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i am a man, and i agree with daylight: my girl friend is very attractive to me because she is economically independent.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛She told me she won't give me any economic pressure and what she wants is only my heart. So I told her surely my heart is hers for she has already grasped it. Actually I am not afraid at all if she depends on me or not, for I know I can support both of us..
I don't mind at all if she is independent or not, but her words grasp my heart. This is an important part of the reason I love her so much. She understands me, and she at least has intention to share the burden on my shoulder(this is what I care), that means she cares about me and I don't feel lonely . To all the ladies here, I want to say, to keep a man with you ,you should be able to keep his heart instead of his phisical body. Money is very important, but sometimes money does not mind love. I told my girl friend that if someday we feel very difficult to live here in canada, i will go with her back to china, all i want to stay with her, that is priceless to me.

So there are actually many good ladies and men as well here in canada, don't always blame, try to use your heart to find one....
good wishes更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 最近跟不同的朋友一起出游, 加上以往的经验, 发现一个有趣的现象, 有一部分女人非常习惯于把LG两个字挂于嘴边, 如果有人专门记录他们LG两个字的使用频率, 会得到非常惊人的结果, 但是, 他们的LG却可以是完全不同的:
    一类女人对老公满意得不了了, 这LG无论在经济上还是人品上都经得起推敲, 这种幸福女人LG时刻不离口, 让人觉得她的生命就是因LG而精彩, 她整个一个附庸.......

    另一类女人对老公的不满时刻盈满于心, 随便某件小事就能联想到LG的无能或者不解人意, 时刻充满了牢骚, 给人一个感觉就是一旦有机会, 这牢骚才有幸可以终止..............

    无论哪一种, 个人感觉都没有什么意思, 还好不是每个女人都如此
    • 同意。我曾经发觉自己有这种倾向,赶紧悬崖勒马。
      • 是吧, 其实, 因为不如意对LG不满的, 在加拿大这个地方我还是蛮有同情的, 对于前者, 很不以为然, 生活还长着呢, 依附于别人, 如何能把握将来呢,
        再说30年河东, 30年河西 , 如果LG有挫折了, 做LP又会怎么样, 如此一个附庸到时候会什么样呢?
        • 人会随着环境的改变而改变,不用担心到时候不会生存,我记得有个网友,在国内的时候她不用工作,夫家条件很好,有足够能力使她养尊处优,
          • 嗯, 前一段倒是有理, 后一段不太苟同, 做HOUSEWIFE并不是什么附庸, 我也没有什么"国内的眼光", 人讲话只是反应一种心理
      • 每个家庭有特定的背景,何必在意别人的家庭或行为如何如何呢?不知道楼主的贴子想表达什么或者指责什么?
        • 属于饭后8挂, 不适合觉悟高尚和情趣高雅的人参与
          • 这东西传染,病毒十分恶劣。我就当面指责过朋友妻骂碰友:别在我家说这些!没看见我老婆依样学样吗?大家平常都那么累,聚一聚就是轻松一下,你这是干什么?----后来这东北大嫂再也不来串门了
            • 你做得真对.我就讨厌对着外人,一方对一方横加指责,有什么事,回家关起门来解决.在外人面前现眼什么.
            • 言重了, 我的朋友且到不了"骂"的水平, 可能真是不如意, 实在想找个地方说出来吧, 不过我感觉上频率有点高了
    • 个人习惯吧.人家老公在她眼里是个天,也许你看着她老公一钱不值.人家老公在她眼里什么也不是,也许在别人眼里已经很不错了.个人感受而矣.如果两个人真得相爱,你就忍忍,让她肉麻去吧.BTW,我不是这样的人.哈!
      • 就是就是, 你说得对, 不过我实际说的是我一个COWORKER, 天天躲不开, 加上从理论上听来感觉俺LG就差得太多了, 天天印证这个, 也是感觉不爽地说, 嘿嘿.......
        • 看来你不如她会挖掘老公的长处,从明儿起,你也天天老公老公的挂在嘴上,和她比比看谁老公优点多.让她彻底服了你,让她一提她的老公,就想起来她老公不如你老公..呵呵.......
          • 哦? 我发现你比她历害, 呵呵呵.....................
    • 能欣赏老公的长处是不错的女人了,因为爱才欣赏,为什么要去指责她呢?
    • 惊觉自己也有这方面的倾向, 感觉还是这里生活圈子太小,范围太窄, 整天就是围着老公孩子转, 也谈不出什么别的话题了.
      • 大多数人婚后不是围着孩子就是围着老公,话题当然不是孩子就是老公,我感觉不出这有什么不好,能够欣赏对方优点的女人真的是不错,
    • 女人因爱而精彩!独立的女人对有能力的男人来说没多大吸引力.
      • wrong, it's actually the other way around, self-dependent women are more attractive to men, they will win more respection.
        • 你是女的吧?
          • 你是男的吧?? 呵呵, 女人的事, 您说了不大算
        • 这种男人往往嘴上显得很有功夫, 让他找一个一无所长的女人做LP, 多半是不干的, 睁开眼睛看看加拿大就有答案了,
          • 这有个原委,能挣钱的女的,9.5成长得不好看,看看Honeywell的情况就知道.HA3
            • 嘿, 这不顶也对不起你啊, 我替你拉上来, 呵呵, 展示一下这有能力的水平啊
        • i am a man, and i agree with daylight: my girl friend is very attractive to me because she is economically independent.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛She told me she won't give me any economic pressure and what she wants is only my heart. So I told her surely my heart is hers for she has already grasped it. Actually I am not afraid at all if she depends on me or not, for I know I can support both of us..
          I don't mind at all if she is independent or not, but her words grasp my heart. This is an important part of the reason I love her so much. She understands me, and she at least has intention to share the burden on my shoulder(this is what I care), that means she cares about me and I don't feel lonely . To all the ladies here, I want to say, to keep a man with you ,you should be able to keep his heart instead of his phisical body. Money is very important, but sometimes money does not mind love. I told my girl friend that if someday we feel very difficult to live here in canada, i will go with her back to china, all i want to stay with her, that is priceless to me.

