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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

各位移友,兹定于2月3日星期六上午11:30分在"苗家庄"酒家举办ROLIA论坛网友啃坛会. 地点: 多伦多市,士嘉堡, McCowan south of Steeles, 华人Mall内金山超市北面. 内容: 啃, 谈. 目前已有超过5人报名, 愿参加者请跟贴!

准点在前台集合, 迟到者请找人多的桌子坐.
我住在Victoria Park & Finch, 可以顺路接没车的大侠.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 各位移友,兹定于2月3日星期六上午11:30分在"苗家庄"酒家举办ROLIA论坛网友啃坛会. 地点: 多伦多市,士嘉堡, McCowan south of Steeles, 华人Mall内金山超市北面. 内容: 啃, 谈. 目前已有超过5人报名, 愿参加者请跟贴!
    准点在前台集合, 迟到者请找人多的桌子坐.
    我住在Victoria Park & Finch, 可以顺路接没车的大侠.
    • 众侠,我们可否邀请隔壁001论坛 (www.001.com.cn/forum/canada/index.html) 的朋友们一同前往?如无异议,由我来发帖子.
      • The more, the merrier!:)
      • eglington, 心意网那里还会有些各方侠士,能否烦劳也通知一下?嘿嘿,这苗家庄改聚义厅了。
    • 虚拟大虾要露真容了。我以为你住在Eglinton呢。
      • 会面的时候,大家只用真名,不用网名,可不可以呢?
        • agree with you, and I think Chinese name is better
        • Is this because that you don't want us know you are North York?
    • I am a little too far away. I am at Young and Bloor. Not sure if I will go. However, if somebody invite me, I would add more weight on the go side.
      • londoner asked me to go. It seems I will have to.
        • You are a good man! I will see you there then!
    • I do want to go, but I am afraid I am too busy. Anyone wants to go, please leaves a name here, since the list will surely encourages me. If finally I can't go there, may all of you a great day!
    • i don't know how to get there......maybe rent a helicopter....i am stupid when face a map...
      • Why don't you try maps.yahoo.com, where you could find step by step directions.
      • I 've got a TTC map with me, where do you live? I will direct you the way.
        • thank you. I will try to find out the way by meself. a good chance to test what will happen when you lost in Toronto.
          • Hey, ding ding KK, where are u living, would like to pick you up... don't worry!! ^_^ MM
            • thank you, dear, i'll go there by myself, Londoner told me the direction, maybe a little bit late, but don't dong kuai zi before i come, promise me!!! ( i think many guys' eyes will turn red when they find i call you "dear", haha...)
              i will try my best to go there, but i'm not sure whether my boss will agree, i have to go work on Saturday, you know.
        • 这么说,你老婆大人同意你去了?她跟不跟你一起去,我们都很想认识这么不知足的老婆.
          • 就是因为怕你提这个茬,所以我还没敢问她呢。
            • 今晚烧碗红烧肉给她吃,然后趁她酒足饭饱,心情舒畅时跟她说.
              • 我只会帮厨,不会做饭。该下班了。今天聊得太多了,以后不敢这样了。各位,晚安。
              • Rolia, 谢谢你的指教。怪不得我没有MM,原来是缺少红烧肉。我马上把地窖整理出来,专门存放红烧肉,然后打出London红烧肉的广告。:)
                • 你用一整个地窖来存红烧肉,打算骗多少MM呀?
                  • 只骗一个,但够她吃一辈子。这个体重嘛,就再研究了。。。
      • ROLIA, you are the boss! If you don't come, I don't come neither. So, don't disappoint us!
        • great! so we two can meet at somewhere I familiar to.
        • 哼,你张罗了半天,现在跳出来说我是boss,安的什么心哪! 我可不买单!!!
    • Hey, eglington, will go for sure. Do you think we shold make a reservation first, to make sure? You know, there are so many people on weekends..... Thanks a lot!!!! ^_^
      • I'll do that!
      • 还有,晚到的人怎么找到这一桌?应该知会一下带位的(要不要订联络暗号:)。在下可能晚到,请各位大侠海涵。:)
        • 脸怎么绿了?....脸怎么又红了?....这个暗号好,对我们来讲好记,对别人来讲不懂.
          • 见到你,肯定红脸;见到你和lumlum的亲密,就转绿了。这个是好,不用说出来,只要做出来,无声胜有声,好,高!
            • 那我要是最晚一个到, 岂不累得大家找不到座位, 再者, 好像我必须在脸上贴个 I AM ROLIA 才行哦.
              • 玉人香风,错不了。:)
                • ai, 看来我必须浓妆出场, 还得用掉三瓶香水, 才能给大家起到领位员的作用! 代价很大.
      • hello!
    • 烦请各位有头有脸的大侠到"心意"和"001"论坛去打个招呼,请那里的朋友们能来的都来. 本人初入江湖,道行不够,发帖子也没人理睬. 另外声明,本人只起煽风点火的作用, 当不起Boss, 还是Rolia来当头吧 (你的单我来买).
