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Thanks for the discussion. Boss's view:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. The first answer is not appropriate from employer's point of view. My boss told me, for a small company (100 employees) like us, we cannot
accept anyone who want to have a relaxed life. Although we are not always busy, we DO have busy period when company needs more commitment from employees, such as to catch up project deadlines.

2. Technical question. Wrong is wrong.

3. As what discussed above, people (rollor, lloydli) think it is misunderstanding or communication problem. I tried to rescue our dear Mr. Chinese boy a chance by explaining similar things to my boss as well. I said, probably he mistakened you, or his English is not that good to explain you lots about his experience, that is why he tried to let certs speak for him.

Boss said: (1) no, his English is good. No communication problem at all. (2) Boss did not believe he mistaken the problem. Because he asked very clearly "What else you can contribute to the company".

Good luck for every Chinese people of us a good interview performance in the future.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 几个不起眼的普通问题是如何在十分钟之内谋杀了一个中国男青年的一个工作机会的



    第二个问题:要求画一些System Architec的图,一塌糊涂。



    • 你好象是在讲我的故事.....可是我后来得到那份工作了啊
      • 你这样的牛人禁止发言。
        • Hai, all X 浅!
      • 你的情况属于谋杀,BUT未遂
    • 我知道的, 如果公司的财务状况没有困难的话, 是更希望固定工的, 理论上可以把经验留在公司内部, 而不是当合同结束时经验和人一起离开.
    • 最后一句: 是"雇主角度"吧?//永远不能说我能得到什么什么,而是公司能得到什么什么
      • MM is right.
    • 第一个问题简直是搞笑,等于告诉雇主“快收下我,把我养起来吧”,第三个问题,
      面试是要 sell 自己,怎么能要雇主自己去挖掘呢,何况雇主已经说了对 be aware of 那些证书,他这么问就是给 applicant 一个推销自己的机会,也是作出补充说明的机会
      • 在我想象中第三个问题最容易理解-----一定是应聘者没听清面试官讲什莫,以为问他,是否把证书带到了公司?不怀疑有人过于沉湎技术而不善交流,但这种状况更大的可能是语言能力问题,
        • “我要回去了”--------其实语言问题在生活中造成的误会很多的,只是被自己发现或被对方发现的时候很少
          “我要回去了”--------一句简单的中国话,结束谈话告别,当我把他直译成英文说给老外的时候---- i'll be back. 结果大家可想而知,只有我不知,我只觉得老外表情很诧异。这个例子太简单了,以致大家只顾笑我英文太差,其实低级错误高级错误结果一样惊人。
          • 好例子!!!^_^
          • 想起一个笑话。英语课上一同学要去洗手间。老师对他说“go a head”。结果这位直等到下课。别人问他为何不去。他说“没听老师说”去个头!“啊
          • 你翻译成了 “回来” 而不是 "回去", 所以别人会诧异
      • 对于第三个问题,这个应试人很可能没听懂问题,所以才把证书都推过来。
        • 对。
    • 这每一个问体都已经很起这每一个问体都已经很起眼. 任一个回答都足以不被录取。
    • 最近正想面试,很有参考价值
    • 如果从包装的角度来说,第一个回答的确是不符合游戏规则的。
      但是,就这里的文化背景,面试者说得很挺好的,容易被人接受,没有什么不对,有人需要赚多的钱,有人希望工作压力小,宁可牺牲钱。 如果面试的人出于这样的考虑,放弃合同工作,转而求全职,合情合理。
      • 同意你的说法,但这跟这里或那里的文化没有关系吧?在国内,也有人想找轻松的工作,如果这样去面世,也一样fail,都一样。就这世道,找工作都得虚伪。唉!
    • The reason why the applicant did not pass the interview is his English communicate and professional skill is not qualified , even though he has many professional certificates.
      • My boss said it is NOT because of communication, it is ATTITUDE problem
        • i would agree with your boss..it's attitude problem.
    • Thanks for the discussion. Boss's view:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. The first answer is not appropriate from employer's point of view. My boss told me, for a small company (100 employees) like us, we cannot
      accept anyone who want to have a relaxed life. Although we are not always busy, we DO have busy period when company needs more commitment from employees, such as to catch up project deadlines.

