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never try this.

you can easily see a LaoWai walk with a chinese young woman in the
street. But you never see them with any older chinese woman. why?
They only want to taste chinese woman like chinese food. If you
want long term relationship, go for chinese. LaoWai will get rid of
you sooner or later.

I have been in Canada for less than 3 years, but I have encountered
many sad stories. All are chinese girls ...ed by LaoWai and then
kicked out. The sadness of all stories is: Those girls look down
her chinese fellow man a lot. Everything her LaoWai does is good
and decent. Everything her chinese fellow man does is shame and

They loved LaoWai but unfortunately, LaoWai never love them. Well,
if you think you can try LaoWai like try a meal of western food,
go ahead. But if you are looking for a long term relationship,
come back and try to love your chinese fellow man.

Sorry for this...but two of my best female friends were already

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 找个老外过日子,如何?
    • 语言,文化,生活习惯都不同,找个老外过日子,你以为是儿戏啊?我觉得不合理!
      • 世界上本没有路,走了,就成了你的路。
        • 可是有的地方是根本走不出路来的, 即使能走出来, 也得花太大的代价. 婚姻不是儿戏, 我们和洋人在各个方面差异很大,生活在一起会有不可想象的矛盾. 我认为第一代移民多数不适合同洋人联姻.
          • 同意!
          • it is not"我认为". The truth is 第一代移民多数不适合同洋人联姻
            • It Depends
              It depends on you, actualy I have met a lady who is from western contry, and married a Chinese Husband, they love each other and live together, even though the wife speak poor Manadarin(PU Tong Hua), the husband speak poor English, they have to communicate with each other in Body Language or with the help of dictionary.
              For your reference.
              • you just talk about 1% chance
        • hi, 4: Obviously, you're interested in it and really want to try. So go ahead and don't be afraid.... Good Luck!
        • and don't forget to come back and tell us your experience.... ^^
          • thanks anyway, i will try it. who knows if i can meet my half part ;>>
      • 此言差矣!
      • do you know the real difference between the different history and culture background, crazy idea!
    • if u both love each other, why not? I've seen many such happy stories. They are human beings too.
      • 恋爱的时候的确没问题. 可是婚姻不单单是恋爱, 还有普普通通的日常生活. 洋人的感情比较容易变化,当爱情不再那么充满激情, 就只有分手.
        • not really. Don't imagine it, try to make some local white friends and ask them what their opinions are.
          • I have local western friends. We talk a lot, and I can find similarities. However, the diffirences are more significient. As friends, it's good to know other people, while as couples, we'd rather have someone that can really share our feelings.
        • It applies to all cultures and religions too. remember the word Wei-Cheng was originated from French.
      • hi, the Guest who tell others not to imagine: Will you please indicate your "name". I'm a guest, too. But i have a name. That'll be easier for the rest of us to see who's talking about what ... Thanks
      • I just know one real story
        I don't know how many happy stories you have encountered. I just know one real story of a very close friend of mine. A first-generation Chinese lady who was a movie star married an American guy. They divorced after about 2 years.
        The lady considers the marriage a tragedy and regrets very much. Now it's not as easy as before for her to find a suitable mate and she has to bring down her criteria.
        I'm not against interracial marriages. But it's definitely not for first-generation immigrants.
        • maybe she's either too naive or too sophisticated.
    • 观念问题乎,实际问题乎?
      to speak it frankly, 既然千里迢迢的投奔西方世界,不应该只是看看它的山,喝喝它的水,吸吸它的空气,挣挣它的dollar. 人是万物之灵,只有了解了人,你才会真正的投入进一种境界或情绪或####,
      总之,如果还有选择的权利,何苦总盯着一群人? 若已经没有选择的权利了, well, 就要多多批判这种观点,-------太资产阶级自由化了吗!还要不要三讲了?
      哈哈, 嗨嗨,得罪得罪.
      • it's nothing really about freedom. you will see there's no difference between a traditional western family and Chinese family. hehe, u still have to deal with all relatives and family issues.
      • Top 10 reasons to marry a Lao Wai
        10. It's like to have an English teacher, for free;
        9. Can move into high standard apartment immidiately;
        8. Have opportunity to taste all kinds of good food in Toronto;
        7. Never worry about if I am good looking or not;
        6. Never worry about too old to find a boyfriend;
        5. Have opportunity to understand other cultures;
        4. Get financial support easily;
        3. Romantic feeling to remember when getting old (better than nothing);
        2. Great sex;
        and Number One:
        1. I try hard to marry a white guy even in China where there is few, why should I marry a Chinese man when there are tons of white guys here in Canada?
    • 每天用另一种方式表达自己哪怕最细微的感受,太难过了吧!!
      • everybody has to be responsible for his or her decision. language barrier is nothing for younger people.
        • It is not just language barrier! e.g you like port and his like beef. You like tea he like coffee
          • geez, every person is totally different from others. so by your logic, nothing can be tolerated or consolidated between two individuals? don't imagine things you don't know.
          • the race doesn't make that much difference, the personality does.
            • the more the difference race the more this kind of thing
              • 如人饮水冷暖自知。I don't think it makes any sense if it's nothing of our own experience.
                • If you find it is hard to find a people in your own race which you kwon so well, can you imagine you can get along well with a people from another race?
                  • so, why bother getting so much troubles to both families? and maybe you are more unacceptable to the other side, haha.
          • 甲之肉乙之毒. If not happy, why pushing both sides( regardless of race, age, native places, family background.) so hard to be together. that DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL. I don't think most people r so stupid to make their lives miserable.
            You don't really know love, do you?
          • I like all food, hehe.
    • what a good idea? please try it and come back to tell us the story.
    • never try this.
      you can easily see a LaoWai walk with a chinese young woman in the
      street. But you never see them with any older chinese woman. why?
      They only want to taste chinese woman like chinese food. If you
      want long term relationship, go for chinese. LaoWai will get rid of
      you sooner or later.

