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If you write to his boss, his boss may just tear it down. How can an employer involve into the personal affairs

of employees. Writing to his new wife will not work either. You have to get away from this matter and move on. Early this year in National Post there is an article stating about a Montreal man, pretended to be an American millionare, made a love affair with a girl in Windsor Ontario. The girl and her familiy gave him 250K in the 3 years' relationship for the help asked the man, and the dream of investment return. Later the man just disappeared. The case is still pending in the court, very difficult to get all money back according to that article.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 被骗以后;
    我朋友(李)来加5年,三年前认识了一个巴基斯坦人,此人来北美已经10年,刚30 出头,人很标志,有很好的工作。他们谈朋友3年,在此3年里,李为他做了很多,放弃了去美国的机会,当他家里有困难的时候,她倾囊而出。没有要求一份回报。李是个想法比较简单的人,他希望和巴哥结婚。结果,一日,巴哥告诉她,他家的人不允许他娶 非穆斯林!李只好和巴哥分手。巴哥也在同一个月搬家,不知去向。每次李给他办公室打电话,他都不再接听。但2月前,李通过一个意外的途径才知道,巴哥已经在2年前和一个巴基斯坦的女孩订婚,并且在和她分手的几周后把此女接到了加拿大!此意外一,同时巴哥还有另外的一交往4年的美国女友,巴哥每月比飞美国看望。结婚后,巴哥也不再去美国。
    李很伤心,同时也觉得自己太天真。白白将3年青春交付给一个骗子!李很想给巴哥妻子写信,告诉其劣迹,也想给巴哥公司写信,揭露其骗子的行径。当李 也有一份正式工作,不想失去,但又不能忍了此口气。请问各位网友,如何是好???
    • 您这朋友来加五年, 怎么还是国内的思维方式, 个人问题想给人家单位写信. 这边公司是不管你personal 的事儿的。
      • 国内的公司也早不管这种事儿了。给八哥妻子写信,徒增那个无辜女子的烦恼,对那情场无赖毫发无损。
        • 唉, 遇到这种事就痛定思痛, move on 吧.
    • 看来只有忍着拉
    • KAO, 这骗子好厉害,3年? 你朋友真是傻的可以. 这里的人都知道买车都不可以找印巴人...
      • 她的目的只是想让别人知道“巴哥”是坏人。而且,巴哥很看重他的工作,想把他搞臭!
        • 就是为了报复, 出口汽?
        • This is so called "Love affair" No one cares about it.
    • 李某真SB
      • 各位是否知道,她这样做,会不会引起法律纠纷,卷进官司?
        • 那还不好?要闹还不闹大点儿?
          • 这能轻易玩的吗?一上升到法律高度,想停都停不下来了.
    • “倾囊而出”有证据没?有证据去法院告他阿。比如BANK STATEMENT,CHEQUE存根。
      • 她有银行的statement,但是她提了现金,5000打了。
      • 没用的。看Judge Judy,好多这种恋爱纠纷的案子,爱着的时候是gift,不爱了就说是debt,当时是你情我愿,法官也没法弄,只能驳回。
        • 我也看JUDGE JUDY 啊,好像说是GIFT的人一般都被狂骂地。
          • 我怎么觉得她两边都数落。那个掏钱的,她就说,你知道他还不起,你还借给他……
    • Keng?!!!!
      • Serious. I just need some opinions for her. My opinion is to tell everybody he and she knows. Let poeple look down on him. Pakistan poeple love face!
        • No, that is the price paid for his service, at least in his point of view.
          • But if his workmates
            know he is a good guy, poeple will look down on him. It will be hard for his future work! My friend cannot get money back any more, but she really hate this guy now and wants to revenge. How can she do it?
            • She is trying to 别人知道“巴哥”是坏人 in his Pakistanhood. it's impossible, isn't it? They won't believe in your friend because of her nationality. Just As you want rolian looks Pakistan as good dealer.
    • If you write to his boss, his boss may just tear it down. How can an employer involve into the personal affairs
      of employees. Writing to his new wife will not work either. You have to get away from this matter and move on. Early this year in National Post there is an article stating about a Montreal man, pretended to be an American millionare, made a love affair with a girl in Windsor Ontario. The girl and her familiy gave him 250K in the 3 years' relationship for the help asked the man, and the dream of investment return. Later the man just disappeared. The case is still pending in the court, very difficult to get all money back according to that article.
    • 深切同情。最可怜的女人是人财俱失还浪费了几年青春。已经吃的亏就没有办法了,唯有以后带眼识人。一天没有结婚一天都要小心。结婚了就是一家人了,否则还是各方面都独立一些的好。
      • "人很标志", 3 years good time with someone she loved, fair enough
        • 这种心态要得!
    • 上Jerry Springer Show!!!
      • If she have enough proof to show others, people will believe her. At least she can show she was with him after he got engaged!
        • What's your point? Married man or woman may have affair here, it is their private life, No one can or like blame on it, even for gay and Lesbian. The guy may claim they have close relationship. that's it.
    • 中国女人能嫁成巴基斯坦或者印度人做老婆的好像真的还不多呢。。。。
      • 我们APT有一个,去年生了孩子,女方父母来了,就搬出去了.比较奇怪的是,男的不和女的拉手,或挽着.一般女方怀孕了,中国LG都是在一边扶着点,他们大雪天也是一前一后走.
      • 我有个朋友,西安来的女孩子,就是嫁给了印度人。两人是大学同学,婚后生活很美满,不错啊。
    • 給本拉登寫信反應反應﹖
      • What should she do?
    • 老巴老印都是老奸巨滑的家伙,做朋友都要防着点,何况谈朋友?他们几乎都找回他们自己人,很少跟外族通婚的,所以你那朋友也够天真的。
    • 赶快忘记这件事情吧,Life should move on。
    • 赶快把事情捅通天啊.."还我公道"嘛... 憋坏身体就惨了噢...