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That is true. That is why I always object to new government sponsored social programs.

Once some social programs are in place, it is very difficult to cancel it off. Something like universal healther, and bilingal. They have became staples of this country, nobody can dare to challenge them. Health care system will be not working some day, but before that day tax payers have to continuely inject money. It can not be resolved overnight by electing a conservative government. Even Mike Harris, a bold conservative, did not private the health care - and under his governance, Ontario Health spendign increase 25% every year - too many people abuses and too many new immigrants. People in Canada more like the ideology than facts. Another thing is the bilinguism, which Canadian are always proud of , virtually kills the opportunity to become a distinguished politician if he was not born in Quebec, and waster a lot of money in this country even people, except these in Quebec, can communicate freely without any involvement of French.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 请教, 关于加拿大私营医疗
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛联邦选举即将进行。看了大中报上三大党的政纲和一些评论文章,对加拿大私营医疗问题感到很不理解,请各位大虾指点指点。
    首先, 可以减轻公共医疗的部分压力,从而使公共医疗可以以现有的资源为每一位病患提供相对较好的医疗服务。因为私营医疗分流了一部分病人,使用公共医疗的人数减少,人均资源占有增加,从而有能力和可能提供更好的服务。在有能力负担私营医疗服务的人得到更好的医疗服务的同时,不能负担私营医疗服务的人也能得到较好的医疗服务,岂不是皆大欢喜?如果考虑到社会平等的问题,那么我宁愿不平等地得到医治,也不愿意不平等的坐以待毙。
    所以,想来想去,我实在想不明白为什么有那么多人要反对私营医疗,不知道大家对这个问题怎么看?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不少加拿大人把公费医疗作为块牌坊,根本不管公费医疗的弊病,听见私营就拿美国 做例子,好像除了美国世上再没别的了。明明负责不了公众的医疗,却连个自由选择的机会都不给,我觉得有点违反人权。政客们不敢说实话,那是怕惹火上身。
      • 保守党或自由党都不敢轻举妄动,怕一动则牵全身。不过相信慢慢地大家会明白,如果不想再让无能的政府往这个无底洞里闭着眼睛瞎扔钱,私营(或公私合营)是大势所趋。
      • "政客们不敢说实话,那是怕惹火上身" -- 这就是我觉得奇怪的地方。你说得对,老百姓应该有“自由选择的机会“。
        • The court has ruled that government has the collectively right to disallow private clinc.
    • i don't know, i just know that i am poor. :-)
      • 看不懂这帮人云衫雾罩地讨论,还是你这句话实在,我是穷人,我反对医疗私有化,因为我担心负不起高昂的医疗费或者保险费.对比一下汽车保险私有化的安省和其他没有私有化的省份(比如BC)的保险费,结果已经很清楚了.
        • 不是要取消现在的公费医疗系统,而是允许私人医疗的存在。对穷人来说,除了可能会眼红之外,应该好处多。那些富人交了税,又不使用公费医疗的福利,赚的岂不是我们穷人?
    • 请问你所谓的私营医疗服务是政府买单还是个人买单?
      • 当然应该是个人买单。
    • Private medicare will enourage doctors to move from public hospitals to private clincs. At the last it costs government more money to maintain the health system.
      The current system is that government acts as the moloply insurance company which force doctors to accept lower pay. The problem is not that Canada lacks doctor (although indeed it needs more doctors), it lies that under the system, people are not encourage to become doctors/nurses (pay is much lower than US), not encourage to see more patients, not encouraged to provide better service. Simply put, the health system will eventually not work. Ontario puts more than 40% tax money on healthcare; the highways system, road maintenance are much worse than US.
      • make sense. 那么有没有办法既允许公私医疗并存,又能留住公有医院的医务人员呢。
        • Increase their salary to a competitive level.
          • then need more tax :D
            • 仔细想了想,不是太同意这个观点。允许私人医疗确实会引起部分好医生的流失,但未必会导致更多的医疗投入以及由此引起的税务增加。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛第一,在保有目前公共医疗的大前提下,私有医疗的市场十分有限,只有那些富有阶层的人才有能力自己支付其费用。如果富有阶层是百分之十的话,私有医疗市场最多也只有百分之十。所以,医生的流失也相应的只有这个规模。超过这个规模就赚不到钱,必然会导致回流。

              最后,增加医疗投入也未必要增加税收比例。税收总额的增加有两大主要因素, 一是税率,二十征税对象的总额,也就是国民经济总额的大小。降低税率,从长远看会增加国民经济总额,从而也达到税收总额增加的目的。而提高税率,从长远看会降低国民经济总额,从而无法达到增加税收总额的目的,甚至进入恶性循环,对经济造成极大的危害。

              所以,我的结论是,允许私人医疗确实回导致部分医生的流失,但未必会导致税收增加的恶果。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Good point. Want to know more details. Thanks.
    • 因为英国这一尝试失败,别的国家都不敢动了。一旦变私人医疗,你每年的保险费就全控制在保险公司手里。哪天他想涨就涨,就和安省汽车保险一样。
      • 不是要全面私有化。简单说,如果有百分之十的人要求并有能力享受私有化医疗,那么就允许私人提供这百分之十的医疗服务,而百分之九十的老百姓仍然留在公共医疗体制中。
        • this is the point, no any politic party would like to take this risk to divid Canadians into 2 classes: 10% vs 90%, would you like to try?
          • The two classes are already there. Nobody can divide it, we can only choose to face it or pretend to ignore it. Allow/Support private medicare and change public medicare to private are to concepts.
            • there are 2 different concepts, what you said is a social exsit, a fact, I agree with you, it is true. but the social exsit does not equal to social system, public medicare is a social system.
              • 经济基础决定上层建筑。
                • not sure the medicare from private to public was a forward or a backward many years ago, @_@
        • 加拿大的这种高福利实际上也是政党竞选的结果,因为如果有哪个政党提出减少福利的话我不相信他会竞选成功,随着现在移民人口的大力增加以日显出其维持高福利的勉为其难
          • not really true, since there are many other states with the similiar politic system, the vote politics, but without such so called high welfare.
            • That is true. That is why I always object to new government sponsored social programs.
              Once some social programs are in place, it is very difficult to cancel it off. Something like universal healther, and bilingal. They have became staples of this country, nobody can dare to challenge them. Health care system will be not working some day, but before that day tax payers have to continuely inject money. It can not be resolved overnight by electing a conservative government. Even Mike Harris, a bold conservative, did not private the health care - and under his governance, Ontario Health spendign increase 25% every year - too many people abuses and too many new immigrants. People in Canada more like the ideology than facts. Another thing is the bilinguism, which Canadian are always proud of , virtually kills the opportunity to become a distinguished politician if he was not born in Quebec, and waster a lot of money in this country even people, except these in Quebec, can communicate freely without any involvement of French.
    • 对不起,弄错了。今天看了大中报才知道原来现在各政党讨论的所谓私人医疗跟我想的完全不一样。如果都是政府买单,还真不知道该不该允许私人医疗了。
      • 从开始我就问你所谓的私营医疗服务是政府买单还是个人买单,如果是个人买单还有什么好讨论的,自己的钱随便折腾没人管:)
        • 不管怎样都要谢谢大家。头一回参加联邦选举,虽然知道自己这一票只是汪洋中的一滴水,可还是不想轻易浪费了,毕竟这是我唯一的一滴水啊。