      I have been in Canada for less than 3 years, but I have encountered
      many sad stories. All are chinese girls ...ed by LaoWai and then
      kicked out. The sadness of all stories is: Those girls look down
      her chinese fellow man a lot. Everything her LaoWai does is good
      and decent. Everything her chinese fellow man does is shame and

      They loved LaoWai but unfortunately, LaoWai never love them. Well,
      if you think you can try LaoWai like try a meal of western food,
      go ahead. But if you are looking for a long term relationship,
      come back and try to love your chinese fellow man.

      Sorry for this...but two of my best female friends were already
      • so IMHO it's still the problem of the victim you talked out. because they didn't know who they were and what they were doing. And they even had no idea if the other parties love themselves or not. It's sad, and happens within same race too.
        • The problem is you can not observe the mineral change of other race and adjust your own behaviour.
          • sorry what's mineral change?
        • what is "IMHO" ?
          • in my humble opinion
        • 其实恋爱时,多数洋人是动了真感情.只是洋人感情易变,而且他们的婚姻家庭观念不象中国人那么严肃, 新鲜劲儿过了之后,会象陌路人那样,很难让中国人接受.
          • 也不尽然,那些年轻漂亮的女孩往往太浅薄,文化内涵及思想深度,对社会家庭的理解无法与对方有更多的沟通或存在差异,造成无法将爱情进行到底.也有可能老外的道德水准不同于中国.总之,如果不能长久,不如早日了断,长痛不如短痛.无所谓受害与否.
            • give me a break;) you do think Chinese have higher 道德水准? definitely wrong. we've learned how to pretend to ignore some embarassing behaviour by our Chinese people here.
            • Ha,ha.. How do you know those girls are young and pretty?
              • oh, maybe they are ugly and old. Anyway, everything is undefinitly for those girls or ladies. As long as there is love between man and woman, everything will be ok. Am I right?
              • 如果即不年轻,又不漂亮,那么,这个女人一定必须具备非常特殊的气质才能吸引男人,同意吗,男人们?
                • 同意!
                  • 也不一定吧!
              • Many of those girls are just not pretty and young. The 老外 those ladies are with are mostly losers of the society. Those 老外 have no chance at anywhere else, and take those Chinese ladies as easy picks and cheap sex toys. My pity ...
          • 既然這樣的話,那為甚麼還要找個洋人呢?洋人的感情易變,可以嘗試找個中國人(我指的是移民到加國的中國人),大家都是同胞,有共同的語言,這樣可能會比較容易相處一些,對吧!
      • Then how about Chinese man vs. White Woman?
        • in such cases, most of those white girls are very traditional, caring, and nice.
    • Maybe worth trying.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛洋 MM 优点:

