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No offence, but you’re making me laugh. I feel as if I’m watching a theatrical scene and character. Art is from life. Maybe you could be a good original in life.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I’m not sure what we’re missing, however, if you’re married and have kid(s) as you said to the guy, who approached you on street, maybe you’re being lustful and wanting more from the hell of life, in which you claimed you’ve been leading, watch movie Unfaithful if and before you decide to go for it. You might get what you desire without paying for it, while your action might catch up with you later on.

Whether you’re married or have kid(s) aside, if you’re “a person who too care about what the other people is thinking! i led a life never for myself almost these years”, watch your steps and be careful, life is a constant balance among desire, duty, will, bill… While going from ice to fire might make you feel good, I guess a moth darting into a flame might feel the same…Art is above life...

“what a hell! what is the meaning of life? i felt i am cheated by the splended world . i should have life of my own. i should have feeling to the world of my own.” A very touching statement they are!!! Take a good ride on your own life. However, do not play victim. Victim mindset will hurt you.

No matter what you do, good luck and wish you a splendid life!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 街上经常见到中国的"淑女"由年青的加拿大帅哥陪同,真是羡慕.如果有一天,你真的碰上了一位加拿大的帅哥(他说是老师),大街上碰到的,彬彬有礼的称赞你(可能只是随口说说而以),
    街上经常见到中国的"淑女"由年青的加拿大帅哥陪同,真是羡慕.如果有一天,你真的碰上了一位加拿大的帅哥(他说是老师),大街上碰到的,彬彬有礼的称赞你(可能只是随口说说而以),希望你同他一同散步,可你拒绝了,他把E-MAIL和电话留给你,说要天天检查E-MAIL, 你会跟他联系吗?
    如果不联系,总是这样人生是不是有些无聊与无耐.不是说但求拥有, 不求永远吗,总是这样,老了连太阳底下回忆的机会都没有了吗?
    • 沙发
      • 箭在弦上岂有不发之理?
        • 神马意思?
          • 不知是哪位名人的格言
    • 我就是不说。
      • 不发表意见就代表默许了吗?
    • 您还是歇会儿吧。:)
      • 你几乎总是在一片空白里生活-------想想女人最美丽的时光就要过去了----
        • 1、我就最羡慕“空白的生活”。多惬意啊。干嘛一定要干点儿啥。2、可以填补空白的事项很多很多,但不建议您采纳大街上什么都不介意的“帅哥”。估计您用这种“帅哥”填补“空白”之后,空白感就更大了去了。
          • 是啊, 有时觉得自己很浮躁----, 所以要请教
        • 8过,如果诱惑对您是如此之大。。。您就是要上,俺也管不了喽。谨记Safe Sex + 祝您8要倒了胃口。:)
          • 您都知道什么叫倒胃口, 我连什么叫倒胃口都不知道,-------
            • 沤一锅“珍珠翡翠白玉汤”。:)
    • 在河边走走,不就是为了要湿湿脚吗?
    • 中大奖了。
      • 也不是, 以前也有好多机会, 只是没有进过情爱悠悠------
        • 有备而来啊。
    • 尝试一下就知道了, 你的心中就不会有那么多遗憾了
      • 我也不知道, 他说是教盲人电脑的老师
        • 没关系, 试一试就知道了, 给自己一些机会, 不要活得太累了!
    • Your life, your sunshine, why do you care about what others say or need other's permission?
      Go ahead, not everyone on the street is a monster, and maybe you'll find a nice person to chat. If not, just don't bother to leave your personal info. to him. Life is just like that. Live with no regret.
      • you are right, i am a person who too care about what the other people is thinking! i led a life never for myself almost these years.
        what a hell! what is the meaning of life? i felt i am cheated by the splended world . i should have life of my own. i should have feeling to the world of my own.
        • No offence, but you’re making me laugh. I feel as if I’m watching a theatrical scene and character. Art is from life. Maybe you could be a good original in life.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I’m not sure what we’re missing, however, if you’re married and have kid(s) as you said to the guy, who approached you on street, maybe you’re being lustful and wanting more from the hell of life, in which you claimed you’ve been leading, watch movie Unfaithful if and before you decide to go for it. You might get what you desire without paying for it, while your action might catch up with you later on.

          Whether you’re married or have kid(s) aside, if you’re “a person who too care about what the other people is thinking! i led a life never for myself almost these years”, watch your steps and be careful, life is a constant balance among desire, duty, will, bill… While going from ice to fire might make you feel good, I guess a moth darting into a flame might feel the same…Art is above life...

          “what a hell! what is the meaning of life? i felt i am cheated by the splended world . i should have life of my own. i should have feeling to the world of my own.” A very touching statement they are!!! Take a good ride on your own life. However, do not play victim. Victim mindset will hurt you.