      2. Technical question. Wrong is wrong.

      3. As what discussed above, people (rollor, lloydli) think it is misunderstanding or communication problem. I tried to rescue our dear Mr. Chinese boy a chance by explaining similar things to my boss as well. I said, probably he mistakened you, or his English is not that good to explain you lots about his experience, that is why he tried to let certs speak for him.

      Boss said: (1) no, his English is good. No communication problem at all. (2) Boss did not believe he mistaken the problem. Because he asked very clearly "What else you can contribute to the company".

      Good luck for every Chinese people of us a good interview performance in the future.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 看来1和3都是见人见智的。
    • It it were me...........................
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Question 1:

      My answer: I feel tired of contract life. It is like floating everywhere. I'd like to settle down with a permanent position so that the company and I show commitment to each other.

      Question 2:

      For any technical question, if I cannot give a perfect answer, I will try to talk about related stuff (right ones) or simply say no. I NEVER give anything wrong.

      If my working experience is developer, always. And the interviewer asks me about architect which I do not have much clue. I will say that architect is done by somebody else at my previous company who get well paid. So I don't have too much hands-on knowledge on it. But I can learn gradually if the new job requires this. From the previous experience, I am a quick-learner. For example ......................

      Question 3:


      1. 100 years' hands on experience on ..........:P
      The project I got involved include ......................

      2. Team player

      3. Pleasant personality.........I can bring smile and laugh to my co-workers.......

      How is this? And what is yours? :-)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 1. Since I would like to develop a more long-term career path, take a permanent position is a better way to do it. at the meantime, I also have more chances and time to commit my knowledge and experience to the company.
        • "long-term career path" is a good point. Like it. 3ks
      • for the 1st one, i would say
        "As a contractor, I have less feelings about achievements, because contracts are usually short and temporary basis. I would like to have a permanent job to grow with the company, make some achievement and build up my career."
        • Nice
          • coz that's how i feel...and what i expect when i try to hire someone..:D
          • Too general. Please re-write your comment. Ho ho
            • OK, in a non-general way, i would put it in this way: #2350178
    • 喜欢这样的讨论. 谢谢!
    • 工作面试,很多问题都需要从:我能为公司做什么,如何做的角度去回答。
    • 这种回答法真不像我们国人回答的,倒像friends里的白痴joy的回答
      • 请教各位大侠, 如果第一个问题倒过来问该怎么回答? 下星期二有个和HR的单独面试, 这是一个三个月的contract 并且是小公司,现在任职大公司又是permanent 但技术含量低, 又不敢过分强调这一点,有好主意吗?谢谢!
        • 我的答案:
          • about ur a1, as employer, why do i care?
            • 第一个问题不是他care不care的问题,也不需要他care。这只是解释了为什么不想做合同工了,行不?难道还说合同工太简单了,我要更大的挑战?谁信!个人原因换工作很合理,对方也不好追问
              • coz this is interview, u need to sell yourself....if he doesn't care what you say, how do you win it?
        • Just say that you need more challenge...........
          • 老外还是喜欢人性化一点。中国的那种公式化答案,老外都觉得很空泛的。他们喜欢具体的东西。比如他反问你,你为什么觉得合同工没有挑战呢?
    • 我也被问过第一个问题呢,个人认为只要回答的合理就可以了。
    • 我把我的回答写下与大家分享.希望能帮上类似的朋友. (谁都不是天生就会这些的更何况象我一样的新移民). 也希望楼主的本意是帮助而不是炫耀和嘲笑.
      Question 1: Focus on long term career path development
      Question 2: Focus on high level architecture ( Detail will be chargeable :)))
      Question 3: Focus on the certificate is a just a prove for good fundation in the interview process but I will prove it in the real work if you can give me the opps.
      • 怎么这个人的英语跟他的名字一样, 狗屁不通. 是不是又在XB?
    • My Answer for Q1: Permanent position means more continuous work flow, instead of discret tasks, which will allow me working on a project/product in a more intensive way.
      • u stated the fact, but not your own reason...sort of off the topic.