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Enigma's theft of the Ami People's Cultural Heritage

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Enigma's theft of the Ami People's Cultural Heritage
From Mark Munsterhjelm, Shihlin, 10 May 1998

The issue of Taiwanese aboriginal people's intellectual property is a serious one in Taiwan. Everyday on TV in Taiwan aboriginal symbols and music are used to sell this or that product. It is cool now to do the aboriginal thing and exploit the heritage of the Taiwanese aboriginal population. Politicians dress up in aboriginal costumes and do a few steps of a dance for a media photo opportunity. Variety shows have the occasional aboriginal dance troupe. The stereotype of the happy natives dancing and singing in the mountains ignores the Taiwanese Aboriginal's difficult reality. Taiwan's First Nations comprise about 2% or 340,000 of Taiwan's 21 million population. The 9 remaining legally recognized tribes are the: Ami, Atayal, Bunun, Rukai, Saisiat, Tsou, Yami,Puyuma, and Paiwan. Their situation is similar to indigenous peoples around the world: they are the society's poorest group, suffer from discrimination and inequality, and are culturally under attack.

Recent insults include the use of Yami tribesmen in a Kirin Beer TV commercial and Taiwanese aboriginal dancing in a Mitsubishi car commercial. Kirin Beer is owned by Mitsubishi. Mitsubishi is one the most destructive multinational corporations in the world. It is responsible for helping destroy the homelands of many aboriginal peoples including for example the Penan in Malaysia' Sabah and Sarawak provinces.

The most famous and blatant example however is the illegal use of Ami people's intellectual property by the pop group Enigma in the song Return to Innocence from the CD Cross of Changes. This song was the theme song of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. The main chorus of it was sung by Difag (Chinese name Kuo Ying-nan) and his wife, Igay (Chinese name Kuo Hsiu-chu) of the Ami people of eastern Taiwan. They were part of a Taiwanese aboriginal cultural performance group that toured Europe in 1988. During a performance in France, an unauthorized recording was made by the Maison des Cultures du Monde. This recording was made into a CD and released commercially. Enigma then used samples from this CD to make the chorus on Return to Innocence.

Responding to a letter about this violation the Maison des Cultures du Monde eventually agreed to pay FF15,000 (less than US$3000) as a symbolic fee to the Chinese Folk Arts Foundation. Enigma, whose CD Cross of Changes sold millions of copies worldwide, to date has refused any compensation saying that it had legal permission from Maison des Cultures du Monde to use the samples in question. Lawyers on behalf Difag and Igay are currently pursuing legal action to obtain compensation.

The Taiwanese aboriginal peoples have had nearly everything taken from them. Since the Dutch first occupied Western Taiwan in the early 1600 and the subsequent conquest and colonization by the Chinese, the indigenous peoples have suffered hardship and suffering at the hands of outsiders. First their lands were taken, then for the western Aboriginal peoples their cultural identity as they assimilated into Chinese society.

The Aboriginal tribes of eastern mountainous areas were independent until the brutal conquest and subjugation by the Japanese beginning in 1895. This followed Beijing giving Taiwan to Japan as part of treaty ending the Sino-Japanese War even though Beijing only had control of the east of the island. For thirty-five years the aboriginal peoples periodically rebelled against the repression of the Japanese. The final rebellion in 1931 at Wushe by the Atayal people was finally put-down after extensive massacres of thousands and bombing by the Imperial Japanese Army.

The transfer of control from Japan to the Republic of China after World War II was also a disaster for the Aboriginal peoples. Taiwan was given as a gift by the Allies to the bloody tyrant Chiang Kai Shek as war booty after the Japanese defeat. From 1946 to 1949, 1 to 2 million Mainland Chinese flooded into Taiwan as Chiang Kai Shek's Nationalist (KMT) armies retreated following their defeat by Mao Tse Dong' Communists. There were many tens of thousands of Taiwanese and Aboriginal peoples killed during the reign of terror that followed the KMT's occupation. The most terrible was the February 28, 1947 rebellion by Taiwanese against the new occupiers. 10,000 to 30,000 were killed in the reign of terror that followed February 28, 1947 uprising.

