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高了去argue呀,给你个参考: http://www.mississauga1.com/MySite/M1.nsf/5bfeddfd274a070185256f9f0029568c/aa382b140f11bbe585256f9f00290b8e?OpenDocument


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 天哪,今天看上的一房子竟有五家在抢! 我们出价是list 的97.7%, 结果当然是--没抢到. 现在有这么多人买房吗?
    • 哪个区域的房子这么热门?
    • 今天新看中的?在哪里?
    • 是不是里面有托,否则怎么会有这么多,
      • 不会这也有拖吧? 人家没卖给俺.
        • 你不就成了托?哈哈
    • 刚挂牌一星期, 在BAYVIEW/16TH 那个地区.
      • 开价36。8,我37。5没买到,成交38,没任何subjection. crazy呀!
        • 温哥华的也过来抢房子了。这房市真可怕!!
          • 我在温哥华,别误会,羡慕多伦多的房子呀。
            • 所以来试试行情?
            • 文革华美啊,哪象TORONTO,大半年都白雪哀哀...
          • 我给你的740i开的怎样了?不行试试760i.
            • 你在跟我说吗?
                • o.刚温习了一下历史,知道了。谢谢。740i嘛,叫我怎么好意思说尼。一定让你破费了不少吧。。。。
                  • 咱家车库呀。
                    • 原来那辆车是你送的啊!
                      • 兄弟你是在中国拿,还是值夜班或是没睡?明明4个轮子让你丢了俩,明儿再送你两条链子。
        • 38万在温哥华能什么样的房子?
          • sorry,昨天打错了,是46.8,47.5,48.40万以下的你看不上眼,有许多工作要做。
            • 政府也够黑D,紧跟着涨地税创收...
              • 相对说地税没多少,下offer加壹万或几万就跟买瓶水一样,壹万够租一年的房子了
          • 看看了
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Vancouver-area housing market heating up again
            After dropping off in latter part of 2004, home sales surging ahead

            After a seven-month pause to catch its breath, the real estate market has
            turned "absolutely kooky" again, in the words of one Vancouver realtor.

            Last month, Lorne Goldman of McDonald Realtors Lorne Goldman Ltd. sold a house on
            West 41st Avenue in Vancouver for $112,000 or 16 per cent, over the asking price.

            And in late January, he sold a house near Jericho Beach for $101,000 -- 10 per cent --over

            "Suddenly, in the second week of January, everyone said, 'Let's go buy some real estate',"
            Goldman said.

            After dropping off in the second half of 2004, housing sales and prices are surging ahead
            again in the Lower Mainland, with multiple-offer scenarios common for the most prized
            property types in certain neighbourhoods. West-side character homes are definitely among

            The trend is borne out in March sales statistics released by the region's two main real
            estate boards Monday.

            The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver recorded 3,938 sales in March, 10 per cent
            shy of the same month a year earlier, but still the second highest monthly total in the past
            10 years.

            The benchmark price for a detached house, calculated by the board's housing price index,
            rose 7.7 per cent to $503,141.

            The benchmark townhouse increased 10.9 per cent to $319,756, while condominiums rose
            11.1 per cent to a $248,762 benchmark.

            The Fraser Valley Real Estate Board recorded 1,922 sales in March, down nine per cent
            from last year's record 2,107 transactions.

            The average price of a single-family home rose 8.6 per cent year-over-year to $370,661.
            Apartments and townhouses both rose in value around 13 per cent to $146,362 and
            $236,998, respectively.

            A national survey by Royal Lepage Real Estate Services, also released Monday, showed
            healthy appreciation for all housing types across the region between the first quarter of
            2004 and the same period in 2005. But the biggest increases came at the affordable end of
            the spectrum.

            While the value of a standard condo rose 13.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2005 versus
            2004, a standard two-storey house increased just 8.5 per cent, Royal LePage said. Some
            of the best investments were condos in Victoria and on Vancouver's east side, increasing
            in value 28.2 and 27.2 per cent, respectively.

