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There is no justice, there is only benifit. U.S 维持世界秩序 only for their benifit. Civil Train in (Ugaslovia) has been the target of U.S army.

“军事行动中平民死伤” 和 “以平民为目标” 的区别 is hardly to tell.
do you think that Chinese Embassy is bombed by accident? No.
When I watch "America under attack", I felt so sorry, I cried.
But according to U.S' logic, then it should happen. Previous leader of Ugaslovia slaughtered 平民, then U.S can bomb their capital. Iraq invaded Kuait, then U.S can use chemical weapon to attack them, now they do not let the medicine, food come into Iraq. U.S support Isral in middle east. How many innocent Arabic died?
This is U.S logic. According to their own benefit, they have to sacrifice innocent people.
Then why should their own people been sacrificed?
I only feel really really sorry for what happened yesterday. It is a really shame for all human being.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 不得不说的话:不喜欢美国就别来加拿大

    如果有人分不清楚 “军事行动中平民死伤” 和 “以平民为目标” 的区别,说美国也是搞恐怖活动,我为他们的理解力可惜。


    Rolia是加拿大的论坛,居然rolia上也有这种人。 这些人真不该来加拿大。Canada does not welcome people like these.

    加拿大一样讲民主人权,之所以没有维持世界秩序,是力量不够。加拿大和美国在政治方面是一致的,能力不够而已。Look at Toronto Star, you get to know what the mainstream in Canada is. 这两个国家是一样的!

    • 我最烦听到的就是“Canada does not welcome people like these“,你只不过是和我们一样的移民,你凭什么说这样的话?我们作着合法的事,我们纳税,我们就是这里的主人。
    • 美国是舵手,美国是 灯塔, 美国是北斗星

      唉, 还在等绿卡, 烦烦烦...
    • 加拿大和美国是不一样的, 加拿大是各种文化的混合体,美国则是一个大熔炉。加拿大容许各种文化的存在,美国则是美国的民主价值观占据了美国的上层建筑。 美国人的这次悲剧就是源于这样的价值观。
      • The cultures are different, but I mean the view of value between the two countries are identical. In fact the whole western world share the same view of value.
        People hardly get my point: If people don't like such view of value, why still bother to come to such society?
        • Are you sure? Ask Frenches and Germans? I guess they belong to your western world.
        • Who told you that? Yesterday when a report asked a Canadian man if we are safe, guess what's his answer.
    • 兄弟,你喜欢跟在’主流‘后面,别人管不着。不过,你上面这句话,是不是有点忘乎所以了?
    • 向 巴 勒 斯 坦 这 种 没 有 军 队 没 有 政 府 的 民 族 , 军 事 行 动 又 是 对 准 谁 的 ? 你 算 了 巴 。
      • Don't mix things up. Even Alafat say sorry for that.
    • 收 起 你 那 一 套 好 不 好 , 这 不 是 民 主 和 独 裁 的 斗 争 , 这 是 生 存 和 压 迫 的 斗 争 , 为 什 么 老 要 往 美 国 人 头 上 插 鸡 毛 ?
      • Prove it please. who want to survive? Ben Laden?
    • 正因为受够了八国联军的罪,才来这学点东西,更好的对付强敌。
    • 喜欢美国就去美国
      Canada is not US. Canada did not follow US in bombing Iraq 10 years after the Gulf War. Only Britain did. There are common interests between Canada and US, but not always the same.
    • “不喜欢美国就别来加拿大”,什么逻辑?
    • you are so funny
    • 不同意你的观点。美国就是因为能够容纳各种观点才能发展到今天有实力自封老大。但是我也反对因美国的霸权就为恐怖主义叫好,崇拉登为英雄的做法。
      • Could you tell me why 美国 need to apply its "霸权"?
        • 为美国自己的利益。
        • 你真不知道美国为什么支持以色列和打伊拉克?
    • I don't like US, but I like Canada, what power do u have? why don't let me come Canada? go out here.
    • There is no justice, there is only benifit. U.S 维持世界秩序 only for their benifit. Civil Train in (Ugaslovia) has been the target of U.S army.
      “军事行动中平民死伤” 和 “以平民为目标” 的区别 is hardly to tell.
      do you think that Chinese Embassy is bombed by accident? No.
      When I watch "America under attack", I felt so sorry, I cried.
      But according to U.S' logic, then it should happen. Previous leader of Ugaslovia slaughtered 平民, then U.S can bomb their capital. Iraq invaded Kuait, then U.S can use chemical weapon to attack them, now they do not let the medicine, food come into Iraq. U.S support Isral in middle east. How many innocent Arabic died?
      This is U.S logic. According to their own benefit, they have to sacrifice innocent people.
      Then why should their own people been sacrificed?
      I only feel really really sorry for what happened yesterday. It is a really shame for all human being.
    • Does not make any sense!!
    • 什么话?我干嘛非要跟什么所谓“主流”一致,干吗要跟谁思想保持一致。累不累呀你?
    • 啥逻辑, 加拿大与美国与许多不同. KIWI看来根本没在美国生活过. 胡批.
    • KiWi真的是幼稚,你知道什么叫民主吗,民主就是要有不同的声音。要是加拿大都是你这样的人, 加拿大早就被改成美国的加拿大州了。
    • Who are you? why you can say this?
    • 你可能从来没有和真正的加拿大人聊过。其实加拿大人民并不喜欢美国,要不然也不会有那么多加拿大人喜欢去年去世的总理Trudeau了, He for the first time stood against America. 加拿大人把美国比成沉睡的大象,安全与危险并存。
      要不然也不会有那么多加拿大人喜欢去年去世的总理Trudeau了, He for the first time stood against America. 加拿大人把美国比成沉睡的大象,安全与危险并存。
      • 这不是喜不喜欢美国人的问题,恐怖事件永远是大家不愿意看见的,谁能预言将来,谁能预测911事件发生,那么多普通公司员工,精英早上与家人GOODBYE KISS时,绝对没有想到再也见不到家人了。。。
        • 巴格达, 南斯拉夫的平民百姓们就能够预见到美国的炸弹会落到自己家里吗?
          只是为这些平民百姓们可惜, 为什么国家专政机构的错总是要人民来承担灾难和痛苦?