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some statements may attract bricks here;

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛To be frankly, it might be too late, but your friend not really 100% innocent;

1) Nothing is free in Canada, any service has a cost and price tag here; If you dream on something free, it is your problem, you will get burned sooner or later; respect effort others put on you; Even information has price; You can get it for free, it's the providers' nice but does not mean you deserve it all the time;

2) He should not sign that few pieces of papers if he didn't know the consequence; (or not thoroughly read through and understood it)

3) My personl experience is, for any signature, never trust in anybody before you really read through the papers that need a signature;

4) Be realistic, Sales personnels' major objective is the money amount he can earn from you; Never daydream on their (Liang2Xin1 or Zhi2Ye4Dao4De2) (Read "The Call of The Wild", Toronto is an untamed fighting zone, don't expect too much on other people will always do things free for you, everybody needs money to feed themself)

5) so many times I make everybody clear that I don't need any agency at my representative, (at least I am not ready yet) I can get information from www.mls.ca, and I can drive around to make any appointment with selling side agency if they have an advertisement billboard in front of their houses; and my oral english is good enough to deal with anyone who has something to sell on the market;

Anyway, be careful on any signature or verbal agreement with anybody; Anybody likes money and nobody want to give up money for nothing;

Read "the Call of The Wild", if you really understand how bulk changed, you will have a better life in TO;

I know the money is very difficult to earn, but do you think it's fare that one agent show you a dozen houses and finally you sign the offer through another agent; You may debate with me base on "anyway, this is their job, they should be prepared to show people thousands of houses and get nothing; "

Chinese people not really respect that "Nothing is Free", they always try to collect information from anybody or copy anything can save moeny if they can, and actually this is really kills our country's software industry;

If anything is cheap, who want to provide that service or product to us, this really bad to the inventors or service providers;

I am not a borker for houses, not even relate to that industry; but I just feel the problem is count on both side;更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 朋友买房的离奇经历
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛想诉说一下朋友的遭遇。。。
    这次选择了一位朋友推荐的经纪(下称新经纪),感觉大不一样,未几便看中一处,准备下offer。不料当新经纪听说他们曾经已签约,便放弃。朋友觉得很遗憾,看前经纪签的约没写期限,决定与其协商, 看能否解除。谁知她一下写了个有效期到2007年。。。可想而知朋友的感觉了,都说不想买房了。。。
    朋友两夫妇思来想去,决定要解除此和约,又和此经纪商量,可能该人也看出这笔生意是做不成了,就也来一了断。朋友没想到此经纪开出的条件是交一千块毁约费!朋友夫妇自来加后从未花过如此大手笔的钱,自己的家什也没舍得买什么好的,但考虑到是否在面谈时该经纪能有菩萨心肠,取消了该和约,于是带上千元支票前往。更没想到她除了要钱没话可谈,一气之下便想用支票解决,不料她说:只收现金!可怜我朋友白白损失后,午回梦转,久久不能成眠。。。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 很简单, 告她. 说她 Misleading . Misled 你签的协议 ... 这种可恶的 Sales 应该点出名来....
      • 请注意, 我的这位朋友"风雨兼程" 所述并非完全属实, 所做补偿虽然多了点, 但基本是我自愿, 希望大家签字要慎重, 并珍惜AGENT劳动. 到此为止
        • ????Wokao!!!无话可说!!!人钱多乐意行了吧!!!!大家伙都散了吧!啊!没啥热闹了
        • 如果你是当事人而"incredibles(风雨兼程)"是你朋友的话,你该跟他联系让他来做这个声明才对。人家明明在为你抱不平,你瞅冷子跳出来说人家不对,我们这些看客都受不了了。btw, 你到底是不是呀?
        • "珍惜AGENT劳动"?! 你是说只要找了AGENT, 无论她是否负责, 工作怎样, 满意不满意, 非得付钱不可了? 结了婚的感觉不合适还允许离婚呢, 怎么找了个不好的AGNET就粘住不能放了呢? 真让人搞不懂!
    • 这种无良经纪, 公布他/她的名字, 让其他人不再受害.
    • The buyer contract is only valid for 6 mos, and can be cancelled
      1. By Toronto Real Estate Board, the maximun time for buyer contract is 6 mos.