Forced assimilation policies by the KMT have devastated the Taiwanese Aboriginal peoples' societies. All Taiwanese people were forced to speak Mandarin Chinese. Traditional cultural practices were repressed and Christian missionaries were let loose to convert aboriginals. So successful were the missionaries that 75 to 80% of Taiwan's aboriginals are now Christian.

Under the weight of these sustained attacks the Taiwanese Aboriginal cultures are crumbling. Fewer and fewer children can speak their cultures' language. The cultural homogenizing force of TV and commercial films are further damaging remaining 9 tribes' traditions.

The Aboriginal peoples of Taiwan are trying to save their culture but it is a difficult struggle in the face of the global corporate cultural juggernaut. Enigma is part of this globalization onslaught. Enigma uses a phony contrived pseudo-mystical cloak to hide it's true identity. This exploiter uses traditional culture to sell all sorts of Enigma merchandise including Enigma wristwatches, leather jackets, T-shirts, sweatshirts etc.

Enigma is part of the sampling assault on tribal cultures. By using samples of indigenous music these corporate music monsters trivialize the sacredness of their victims' cultures. Music in it's truest manifestation is an expression of our souls. Enigma takes these sacred traditions and sells these to be used in car commercials for example.

I refuse to buy anymore Enigma CDs and I hope you will join me in a boycott of this group and Virgin Records until proper compensation is given. Enigma is no mystery it is just another bunch of thieves. Maybe you can sent a complaint letter to: www.virginrecords.com asking for compensation and an apology.

Sincerely yours,
Mark Munsterhjelm
Shihlin, Taipei, Taiwan
E-mail: gustav88@ms13.hinet.net更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 第2期《歌飞飞》点歌台即将推出,这次由我为大家主持。已有下面几首歌曲点播。有其他要求的朋友们请跟贴。
    • 《沧海一声笑》-----流水 点播
    • 流浪的小孩------学游泳的海盗 点播
    • 我爱你那么多-----小飞猫 点播
    • <<飘雪>> --------- 开闸灌水 点播. 祝: 我的LAI3LAI3身体健康
      • Who is LAI3LAI3?
        • grandma
          • It should be NAI3NAI3
            • Nai3Nai
    • 夜上海-----国民党收音机里播的那种
      • 那不就是周璇的版本?呵呵。和火姐的蓝盈盈的天有一拼
        • 要听起来带着颤音的~~~~
        • 一定要那种老式收音机里面播出来,没高音也没低音,颤颤巍巍的.....特别有味道
          • 旧木地板上一把老摇椅, 半锈的风扇呀呀地转, 亭子间的岁月凝成了另一个上海滩------------编剧,王安忆; 导演, 关锦鹏; 主演, 大隐隐于市的外婆.
      • 不如<望穿秋水>, 更靡.
        • 一个10里洋场的快活,一个伊人不见的寂寞。egg不可能喜欢后者d~~~
    • 点《十年》。
      • 刘德华的还是陈亦迅的?
        • 陈,谢谢。
    • 我点“红梅花儿开”, 送给我的父亲母亲!祝愿他们乐观幸福、健康长寿!谢谢!
      • "红岩~上very 红~~梅~开哎哎哎" - very classic; all the best to your parents.
        • ??我还以为是苏联歌曲:青青小河边,红梅花儿开,有一位少年本是我心爱。。。。
          • 是的. 还是你(等)心灵青春些. 我那应该是<<红梅赞>>
    • 鳟鱼
      • 你好高雅奥
        • 是吗?前面阿秧“满腹的心里话儿没法讲出来”,我就想起来小时候老听的一个磁带里下一首就是鳟鱼,呵呵。原来这曲子狠高雅的吗?
          • 舒伯特啵; 好称是艺术歌曲的
            • google了一下,好像是来头不小的说,呵呵。
          • 音乐我不止门外, 几乎跌到山下去了, 算山下汉吧-----但我爱的是''财可夫是鸡''-----什么G大调还是E大调小提琴协奏曲(就是''和你在一起''片尾那首, 还有一个更喜欢---如歌的行板
            )----是不是因为他的音乐比较浅显,容易懂// 前者如在群山上跑, 后者象是大河里淌...........
    • BACK TO INNOCENT---我不知道怎样收听, 我就想说这首歌简直.....你们听了就知道了.
      • Enigma的Return To Innocence?据说那个是受到台湾寺院和尚念经的启发写出来的
        • 象象象, 难怪有人说我有佛缘, 梵音入密,荡涤尘心啊....不过, 这肯定是''据'' 你自己所''说''.
          • Enigma copied part of the melody from "Jubilant Drinking song" from Taiwan native vocalists Mr and Mrs. Kuo (Chinese name: Kuo, Yin-Nan, but I don't know their native names)
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It's a great song! But unfortunately, I can only give this song 4 stars, because of the following reason: Enigma copied part of the melody from "Jubilant Drinking song" from Taiwan native vocalists Mr and Mrs. Kuo (Chinese name: Kuo, Yin-Nan, but I don't know their native names) when those Taiwan native vocalists were invited to sing in the international folksong concerts held in France before 1994. Enigma even used their original singing in the beginning of the song! The "Jubilant Drinking song" is used to sing while drinking with the friends or local tribes for Taiwan natives who live in the eastern coast facing the Pacific Ocean. That is why the melody has the favor and attitudes of the ocean tides hitting the rocky coasts!

