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calm down calm down la! 谁也没说complain是件丢人现眼的事,对吧?


Normally management office executes the decision made by the Board of Director. So in your case, I guess you should complain to the Board instead.

Not sure if you know, the directors working on the Board are a few owners in your condo. They got elected during annual general meeting, by all means.

It unfortunately happens sometimes that the Board, probably controlled by one or two persons (usually the President), decides to do some renovation which isn't that necessary, but could 饱中私囊。In this case, you will need to get enough signatures from other owners to show your position and try to have the project cancelled.

So, go and talk to other owners and fight together. Good luck!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 大家帮我看看,condo管理公司决定如此,我们有什么办法吗?

    • up, 没有人能给些建议吗?
    • 找你们的业主代表委员会,不知道是谁的话,问问管理处。同时看看自己的买房合同。一定数目的维修应该是要经过业主们开会同意的,不知道换玻璃算不算。如果多数同意的话,你要服从。这是共管式condo。
      • 嗯,我去问问,我们从俩没听说过有开关于这件事的会。合同上看那个section呢?昨天翻了两遍,也没看到什么东西。。。
    • 是换窗户还是换玻璃?我觉得如果窗户很旧了,应该换旧换吧。换玻璃就有点Funny了。
      • 一开始写window,后面又变成price from glass industry,又一样东西要去clarify...
    • 看合同。。
    • 我遇到过, 管理公司统一刷外墙. 谁出钱要看合同, 还取决于管理公司收多少管理费. 如果你不满意, 可以向抗斗里的"居委会"提意见, 再不满意的话将来把他们选下去.
      • 问了政府,看上去现在只有去找owner's committee乐。。。
    • You work in Bay&King. Plenty of $. Why bother?
      • 康豆都买了, 还在乎这点儿? 不是又在变相显摆吧? ... 给我砸!
        • please, if you don't want to be kind enough to give any suggestions, don't say such things here. this is not funny!
      • me? bay & king? are you joking? i wish i am though!!!
        • 此猪非彼piggy.
          • 原来“彼piggy”在bay&king。。。好像坛子里很多人都互相认识。还很多不同种类的pig呢。。。
            • 对不起,认错人了。
    • complain to management committee. normally, it is always the decision of them.
    • I had an experience to spend 1000 dollars for changing garage door. it is the problem for buying a condo.
      • maybe...老公说一定不买condo了,这个房子也是特别旧一些!garage door至少是公用的,可是这次他们要换的是我们自己公寓里的window or glass! this is so unreasonable...
        • 有可能是为了更换Thermal Window,增加保温性能,从而减少冬季的Heating能耗。
        • may I ask where is your condo?
          • finch & warden,我们是矮的楼,不是那几栋大高楼。我们两个都很不喜欢,也不是自己挑的,但他当时顶不住父母的压力。现在叫一个郁闷呀!
        • 窗统一换, 这一点不奇怪。我原来的就是的。
          • 哦,是吗?你们大家都很happy的就换了?原来是有先例的。。。没有什么办法可以不换吗?我们打算晚上去找board of directors,不过看他们连公司都找好了,估计没什么戏!:((
            • 没说清楚,是买的前几个月换的, 所以没有决定权。 但是窗户新,人的感觉也很舒服,冬天密封好,也不会觉得冷风嗖嗖的。
    • 我先谢谢大家的建议!to: lmx(流氓兔)......

      这里毕竟很难把问题完全解释清楚。我也不觉得management忽然让你出$700是很正常的事情!其实不少人都不满意,但for somehow, the management decided to force everybody to do so。我们要的不是complain, 而是change。当然啦,只能尽力,不可能肯定的。

      • calm down calm down la! 谁也没说complain是件丢人现眼的事,对吧?

        Normally management office executes the decision made by the Board of Director. So in your case, I guess you should complain to the Board instead.

        Not sure if you know, the directors working on the Board are a few owners in your condo. They got elected during annual general meeting, by all means.

        It unfortunately happens sometimes that the Board, probably controlled by one or two persons (usually the President), decides to do some renovation which isn't that necessary, but could 饱中私囊。In this case, you will need to get enough signatures from other owners to show your position and try to have the project cancelled.

        So, go and talk to other owners and fight together. Good luck!
        • thanks!