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You gave me some advice before.

I think if you are doing it just for fun, then let it go. If you really fall for him, look into his future. How come he is 33 and is still paying back the student loans? The key is you should have similar plans and values in life, then you can do it together no matter how hard it is.

Anyways, I still do not have much experience. But I do think most computer geeks and workaholic earn more money, but they are seldom available to you. You call them, and ended up talking to their secretaries and even computers, except that you have a $1,000,000 business that you want to negotiate. This is exactly what my then BF was like!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / If you were me, what are you gonna do?
    I have been dating my Pakistanian boyfriend for some time now. He has been in North America for 12 years. He is 33 yrs this year. He works as a finanacial analyst in a big company and makes 40,000 per year. He is very good looking and is not muslim. He is more like western people but he is very demanding and likes to control things. The problem I had with him is that he is still in debt - which is his student loan - 50,000USD. I have no idea when he can pay it off. He does not have a car. But he is funny person. He asks me to marry him for many times. I said it is not the time since I make more money than him. Now he is saying, if I do not want to marry him, he will go for others. I am 28 yrs. What should I do?
    • 难啊,连你都出问题了。我害怕,哈
      • What you mean?
    • 1拍2散
    • Forget him, turn to somebody else. This is the comment from a guy who is standing without waist pain.
    • marrage is serious thing. think it over. I can smell some problem in your short description.
    • You gave me some advice before.
      I think if you are doing it just for fun, then let it go. If you really fall for him, look into his future. How come he is 33 and is still paying back the student loans? The key is you should have similar plans and values in life, then you can do it together no matter how hard it is.

      Anyways, I still do not have much experience. But I do think most computer geeks and workaholic earn more money, but they are seldom available to you. You call them, and ended up talking to their secretaries and even computers, except that you have a $1,000,000 business that you want to negotiate. This is exactly what my then BF was like!
    • 这要是把这GG换上一中国人,在MM眼里也就是一垃圾; 碰上是一老外,变得难分难舍了..哎.
      • 新生事物嘛, 总是要先研究的。 30多了, 本身还是做财会的, 居然还能欠一PG的债, 跟姜籽的银过日子, 估计就是去WONDERLAN做过山车的感觉
        • 现在的MM全玩心跳去了; 咱村的小芳那去了?
          • 搬搬说,去发廊了。
            • YO.......:-)
      • 就是啊!
      • Please be respectful. Respect people have right to choose and you too. Respect that you are a Chinese, you do not have to look down on yourself. You should be take pride in being a Chinese
        • 看来MM最近心情不好啊,我就不跟你计较了,have fun on forum..
          • HEHE, thanks, this time I like what you said
    • If I were you, I have nothing to do besides digging a big (__________) here.
    • He really need a woman. A woman has income to support him. If you don't want to support him, he has to find another one. He need money woman!!! For him, it does make sense. How about you? what do you need?
      • 哪个男的漂亮, 职业也拿得出手, 也算不错8。 不过就是30多了还有债,挺讨厌的
        • 我的意思是说,专门有一批外族男人,利用女人的痴情,肆意从女人身上捞取经济利益。这些人嘴甜,满嘴谎话,特会关心人,懂得女人心理,就是只索取,不付出。吃了政府再吃女人,有是还不只吃一个女人, 要小心。我有个朋友曾经上当。
          • 原闻其详。。。
    • 这个坑我来跳——

      • 瞎跳!肤色和语言绝对是问题,周围有活生生的例子.
        • 当然,对某些MN而言只要会说HOW MUCH就好了。。。可能我的朋友嫁老外的是比较少,不过个个都很幸福。我也认识嫁给很穷的中国人的,也很幸福。总之,不幸的东西大概都被我过滤了。
          • 那也不能说随便嫁个人就找到幸福了,是吧?
            • FT! 我的意思是随便嫁吗?真是坑难跳啊,不管坑主是否等着填埋,你等闲人总要不忘扔几把土呛人。:-X
              • 仓天在上!我是要把你从坑里拉出来啊!
                • 地藏在下!你还不如也跳下坑来更有人味。:-P
    • Try to ask him about pre-marriage treaty.
      I am not saying you really gonna do it, but it's good to tell a person to see how he react at edges. :-)
      • Good and very constructive idea :-)
    • 很高兴片尾辞这样写道:“献给中国,为她对巴基斯坦的友谊。”











    • dump him
    • 放弃吧,很多老外都知道中国人能攒钱. 别把28岁当考虑因素,你还是未婚啊.如果和老外结婚以后,发现不对再离,你想反过头来找中国GG几乎不可能了.也不排除那老外是真心的,可总得给自己留个后路吧?当然如果爱到无怨无悔,那就忠实于感情吧.
    • TNND这世界真不公平,为啥人家老外心态就能这么好,三十多了欠下五万美金还天天尽想着与MM打情骂俏。咱中国男人为啥
      • //shake hand
      • 我这几天说了半天,就是这个意思。中国人就是思想负担太重,什么担子都想挑。尽力就好,别勉强自己,压力太大。别老看明天,明天永远不会到,今天高兴才是真的。当然,还是要负责任的,呵呵:)
      • 另外,别说得那么难听,什么"MM要是碰上的是咱中国的GG也象他那样欠着5万美金,...,我看她早就把冷屁股对上人家热脸了" 爱情是不分国界的, 呵呵
        • 我是不反对中国JM外嫁的,不过这位巴国GG的条件是在是太。。。
      • You got a point, .........actually.
    • Thanks a lot for all the poeple who gives me suggestions
      I finally break up with him yesterday.
      It seems I am a little money hungry. But when it comes to the marriage, I gotta be down to the earth.
      Actually he is a very honest and funny guy. He is very handsome.
      But ....
      I am too much money-oriented.!
      • your life, your choice.