple, she also likes to know Buddhist. eventually we find lots common sense between religion.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 女友要我change religion,我该怎么办
    认识她有一段时间了。 她人较小, 善良。 她信基督教, 我信佛教。 她觉得只能和信仰基督教的结合。 所以希望我能加入基督教。 对我来说, 从小都受儒家的思想熏陶。 其实在中国佛教和儒家很多发面都溶为一体了。 真的很难change. 可能连世界观都要变。 这么大了, 再改真的很难。

    她为人诚恳, 对我非常好,要不我也不会为此烦恼了。

    各位有经验的, 可不可以给我出个主意!

    • 那只好change girlfriend了
    • 请两边的神仙们坐下来谈谈
    • 基督徒和非基督徒结婚的老鼻子去了, 各种名堂都有. 有甘愿教育你一辈子的, 有的先答应着, 有的先入着然后在渐渐地那什么,..., 这些态度都表示你尊重她和她的宗教. 她也会尊重你的.
      • 那老鼻子的下一代怎么办?受不受洗?是个事儿啊。
    • 如果她信仰不久, 看看能否改变她的信仰?
    • 这个问题应该你来问她,现在这个都谈不妥,以后怎么过一辈子。另外发现基督徒都有这个要改变别人的毛病。
      • 同意同意. 佛教都说随缘, 怎么信基督教的整天想的都是改变别人呢? 好象不信基督的都是牛鬼蛇神似的.
    • multi-belief - freedom of religion
      To tell you the truth, I sometimes go to temple and other times go to the church: in Toronto, mostly I went to temple; this year working in U.S. so conveniently go to the church.

      for the sake of God and Law, religion is freedom, our right and option. as mentioned above, I have multi-beliefs. To me, human being is human being, who can tell and force us to have only one belief which is so called the *BEST* ?

      my current gl goes to church every Sunday, of course mostly I go with her; on the other hand, she likes to go with me to visi temple, she also likes to know Buddhist. eventually we find lots common sense between religion.
      • is she
        Is she white? otherwise she should know buddist
        • yes
          • many
            young people I know or know of don't go to church every sunday, even they are religious. Wile there is always exception... extremely faithful? or ....dunno!
    • 为了爱情,放弃你的教。或者为了爱情,放弃她的教。两个不同教派的人生活在一起不会有好结果的,何况都那么地执着。。
    • 有事实了吗? 还好没碰上不让你吃猪肉的. 当年马来西亚的老华侨如此教育我们的.
    • 可能以前的电影 青春万岁 对我影响比较大,那教堂多阴森, 还有呼玛丽。 可能是我心里障碍。 佛教从来不逼教徒做什么。 这也是我prefer 佛教的地方。 真难啊,怎么对我妈说。
    • 圣经中有很多婚姻的主角持不同的信仰, 摩西的岳父是米甸的祭司,雅各的妻子偷她父亲的神像, 这些都是外帮的神, 所以要人改变信仰而结婚不是很妥当, 何不将此事交托给你们所信的神, 给一些时间, 让神来作仲裁!
    • 我想起蒋介石啦。
    • 兵法上说,最好的防守是进攻。一不做二不休,先让她改信仰,她肯定也不干,最后你们俩就达成协议,谁也不改。BTW,强迫他人改变信仰的行为,本身就违背了信仰的本质,信则仰,强迫他人信,难以使他人从心中仰慕。
    • 佛教不是有欢喜佛吗,练练,争取把她改过来。
    • 找本圣经念念。念之前,不妨祷告:神,如果真有你的话,求你打开我的心眼,让我知道你是谁,谢谢。
    • 跟她说加入基督教后要交税前收入的1/10,佛教不用,看她怎么说。。。
      • 都可以献身, 1/10算什么
      • 哈哈,你可以这么说,基督徒的一切神早就安排好了,包括现在遇上你,对不对?至于你现在不信基督,也是神安排好的,至于为什么你现在不信基督,神的深意岂是人所能理解的?