            After some court suings and legal settlements, the CD company paid those Taiwanese vocalists the the royalty of that song, and print their names on the new release of that song later. The Taiwanese vocalists were invited to the opening ceremony of 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games in U.S.A. and sang with Enigma. That is why I give this song 4 stars.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Enigma's theft of the Ami People's Cultural Heritage
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Enigma's theft of the Ami People's Cultural Heritage
              From Mark Munsterhjelm, Shihlin, 10 May 1998

              The issue of Taiwanese aboriginal people's intellectual property is a serious one in Taiwan. Everyday on TV in Taiwan aboriginal symbols and music are used to sell this or that product. It is cool now to do the aboriginal thing and exploit the heritage of the Taiwanese aboriginal population. Politicians dress up in aboriginal costumes and do a few steps of a dance for a media photo opportunity. Variety shows have the occasional aboriginal dance troupe. The stereotype of the happy natives dancing and singing in the mountains ignores the Taiwanese Aboriginal's difficult reality. Taiwan's First Nations comprise about 2% or 340,000 of Taiwan's 21 million population. The 9 remaining legally recognized tribes are the: Ami, Atayal, Bunun, Rukai, Saisiat, Tsou, Yami,Puyuma, and Paiwan. Their situation is similar to indigenous peoples around the world: they are the society's poorest group, suffer from discrimination and inequality, and are culturally under attack.

              Recent insults include the use of Yami tribesmen in a Kirin Beer TV commercial and Taiwanese aboriginal dancing in a Mitsubishi car commercial. Kirin Beer is owned by Mitsubishi. Mitsubishi is one the most destructive multinational corporations in the world. It is responsible for helping destroy the homelands of many aboriginal peoples including for example the Penan in Malaysia' Sabah and Sarawak provinces.

              The most famous and blatant example however is the illegal use of Ami people's intellectual property by the pop group Enigma in the song Return to Innocence from the CD Cross of Changes. This song was the theme song of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. The main chorus of it was sung by Difag (Chinese name Kuo Ying-nan) and his wife, Igay (Chinese name Kuo Hsiu-chu) of the Ami people of eastern Taiwan. They were part of a Taiwanese aboriginal cultural performance group that toured Europe in 1988. During a performance in France, an unauthorized recording was made by the Maison des Cultures du Monde. This recording was made into a CD and released commercially. Enigma then used samples from this CD to make the chorus on Return to Innocence.

