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Inquiry Information
Unless it's your own personal inquiry, every inquiry that has been made into your credit history is recorded. Details about each inquiry include the name of the creditor or potential creditor who made the inquiry and the date when the inquiry was made.

Please Note: An excessive number of creditor inquiries may adversely affect your creditworthiness.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 找Mortgage的时候,如果联系多个broker, 是不是每个broker都会check我的credit, 而最终导致我的credit不好呢?
    • 老实话,有时觉得人家瞧不起大陆的,也有一定道理
      • 有什么道理??找MORTGAGE时SHOP AROUND是再正常不过的了.这跟买房的经纪完全不同,懂吗?
        • Shop around waste a lot of energy and time just for save a little money, $4-5 dollars per month. Do you think it is really worth and normal?
          • Only $4-5/month? how do you make this number? The difference between a very good deal and a so-so deal will be thousands dollars a year.
            If you look at the responses of those posts about good mortgage, do you really think they are all caring just about $4-5/month?
      • "Shop around" is the recommedation from all the canadian people. Where are u from?
        • I don't think it is for all Canadian people. Just Chinese like to do the extremely shopping around. P-0.8%and P-0.85% is only $200 difference.
          • If you don't take care of your own money, nobody will.
            • You waste a lot of money on vacation, movies, car, party,etc. why you don't care those money, too!
              • SHOP AROUND其实不花太多时间,都网络时代了,很多信息都可以在这里找到.
                我的MORTGAGE就是在这找到的,比我HOME BRANCH给的好得真是很多,其实也就是几个电话的工夫.不要以为SHOP AROUND就象扫街似的逐家银行的问.
          • yes, it is not for "all" but for "almost".
          • I got P-0.85 one month ago, I was thinking it would be one of best offers. Two days before, I got P -1 (5 year close)- it is not only for the first year but also for the remaining years.
            • Where did you get the P-1 for 5 years rate? Could you PM me the contact info? Thanks a lot!
              • National Bank. Good Luck.
                • Great deal! can you PM me contact information too? Thanks a lot!
                  • National Bank - downtown branch. I left her contact infor at the office, will pm you tomorrow.
                    • 请PM一个给我, 多谢了!
                    • 请PM NATIONAL BANK 的联系人和电话给我, 多谢.
                    • Please PM me her contact , thanks
                    • Please PM me her contact, thanks a lot for your help.
                    • 请PM NATIONAL BANK 的联系人和电话给我, 多谢
                    • 请发给我一个broker联系方式,多谢!
                    • Can you PM me the contact information too? Thanks a lot!
                    • 能给我你的信息吗?多谢
                    • 请PM一个给我, 多谢了!
                    • Could you pls PM me her contact info. Thanks.
                    • 小不点儿, 可以PM NATIONAL BANK 的联系人和电话给我, 多谢.
                    • Would you please PM me your National Banker's contact info? Thanks.
                • I have not receive your banker info, please pm me. Thanks
                • me too. please pm me. Thanks
            • 你的MORTGAGE好得令我不敢相信,有什么附带条件吗?比如每年在那投资...或者至少存...钱等等.
              • Nothing.
                • 请PM一份您的AGENT联系方式给我。非常感谢!
            • 请PM一份给我!谢谢!
            • Pay attention! Make sure if there are some unclear implied charges in the offer from the broker.Sometimes someting is too good to be true.
      • 太自卑了。
      • 大陆人怎么了?我觉得现在的BROKER良莠不齐,找两三个问问价有啥不可?大路人以外的就那么高尚?
      • 你整个一个Loser . 比较怎么啦? savvy customer 都会比较的. 笨蛋或者别有用心的人才对此有意见呢.
        • Crap!
      • 可怜,这位一定在捂着头数被砸了几个包呢。
        • 我还得谢谢这位把我这贴搞成热点了
    • Yes. Everytime the broker submits your mtg application to the lender, your credit will be checked and negatively affected. So, be careful.
      • 我的BANKER说申请MORTGAGE而查你个人信用是不会影响你的个人信用,和申请信用卡完全不同.你可以找你的PERSONAL BANKER确认一下.
    • 前几个月看电视,是老外关于房屋买卖的节目,讲到有关部门正拟取消因申请MORTGAGE check credit, 而最终导致 credit 被扣分,不知现在有无实施。
    • 会有记录,但不会严重到影响你的credit纪录。只要不太多就好了。10个以内都没有问题。
    • No. 如果你找Broker只是为了寻价,那么就没必要查信用记录。
      • 还不明白?人家想让所有的brokers都做个完整文件,他再选一个最好的签字。
        • 哦,他这样做不好,只要先签一家,保证有人肯贷款给你就行了.然后慢慢找,到满意为止.
          • 已经从我的homebank 谈过了,没有什么手续,就是个pre-approval. 没有签任何字. 现在只是考虑这里经常欺负老客户,所以应该四处问问.
    • 找到了一个比较准确的解释:
      Inquiry Information
      Unless it's your own personal inquiry, every inquiry that has been made into your credit history is recorded. Details about each inquiry include the name of the creditor or potential creditor who made the inquiry and the date when the inquiry was made.

      Please Note: An excessive number of creditor inquiries may adversely affect your creditworthiness.
    • 给大家讲一个shopping around的例子:
      我的一个客人,老外,(曾经受过“伤害”---被mortgage broker骗过,还是20年前的事),这次死活不愿意找mortgage broker,无论我如何规劝他shopping around,非要找自己的银行,结果是可想而知,比我们这里讨论的要高多了。
      上个星期他联系搬家公司,老外的,要他$150/hour,估价搬家要$1500(其实,他的东西倒不是非常的多:4 bedroom+half garage staff, 而且,新家和老家就一街之隔), 也不包打包,纯粹的搬货卸货。我也不敢多发表意见(他们老外很sensitive :p),就向他暗示:我上次搬家,东西和你家不相上下,只花了$500,而且其中$50块是小费.....可这老兄还是拗不过弯儿,要给搬家公司交定金......我看出来了,他的理念就是:便宜没好货!
      • 搬家这事还真难说,新移民好说,一年都要来几次,东西少,出状况也就 忍了,自己也还周转得开,大家庭搬家,5年八年才一次,真要让新移民 搬家公司折腾,是省了1000,可是出了篓子。。