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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Hate crime.

The Criminal Code of Canada: Hate Propaganda:

As of 2003-SEP-16, the "Hate Propaganda" section of the Criminal Code of Canada (Section 318 & 319) prohibited the expression of hatred against -- or the advocacy of genocide of -- four "identifiable groups:" people distinguished by their "color, race, religion or ethnic origin." 1 Curiously enough, sex, disability, and other criteria are not included. Apparently one can deliver a speech that "willfully promotes hatred" -- even one which "advocates or promotes genocide" -- against women or the disabled and enjoy immunity of prosecution under the law. Hatred against persons on the basis of their sexual orientation was not protected either. An individual could promote hatred or even advocate genocide against heterosexuals, bisexuals, or homosexuals with impunity, as long as the speech was directed at persons with a specific sexual orientation. Bill C-250 changed this when it was signed into law.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 孩子迷上日本偶像,KAT-TUN, W-inds等等。整天泡在网上,下载了几十个G的视频、歌曲等。上BBS,看什么BL...现在又开始刻苦学习日文。好像对其他事物已失去兴趣, 偶好担心...不知诸位有否同感?
    • 可惜中国人没有偶像
    • My son likes games and wants to 学习日文 too, they might be friends, help each other to learn one more language.
    • 我儿子最恨日本啦.因为我常告诉他不要忘记阶级仇,民族恨.尽管我年轻时也喜欢过日本,也学过好几年日语.可那时国人崇洋媚外成风.现在在加拿大还崇日?
      • If you really hate something, it is not bad to get know this thing, it helps you to deal with the thing.
        • no hate,no love.为什么张纯如自杀?
      • Don't teach your child hate, because hatred is poisonous, don't let the sickness into your child's heard.
        • support
        • 忘记历史就意味背叛.了解那段历史的人如果不恨,就不正常.我孩子只是人的正常反应而已.
      • 你这种所谓的“阶级仇,民族恨”的言论,在加拿大是一种煽动种族仇恨的言论,你可以不喜欢一个国家,但你不应该仇视一个民族。更不应该教育儿童去仇恨一个民族,你这样的言论,有可能被起诉的。
        • 你的帽子可真大呀,我看你有文革遗风.
          • 我是好心劝你,不信你把你上面说的话在主流媒体上发表,看看会有什么反应?
          • 不是开玩笑, 加拿大刑法中确实有明确的条款界定.
            • 不同意-northice(northice)。只是探讨:在加拿大,只是hate opinion也犯法吗?如果没有打杂抢罪行,说说犯法,这不是思想罪了吗?
              • for your interests:
              • In the U.S., a person cannot legally yell "fire" in a crowded movie theatre. does this condtradict to "Freedom of Speech" ?
                • 注意到了:But they (USer) are free to say just about anything else without danger of criminal prosecution. Canadians do not have this degree of freedom of speech....谢了。
          • Hate crime.
            The Criminal Code of Canada: Hate Propaganda:

            As of 2003-SEP-16, the "Hate Propaganda" section of the Criminal Code of Canada (Section 318 & 319) prohibited the expression of hatred against -- or the advocacy of genocide of -- four "identifiable groups:" people distinguished by their "color, race, religion or ethnic origin." 1 Curiously enough, sex, disability, and other criteria are not included. Apparently one can deliver a speech that "willfully promotes hatred" -- even one which "advocates or promotes genocide" -- against women or the disabled and enjoy immunity of prosecution under the law. Hatred against persons on the basis of their sexual orientation was not protected either. An individual could promote hatred or even advocate genocide against heterosexuals, bisexuals, or homosexuals with impunity, as long as the speech was directed at persons with a specific sexual orientation. Bill C-250 changed this when it was signed into law.
            • 类似的法律在美国也有。 我估计与这些国家是移民国家有关。 一些单一民族国家如德国, 日本, 韩国等, 不知是否有这样的法律条文
              • 日本和德国都应该是有的。
              • 我觉得,严禁种族仇恨,应该是文明社会的基本法,也是人权保障的基础。
                • #2380651, 这个不犯法。
        • 你们恨911恐怖份子有罪吗?恨实施南京大屠杀的日本鬼子有罪吗?中国人讲的"阶级仇,民族恨"是种族仇恨吗?----
          • How many WWII japanese soldier left now? ten? ... The youngest WWII japanese soldier would be 76 now, by average they could have been 82+, what are you thinking? What are you trying to teach your child? Geez.
            • 我要教孩子恨一切邪恶的东西.不对吗?有罪吗?
              • Hate or hatred is an emotion of intense revulsion, distaste, enmity, or antipathy for a person, thing, or phenomenon; a desire to avoid, restrict, remove, or destroy its object.
              • 就凭我上面一段话,能推出我煽动种族仇恨.真服了你们.文革的高才生呀.
                • 你刚领教呀. 有空的话,到<枫下时政讨论区>去翻翻看. 见多不怪.
    • 买本南京大屠杀的书,照片越多越恶心越好,给孩子看看。
      • 不好,坛子里的某些人会认为你在煽动暴力和色情的.
        • 不说观点,就让看看而已,这是历史,
    • 支持你! 看了上面几个国际主义者的言语,我无言以对.拿加拿大法律来说事儿,在这个问题上怕是说不通的.你以为自己是加拿大人了?P!
    • 太有同感了。我女儿现在每天就吃一顿,全力以赴盯在电脑卡通上
    • 感谢各位见仁见智!不过我并不赞成将此事上升到民族主义的高度来对待。女儿因崇拜日本偶像而学日语我不反对。
      • 她从初中就学的是Extended French, 上高中又学了西班牙语。她对语言感兴趣,我相信她能学好。我担心的是因这种爱好而迷失了方向,甚至影响正常的学业。