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I met a same problem last month.

I met a same problem last month. I borrowed 4 vido tapes, when I
checked my library card one day after I return those tapes, an office
lady told me that I still hold a tape, I told them it must be a mistake, they
just set a mark on this tape in my account, two days late, them told
me they found it, otherwise they want me pay back money for it ( $10 ).
I am afriad that the book management system must have some
problem, or the bar-code scan equipment get mistake. After this
lesson, I always ask for rechecking my account immediately after
returning any items in the library.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 真是冤啊,到哪能申诉一下?
    两个星期没去图书馆了,今天去还书,发现记录显示我在同一时间借了两本同样名字的书,还了一本后还有一本没还,只是BAR CODE不同,回家找了后发现根本没借这本书,跟图书馆工作人员理论,她却说让我回家再找找,说6周内如果有人还了这本书就没事了,否则我必须为此负责。这叫什么逻辑,我敢肯定我只借了一本那个名字的书,一定是哪里出了错,但凭什么要我为这个不知道谁犯的错误负责?哪位有过类似经历?真是冤啊,到哪能申诉一下?
    • 到我这里来申诉吧!叔叔给你糖吃!HAHA, just kidding!
      • 哈,老黄,你这个坏家伙,好久不见啊
        • 你这个坏家伙,好久不见啊!
          • 啊,是说我么?
            • 明知故问,赫赫
              • 咳,最近忙啊 :《
            • ted, Do you play soccer recently?
              • 最近3个星期没踢,也不知现在大家还踢吗,在哪踢,你这一提,我球瘾又上来了 :)
              • Bill, 最近在忙什么,还打算搬家么?
          • hehe, 过奖,我好象没老黄坏 :)
            • 是不是被我点中死穴了?这么拍我马P?:-)
              • 哪里,哪里,由衷之言嘛,呵呵
                • 什么时候借你几套vcd,让你也黄一黄。不过估计你现在不需要。哈哈,kidding
                  • 呵呵,有空开着你的新车过来玩吧,别委屈着了它
        • 是啊,好久不见!:-)
        • 还有刚刚发现,你小子怎么和零碎一起回来的???你们俩出去度蜜月了?
          • 零碎?!
          • 老黄,切不可谣言惑众,这也只是被我撞上的另一个百万分之一的几率而已
            • 你的意思是你们俩出去度蜜月也只是被你撞上的另一个百万分之一?哈哈,恭喜恭喜,去那儿度蜜月了?怪不得好久不见!身体挺好?哈哈
              • hehe,身体倒一直挺好的 :P
              • Yellow 的笑声里面充满了... 的味道。
                • blue
                • 哈哈哈哈!
                  • 由黄变绿了。
                    • ft
    • 你是否保留了借书时打印的收条,上面有你该次所借书目的详细资料,可以作为凭证。
      • 没特意留它,因为也没什么用,谁成想这样啊?
    • 是不是你上次借的书上有两个BAR CODE? 检查一下吧.
      • 天哪,如果条码和书是多对一的关系,他们是怎么维护数据库的,好可怕
    • I met a same problem last month.
      I met a same problem last month. I borrowed 4 vido tapes, when I
      checked my library card one day after I return those tapes, an office
      lady told me that I still hold a tape, I told them it must be a mistake, they
      just set a mark on this tape in my account, two days late, them told
      me they found it, otherwise they want me pay back money for it ( $10 ).
      I am afriad that the book management system must have some
      problem, or the bar-code scan equipment get mistake. After this
      lesson, I always ask for rechecking my account immediately after
      returning any items in the library.
      • 还好这是图书馆,不是银行
      • 条码有百万分之一的误码率,可能是你撞了头采:P
        • 看来我运气真不错
        • u should buy 649 or Super7 now.
          • 我对横财的兴趣倒不太大:)
            • 那中了可以给我!
              • 靠,你倒是不怕搬钱的时候累死 :P
    • This always happens. Don't panic. Wait until they find it and they will let you know. I had the same problem couple months ago. Later, they found out. No any punishment.
      • thx : )
    • 可否试着找一下该工作人员的领导。
      • 谢谢,我会去找的,今天下午就去。
    • 朋友,你一定要坚持,如果小职员不能做决定,你就说找他的SUPERVISOR, 如果
      • Thx, 我一定会据理力争的。