      • (板脸) 瞎说, rolia从小就没当过干部, 没有经验, 没有胆识, 没有魄力, 没有组织号召力! 还是S+反rolia较称职
    • will go! Eglinton, could you pick me up, I am living at Van Horne Ave, just south of Finch & Victory Park. If possible, call me at (416) 499-2752.
      • OK!
    • 我非常喜欢这个网站,也喜欢这里的人,更喜欢肯和谈。请问现在有多少人要去了?带不带家属?
      • Welcomed to bring your family members,,, Up to now, at least 8 persons already... hard to calculate,,, will see soon.. ^_^
        • I will go, with a wife and a son. How can I identify you guys?
    • Just one suggest: Pls go fasting from now on!
      • 诸位大侠,提个非君子的问题行吗?大概要多少银子?
        • 10 to 15 Lian after tips. I promise .
        • I meant I would pay for him if it costs higher than what I said. But it only applies to him, not everyone.
          • 既然您这么客气,我们全家也是不好意思。
            • Ha Ha, no, not for everyone who claims he is buhaoyisi. I only promised to the original buhaoyisi. :-)
              • hahaha, 我们大家都是不好意思啊!
                • 现在该 wjiang 不好意思了.
                  • yes, I am buhaoyisi.
      • 如果明天打工的地方出粮,我就也参加。否则,这好看着空空的口袋,555...
    • 我将用"Rolia"的名字订座, 此即接头暗号. 另外,到底我们的斑竹是Sailor还是Rolia? 目前名单(主申请人): 请各位尽快明确是否参加及人数,便于我定座.
      wjiang, Londoner, bloor, rolia, lumlum, eglington, yellow, 不好意思, North York(?), Sailor(?)
      • 还有我,三个人。
      • Hey, eglington, pls count my boyfriend. Thanks. ^_^
        • me?
          • Hey, jiang, I bet your wife doesn't know you are using this ID, otherwise, hey hey,,, see poor north york,,,, xixi ^_^
            • I was just cought by my wife......5..55...555......
      • I will join it. BTW, I have never been MiaoJiaZhuang. So, please send detail map to me. If someone can give me a ride, it's very appreciated.
        • me! call me @ 416 924 2181
        • David, call me @ 905 316 1805 during business hours. I drive a white Mustang with black racing bars on both sides. Check www.mustang.com
          to see how it looks like so we won't miss each other.
      • I will also bring my sister's family of three. They may share a table with Roller since they may have more common topics.
      • 我才真的要说不好意思啦.
        臭老板,死老板,打倒资本主义!!! 5555555...................老板不给我准假, 我星期六要上班, 星期天才休息, 不如你们把人散后的凄凉景色留给我吧, 让我星期天独坐那里回味. 我该死,我没用!!! 希望大家玩得好, 短期内再聚, 我一定一定去.
    • 离家近,欲来(一人)。然有几处未明:1 啃甚。众口难调,务顾及多数人之肠胃。Buffet如何? 2
      谈甚。推介ROLIA?交友?生意?求职?生活?政治?法轮功?…事前不定,届时必七嘴八舌,乱轰轰地你方唱罢我登场,海阔天空山南湖北胡侃瞎诌,费时费钱,无趣。 3 到底几人能来。来者太多,分桌煮酒而论英雄,不妥。然据臆测,网络虚伪,言而无信者众,若三两人于灯火阑珊处向隅而坐,亦无趣。情人节将至,愚人节尚远…另有隐私问题…斟酌,再斟酌。
      • 您老到是挺有性格的,只恐话不投机三句多, 相对无言,,,,
      • If I could come
        If I could come, I definitely would not talk a single word about Java or IT. I would be happy to sit among ladies and listen to them praising or bashing their men.
      • 看来老兄雄才大略,是否有意出山整顿江湖?



        我们最终将建立一个为多伦多大陆新移民自己服务的社交场所,使大家不用上教堂也能感受到上帝的温暖。如果能成立真的社区或协会,还能获得UNITED WAY的经济援助,乃是最好的结果。
        • 是谈如何获取经济援助。原来如此。
    • hi, is it too late to join GE WEI QIAN BEI?
      • No, No, never late. Just come, and we will add one person on the reservation list. Is it Winnie? Pls confirm to eglington's another post, about the final list.. okay?
        • very kind of u, thx! Lumlum(?!)
          • You are really welcomed, see you guys soon,, xixi,,, lumlum MM ^_^
    • Gathering in Saturday
      hi, is it too late to join GE WEI QIAN BEI?
    • i can pick u up if u havn't found someone yet.
      • Is there any DAXIA kindly enough to pick me up?My bsmt is not far away from MJZHUANG: Markham/Sheppard. 416-298-7363
        landed 2 months ago and still confused what I can do.