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Your email address doesn't work any more? This regarding the question you asked in your last email has been bounced back to me many times, so just copy it here.:)

As far as the school application process here in
Ontario, it's a pretty simple process. Once you
arrive, send in one application package to an
application center which specifies five to six school
you want to apply. You will then hear back
individually from each school. You need to provide
two copies of your official transcript, plus your
certified diplomat. You have to provide TOEFL score
as well.
If, however, you apply for graduate studies, then you
have to apply to each school seperately. The
requirements differ from school to school, and from
program to program. But, in general, you should get
your TOEFL and GRE (or GMAT) ready before you come to
Canada so you may enroll in the school in the shortest
time possible.
One thing I want to remind you is that you won't be
qualified for government loan until after you reside
in Ontario for one year.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 好象大家很少提到新移民在加国的婚姻状况,大概是因为一般是举家移民吧。我很想知道 单身的移民在加国寻找另一半的情况如何。
    • 给我的感觉是这里生活圈子小,单身MM认识新男朋友的机会相对比单身GG大些,可是要找真正合适的比在国内难多了。这只是我个人的看法,可能每个人情况不同。
      • hi, BaiJingJing: What's a MM and what's a GG? Please clarify? thanks
        • mm=girl, gg=boy
        • mm=mei mei, gg=ge ge
      • enquiry

        • 也不是大家当儿戏,只是在一定的环境中作出的一种选择,可能环境变得太快了。
    • 这儿的单身很多啊,不论男女. 可是找另一半的情况并不是很乐观.
      • totally agree!!!!!
      • Well, it's not easy to find the right half in any place, right? I bet the chance here is just the same as anywhere else. Just my two cents.
        • 在国内毕竟不同. 大家在同一个城市里生活了二三十年,至少也有三四年吧, 有很多的共识和相同的经历. 这儿则不一样,大家来自五湖四海, 背景各不相同, 而且都为生计奔波,更不容易培养感情.
          • 培养感情,那应该是恋爱结婚之后的步骤。如果连恋爱的激情都没有,还有什么必要培养。我坚持认为恋爱结婚不是挑三拣四的买菜,有没有感觉自己心里是清楚的。
            • I totally agree with your point! Only when your heart is touch can you two be lovers.
        • 的确如此。从小一起成长,天天在一起的人往往并不是最真正了解自己的人。否则的话大家都指腹为婚算了。
          • 谢谢大家 ,看来总是先有面包再有爱情的。
            • 面包可以创造,爱情和感情的维持需要经营,但是爱情的出现是完全靠缘分的。
      • 我曾经看过台湾朱德庸的一个漫画,说是男人无聊了就到处找酒喝,女人无聊了则到处找咖啡喝,然后就有人问,他们为什么不互相找呢?
    • 感情 太复杂 只有上帝知道明天会发生什麽。华人在国外相对少但不排除有袁千里来向会。
    • Your email address doesn't work any more? This regarding the question you asked in your last email has been bounced back to me many times, so just copy it here.:)
      As far as the school application process here in
      Ontario, it's a pretty simple process. Once you
      arrive, send in one application package to an
      application center which specifies five to six school
      you want to apply. You will then hear back
      individually from each school. You need to provide
      two copies of your official transcript, plus your
      certified diplomat. You have to provide TOEFL score
      as well.
      If, however, you apply for graduate studies, then you
      have to apply to each school seperately. The
      requirements differ from school to school, and from
      program to program. But, in general, you should get
      your TOEFL and GRE (or GMAT) ready before you come to
      Canada so you may enroll in the school in the shortest
      time possible.
      One thing I want to remind you is that you won't be
      qualified for government loan until after you reside
      in Ontario for one year.
    • 说实话来多伦多就是希望能在这里找到生命中的另一半. 然而几个月过去了,发现在这里的机会太少了. 还是考虑回国找男朋友吧....
      • 别着急!三个月还短.回国现实吗?不是有183天限制吗?半年怕是完不成任务吧.所以我国内就已开始留意了.
        • grocery shopping!
          • what mean?
        • so now you found another part? *-~
      • toooooooooo many boys and guys are single in US. why don't you give a try.
        • Have you lived in US? I guess so. I have. There are many single ladies also.
      • 实际上,很多人想在加找生命的另一半。耐心点
        • haha, seeking all the time
          • Haha, good point. 寻觅复寻觅,寻觅何其长,我生尽寻觅,MM全跑光。世人苦被寻觅累,春去秋来老将至。GG气力衰,MM颜色故。古来寻觅何时了,不如见面聊一聊。:)
            • 所以londoner才抓紧时间寻JJ和MM同游江湖,不论气力是否衰,颜色是否故,会熟练演唱笑傲江湖者优先. 有意者请拨打电话:***-***-**** 或email至:____@____.com,机会有限,报名从速.
    • 不难吧,看我的站就得了: http://3f.comgod.com or http://www.3fdating.com
    • Hey, you hafta deal with abnormal sizes and manors, EH?
    • boy friend
      I wonder if it is Ok to put message here. Anyway, I will do it.
      I'm looking for a youngman, thirty something. who want to immigrating to canada or a P.R.of Canada. to be a boyfriend of a beautiful girl who is 25years old. The girl is my best friend. My husband and I will submit the application form next week to Beijing Embassy. I hope my friend can go along with me, So I put thi s message here. I'm really really serious. If you are really really serious too, you can reach me by judyshen@263.net
      Thank you in advance for your serious.
      • do u really think you are serious to look for a boy for your friend just because you want her to company you or she want to come Canada? Is love a method of immigrating???
        • hehe..., all the roads to Rome ...
          • do u want to say to Judy that you are one of the way??? :)
            • 嘿嘿,老伦敦从来给人当路石,无怨无悔。但年老失修,这大家拿的地方非冰即雪的,怕把人家小MM摔着了。给您垫个墩儿,来坐会儿歇歇还成。:)
              • Your jok is not acceptable, would you please kindly get out of this topic. Thank you very much!
        • love or immigrating to canda are both methods to make life happer. I am sure my friend treat love as serious. Just because she is serious, she is still waiting...
        • I'm really serious to looking for a boy for my friend. The reason is that I wish she can be get married happily. Since we are best friend, of course I hope she can go along with me, and she is no objection to canada
        • No matter live in Beijing or Canada, live a happy life is the most important thing. Imagine:If both boy and gril are young, capable, and can treat each other serious, with deeply love, they will earn money, they will live happy . That's our pursuit.