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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛How to Dress Business Casual - Men

Many businesses allow somewhat casual attire at least once a week, but dress codes vary. Here are some guidelines for dressing business casual, which is a notch below business formal.

1. Ask your human resources department for official guidelines. Business casual means different things at different companies. At a large corporation, it may mean a sport coat with a tie; at a smaller company, it may mean khakis and a polo shirt.

2. Before you go casual, check your daily planner to make sure you don't have any meetings that require formal business attire.

3. Select clean, pressed and wrinkle-free clothes. Your outfit should communicate professionalism.

4. Wear a collared shirt with an undershirt. You can break up the oxford shirt monotony by wearing a linen or flannel shirt or one with a band collar. Knitted shirts and polo shirts are also generally acceptable. A casual sport coat is appropriate.

5. Wear khakis, chinos, corduroys or other nondenim slacks. Check your company's policy before you decide to wear jeans to work.

6. Be sure to wear a belt, and have it match the color of your shoes.

7. Wear socks that match the color of your pants'leave white socks or tube socks in your gym bag.

8. Choose oxfords, loafers, or rubber-soled leather shoes or boots for casual day. Wingtips are often too formal. Worn-out shoes, sandals or athletic shoes don't make the grade.

Observe what others are wearing to get an idea of what is acceptable, if your company has no written guidelines.

Your casual-day outfit should be formal enough that you can throw on a sport coat and meet a client.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 发现一个买鞋子的好网站,现在在大减价,同时有问题请教有经验的jjmm.
    还有个问题请教,如果没有美金的credit card, 那用这边的credit card是怎么换算的,还有没有什么其它的手续费。寄到这里还要交税吗?
    不好意思,从来没在往上买过东西,最近又想买diesel的鞋子,看到他们家的再on sale, 实在是想买啊,有经验的jm告诉偶好吗,谢谢啊!!
    • 不知道有经验的GG告诉你行不行.

      还不如试试 www.softmoc.com
      • 看了一下是免运费的,要交15%关税,不过在加拿大买东西也要交税呀,一样的
        • 我的经验
          softmoc很贵的说。 我在shoes.com 定了,虽然sale到us$4.99的鞋,我订了两双,加上tax ,shipping什么的花了can$32,有点豆腐盘出肉价钱的感觉,但是想想在这30刀也买不到两双鞋,所以就买了。 那个free shipping 只能在米国用的。另外,直接用credit card 付账就可以了,会自动兑换成美元的。真羡慕米国的mm啊,有这么便宜得好东西。
          • 直接用credit card 付账就可以了,会自动兑换成美元,但你要被收手续费。
            • 没有手续费的.
          • 我我我。。。, 要哭了。。。
            刚刚看到你的回帖,想想还是买了吧,我看上的那些diesel shoes, 在这里都要卖上$120以上。可是,the price went up during a night!!!!
            不过,还是谢谢大家了,特别是谢谢:"miaomiao_hh" mm的回复。以后遇到好地deal,记得要告诉我啊,呵呵!!
        • The custom tax is FAR more than 15%...
          • That is true. But I think it maybe include insurance.
    • 品种严重不全.
      • 美国有很多好网站,加拿大只能买到比较廉价的衣服,好点的还是美国便宜品种多
        • 小声XB一下,我基本上收藏了不下半20双CLARK各种款式和年份的鞋. 看了一下此网站款式太旧.价格也不好.......
          • 怪不得你家里的味道怪怪的.....
            • CLARK鞋比较适合40-60岁的人穿,鞋舒服,但款式比较保守,时尚的MM肯定不会喜欢
              • 英国和意大利的服饰品牌是我比较中意的. 虽然有些保守但很有内涵和恒久远的品位. CLARKS其实是很大众化的一种休闲品牌而已,有时间我写写我对真正男士品牌的体验......
                • 真没看出来老兄还有这一手, 一定要写出来,我打印后贴墙上...
                • 无意中发现同好,rolia还是有人.(#2121826)
                  • 一个真正有品位的男士应该在三十岁前就已选定自己所喜爱的一切的个性品牌从古龙到内衣.并不为所谓潮流所左右.......你说那?
                    • 好多品牌都有好东西,关键是适合自己职业,气质的东西
                      • 一个过了三十岁还没有确定的职业方向和一惯的独特气质男人他确实不需要为品牌花太多的心思.
                        • 你看误会了,我同意你的话,只不过补充一下,我的意思是不一定局限于某几个品牌。不过如果是我LG,我希望由我来帮他选服饰,我不太喜欢男人太臭美,没有针对你的意思,表误会
                          • 谢谢并理解你的意思.其实男人确实不必太刻意追求外在,内在的成熟和自信比考究的外表更具影响力和亲合力.但是由于职业的原因我确实对大多数国人尤其是大陆人的着装品位有些微词. 其实只要稍微注意一下就会好很多.
                            • 所以我想抛砖, 不是砸, 是引玉,希望有好文共享.
                            • =^_^= 其实真正的好衣服在美国,NM,BEBE,等等..有机会去看看,网上也可以买
                    • 换工作就得跟着新公司穿。我一向西装领带,结果来了加拿大要穿牛仔裤,说好听了的叫Business Casual,还真摸不准怎么个穿法,这几十岁的洋人有时穿个小马甲,挺帅气,可那是我20岁穿的,现在不好意思穿。我穿的,他们可能觉得象睡衣。
                      • 所以说,要想固定几个牌子还不太容易,有的公司要求西服,有的非正式衣服但不能牛在,有的又随便你怎么穿
                      • this maybe help you...but I still think it is a little bit formal.
                      • other words from web...
                        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛How to Dress Business Casual - Men