              Responding to a letter about this violation the Maison des Cultures du Monde eventually agreed to pay FF15,000 (less than US$3000) as a symbolic fee to the Chinese Folk Arts Foundation. Enigma, whose CD Cross of Changes sold millions of copies worldwide, to date has refused any compensation saying that it had legal permission from Maison des Cultures du Monde to use the samples in question. Lawyers on behalf Difag and Igay are currently pursuing legal action to obtain compensation.

              The Taiwanese aboriginal peoples have had nearly everything taken from them. Since the Dutch first occupied Western Taiwan in the early 1600 and the subsequent conquest and colonization by the Chinese, the indigenous peoples have suffered hardship and suffering at the hands of outsiders. First their lands were taken, then for the western Aboriginal peoples their cultural identity as they assimilated into Chinese society.

              The Aboriginal tribes of eastern mountainous areas were independent until the brutal conquest and subjugation by the Japanese beginning in 1895. This followed Beijing giving Taiwan to Japan as part of treaty ending the Sino-Japanese War even though Beijing only had control of the east of the island. For thirty-five years the aboriginal peoples periodically rebelled against the repression of the Japanese. The final rebellion in 1931 at Wushe by the Atayal people was finally put-down after extensive massacres of thousands and bombing by the Imperial Japanese Army.

              The transfer of control from Japan to the Republic of China after World War II was also a disaster for the Aboriginal peoples. Taiwan was given as a gift by the Allies to the bloody tyrant Chiang Kai Shek as war booty after the Japanese defeat. From 1946 to 1949, 1 to 2 million Mainland Chinese flooded into Taiwan as Chiang Kai Shek's Nationalist (KMT) armies retreated following their defeat by Mao Tse Dong' Communists. There were many tens of thousands of Taiwanese and Aboriginal peoples killed during the reign of terror that followed the KMT's occupation. The most terrible was the February 28, 1947 rebellion by Taiwanese against the new occupiers. 10,000 to 30,000 were killed in the reign of terror that followed February 28, 1947 uprising.

              Forced assimilation policies by the KMT have devastated the Taiwanese Aboriginal peoples' societies. All Taiwanese people were forced to speak Mandarin Chinese. Traditional cultural practices were repressed and Christian missionaries were let loose to convert aboriginals. So successful were the missionaries that 75 to 80% of Taiwan's aboriginals are now Christian.

              Under the weight of these sustained attacks the Taiwanese Aboriginal cultures are crumbling. Fewer and fewer children can speak their cultures' language. The cultural homogenizing force of TV and commercial films are further damaging remaining 9 tribes' traditions.

              The Aboriginal peoples of Taiwan are trying to save their culture but it is a difficult struggle in the face of the global corporate cultural juggernaut. Enigma is part of this globalization onslaught. Enigma uses a phony contrived pseudo-mystical cloak to hide it's true identity. This exploiter uses traditional culture to sell all sorts of Enigma merchandise including Enigma wristwatches, leather jackets, T-shirts, sweatshirts etc.

              Enigma is part of the sampling assault on tribal cultures. By using samples of indigenous music these corporate music monsters trivialize the sacredness of their victims' cultures. Music in it's truest manifestation is an expression of our souls. Enigma takes these sacred traditions and sells these to be used in car commercials for example.

              I refuse to buy anymore Enigma CDs and I hope you will join me in a boycott of this group and Virgin Records until proper compensation is given. Enigma is no mystery it is just another bunch of thieves. Maybe you can sent a complaint letter to: www.virginrecords.com asking for compensation and an apology.

              Sincerely yours,
              Mark Munsterhjelm
              Shihlin, Taipei, Taiwan
              E-mail: gustav88@ms13.hinet.net更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 真能搬, 有带翻译的吗, 最怕看英文.
    • 除了爱你还能爱谁
      • 这个我很喜欢~~~
    • 我的秋天
    • 这次的点歌先到这里,我尽量满足大家的要求,谢谢大家的跟贴。