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I have no child, but most of my friend have child,
as to my opinion,
The most tough time for your child would be the first few days after landing if you don't have friend to help you settle down.
If your friend like to help you, that means your child would have a place to stay rest while you going out looking for place to live.

After settle down, every thing will be easy.
According to Canada Law, you should not leave your kid alone at home. Means one people of you couple should stay home with you boy.
And if both of you couple get job offers, you will have to send your kid to day care center or hire someone to take care of it, the expense for child care is expensive here, you wouldn't earn much unless you two get high salary, that's why most of the family only have one adult working, the other stay at home taking care of the child.

It is like heaven for child, but tough for adult.
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  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 有一个问题真诚地请已经在Canada的朋友给个建议:我儿子现在一岁10个月,明年春我们准备去Toronto,关于孩子是否跟随我们一起去家里意见不一,老人担心孩子受苦,我们舍不得孩子。请问各位带孩子去以及留在家里的各种利弊,请告诉我您的真实体验。拜托了。
    • 我没有孩子,现在也不在加拿大,我这么想:对孩子最负责的做法,就是给他/她父母之爱。不要让孩子长时间的离开父母,长辈的意见可以参考,但是主意还得你自己拿。
    • Bring him here! Canada is the heaven of children. Don't hesitate!
      • 有没有人可以告诉我带孩子去Canada的真实体验.
        • Hi.
          I have no child, but most of my friend have child,
          as to my opinion,
          The most tough time for your child would be the first few days after landing if you don't have friend to help you settle down.
          If your friend like to help you, that means your child would have a place to stay rest while you going out looking for place to live.

          After settle down, every thing will be easy.
          According to Canada Law, you should not leave your kid alone at home. Means one people of you couple should stay home with you boy.
          And if both of you couple get job offers, you will have to send your kid to day care center or hire someone to take care of it, the expense for child care is expensive here, you wouldn't earn much unless you two get high salary, that's why most of the family only have one adult working, the other stay at home taking care of the child.

          It is like heaven for child, but tough for adult.
          • Thanks bingle,Sailor,bug and all of you.I'm much obliged.
    • 真实体验

    • greetings from igo
      Nice to join the ROLIA and will have many friends.I hope every friends will have good luck!
    • if take care of children is a good job can make money,can i take care other people's children when i care my own child? so i can have job when i care my own child.
    • 我看还是等你的生活走上正轨再让孩子来好,免得大人的心情影响孩子
    • 同样是一个母亲,我愿你珍惜母子之情。
      不知你看过没有www.chinasmile.net里那篇“辛酸的第一天”,他们在寒冷的街上带着孩子找 房子的情形相信许多刚刚落地又没有朋友帮忙的移民都会有过类似的经历,那种辛酸不是一个母亲可以言表的。我们是带着5岁的儿子来的,落地的第一天我就有想把孩子送回去的冲动。找房子的几天中,我们没有了正常的生活规律,甚至忘记吃饭,懂事的儿子跟着我们一声不坑,我手中拉着儿子的小手,心里在流泪,默默地在心中说了无数次的对不起。我们有了固定的住所之后,却又因一时没有工作而焦躁,因而时常疏忽孩子的感受。我们现在生活走上正轨,孩子带给家庭的更多的是快乐。在我们最困难的时候,我经常问儿子:“送你回北京好不好?”我们在北京曾过着优越的生活,可是儿子总是搂着我的脖子说“我就要和爸爸妈妈在一起‘,这就是孩子的最大愿望。如果你爱他,就带上他,让他同你们一起度过最艰苦的岁月,只要有了爱,孩子不懂得苦。再苦的经历,也比不上父母尤其是母亲思念孩子来得痛切。
      • I think so. but..........
        • 你贴的文章很感人,我的眼睛湿润了。但是,我们为什么多背负这一份情感的枷锁呢?我们留下孩子或带走,都是为了他好,为他少受点罪。离别是暂时的。时间可以给我们机会创造好一点的生活环境。去或留,我们无怨无悔。我们已经付出很多,又何必在这种痛苦感情中挣扎呢?
    • My opinion
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My son was born here. So your case is different. But here is my 2 cents:

      My guts feeling is that you should leave your son home for a while, say 3 months, and make a decision later on. The first few months are sometimes traumatic for some new comers. Your son needs your love and attention, but you don't want him to suffer the stress you may experience.

      However, make sure you take your personal situations into consideration.

      If both of you and your husband are IT professionals with "hot skills" and good English, leave your son at home for a while so that you and your husband can focus on job hunting. There is a good chance for an experienced IT professional with good English to land a job within a month to a half year.

      If only one of you is in IT with "hot skills" and good English, and the other doesn't mind staying home for a while, then bring your son with you.

      If none of you is in IT, leave you son home until you have a clear idea what you want to do here.

      Worst case scenario is that you brought him with you and neither of you could find a job. In a few months, you are likely to experience all kinds of family problems. You don't want you son to be part of it.

      Good luck.

      Goog luck更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • My Experience
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛We arrived Canada on May and my son is just 17.5 months at that time. Life is really hard at the beginning. It's hard to find a day care and we moved several times. At first, we lived in a friend's home for a couple of weeks in Toronto. Then we moved to London after my husband get an offer here. We sent my baby to day care in June and I begin to seek job. But I found a suitable job in Waterloo. So we decided to move to Waterloo and I take care of my baby while my husband was still in London, we just got a car and my husband have to drive to London everyday. Even my baby got sick after we sent him to day care and transfer him to another day care, he is much better now. I know there still be many difficulties for bringing a baby with us. I also feel helpless when my baby got sick. However, we passed the most difficult period.
      I also have a friends who sre studying here, she and her husband both enter a master program. For almost one year, she and her husband take care their 2 years old son in turn because they don't trust the day care. Sometimes she thought she could not finish study. Now ger son is 4 and she will continue her Ph.D. program.
      From my experience, If one can find a job quickly, and the other one like to stay at home to take care the baby or can also find a job quickly, you can bring your baby. Eventhough my baby is very naughty and let me angry sometimes, but it's so sweet just to look at him. I also heard some mother said they miss their baby very much. Everything will be better if you could pass the hardest beginning. Same for the baby.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • i'm p;anning to go to Canada. the main purpose of my immigration is the promising future of my child. So as I say don't hasitate anymore to bring your son there.