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Do not worry, they work in a very stupid way, the background check reports are only valid for one year, I think they are re-doing the check. I had same experence as you...

We submitted application in June 2003, and did test in may 2004, everything was fine by the end of 2004 (all apps, were approved), just waiting for the citizenship ceremony (confirmed by the call centre), however, when I called again in Jan 2005, I was told my wife's backgroung check expired, and need to redo, further inquiry found out my kid's background check report need to be redone in March, and mine would expire in Apr. ... I made formal complaint to the local MP, NO USE, I said: this is a waste of tax payer's money, why did not arrange us to take citizenship oath before the background checks expired as all applications had been approved well before, they work disconnectly, ....

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 2003年7月和老婆一起申请入籍,04年7月考试, 至今仍然在等待. 上个星期给call center打电话, 说everything ok, 但是今天给他们电话, 居然又说还在等待我老婆的background check, 真不知道他们到底怎么工作的, 前后矛盾.
    • 别着急,哥们,我比你早一个月申请,现在不也还在等?请问background check是查什么,谁查,要查多久?
      • 据说renew我老婆的background check要大约2-3个月. 请问你也是同你老婆一起申请的吗?
        • 对,跟老婆一起申请的。这跟老婆有什么关系吗?怎么不查你呢?难道你老婆原来干过坏事?
          • 哥们话说得真难听. 每个入籍的人都要做background check, 而background check的有效期是1年, 所以如果夫妻一起申请,极有可能在你的background查完后才发现你老婆的过期了, 反之亦然.故此相互牵制, 浪费时间而已.
            • 呵呵,我道歉。
      • 上个星期狗日的call center 明明告诉我说我老婆的background renew已经搞好了呀, 这个星期又说没有,还要等RCM的回复.这帮人根本就不负责任,这种工作如果要我们中国移民来做,肯定比他们强百倍,且英文要求并不高.
    • 他们Renew 你老婆的background check,因为过期了
    • Great. 我们是去年3月考的试。至今还在等待。
      • 能否告知什么原因吗?
    • 请教:通常什么样的情况能赶上背景调查呀,咳,你老婆运气真背呀,替她叹息一下吧,祝你们好运吧,也祝我家好运。呵呵。
    • 你老婆莫非有什么问题,连你也不知道?好好的问问她。
      • 你老婆才有问题!
        • 兄弟,别冲动,有的女人是很复杂的,别为你们在一起生活很多年你就了解她,至少我至今就是这样。
          • 你看看上面我给shooo的答复吧, 不是每个女人都跟你老婆似的有问题.
            • 你太自信了,太自信有时候不是好事,要吃亏的。知人知面不知心,夫妻同床异梦的也不少见
              • 能否请问你老婆有什么问题?
                • 你这个问题不方便回答,因为涉及到别人的隐私,也就是我老婆的隐私,如果是我的问题我可以告诉你,我不想惹官司,多多包涵
                  • 请你弄清楚, 现在是移民部的工作有问题, 而不是我们这些申请人当中谁有问题. 你老婆有什么问题我们没兴趣知道.
    • 我也给你旁证一下,我2002年11月递的申请,去年2月考的试,结果刚刚考完试,背景调查过期,一直调查到现在,还再等。
      • 真想跟你握手啊!你延期考试了?做指纹了吗?能否告知详细进程?
      • 那你怎么不去催他们一下?
      • 背景调查有三项,你可以问他们,是哪项还没有完成,加我MSN: chenhongv@hotmail.com
      • 没有理由等这么长时间, 建议你找你选区的国会议员(M.P.)帮你去了解情况, 催移民部. 该死的移民部不知道是如何运做的.
    • I delay my oath in Feb and no any message until now
    • 什么 是背景调查啊? 多长时间过期?
      • 其实每个人申请入籍的时候都被做背景调查的。据说是一年过期。
        • 从什么时候开始算一年呢? 总不能从递申请的那天开始算吧?
      • 士家宝的移民部当面告诉我,背景调查包括:移民身份调查, 加拿大安全部门(CSIS)的保安调查和皇家骑警的无犯罪记录调查. 有效期是从上次调查的结果出来后一年有效.
        • 我问的就是怎么知道这个"上次调查的结果出来"的时间
          • 只能是给call center打电话去问或者直接去移民部问入籍法官.
    • 一直以为我们是世界上最不幸的,看来难友们真不少。我们03年11月申请,今年一月考试,上周按手印,鬼知道还要等多久。昨天在电话里冲他们叫嚷了一通ridiculous, incredible, terrible, crazy......这个国家太荒谬了。
      • 皇家骑警check fingerprint需要大约半年的时间. 如果你们夫妻不是同时按手印, 必然会有一个人苦等另一个人的background check结果,而等到结果后也许等待的一方的background check又过期了,这么等下去理论上有可能永远无法入籍.
        • :) stupid canadian gov, so is the people
          • Fully agree with you !!!
        • 谢谢你,littleddv. 我打算把我和太太的文件分开,这样起码他可以先唱歌。
        • 两个人都要按手印,也真够背的。
    • 今天给call center电话, 得知7月14日早9:00唱歌! 总算要上岸了!
      • 恭喜恭喜!看来勤着打电话催还是起作用了。
      • 有电话可以打?告诉我一个?我也去年7月考试的。谢谢
        • call center 1-888-242-2100 (within Canada), but I asked the M.P. to help us to push the CIC to split my file no. with my wife's, then CIC split the file for us on Jun 22.
          • 可以这样的啊,真的谢谢了。
        • after take the test, how long I have to wait to get citizenship? still have to wait for a long time? why?
          • 不一定。有人等了几周,有人等几个月,我等了一年了。但是听说最长的目前有等两年多的。
            • what is the reason of waiting? any idea?
      • 忘了问他们的电话、传真、海外号码?谢谢!
    • 大家都去找MP吧,要MP来催. 还可以写个申请把夫妻两人分开成两个CASE.这样就不用互相等背景调查了.
    • Do not worry, they work in a very stupid way, the background check reports are only valid for one year, I think they are re-doing the check. I had same experence as you...
      We submitted application in June 2003, and did test in may 2004, everything was fine by the end of 2004 (all apps, were approved), just waiting for the citizenship ceremony (confirmed by the call centre), however, when I called again in Jan 2005, I was told my wife's backgroung check expired, and need to redo, further inquiry found out my kid's background check report need to be redone in March, and mine would expire in Apr. ... I made formal complaint to the local MP, NO USE, I said: this is a waste of tax payer's money, why did not arrange us to take citizenship oath before the background checks expired as all applications had been approved well before, they work disconnectly, ....
      • haha, stp canadian gov and people.