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Heating And Cooling

Forced Hot Air (FHA): Air is heated and blown into the house through air ducts. FHA systems tend to dry out the air, are generally not zoned, and require separate hot water heaters. However, FHA systems cost less up-front than FHW and can make it easier to integrate central A/C or air filtration. Usually fueled by oil or natural gas. Efficiency varies greatly depending on the size, age, and quality of the system.


Electric: Usually baseboard units with thermostats, and generally quite expensive to run. However, a good application for electric heat is a bathroom, where it quickly provides heat for a short period of time. It is most often used in apartment buildings because of the low installation cost, and because the tenant will have to pay the electric bill!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 同志们谁住电取暖的HOUSE,我在4年前住过,感觉还不错,但同志们对电取暖的口碑很差,大家能给点里由吗,
    • 貴呀
      • 感谢主席百忙之中重高老庄赶来,但是如果房子大,人少的话,可以单独控制每个房间的温度,不象GAS整个HOUSE加热,应该不会贵很多吧,问题是以后RESELL价格会低吧,
        • 那当然啦。。。买房的人也要盘算,如果以后要换成GAS的,要多花一,两万。。。
          • 那如果我买个房比附近的便宜10%,4万来块钱的话,是否是个好DEAL呢,
            • 你真的很清楚它便宜的原因吗?你有准备额外的开销来应付房子可能发生的维修吗?
              • 好人啊,
    • 我看没问题,维护比GAS简单,效率高。
      • 问题是,电取暖的效率为30%左右,一般的燃气取暖>10几20年的炉子热效率为60%,高效的燃气炉80%,最新的可打到90%,这区别可就大了,取暖费用可大不一样,
        • 两种暖气系统全年月平均费用都差不多,都在100-120之间。而且你所说的90%的转换效率比较惊人,有没有能参考的资料?谢谢。
          • believe me!
          • 我现在的房子GAS炉子参加了个MAINTAIN计划,每个月17块钱,上次他们来我家维护时,CONFIRM的,以前在WWW.TORCN.COM上有介绍,我今天给几个连接你可以去瞄一眼,80年以前的基本都不是高效炉,高效炉还有专门的一些管道,
        • 电取暖的效率远远高于GAS的,不论它是BASEBOARD HEATER OR FORCED AIR 的, 在政府的节能项目的计算中.它的效率是按100%进行计算的,原因很简单,所有的电能都转化为了热能,而只要是GAS 炉,就还是有能量通过烟囱排走了,只是多和少的问题.
          • 也给您读一篇文章
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Resource Utilization Efficiency
            == ======================

            A popular basis for the comparison of energy alternatives is ‘point of use seasonal efficiency.’ This measures the amount of useful heat delivered per unit of energy consumed at the point of use (i.e. in the home). Typical values for various heating systems are:

            Mid-efficiency gas furnace 83%
            High-efficiency gas furnace 93%
            Electric furnace or base board 100%
            Electric heat pump 163%

            Unfortunately these numbers have no real significance in themselves. For example, even though an electric heat pump is almost twice as efficient as a high-efficiency gas furnace, the two systems have comparable fuel costs since electricity is about twice as expensive as gas. Similarly, in order to identify how much of our resources are being used up, the ‘point of use seasonal efficiency’ must be combined with the resource utilization efficiency or RUE.

            The RUE is a measure of how much energy must be used up in order to deliver a specific amount of energy at the point of use. For example, to generate electricity for winter home heating from coal, these steps must be followed:

            Coal must be mined using up energy to power machinery

            Coal must be transported to the generating station again using energy and incurring some losses due to spillage, wind, and weathering

            Coal must be processed prior to being burned

            The efficiency of a generating station using coal is 36.5%

            The transmission efficiency of electricity is 92.6%

            Combining all these items it is found that the RUE for coal-generated electricity is only 31%. In other words 323 units of energy are depleted up to deliver 100 units of energy to the home.

            Because Ontario Hydro uses a combination of hydro and nuclear energy for base load, and fossil fuel generation for winter peaks, one can consider electricity for home heating in winter can be considered coal-generated electricity. Thus the RUE for electricity for heating is 31%.

            This is an incremental analysis. Another approach is to take the overall RUE as the weighted average of the RUE of coal, nuclear, and hydro electrical generation.

