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my info is the latest research result, suggested by AAP

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has revised its policy statement about breastfeeding, based on recent scientific information. Here are some of the most important recommendations:

Breastfeeding continues to be recommended for at least the first year or longer, and exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.

Routine procedures for a newborn—such as weighing, measuring, and receiving eye drops—should be delayed so that an infant can be placed in direct skin-to-skin contact with the mother immediately after birth and allowed to remain there during the recovery period. This promotes breastfeeding because infants can latch onto a breast better immediately after birth than in the sleepy few hours right afterwards.

Breastfed infants should be given a vitamin D supplement, starting at 2 months of age and continuing until the child is on formula or taking 16 ounces of vitamin D-fortified milk per day. Breast milk does not contain enough Vitamin D.

Infants should sleep in close proximity to a breastfeeding mother in the early weeks of nursing so that the mother can respond to the early signs of hunger. Once an infant is crying vigorously, it is more difficult to get her to latch on.

Pacifiers should be avoided until breastfeeding is well established, as they can interfere with feeding in the early stages. (Pediatrics, vol. 115, no. 2 [Feb. 2005]: pp. 496-506)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 请问各位妈妈爸爸们,大家都是几个月开始给宝宝加蛋黄的啊?
    • 我儿子是4个月加的,没什么问题啊
    • 可以加了,先一天四分之一蛋黄试试宝宝的反应再说。
    • 我记得你宝宝是不是过敏体质?如果是的话,晚点加,加蛋黄主要是为了补铁,如果宝宝现在吃米糊的话,里面也含铁.
    • 你家宝宝吃哪种米糊, 我现在只给孩子吃米粥和米饭. 可里面营养不全面. 还好她现在每天至少能喝1000ML奶. 一岁要能长到22磅, 正好换CARSEAT.
      • 给她多吃点吧. 我儿子6个月了, 每天早晚吃两顿米糊(早上加半个蛋黄), 中午吃一整罐HEINZ的蔬菜或水果. BREAST MILK 想吃多少吃多少. 20磅重了. 看来要换CARSEAT了.
      • HEINZ的,觉得含铁量应该够了.
    • 8 months
    • 如果孩子无不良反应,早点加好;据说孩子在4。5个月的时候有个食物敏感期,比较容易接受各种食物,过了这段时间在加副食,喂东西就比较难。
      • Now it is recommended to add other food after 6 month old. before that, pure breast milk.
        • and breast feeding as long as possible
          • 过了6个月母奶的营养就开始降低,而且吃母奶的孩子通常较难喂进其它食品,反而会营养不足。母奶最关键的是头几天的抗体,其他的就看奶好不好了,有的奶好;有的还不如配方奶。并非十全十美。
            • my info is the latest research result, suggested by AAP
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has revised its policy statement about breastfeeding, based on recent scientific information. Here are some of the most important recommendations:

              Breastfeeding continues to be recommended for at least the first year or longer, and exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.

              Routine procedures for a newborn—such as weighing, measuring, and receiving eye drops—should be delayed so that an infant can be placed in direct skin-to-skin contact with the mother immediately after birth and allowed to remain there during the recovery period. This promotes breastfeeding because infants can latch onto a breast better immediately after birth than in the sleepy few hours right afterwards.

              Breastfed infants should be given a vitamin D supplement, starting at 2 months of age and continuing until the child is on formula or taking 16 ounces of vitamin D-fortified milk per day. Breast milk does not contain enough Vitamin D.

              Infants should sleep in close proximity to a breastfeeding mother in the early weeks of nursing so that the mother can respond to the early signs of hunger. Once an infant is crying vigorously, it is more difficult to get her to latch on.

              Pacifiers should be avoided until breastfeeding is well established, as they can interfere with feeding in the early stages. (Pediatrics, vol. 115, no. 2 [Feb. 2005]: pp. 496-506)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 专家的意见也不能全部照搬,况且专家们的意见大多数时间也不尽然相同,又不断变化。说不定过了十几二十年他们又有新发现,尽可以推翻自己原来的结论而不必负什么责任,可我们的孩子不能倒回去重新养啊
    • 我儿子是刚四个月时加的,一天半个。等过一个星期满5个月了加一个。
      • 好像医生建议是隔天一个蛋黄,每周3个。
      • 鹌鹑蛋好些,不用半个半个的加。
      • 我给小宝宝加了三个星期辅食了,包括蛋黄,米糊,蔬菜糊,果糊。他很爱吃,也没有任何不良反应,消化得也很好。
    • 不要盲目跟国内比,这里的情况不同,很多过敏的情况发生,如果你的孩子是过敏体质,建议迟点加,书上好像说是8个月,米糊医生建议吃到2岁。
      • 请问你知道为什么我们仍延续在中国时的饮食习惯, 可孩子过敏的发病率比国内高呢? 我哥说给孩子多喝点鲜橙汁, 我说医生说要2岁之后才能喝. 他说我太教条.
        • 橙汁要2岁后才能喝?我医生怎么没说过呀,书上也没写。你们给一岁以下的孩子喝什么果汁呢?
    • 我觉得不一定要和国内一致,我听从HOMEVISITOR(不是华人)的建议,9个月加蛋黄,12个月加蛋青和CHEESE,现在她长得非常好,而且没有任何过敏现象。
    • 不要加! 婴儿食物中的铁足够了, 早加回增加得心脏病的机会. 中国的喂养方法很落后.
    • 一天没看就这么多答复啊.我女儿1个月时喝牛奶和豆奶的formula都过敏,现在能喝豆奶了,应该算过敏体质吧.看来还是应该晚点加好.谢谢大家.
      • 那就更要小心了,不仅蛋黄,其他的蛋白和SHELLFISH之类的也要非常小心,宝宝迟点吃这些东西没太大损失,太早吃引起过敏了,那就是一辈子的事了!
        • 谢谢提醒:)
    • 蛋白要晚, 过敏一般是对高蛋白质类食物。
    • 我也下定决心给快11个月的女儿加蛋黄了, 虽然她仍旧超级食物过敏. 请问蛋黄怎么加工才能避免吃到蛋白. 谢谢!
      • 没经验的说,是不是 鸡蛋煮好后剥开,用奶或水拌稀就可以了
        • 煮多长时间? 是煮熟就行, 还是加倍时间使蛋白质变性. 剥开后要不要把蛋黄外面刮掉一层, 因为听说蛋黄和蛋白之间有层膜也容易导致过敏.