      2. You can cancell the contract anytime.

      3. You can make official complaints about this and he will be disciplined.
      • Not really. 根据RECO的要求,Buyer agency agreement最好六个月以下,如超过六个月,必须买主专门签字。 没有人可以单方面解除合同,否则还叫什么合同?
        • 谢谢,我一定转告朋友,真不希望看到这种无良经纪如此猖獗。
    • 1000元算是给经纪几个月工作的酬劳不多啊, 你几个月找不到看的上的房子,这和经纪没关系,经纪也要养家糊口,问题在你自己,想开吧.
      • 此言差矣
        • 你要是没看懂合同而签名,那是你太草率! 如果你看懂合同而签名,你就应该为解约而付出代价.经纪同意让你解约而只让你付1000元,已经便宜你了.这与经纪要养家糊口根本就是两回事,不搭界.
      • 付给你的钱是根据你的dervice给的。这种情况经纪应该付钱给cuctomer.某些加拿大人做生意太不老实了。
    • 如果你的朋友稍微咨询一下,就根本不必管那份合同,谁让Agent写到2007年呢?可见那位也是新手。
    • I may use my spouse's name to purchase the house if only I signed the damn agreement with the sales person.
    • 签任何文件, 要小心. 搞懂了内容再牵
    • 小意思,给那个agent写一份书面的要求中止合同就可以了,一定要Recipt.然后还可以投诉到那个Buyer aggreement 上面印的那个网站。她违反Code of Condact.
      • 关键是现在付了现金,也没recipt。你想她要现金也是不想被抓住把柄
        • 谁要钱都给?
        • 没关系。那个网站是专门约束这些地产经济的。你可以投诉的。她要自己举证,收好你的Buyers Aggreement就是证据,她故意misleading.她就别想再干这行了。
      • I signed a contract with my agent, but I just found a private sale house by myself, the seller doesn't want to pay any commssion. Can I cancel the contract with my agent in this case? Thanks very much.
        • 算了,看大家都不了解这个,我来科普一把!!关键是,俺以前差点被蛇咬了一口!!现在咱们专扒蛇皮!!!!
          • what's your recommendation?
            • 作人还是要厚道一些。这种情况,你直接FAX(书面)要求terminate Buyers Agency Agreement .再你收到Agent FAX回来的同意解除这个合同后注意生效时间的24小时后,你想干吗干吗!
              注意,你想fire一个agent的理由可以是unhappy!,这是你的rights.是protected by law 有个专门的Realtor 网站写的。我找不到了。但是合同中止后,人家带你看过的房子,你不能私下搞。否则人家可以sue你。
      • 仔细看看这个,报仇吧!哈哈!!!http://www.housebuyingtips.com/realtor.htm
        • 很感谢!报不报仇得看朋友的决定。
        • mark.
    • 不让大伙儿知道是谁,他/她还会骗其他人的。
    • 它不收支票就说明心理有鬼。收了现金又不给收据,你朋友也够老实的
      • 请注意, 我的这位朋友"风雨兼程" 所述并非完全属实, 所做补偿虽然多了点, 但基本是我自愿, 希望大家签字要慎重, 并珍惜AGENT劳动. 到此为止
        • 你连发两贴争辩,是不是当事人啊,你也可以说说你这一边的故事吗
          • 看他这么躲躲闪闪的就感觉有问题。
    • 法律规定,在没有弄清条款含义的情况下签的合同无效。所以完全可以去投诉,把钱要回来。
      • 大哥,只要说我没弄清,所有的合同都可以变无效了啊。
        • 理由要充分啊,诉讼过程可能会很长,取证也有一定困难。如果能把经纪和你朋友的谈话录下来,或者有录像就更好了。
    • 经济为什么要这么干?就是不想让你朋友买房?
    • UserID: door Nick: door Residing in: richmond hill Info Last Updated: 2005.03.20 21:57 Sign Up At: 2005.03.20 21:57
      • 无聊,自作聪明
    • 让我们斗完了地主,再来都经纪!要把阶级斗争进行到底! 我就是搞不懂:这agent如果通过这种手段生存,老婆孩子都要饿死了!有这时间和客人周旋不如去多卖栋房子?!还冒着丢license的风险?
    • You can claim your loss!!!
      I am an agent too, however, I am so upset when I see your post. This really a misleading case. you can claim your loss either from his or her broker or from insurance company which covered any misleading cases.
    • 赠你一句话, 房地产经纪最怕 Complaint . 何况你有理. 他们是有人管的.
    • some statements may attract bricks here;
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛To be frankly, it might be too late, but your friend not really 100% innocent;