          No matter what you do, good luck and wish you a splendid life!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 什么东西在家庭,责任面前都显得苍白无力, 失去的东西不会再回来
    • 好象在当躺有一个白人,最喜欢和中国女的搭讪了, 也说要散步, 要电话要EMAIL, 不知道是不是这只。 以前他在EATEN CENTER,现在转移阵地没有呢?
      • 他是不是5岁就来这里的加拿大人
        • no知道, 我有朋友, 都是刚来去当躺玩的时候被他搭讪, 后来知道他是有名的专找中国还是亚洲妹妹。
          • 我以前到是碰见过一个白人,手腕上戴着据说是自己设计的铁丝.很有创意很激进的一类人, 好象他对亚洲人感兴趣
            • 要是想找个白人做男朋友也不用找这个, 换个环境找个有正当职业的, 或者至少不是每天在大街上溜达就都挺好。
            • 这种白人这里有一些。他们觉得亚洲妹妹exotic。在性及情感上多少比较偏执。
              • 性与情感比较偏执?
                • 变态的温柔说法
                  • ! ;)
                  • 假温柔?
                    • 性与情感比较偏执=变态
                    • 变态的温柔。除了温柔、温柔、温柔、性、性、性,没别的。你对他,和她、她、她、她、她,对他都一样。完了,我是不是让你更跃跃欲试了?:)
                • 性偏执:亚洲妹妹容易唤起他们的性欲。情感偏执:这种人一般比较情绪化,应付正常生活有障碍。
                  • Liking the features of the other race is just a personal preference, has nothing to do with 偏执 or 障碍. Wake up, don't be narrow-minded. This world is getting smaller and smaller, and the choice of preference is
                    wider and wider, your words are just too opinionated and subjective. What evidence do you have to proove your words, by your own personal experience?
                    • #2354194
                      • 他说, 学生?我说移民. 他说你还没结婚吧, 我说结了,他说老天, 看着不象啊. 他说你别告诉我你有孩子吧, 我说我有. ,他说 没关系
                        • 当然没关系了,又不是要结婚。 想找一夜情的话, 也得找个相貌端正,人品不错的, 你要是觉得大街上溜达的人都可以好的话,那还不如找个专业人员解决问题。只是千万要记得保护自己, 这边人的病多。
                          • 专业人员上哪儿找?演一出Canadian Gigolo? :)
                            • Canadian Gigolo?
                              • 哈哈,我是在这儿瞎逗。楼上的提起专业人员,让我想起了李察基尔的电影《美国舞男》American Gigolo。:)
                        • 你这人也真够实份的。:) 这里这么多妹妹给你开绿灯,那你试试? :)
                    • #2354153
                    • 就这事论这事。别把别人的话拆开来讲。I might marry a white guy myself. 天哪,这帽子扣的这个冤枉。:)
                      • Sorry, I don't care (know) you're marrying white guy or not. But my pst is only towards your words in post #2354168 because it's kinda misleading, no personal attack. So please also don't use your own
                        personal judgement to judge others.
                        • You have your point. I could have been more specific and politically correct. No personal attack, but I think there’re no less personal judgment and inclination in your postings. :)
    • 就是, 支持你~~ :D
      • 捣什么乱?没看见楼主删了一帖,讲这白人男子的几个不在乎。:)
    • 中国街头找你搭话的帅哥你会理吗?如果答案是NO,说明你不是那类人,加拿大街头的帅哥最好也不要理。我十几岁的时候倒是这么认识过一个异族男人--相当汉化的藏族,穿标准西装,但是身配银刀,带巨大红珊瑚戒指
      男子气概十足,好像头雄狮走在民风文弱的江南,气质鹤立鸡群----我那阵子正对西藏好奇得要命,这辈子只有这么一次没抵挡住街头陌生男人搭讪 :-)


      • 人生是需要一些点缀的,
    • 在大街上有人给过我电话号码,有人夸过我漂亮。我当时的反应都是一愣,,,然后,没有了。各走各路了。
      • 以前我也是, 只是现在回过头来, 什么都没有----.觉得很空虚----, 这一辈子就这样过去了, 连个想念的都没有-------其实也不一定非得找大街上的人, 大街上的人也不一定全不好.
        • I think if he doesn't make you feel uncomfortable, just give him a chance to chat to get something know, to see where it goes? Never try never know.
          • 这算什么呀,看来楼主的定力还须加强。本女子早已习以为常,告诉你秘方一个:不管什么人对你这样,先说声谢谢,然后愉快交流也行,最后说声拜拜分手,
            • smart girl
    • Paul Bernardo也是英俊潇洒,彬彬有礼的。
      • :-P 建议楼上"定力不够"的JJMM们了解下PAUL BERNARDO 的故事. 也算点加拿大经验.
        • Known As; Paul Bernardo, Canadian Serial Killer, Rapist, Husband of Karla Homolka.
          • Paul Bernardo 一前也是专业人事啊, 他外祖父, 父亲, 他自己都是Accountant, Paul 也是很帅, 对女孩子特温柔有礼貌, 可惜, 太变态了, 简直可怕, 所以, 人们现在对Homolka出狱都比较担心
            • 人不可貌相嘛.掉到这温柔仙境中的人,也算多一份经历.
          • 建议大家读读这故事, 完了会对变态有比较深刻的了解 http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/notorious/bernardo/index_1.html
    • 生命需要燃烧。浪漫和风情,中国男人可以一点不输老外。我,一切再合情合理不过,想约会你, nishiwoxinzhong, 想knock you off your feet。I have sent you a private message. 但愿你不是叶公好龙式的。
      • (皇甫,借用一下,) HA3
      • 有趣,但愿这里的GGMM们个个能有这种气概!我喜欢!
      • 我们老了,不行了。。。