            The most frenzied bidding this spring, seems to be taking place in the priciest and most
            sought-after locations.

            "In neighbourhoods such as Yaletown in downtown Vancouver, some well-priced listings
            were sold the same day as listed, with multiple offers put forward," the Royal LePage
            report said.

            "People are prepared to pay a significant amount of money to be in good school districts,"
            said Goldman. Though prices are sky-high on the west side, buyers are confident their
            purchase will look good six months or a year from now, he said.

            At the same time, the supply in certain areas is severely limited. Potential vendors may be
            afraid to sell without having a place to move to, Goldman said, noting there are just 448
            detached houses for sale on the west side as of Monday. By comparison the average at
            this time of year (over the past decade) is 1,015. Back in April of 1998 buyers had 1,291
            west-side houses to choose from.

            Goldman put the 41st Avenue house, an old-timer that he believes needed another
            $100,000 worth of renovations, on the market for $689,000. There were 10 offers, he said,
            including four with no subjects that had done full inspections by the submission date. The
            successful bid came in at $801,072.

            The Jericho house, on Blenheim Street, was listed for $999,000 and sold in a similar
            fashion for $1.1 million.

            "The multiple offer situations are stretching into different price ranges," Goldman said. Plus
            the entry-level price on the west side has reached a higher plane, with just 17 detached
            homes now listed for less than $600,000.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 抢呀,争取让价格早下来
    • sorry,should be here.
      • 你和他抢得是同一个房子吗?
        • 不是一个城市,确实有“老外”也在抢,现在的经纪都坏了,开一个差不多的价。
          • 总是有特例的...俺的一50多万的挂牌,2 OFFER了,老差2万块,卖家说我们叫价得涨个2万才能达到愿望...
            • 好象您是经济,刚才的话别往心里去,只是那么虔诚的去买房,还买不到,着急,得检讨一下了,您能不能给我指点迷津,奥妙在什么地方?从地域讲我们不矛盾吧。
              • 没啥奥妙...两个字"缘分"...只要认真D把握每个可能满意的新旧LISTING机会,总会买成比较满意的房子...市场总有各种情况的LISTING出来,"失败乃成功之母","坚持就是胜利"...还有很多催人向上的语录呢....
                • 谢谢,看来同志还须努力。
            • 还有一个问题,是不是除了买家的价格,买家经济的佣金也是卖家考虑的一个问题,这么问不知合适不合适,通过几个offer隐约感觉到一点。
              • LISTING AGEEMENT在前,是POST 到地产协会的文字数据,没听说谈判时买卖双方谈这一项的啊...
                • 我是指同时多个offer,卖家挑选的时候,2个买家同样价格其他条件一样,买家经济佣金少,卖家不就多拿了吗?
                  • 这种情况有地产局有明文规定:禁止怎样...具体你可以去问你的AGENT,他不知道的话可以去公司找BROKER咨询...
                    • 谢谢。
                      • 我还是不明白。
                        卖家或list agent 是严格执行规定,还是这个佣金可商量。我这么问是不是不太合适了,我不是不愿出这部分费用,每个人都得生活,只是想弄明白这里的奥妙,以后看到dream house下offer的时候将这些因素考虑进去,争取成功,每次失败都是一次打击呀,搞对象都没这么难,就这么个木头架子塑料皮子就买不着。
                        • 心急吃不了"热豆腐"...有啥"法子"呢,道德与不道德的,LEGAL & ILLEGAL的,我能想到的,聪明的你也一定想得到...只是在我的字典里更明确D写着:"是你的就是你的,不是你的就是不是你的,一切随缘吧"...
                          市场太HOT的DEAL并一定就适合每个买家,因为那可能完全是一种上市策略,吸引多家AGENT来竞争,最后成交价走高...但也真有卖家不太计较RETURN,急于CASH BACK的,上次TORONTO一天出500多交通事故的暴风雪中,在RICHMOUNT HILL就为客人抢到低于市场1万5的1700 SQ的TH,客人很LUCKY的碰到一位很NICE,不CARE价钱的投资人,天气的原因,这间房并没在市场上有多少爆光.....但这种情况并不能常常碰到...



