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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Benefits may be paid to you when you reside outside Canada in the following situations:

your last employment was in the United States, but you now reside in Canada (Interstate claim);
your last employment was in Canada, but you now reside in the United States (Interstate claim);
your permanent residence is in a country other than Canada and the United States;
you are a commuter.
A reciprocal agreement between Canada and the United States (including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) allows for you to file a claim for American Unemployment Insurance benefits if you have worked at insurable employment in the United States and you now reside in Canada.

As well, if you have worked and paid EI contributions in Canada, but you now reside in the United States, you can file a claim for Canadian Employment Insurance benefits.

You can receive either one of these benefits but not both at the same time.

Please note, that except for the United States, no other reciprocal agreement exists with other countries with regards to unemployment insurance.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 有朋友知道如何申请EI? 老公在美国找了一个工作, 我想辞职跟过去, 这种情况下如何申请,需要时间长吗? 其间如何我一个人回中国,是否EI就停了?求知道情况的朋友赐教.
    • 你得不到EI
    • layoff的才能申请EI
      • 错!甚至Fire的都有可能申请EI呢,当然有条件的。
        • 哟,这么叫真,我的意思就是说老板让你回家的才行,自己辞职的不行。你又不是看不懂。
          • 你这个还是错。CCRA网站上有很多条款,我仔细看过,但是懒得一条条写出来...
            • 你明摆着不诚心帮人嘛!人家在这问问题是想要个答复,既然你都明白,既然你也来回帖了,又说你懒得写,什么玩意儿啊你
              • 积点口德。他这个问题很多人已经回答了,就是不能。但是你这个回答是错误的。简直是误导。不过我没有很多时间来帮你,就是有时间,你这样的态度我也懒得帮。
                • 好好好,我是错的,你全是对的,行了吧。知道多少是学识的问题,知道了也不帮别人那是道德问题。该积德的是你吧。我不会再回你的贴了,所以你爱怎么说怎么说,爱憋多久憋多久,没人拦着你。
                  • 一笑置之
                  • 這個海天醬油一色不是好人,這樣的新移民我們不需要
                    • 我这么诲人不倦还不是好人?那你这个猪席是什么人?//猪席,你那工作是事情怎样了?
                      • 今天開了三十人,本主席還沒上榜
                        • 恭喜主席,排名在三十开外......

                    • 原来是个有前科的呀,呵呵。这样的新移民我们的确不需要。赶回他老家去!
                    • 我这样的人,老移民的需要:D
    • 这种情况你可以申请EI,但问题是,一旦离开加拿大,你的EI就会被停止。
      • 我的朋友申请过EI,要有前公司的证明信才可以申请的。要是自己辞职的估计没戏。离开加拿大还能不能有就不知道了。
        • 1.只要搬家超过50?公里外,但不可离开加拿大就可以领EI.2.公司如果不开证明,只要有工资单也可以
          • 贴个官方的文件摘录吧,稍微一查就清楚了
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛来源:http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/asp/gateway.asp?hr=/en/ei/types/regular.shtml&hs=aed#eligible


            下面的摘录是关于EI的Regular benefits部分
            Who is eligible?

            Regular benefits can be paid if you lose your job through no fault of your own (for example, due to shortage of work, seasonal or mass lay-offs) and you are available for and able to work but you can’t find a job.

            To be eligible for regular benefits you must show that:

            。you have been without work and without pay for at least 7 consecutive days; and

            。in the last 52 weeks or since your last claim (this period is called the qualifying period), you have worked for the required number of insurable hours.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 我是自己辞职的,Record of Employment上给我写离开原因是自己辞职.我写了封信给当地的HRDC,解释是随家庭relocate,搬到2小时路程以外的地方住.可以领EI.
          • 楼主要去米国。2小时以外包括回中国也可以领吗?
            • 嘿嘿,没写清楚,安省内,搬到离原住地1.5--2小时的车程的地方.另外,我的回答不是针对楼主的.我想说辞职也是可以领EI的,但是有条件的.
          • Ouside canada with EI is illeagle! (except preganent)
            • It is wrong.
        • 我那一位就是辞职后领的EI。你看看EI的网站就知道了,不是只有被fired了才能申请。
    • 谢谢大家的解答,我去HR问了一下,据说美国和加拿大之间有一种协议,可能,只是说可能去美国也可以。看条文规定人不在加拿大领EI是违法的,这种违法,会有什么级别的处罚?罚款还是什么别的?
      • ???????URL????????????????????????????????????????????????
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛???????????????????????

        ??? http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/asp/gateway.asp?hr=en/ei/information/outside_canada.shtml&hs=eza#file

        Who can apply

        Benefits may be paid to you when you reside outside Canada in the following situations:

        ?your last employment was in the United States, but you now reside in Canada (Interstate claim);

        ?your last employment was in Canada, but you now reside in the United States (Interstate claim);

        ?your permanent residence is in a country other than Canada and the United States;

        ?you are a commuter.

