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when you should get a divorce

if your husband is making a salary of 6 digits or more and you are making minimum wage then get a divorce -- financially you will be a lot better. you can have a big chunk of his money without anything in return. otherwise stay together because financially you are not going to gain anything.
if you both have accumulated significant asset/property over the years and the main contributor is your husband then get a divoice -- now half of it is yours and you have full control of it.
if your husband is a decent person then get a divorce -- he will still look after the kids and take care of their expense and education. your kids can live with you but the support is from the other party and the burden is there as well. you basically get everything for free.
if the above is not true then think twice, no, twice and again twice, before you decide to get a divorce.
good luck.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 各位已婚的姐姐妹妹有没有曾经有想离婚的念头?
    • 为什么?估计有想法的不少,真行动的不多
    • 不光是已婚的姐姐妹妹,已婚的哥哥弟弟也有这样的念头,只可惜,居住在围城里的人,有了太多的剪不断的割舍。
    • 离又怎样? 皆是无可奈何
      • 本来就是,也就是找个伴一起生活而已,离了又能如何?
      • 离与不离,有时,是最难以下手的选择题.
        • 孩子的问题,女人的年龄,呵呵,问题大大地
      • 离了痛苦不再,离了烦恼重来。
        • 但不排除的确也有后来过得很好的.不绝对.
          • 可以一试,呵呵,再回头已百年身
      • 所以呢, 想它干嘛?
        • 找个小米来爱,呵呵
          • 退化呀, 老鼠都爱大米了. 你还在那小米
            • 小米比大米营养好啊,继续吹出新热点,呵呵
        • 有时不是自己想自寻烦恼,而是烦恼不断地找上门来,实在没法不想。
          • 一是生活压力,二是老公花心,以其人之道还制其人之身,呵呵
            • 还是算了,如果真是那样,本来已受了伤害,如果再以其人之道还治其人,到头来,怕是落个两败俱伤不说,自己受伤更深,不明智啊
              • 男人花心是本性,虽然偶是男人,不好意思!先好好交流一下吧,不用哭闹,严肃的谈,也要考虑以后的生活是否可以独立,等等问题,再做决定
    • MM认真吗? 想想, 再想想
      • 家家都有难念的经,每个CASE都不会一样,30以后或者有小孩了就算了吧
        • 出这样一个选择题:LG30小几了,LP2小几,没有小孩,该当如何处理?离还是守?
          • 拧拆一座庙,不破一门婚,这个真不好说,还要看具体情况了。而且多伦多的情况是女多男少,慎重一点吧
            • 一个国内的朋友,两人拖拍了八九年,原来偶有小隔阂,但最终无大碍。到了男朋友大学毕业了,两个人生活在一起了,争吵不断,结果最终劳燕分飞。最可叹的事,等两人分手了,才发现自己怀孕了,只好去做人流,手术又没做好,还留下一身病。
            • 说实话,在多伦多找个伴都不容易,别说找爱人了,呵呵。那就先找好目标再决定。呵呵
              • 这个说法严重错误. 不符合作人的标准
                • 但存在就是合理,很多事实吧,呵呵
                • 人也许多是自私的。往往考虑自己多了点。
                  • 人本身就是自私的,现在还年轻,火气还大,以后会慢慢习惯的,甚至懒得离婚,
                    • 握手,握手
                      • 握手,握手
    • 建议您先搞懂您最想要的,可惜的是,好像没几人能搞得懂!
      • 既想要LG会赚钱,又想要老公有时间陪,既希望lg眼光远大不要钉在家里鸡毛算皮的小事,自己多做点家务,可自己偏偏又是粗心大意的,想自己忘了别人,惹得LG经常发火。难啊。
        • 如果仅仅是这样,那就是你的问题了,而且如果这也能称为难的话,,
          • 你是男士,难免站到男士一边。
            • 不是这样的啊,看问题不能局限。不至于放眼世界,也要考虑清楚所有关联的问题啊
    • 如果感到不能忍受的话,就离吧,如果只是有重多不满,就过吧,跟谁过都一样.
      • 就是,烦恼随时存在,,,
      • 这倒不见得。想想自己辞去国内的工作,跟LG在这里受苦受累,什么时候才有出头的日子?要不是觉得有点对不住老公,凭自己的容貌和年龄,再找个也不是不可能。再说自己一直想回国去,而LG坚持要留在这里,将来也未必能长相守啊
        • 如果回国,就离吧
        • 这么清楚啦,就决定吧.
        • 你以为他就愿意受苦受累?你不想“受苦受累”,就各奔前程好了。没准那天他中彩,后悔的就是你了。。。
    • 不离再纳一个算不算?
    • when you should get a divorce
      if your husband is making a salary of 6 digits or more and you are making minimum wage then get a divorce -- financially you will be a lot better. you can have a big chunk of his money without anything in return. otherwise stay together because financially you are not going to gain anything.
      if you both have accumulated significant asset/property over the years and the main contributor is your husband then get a divoice -- now half of it is yours and you have full control of it.
      if your husband is a decent person then get a divorce -- he will still look after the kids and take care of their expense and education. your kids can live with you but the support is from the other party and the burden is there as well. you basically get everything for free.
      if the above is not true then think twice, no, twice and again twice, before you decide to get a divorce.
      good luck.
      • 婚姻就是这么一幢买卖!哈哈。
        • it is called fair game.
    • 20多岁并且没有小孩的女人要想离婚再选, 是因为她还小, 不懂事故, 尚有可原. 30多岁, 40岁的女人有这种想法, 那是脑子进水了.
      • not really. sometimes a woman will be much better off after a divorce. it is really a case by case thing.
    • 如果动了这个念头,最好还是离,否则到永远是个结。因为这是一把割裂爱情的刀,再轻也有痕。