                          • 谢谢,随缘的心态积极争取吧。
                    • yihan 这个问题回答的好! :p
                      • 不是俺回答的好...我们公司每月有例会,讲解市场和利率走向之外,就是针对地产局出现的案例法律纠纷给予最新的注解...这个问题BROKER还真专门讲解过...
                        • 哇,你好辛苦呀,凌晨睡,7点多就起?!
                          别太透支“革命的本钱呀!”---我也常这样劝自己。 :p
                          • 不是有你这样的一周一DEAL的高手激励着嘛~~~说真D,你们厉害啊,我们公司昨吃饭几位都总公司白金大奖了,今年还只做了两个DEAL的不只一位两位...老板还继续鼓励大家自己掏腰包在各种免费报纸上加广告...
                            • 错误的地点选择的正确的职业.....:DDD
    • 是啊,现在买房子的确热门,让人大跌眼镜
      早说房子要跌价,结果first quarter还是比同期涨了6.4%。
      现在看agent发过来的信息,价格都觉得crazy,一个agent还说现在这是道,什么房子都有人买。Finch/Victoria park一个semi,挂牌不到一周,就卖出去了。
    • Which means the winter of the house industry will be coming soon; When everybody lose their control rush in, then everybody start to lose; And banks win everything; It will happen within 3 years;
      • yeah, you are quite right. price going down in 3 years. but the thing is will it go down to the current level after 3 years flying?
      • People like you said this 3 yrs ago.
    • 老牛也不明白咋回事?同一COURT的稍大一丁点,换了窗户,但靠路边,后院还有一大土坡的SEMI,比俺的贵2.7万,当天上市,当晚2个同胞的OFFER,全价卖出!整个一个不明白!
      • :O 你的价格是什么时候的?同胞都这么有银子啊?~~~
        • 这可是上周一(3月28日)发生的事.因为我买房的AGENT是这个房子的卖方AGENT,也住在同一COURT.去年11月左右,AGENT带我们去看过这SEMI,他当时估计的价比现在要少1.5万.
      • semi 比独立的贵很正常,而且同样尺寸不同style也相差甚远,这完全是case by case的,买主/卖主对房子的用途也不同(自住?出租?)一句话,市场决定一切!
        同胞谁比谁傻呀? 呵呵。
        • 市长呵,能不能把MISSISSAUGA的地税降下来?
          • 我市地税本来就不高呀。谁让你买大豪宅呢?!这是我市劫富济贫的一个手段:p
            • 幸好你是个"老"市长,不体察人民疾苦的市长是干不长的!!!老牛的SEMI是"豪宅"边上的"牛棚",地税高啊!
              • 高了去argue呀,给你个参考: http://www.mississauga1.com/MySite/M1.nsf/5bfeddfd274a070185256f9f0029568c/aa382b140f11bbe585256f9f00290b8e?OpenDocument
                • "老"市长给的连接很管用,多谢!(这才人好"老"市长:-)).老牛在MPAC注册了,看了看同一COURT的房子,不看不知道,一看吓一跳...和政府估价比,价钱还是合理的.
              • 住semi牛棚就很有钱了!不知道现在这世道,好几个客人要买糖耗子,根据他们的budget,老市长我费了9牛2虎之力都很难找到满意的,好不容易看中的,上市3,5天就sold了!客人只喊后悔,我也没辙。
    • 我个人最近买房的感觉是:地点好,房子保养好, 价位合理 的房子在市场上卖得快。 一些叫价离谱的房子(综合地点和保养)总要等到降价才能售出。但是总的来说,市场真的很热。也不知道那些人哪来的钱。