        A reciprocal agreement between Canada and the United States (including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) allows for you to file a claim for American Unemployment Insurance benefits if you have worked at insurable employment in the United States and you now reside in Canada.

        As well, if you have worked and paid EI contributions in Canada, but you now reside in the United States, you can file a claim for Canadian Employment Insurance benefits.

        You can receive either one of these benefits but not both at the same time.

        Please note, that except for the United States, no other reciprocal agreement exists with other countries with regards to unemployment insurance.

        How to file a claim for Canadian EI benefits (Interstate claim)

        You must file your claim for Canadian EI benefits by telephone by calling this toll-free number : 1-877-486-1650.

        You must provide proof that your employment in Canada was legally authorized as per Canadian immigration regulations, that you are available and actively seeking work and, most importantly, you must provide proof that you are legally authorized to work in the United States.

        Claims received from the United States are handled by the Interstate Unit in Belleville, Ontario.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • sorry刚才乱码了。上次贴的URL附近有关于这个协议的说明的,那天我也顺便看了一下。关键是你在美国可不可以合法工作。可以的话就可能申请到EI。条文见内。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛加拿大的法规都是在网上公开的,这也是我爱加拿大的原因之一!

        Who can apply

        Benefits may be paid to you when you reside outside Canada in the following situations:

        。your last employment was in the United States, but you now reside in Canada (Interstate claim);

        。your last employment was in Canada, but you now reside in the United States (Interstate claim);

        。your permanent residence is in a country other than Canada and the United States;

        。you are a commuter.

        A reciprocal agreement between Canada and the United States (including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) allows for you to file a claim for American Unemployment Insurance benefits if you have worked at insurable employment in the United States and you now reside in Canada.

        As well, if you have worked and paid EI contributions in Canada, but you now reside in the United States, you can file a claim for Canadian Employment Insurance benefits.

        You can receive either one of these benefits but not both at the same time.

        Please note, that except for the United States, no other reciprocal agreement exists with other countries with regards to unemployment insurance.

        How to file a claim for Canadian EI benefits (Interstate claim)

        You must file your claim for Canadian EI benefits by telephone by calling this toll-free number : 1-877-486-1650.

        You must provide proof that your employment in Canada was legally authorized as per Canadian immigration regulations, that you are available and actively seeking work and, most importantly, you must provide proof that you are legally authorized to work in the United States.

        Claims received from the United States are handled by the Interstate Unit in Belleville, Ontario.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 请问H1-B或TN1签证的持有人一旦在美国失去工作(非辞职,在美国而不是在加拿大缴纳了失业保险),可以在加拿大领取EI吗?
        • 请问如果有一个人合法地在加拿大领取EI,他(她)可以离开加拿大而前往美国,从而同时在加拿大和美国两国之内找工作并且合法地领取加拿大的EI吗?
          • 红山兄弟啊,可以what if的scenario可太多了,我也不是律师呢,:P 。。。我看还是就事论事,帮楼主解决她的问题就好了
            • 我看楼主如果不回中国,应该可以在美国拿EI吧?
            • 发现国内EI申请和住在美国的人的EI申请好象是两个部门管的,电话号码不同。楼主要是辞职马上去美国并能在那工作,似乎申请interstate的好。要是在加申请后马上离开,可能要归到短期离加那一类吧。具体情况具体判断喽
              • 有工作怎么可以拿EI呢?
                • 是说能工作--可以合法工作,不是说正在工作。为了字数少就简略了,大概没说清楚,不好意思。
                  • TD或H4签证能算作是可以合法工作吗?连TD或H4签证都没有的普通加拿大公民呢?
                    • H4是不能合法工作的。TD是什么?
                      • TD是TN的家属签证。
                    • 加拿大公民要办TN才可以去美国短期工作的吧,长期就是H1,否则可以过去visit但是不可以合法工作的
                      • 有工作才有TN。有TN就不算失业了。
            • 说来说去,楼主如果不是美国公民或美国绿卡就不可以在美国拿EI。
              • 总结得好!
      • 美国和加拿大之间有关EI的协议。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Benefits may be paid to you when you reside outside Canada in the following situations:

        your last employment was in the United States, but you now reside in Canada (Interstate claim);
        your last employment was in Canada, but you now reside in the United States (Interstate claim);
        your permanent residence is in a country other than Canada and the United States;
        you are a commuter.
        A reciprocal agreement between Canada and the United States (including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) allows for you to file a claim for American Unemployment Insurance benefits if you have worked at insurable employment in the United States and you now reside in Canada.

        As well, if you have worked and paid EI contributions in Canada, but you now reside in the United States, you can file a claim for Canadian Employment Insurance benefits.

        You can receive either one of these benefits but not both at the same time.

        Please note, that except for the United States, no other reciprocal agreement exists with other countries with regards to unemployment insurance.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net