            The natural gas supply system is much simpler than the electricity supply system. The gas is extracted from the ground, processed to remove trace constituents such as propane, butane, and sulphur. Then it is compressed and transported to Ontario through pipelines. The RUE to deliver gas to consumers in Ontario is 84.5%.

            By combining point of use efficiency with RUE it is possible to determine the overall efficiency of a heating system.

            % Point of
            use efficiency
            % Overall Units of
            system efficiency
            % Energy consumed
            to deliver 100 units
            to the home
            furnace/baseboard 31.0 100 31.0 323
            heat pump 31.0 165 51.1 196
            mid-efficiency 84.5 83 70.1 142
            high-efficiency 84.5 93.0 78.6 127

            Probably the best way to interpret overall system efficiency is to view it as a measure of how efficiently we are using our non-renewable energy resources. In other words, how much are we conserving for the future.

            Clearly, all natural gas heating systems conserve more non-renewable energy than electrical heating systems. A homeowner conserves 27.5% to 60.6% less non-renewable resources simply by choosing a gas heating system over an electric one. This act alone reduces environmental loadings by reducing total CO2 emissions as well as reducing other harmful emissions from coal fired electrical generating plants.

            Gas is a more efficient form of energy than electricity for space heating.

            Gas is a more environmentally form of energy than electricity for space heating.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 呵呵,GOOGLE的很快吗
              • 俺是带着满腔的困惑去搜索的-----怎么这么多人会认为electricity baseboard 比 gas效率高
            • 看完了该文章,没矛盾呀,只是角度不同,文章是从COAL --ELECTRICITY--HEATING 的全过程得出电的利用率只有30%左右,考虑了从煤炭到发电到供热的全过程中的能源损失.而如果单从电到供热的环节来说.它还是效率最高的.
              • 单比较热转换效率是毫无意义的,需要考虑的是选择最经济的取暖设备。从Overall Units of system efficiency来看,gas远远好于用电的。当然用电的也有好处
                比如可以zoning heating,这样也不浪费。
                • 呵呵.我只是单就它的能源利用率而言的,电的肯定高于GAS的.并没说它经济适用.不再困惑就好.
              • 这样看来,gas更环保,对吗?
        • Are you kidding me. Then what happened for the 70%.
        • 给你科普一下吧:电取暖的效率为100%。
      • 哪位是电取暖的,能否介绍一下电费帐单,
        • 不知你能不能简单的算算?如一个1000W的,每天16小时,小计:? 全HOUSE几个?数学差,又了结果分享一下?
          • 23块钱,对吗,
            • 你是说1天?好象不太可能啊。1000W的热暖气1天用16度电,算1毛钱1度,也就1块6毛,7个房间全开,10元/天到顶了。
              • 31天, $300!, 好象比GAS贵100-150?
                • 我问过不少用电取暖townhouse屋主,他们普遍冬天用400元/2个月,夏天用200元/2个月,夏天不用暖气,所以冬天取暖的电费大概是100元/月。上面的计算仅说明21cn计算错误。
          • 电不是一直在用.
        • My house: hydo cost is about : summer time $80 per month, winter $200 per month. no gas bill at all. 1500 sq.ft. house
    • 看看这篇
      Heating And Cooling

      Forced Hot Air (FHA): Air is heated and blown into the house through air ducts. FHA systems tend to dry out the air, are generally not zoned, and require separate hot water heaters. However, FHA systems cost less up-front than FHW and can make it easier to integrate central A/C or air filtration. Usually fueled by oil or natural gas. Efficiency varies greatly depending on the size, age, and quality of the system.


      Electric: Usually baseboard units with thermostats, and generally quite expensive to run. However, a good application for electric heat is a bathroom, where it quickly provides heat for a short period of time. It is most often used in apartment buildings because of the low installation cost, and because the tenant will have to pay the electric bill!
      • 希望各山寨的弟兄们好好学习,认真领会,仔细思考,全面掌握,
      • That's written by a gas company. ....
        Of course vendors always say their products are good. Hydro price was higher than gas before. But gas price has gone up a lot in recent years. For me, I pay 100$/month in summer and 200$/month in winter.
    • 给这位兄弟提个醒,冬天很冷的时候不能只给一个房间加热,不然没加热的房间很可能水管冻裂,那可就不好玩了,不是一两百块就能挽回的。同样道理,如果你外出度假,探亲,也不应该把屋里暖气整个关掉