      1) Nothing is free in Canada, any service has a cost and price tag here; If you dream on something free, it is your problem, you will get burned sooner or later; respect effort others put on you; Even information has price; You can get it for free, it's the providers' nice but does not mean you deserve it all the time;

      2) He should not sign that few pieces of papers if he didn't know the consequence; (or not thoroughly read through and understood it)

      3) My personl experience is, for any signature, never trust in anybody before you really read through the papers that need a signature;

      4) Be realistic, Sales personnels' major objective is the money amount he can earn from you; Never daydream on their (Liang2Xin1 or Zhi2Ye4Dao4De2) (Read "The Call of The Wild", Toronto is an untamed fighting zone, don't expect too much on other people will always do things free for you, everybody needs money to feed themself)

      5) so many times I make everybody clear that I don't need any agency at my representative, (at least I am not ready yet) I can get information from www.mls.ca, and I can drive around to make any appointment with selling side agency if they have an advertisement billboard in front of their houses; and my oral english is good enough to deal with anyone who has something to sell on the market;

      Anyway, be careful on any signature or verbal agreement with anybody; Anybody likes money and nobody want to give up money for nothing;

      Read "the Call of The Wild", if you really understand how bulk changed, you will have a better life in TO;

      I know the money is very difficult to earn, but do you think it's fare that one agent show you a dozen houses and finally you sign the offer through another agent; You may debate with me base on "anyway, this is their job, they should be prepared to show people thousands of houses and get nothing; "

      Chinese people not really respect that "Nothing is Free", they always try to collect information from anybody or copy anything can save moeny if they can, and actually this is really kills our country's software industry;

      If anything is cheap, who want to provide that service or product to us, this really bad to the inventors or service providers;

      I am not a borker for houses, not even relate to that industry; but I just feel the problem is count on both side;更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 地产经纪不可能垄断一切。 他只是为一部分人服务。良心与职业道德是由RECO来监督的。就像如果没有法律的约束, 你看看这世界会乱成什么样子。
    • 唉,交钱之前应该先上Rolia.
    • 好像合同也只管到那些由他带你看的房子。难道那个合同是卖身契?
    • 我觉得这样指明道姓,很不道德,因为全是一面之词,而且不是当事人,没准是经纪恶性竞争,做人还是厚道点
      • where 指明道姓?
        • #2191154 其实这已经足够了,华人圈子不大
          • 说的也是,这姓又不多
        • #2191152 ,差不多和点名没什么区别了。就我所知,姓这个姓的经纪人总共也没几个。还是那句话,有事说事,点名道姓好象就不是太合适了。
      • 不指明道姓,不是把所有经纪都连累了?!如果“道德”的话,是不是这事儿就不应该在这儿提,让后来者继续上当?
        • 问题是,谁知道是真是假啊?如果是恶意中伤呢?
          • 我在网上找过这个姓的,打过电话,没问两句, 就要合同什么的,立马拒绝了,不知道是不是一个人。
          • 不管是真是假,前车之锏,怎么来着?