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Updates!!!!! Thermal power and waste water treatment (Industrial & Municipal)

Here goes the employers reply. Hope it will be helpful. Again, please <b>do not </b>contact him directly as I don't want to break my words. Thank you. My email is feng_zou@hotmail.com

Hello Feng,

We are still working on setting up an EPCM Engineering, Procurement,
Construction and Manufacturing)office in HK to service the power generation
and waste water treatment sector. I am expected to be in HK @ the end of
this month considering justification to my being there. I spoke briefly to
XXXXXXXXX, could not talk as the noise was too loud @ his work. My
intention is to talk to the three engineers when more information from HK
becomes available.

NOTE: if you have more engineers in Thermal power and waste water treatment (Industrial & Municipal) please don't hesitate to forward their resume to me.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 职位情报 / 回国工作机会,需有fabrication, 和BIOLER经验
    一个老外朋友的老外朋友问我是不是可以帮他找一个中国工程师到香港或广州工作,他们已经在香港和广州设立办事处,准备在广州建厂,具体做什么我也不清楚,他只是说需要有fabrication, 和BIOLER的经验,他刚从中国回来,说中国的关系很重要,所以这个人一定要认识很多业界关系和政府关系,好帮助建厂。

    总公司在MONTREAL, 他说他们在中国的办事处也在帮助找人,不过他希望能在加拿大找,和他交流比较方便,我觉得这是对想回国的人的很好的机会,又能保住身份,又能回国。如果你感兴趣,请把简历发到feng_zou@hotmail.com,他有感兴趣的就直接联系了,请不要和我follow up,我会把你们所有的简历发给他的。

    • 能回国!!! Great,
      But I don't kwow fabrication, 和BIOLER.
    • 是不是Boiler啊,那可是快乐老家的本行~~~
      • 据说要6+YEAR EXPERIENCE, 快老才5年,可惜了。
        • 我怎么才五年就老了?还是谢谢您。
      • 感谢您还想着我,有机会一定相会和报答。。
    • a little detail, Please.
    • 我,我,我,我现学! Quick learner ....行不?
    • A Little detail, Please
    • bioler 可不是boiler,应该是boiler 吧!
    • 感兴趣.能不能给个公司的网址看看,俺可是从广州过来的,正中锅炉专业
    • 该公司是搞电站锅炉还是工业锅炉?是否只是搞燃烧器的公司?多谢!
      局我了解加拿大没有锅炉方面的工厂在MONTREAL。在CAMBRIDGE有美国BABCOCK&WILCOX工厂,主要是做核电方面的STEAM GENERATOR,也有部分火电。在NIAGARA FALL 附近的Foster Wheeler公司是做工程方面的设计,余热锅炉配套大化工厂,他们在加拿大没有生产基地。请教老兄,能否告之公司的名字,该公司是搞电站锅炉还是工业锅炉?是否只是搞燃烧器的公司?多谢!
    • 我不是这个专业的,我真的不知道技术细节了,估计我问也问不清楚
    • Thank you so much for sharing the info. The company is in the EPC area, I feel. 系统成套
    • Updates!!!!! Thermal power and waste water treatment (Industrial & Municipal)
      Here goes the employers reply. Hope it will be helpful. Again, please <b>do not </b>contact him directly as I don't want to break my words. Thank you. My email is feng_zou@hotmail.com

      Hello Feng,

      We are still working on setting up an EPCM Engineering, Procurement,
      Construction and Manufacturing)office in HK to service the power generation
      and waste water treatment sector. I am expected to be in HK @ the end of
      this month considering justification to my being there. I spoke briefly to
      XXXXXXXXX, could not talk as the noise was too loud @ his work. My
      intention is to talk to the three engineers when more information from HK
      becomes available.

      NOTE: if you have more engineers in Thermal power and waste water treatment (Industrial & Municipal) please don't hesitate to forward their resume to me.
      • I sent my resume to your e-mail account. Thanks. Do not worry, I do not have their / his contact information
    • Thanks. I sent you my resume a couple of days ago. I am wondering if you have got it.
      • I am not so sure what name you were using to send your email. If you were using zxying(John) or similar, I didn't receive it. Please send it again
        • The name that I used is John. I will try it again with another email account.
        • 已发(用hotmail发的),请查收.上次是用gmail.com发的