          So there are actually many good ladies and men as well here in canada, don't always blame, try to use your heart to find one....
          good wishes更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 最理想的女人是有独力的能力, 但是表现出来的形式是该独立的时候独立, 该小鸟依人的时候小鸟依人, 那叫懂事, 叫善解人意, 不叫DEPENDENT
          • so wonderful u r, and ur GF. congratulations. i love u two.
            • Me too.
              • thanks to both of you, sometimes she is worried that she may give me too much pressure,
                i said"don't worry, if only i have job, you are on my shoulder, if i lose my job, i will try best to find another one, if still no result, we go back to china, i just want to stay with you"
      • 这种话俺 一直都不是有多深的理解, 生活是自己的, "对男人有大吸引力"是女人生活的目标吗?古云自古红颜多薄命, 主要是吸多了的原因, 呵呵......扯远了, 做为一个女人, 还是独立的女人自我感觉要好得多, 管别人怎么说,
        当然, 以为做附庸最幸福的女人也不是没有, 不是我类
        • 婚姻需要相互的依附,夫妻间可能存在一个生活能力强者,另一个精神调剂能力强,不管是哪种依附,都需要互相的配合互补,任何一放想过分独立,那么这段婚姻都可能会失败.
        • honey_well是不是想告诉大家你是那种该独立的时候独立, 该小鸟依人的时候小鸟依人的女人对吗?很羡慕你的能力,不过不是每个女孩都有这个能力的,不要去要求或者指责那部分人,
          • 70%? 这么会儿你就统计完了?
            • 70%只是个保守数字,不用统计,只要你在国内乘一下公共车,稍微留意下女人们的交谈,这个数据就不难得出了,可能你不属于这70%之一,但也不用去推翻这个社会现象吧
              • 好好, 发贴子就算抛砖引玉, 你说的如果是真的, 我也算学了点知识:
      • 请问你的所谓"有能力",这个"能力"二字到底代表了多大的能量?工薪阶层的人就不要打肿脸充胖子了.
        • 工薪阶层有自食其力的能力.
    • 不只中国人有这个问题,几乎所有的老外都称呼配偶为honey, 你的意思是不是全世界人民都应该直呼配偶的名字。我不觉得称呼LG 或LP 有什么特别,只是个名字而已。
      • 哦, 吓得我又看了回我自己的贴子, 都误以为我说过不许别人叫LG了, 你看贴不仔细, 回贴倒挺尽心, 也不容易
      • 分场合。 公共场所老外直称配偶的名字更多。