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1.美丽循环. After i know I look young, I begin to drink more water--tea, juice, green bean porridge, soy bean milk, soup.( I did not drink tea and soup in Chian)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛After he said I have nice sooth skin, I began to use lotion (aloe). But it is not compromise, I should do these all the time because it is my body, my life.

2.女人爱听甜言蜜语. Right. sometime you don't like yourself and very negative. 甜言蜜语make you feel good and very productive. I also want to hear what my weakness are, so I like straight forward and don't like 含蓄.
guess or deep thinking make you have more grey hair. Too bad!

3.中国男人大多含蓄. Before I came to Canada, some wonderful men visited me from differen cities, some for business and some wanted to have a relationship with me . But they are含蓄, I did not get it. What pity! Oneday I said to my boyfriend : "I don't know waht in men's mind." He said with a peaceful woice:" Men want SEX." I stare at him for half minute and i think he is right.

4.read between lines. I mean makeup. I begin to observe white girls and I find they are really know makeup and look very beautiful. I will work on it . I won't lost my personalities , on the contrary, I improve myself.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / What are strength of white guys? let's make a list. I do first. 1. Tall, 2. fit . 3.cute and straight forward
    4. have good sense of humor 5. respect womem or treat women very good 6.good lover 7.make you feel you are a woman
    • Watch out
      you could be buried in tons of bricks *_~
      Maybe white guys are not picky on food? that is a good thing, isn't it?
      • OH, That is a BIG advantage, cuz I don't cook!
        • another good sign, most of them are social drinkers and like dancing : )
          • Hey, this is from our CHINESE ancestors, Dui4 Jiu3 Dang1 Ge1, Wen2 Ji1 Qi3 Wu3. Damn these pinyin and english letters
    • Not all white guys are like this, there are also a lot of white guys who do not possess these strengths while Some Chinese guys do have. I think their biggest strength is
      most of them are HONEST. They admit the world is not fair and they look at it as is. They may not be good looking, fit, smart or rich, but they accept it and won't deny others for those things. At the same time, they look at their own positive sides. They know they may not have most beautiful women as wives, but they appreicate them. At the same time, they find women they both enjoy each other's company and have fun.

      • you are a smart cooky and mature enough to make your own decision. Yes, they are relax and enjoy the life. One principal once said : "I like woman and beer " at a big dinner and his wife was around.
        • OH, YES, you can just relax, be natrual and spontaneous, they won't take everything so seriously. When do we Chinese people can have less constraints?
        • they also said wife is only for sex
          • In china in the past Chinese men treat women like that. How many wives did a Chinese king has? 3000 thousand?
    • 我觉得他们跟中国人一样,不能一概而论. 高的矮的, 结实不结实,有没有礼貌的我的感觉是不一半一半, 我也见识过很阴险的. 当然, 也遇到过非常优秀的.
      • Thank you very much for remind me they are same.In China I fell in love with 2-3 Chinese man, and I think we are still attractived each other. In Canada.
        I turn to white guys after I feel hurt by our Chinese men. A guy left me after we landing . B guy who has master degree in Canada quickly found a girl in the bus and live together in the mean while still kept in touch with me( through the phone). The girl is 10 years old than him.

        I quickly enjoy being with white guys. They make me fell I am a woman, a nice- looking woman

        1. very good shape or figure. My arms are good tune ( form I learned this word from him) , but need a lillte bit muscl, so he take me to the gym to work out twice a week. He said I have a modal body. It is ture I have a very long and nice legs. I find we chinese pay much attention to the face than the body.Am I right?

        • HAHA, for white guys, they are with you becasue you have something attractive to them and they say that to you.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛They only concentrate on the positive sides of you, ignore others. But who knows when they get tired and find another girl they like more. So just watch out. They want to start from fun and then see if it works out natrually.

          For Chinese men, I think they are just too serious sometimes. Sounds like they all want a perfect GF and wife. They see the negative sides and want to change you as waht they want. they work diligently on making the relationship work, which is, unfortunately, too much pressure. But the positive side is, I do think they are more responsible.

          Any other point is I guess Chinese men here are stressed out. You know our culture, either you stay here, or you have to go back home with a lot of accomplishments. But it is even harder in a society that is not dominated by Chinese men.

          I just think they should relax. you will not be starved as long as you work hard. At the same time, do not force yourself to do anything, have some goals not so high. Otherwise, you are screwed up by youeself.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Thanks for sharing your story. Guess what I learn from your story? You're not confident of yourself...
          otherwise, you wouldn't be bothered by how men are thinking about you.

          Self-confidence is the most important for a person, esp. for a woman who is looking for love.
          Just my humble opnion, no offense at all.
          • yes, no confidence at the first two years in Canada, but now I am confident again . white guys help me out sometime.
            I begin to use makeup and dress up after dating. He said some women look good from far distance, but they are not when you close to them because they know how to use makeup even when they were small girls.

            I read between the lines . I know I look very young and healthy. It is my strength, but I need work on it. I should learn makeup. In fact, I have already made appointment with facial Dr. and want to get rid of my Scare of acne. I will put a post here about the result to thank JJMM who gave me some suggestion such as Cold Totch or laser treatment.