                        Many businesses allow somewhat casual attire at least once a week, but dress codes vary. Here are some guidelines for dressing business casual, which is a notch below business formal.

                        1. Ask your human resources department for official guidelines. Business casual means different things at different companies. At a large corporation, it may mean a sport coat with a tie; at a smaller company, it may mean khakis and a polo shirt.

                        2. Before you go casual, check your daily planner to make sure you don't have any meetings that require formal business attire.

                        3. Select clean, pressed and wrinkle-free clothes. Your outfit should communicate professionalism.

                        4. Wear a collared shirt with an undershirt. You can break up the oxford shirt monotony by wearing a linen or flannel shirt or one with a band collar. Knitted shirts and polo shirts are also generally acceptable. A casual sport coat is appropriate.

                        5. Wear khakis, chinos, corduroys or other nondenim slacks. Check your company's policy before you decide to wear jeans to work.

                        6. Be sure to wear a belt, and have it match the color of your shoes.

                        7. Wear socks that match the color of your pants'leave white socks or tube socks in your gym bag.

                        8. Choose oxfords, loafers, or rubber-soled leather shoes or boots for casual day. Wingtips are often too formal. Worn-out shoes, sandals or athletic shoes don't make the grade.

                        Observe what others are wearing to get an idea of what is acceptable, if your company has no written guidelines.

                        Your casual-day outfit should be formal enough that you can throw on a sport coat and meet a client.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                    • 三十以前睡不醒,三十以后睡不着.
            • 从3年前认识你到现在,看着你换豪华车,住豪宅,升级摄影器材.....但脚上那双发黄的旅游鞋,腰上那条都豁了扣的皮带......SG就是SG.....PFPF
          • 咦,好个信儿看了俺两双鞋,竟然也有一双是 Clarks,这是名牌吗?看来俺也蛮有品味儿的嘛。另一双是 New Balance,不知道怎么样?我是从来不看牌子买东西的,穿上最舒服的就买,懒得整天贴着个小logo,帮人家做广告,他也没给钱不是。
    • hoho~~,没想到俺法的帖子竟然成热门了,虽然大家后来讨论的已经严重跑题了:))