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No. It's easy. The hard part is to MOVE the stuff to the right position. The whole bunch is too heavy, so I cut it open (and they will swell many times), and then move a few pieces a time.

The problem is, as I said, you can only step on the studs which is only 1 1/2 inch wide. So you got to be careful not to step in between, or you'll crash the ceilling. As a result, one of your hand has to hold on to something, while the other one carry the stuff. It's a time consuming job.
Once there, it's very simple to do: just wipe the loose stuff away, put down the block ones, then put back the loose stuff. Remember that if the original loose stuff is 8 inch high, then after you move them away then back, there maybe 5 inch left, 'cuase during all these steps, they get packed.
I put R32 (R20 + R12) at the edge areas, and R20 + loose stuff in other areas in one room. Didn't touch the central areas where there's more than enough stuff already.
Note that there's a special R12 mat which has many pre-cut lines (2inch wide?) so it's very easy to tear them apart(if required) into many slimmer strips; you need such kind of strips to fill some gaps.
Also, you need to install a light at beginning.

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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 如何加装房顶阁楼隔离保温棉?
    新买房,验房师说房顶的保温棉只有8寸,让加到10寸。我上阁楼看了,房子的保温棉好象是棉絮状的(loosefill insulation),不象HD卖的一块块的,我该如何做呢,请高手指点。多谢。
    • 棉絮状的是用风机吹进去的。你买块状的直接铺在上面不行吗?
      • 多谢回复!我就是想铺块状的铺的,听说有讲究的,不能全铺,要留一定的通气孔。还有就是是不是铺的越厚越好呢?我可不想花太多的钱。
        • Here R32 is enough. You should put the block ones on the bottom, then put the loose stuff on top (otherwise the loose stuff will be packed and turn into R2 (from R20?, 8" is about R20?).
          All areas should be covered by insulation, or you'll have condensation problem at the ceilling (become wet) where there's no or not enough insulation stuff.
          You need a mask and a pair of glove for the job. Also, if you step in between the studs, you know what'll happen...
          I did one room only and all the edge areas where wind somehow "blow" the loose stuff away. The most difficult job is to move the block materials to the final position.
        • 要全铺.可以直接铺在原有的旧棉上.块状棉之间不能留缝隙.块状棉和原有保温棉之间不能有空隙.原有的通气孔不能堵住了,靠近筒灯.烟囱等地方要适当隔离(通常在包装上有说明).厚度共有10"(R32)就可以了.但现在都推荐有12"(R40).
          • 行家啊! 请问原房主把通气口也堵上了, 危害大吗? 怎样再找到那个口, 通开呢? 如果请人做, 到哪里请呢? 万分感谢!!
            • 长久来说是不好的.在阁楼里的水气无法及时排出去就可能产生冷凝水.不同的房子阁楼的通气方式是不一样的.你试试到户外顺着外墙往上看.看看屋顶的挑檐部分的排气方式再相应改进.不难.有梯子就行了.自己做.
              • 请问房子阁楼的通气方式都有那些种类?屋顶的挑檐部分的排气方式都有那些方式呢?请指教!
              • 谢谢啊! 曾经在屋檐下细细看过, 但没看到明显的气孔. 邻居家的也是一样看不到有通气孔啊. 还请指教.
    • 多谢各位大侠的指点。但我还有一事不明:我现在的loosefill insulation有8寸了,还需要10寸的R32吗?可不可以铺薄一点的,比如3 1/2的? 还有就是想问apuma,铺insulation块,真那么难吗?
      • No. It's easy. The hard part is to MOVE the stuff to the right position. The whole bunch is too heavy, so I cut it open (and they will swell many times), and then move a few pieces a time.
        The problem is, as I said, you can only step on the studs which is only 1 1/2 inch wide. So you got to be careful not to step in between, or you'll crash the ceilling. As a result, one of your hand has to hold on to something, while the other one carry the stuff. It's a time consuming job.
        Once there, it's very simple to do: just wipe the loose stuff away, put down the block ones, then put back the loose stuff. Remember that if the original loose stuff is 8 inch high, then after you move them away then back, there maybe 5 inch left, 'cuase during all these steps, they get packed.
        I put R32 (R20 + R12) at the edge areas, and R20 + loose stuff in other areas in one room. Didn't touch the central areas where there's more than enough stuff already.
        Note that there's a special R12 mat which has many pre-cut lines (2inch wide?) so it's very easy to tear them apart(if required) into many slimmer strips; you need such kind of strips to fill some gaps.
        Also, you need to install a light at beginning.
        • by "stud" I mean those 2X8 or 2X10 wood pieces which are about 1.5 feet apart. There must be a specific name for it. I got a book from Chapters
          (Black & Decker Complete photo guide to Home Repair, with 2000+ pic).
          HD has similar books.
          Also, it's better to put 2 layers of mat, with the second layer at a 90 degree angle than the first one.
        • Dug out my original plan and found that actually what I did was put R32 at the edgs. But at the center, just put the R20 mat on top, 90 degree of those supports woods(so the loose stuff was packed to the
          height of the wood pieces).
      • 共有十寸或十二寸厚就行了.(R32 OR R40)
        • 明白了,很具体,谢谢指点。我今天查了验房报告,我原来只有6寸的保温棉,这下要加4到6寸了,工作量大了,花钱也要多了。
    • 谢谢各位大侠,说的很详细。但apuma的介绍里,我有个问题:那就是,为什么非要把块状的放到底下呢?这样肯定要增加工作量了,放到上面不是简单些吗?不过我理解了你的旁边多中间少的方案,挺可取的。
      • at the edge area, "wind" will swirl the loose stuff away(that what happened to me). So I put the mat at the buttom&top. I put mat on top in the middle areas. I don't want to do it twice.
        Actually, when the loose stuff get blown away and leave a total of over 1 square meter area, the house is still under new home warranty. The builder can fix it -- just wipe the stuff back (what they did to a friend's house). I don't want this to happen again. So I did it my self, once for all.
        • 保温棉为什么会给吹走呢?可能咱们的房子的通风系统不同吧,我的房顶的挑檐部分没有通气孔,我的房子是30多年的Bungalow。
    • 全面查看了几位高手的回复后,发现理解错了一些意思,但带给我一个想法,能否在房子边角放厚一些的保温棉而在中间或朝阳(南)的一面少放一些(薄一些)呢?请各位大侠指点,我想减轻一些工作量,和减少些花费。
      • 太懒太省是没有好结果的。
      • 今天去了HD发现R20的保温棉有两种规格的一种15"X47",一种23"X47",大的稍贵些,我应该用哪个型号呢?是不是大的要好些?
        • You should climb into your attic and check the gap width of these wood boards and buy the right size one.
        • If you just put them on top, then I gues it doens't matter. The wider one may be easier to do.
          • 谢谢了,和我想的一样。