            Men are schools. You learn and improve yourself. I forget who wrote some articles like that. Was ID Littleboat?
            • that is GOOD. Keep going. You are not what they said you are, you are what you think you are. This is, I think, CONFIDANT
            • It is me. But I was just joking some kind of guys.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛其实我发现女人的魅力和男人给于的欣赏就是一个鸡生蛋蛋生鸡的循环。你爱美爱自己,把自己修饰的漂亮得体,男人(中国人,外国人)就对你充满幻想,给你更多的眼光。你得到这些,你就更加爱自己。而且对你欣赏的人多了,还有哄抬物价的情况发生,这就使你自己加速度的美丽。
              总之中国男人,外国男人,你只要觉得自己象个queen,feel comfortable, easy, not need to read between lines,那就go ahead.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • I usually blush when they say tian2 yan2 mi4 yu3. I think actions are more important to show affection, like kisses, holding hands, hug, touch. But no show of intimacy in public, I think that also makes me uncomfortable
                • What 's the meaning of "tian2 yan2 mi4 yu3"? Could you use the pinyin completely instead of 2,4.3? thanks.
                  • Sorry, the numbers represnt the tone of the letters before them. I can not type in Chinese with my computer now
                    • I got it . Thanks.
              • 1.美丽循环. After i know I look young, I begin to drink more water--tea, juice, green bean porridge, soy bean milk, soup.( I did not drink tea and soup in Chian)
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛After he said I have nice sooth skin, I began to use lotion (aloe). But it is not compromise, I should do these all the time because it is my body, my life.

                2.女人爱听甜言蜜语. Right. sometime you don't like yourself and very negative. 甜言蜜语make you feel good and very productive. I also want to hear what my weakness are, so I like straight forward and don't like 含蓄.
                guess or deep thinking make you have more grey hair. Too bad!

                3.中国男人大多含蓄. Before I came to Canada, some wonderful men visited me from differen cities, some for business and some wanted to have a relationship with me . But they are含蓄, I did not get it. What pity! Oneday I said to my boyfriend : "I don't know waht in men's mind." He said with a peaceful woice:" Men want SEX." I stare at him for half minute and i think he is right.

                4.read between lines. I mean makeup. I begin to observe white girls and I find they are really know makeup and look very beautiful. I will work on it . I won't lost my personalities , on the contrary, I improve myself.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • But It is truth that on average, White guys AND WOMEN are in better shape and have better facial feature than Asian. But their skin and odor suck
      • 噢, 原来你指的是BF呀, 那我想我没有发言权了, 我说的是GENERAL的WHITE GUYS. 碰巧今天看到这个, 可不是我的观点啊: http://www.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=news&MsgID=14493
        • I like the article. Thank you very much. I will visit wenxuecity in the future .
    • 力道足不足不做过怎么知道
    • Interesting. My hubby matches 6 out of 7 because he's not tall. Anything more? oh, he's not picky on food either. by the way, he's 100% Chinese.:) IMHO, if you're looking for true love, you'd better ignore which race he is in the beginning.
      • The problem is not race, but culture differences
        • I don't get you. You mean white guys match Chinese women better because of their culture?? :S
          • NO, on the contrary, I mean the biggest problem of being with a guy other than Chinese is culture differences
            • i c. yup, that could be a big issue. However, I do believe love can help ppl overcome everything, including culture gap. Love is a miracle. :)
    • 中国男人要是会甜言蜜语的话就好了。
      • IMHO, Chinese men do. Absolutely not all of them.
      • HEHE, I think maybe English is a better language for direct sweet words. All our culture and language is for something that are indirect and Han2 Xu4, Wei3 Wan3. Actually I like ours better
        • 此言差矣,并非汉语比英语更含蓄委婉,而是因为我们中国人对英语这种语言的敏感度不够,所以当我们用第二语言说诸如“我爱你”之类的肉麻话时并不特别感到肉麻所以才更容易说出口。
          • Absolutely right. Great minds think alike, lol
    • The skin is whiter.
    • More teddy bear body hair
    • thicker and probably longer?
    • very smelly when dump or fart
      • hoho, tell more experiences....:P
      • what does dump and fart mean?
        • dump = "po po" and fart = "release gas from the rear"
          • My goodness, how do you know that?
            • My father in-law is a white man for example, also my brother in-laws...
              • So I guess your Wife is a white lady? Or mix race?
    • Have to take 2 showers a day...
      • i take 2 showers a day too since i live in an apartment, no need extra cost. :P
        • You must be very fragrant after shower, can I smell you when we meet?
          • you better go and smell a white guy first. :P
            • I already did...
    • 天哪,我觉得还是不要一概而论好。大概你们都在形容你们遇到的某一个吧,就只加拿大人我就遇到过各种性格的,有的considerate,honst,有的也很气急败坏,不负责任。更别提全世界各个国家的white men 了!
      • :-)
        • What's your opinion?
          • 1, there are always two sides of one thing, so you can not just talking about advantage and forget about disadvantage. 2, there are always any kind of ppl in any nation, it's really depends on individual. 3, all men
            are same, for eg: loving watching sports, and hate shopping, . :-))
            • your words too formal . You can answer it use another ID if you do not want offend some men or women. I understand.
              • but u can't blaim me coz I said something you don't like to hear.......besides, I just use one id. :-))
    • in addition, honestly, white guys physically 不吸引人,皮肤不细腻,毛发过多,即便肌肉发达的人,也手感不好:P 相比之下,chinese man真得很吸引人(当然不是所有的)。
      • Disagree! that's their strength. The thing that attact me in a man is hairy body and beard & moustache. And men like women with smooth skin. Chinese women are more traditional , so we like each other.
    • who can translate the following words: 甜言蜜语,含蓄委婉, Thanks.
      • Sweet words / Reserved...
      • sugar-tougn vs. subtle...