      1 大多洋 MM 不会太计较你有没有绿卡,钱,HOUSE,BMW 车。
      2 洋 MM 数量多,资源丰富,可以东方不亮西方亮。
      3 脸形和身段与中国 MM 比有 3D 对 2D 的优势。(恕此言失礼,不
      MM 一吹嘘起自己的相貌动辄就说有白人追)
      4 即使吹了,也全当是上了一学期的英文口语课。
      5 与几个中国 GG 抢一个女同胞伤了和气,或者某些人禁不住勾引别
      MM 符合“兔子不吃窝边草”的古训。

      有处女情节的 GG 怕受不了。不过这种思想糟粕还是丢了的好。特别
      间互赠绿帽的事也不少,可见不是肤色的问题。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • excellent points!
        • Yep, just try! Do you forget the famous story of smart horses?Only trying ,you can know whether you can or not?Good luck
          • What is the story?
          • Of course. It is worth trying. Too few available Chinese women
            Just think you practise English with a white MM.
      • good points
    • 其实,有谁有敢说,一生只爱你一个呢?我想,什么都是一种经历,错了,不妨起脚再寻浙江潮吗, 是宁愿意遗憾也不后悔,还是宁愿意后悔也不遗憾? 那个更好呢?
    • 不好不好一点都不好。我和我先生的背景极其相似,教育啊,特别是家庭也极其相似。然而就因为他是南方人,我是北方人,在做一些关键性的决定时就会产生很多分歧,更何况是黄毛蓝眼睛的老外呢?
    • 好不好关键要看两个人的沟通,还要看两个人是否准备好去让步。如果我找的话,我一定要找一个热爱中国、至少是中国文化的人,对对方文化的了解和尊重是这种婚姻的基础。
    • TRY,为什么不试试? 我已经进入角色, 而且你能练就一口漂亮的英语。 这是我的经验。 刚来时, 我甚至不敢坐TTC, 就因为我根本不知道洋人在讲什么。 而现在我找工作时, 拿起电话, 对方居然没有想到我是中国人。
      • 我所认识能说一口漂亮的英语的,没有一个是找老外的。以练就一口漂亮的英语为由找个老外,是否太牵强了些?我有个同学嫁了老外,她老公告诉我,两年下来,他的英语都退步了。
        • 那是你的偏见。
          我的男友是商人, 他经常带我参加他的商务PARTY, 我在那里学会了怎样和洋人交流, 也从未忘记以一身美艳的旗袍展示东方女性的柔美。 我不敢说我是否会跟他结婚, 但我认为可以TRY, 难道说找个中国男孩做男友, 婚姻就会天长地久吗? 我是被我非常富有的中国丈夫离弃后出来的。 其原因就是他有了另一个年轻漂亮的女孩。
          • 很同情你的遭遇.这世界本来就没有绝对的对和错.我上面提到的女同学和她的小老头老公至少到目前还非常和谐.我同学近40,她老公50几了,两人对生活都没幻想,应该会长久;我有另一女同学,上海人,挺漂亮的...


      • 你的"对方居然没有想到我是中国人"的感觉是对的
        就象我上封贴子指出的那样, 我们的女同胞在有幸跟洋人第一次上床之后, 立即就觉得自己也是洋人了. 第二天, 她们投向我的眼神里充满了怜悯, 多可怜的东亚病夫呀, 居然都不知道AA制, 连女朋友的帐单都抢着付.上课自然不跟老中坐了. 可也无法跟洋人坐, 因为你脸上又没写字, 其他洋人并不了解你是可以不惜最终被遗弃而跟他们睡觉的. 所以在大学里,这样的同胞是可以一眼任出的. 她们高贵的跟自己坐在一起.
        • 我们可以自己表示说,如果中国男人全死光了才会嫁老外,但没必要要求所有的人都这样想,也不要贬低她们或嘲笑她们,世界大同观终会到来,躲是躲不开的,大不了不参与就算了。
          • 原则上同意. 另外你要是有机会跟这样的女同胞做同班同学, 相信你会有更深的感触.
          • 我看不必這樣扁人家老外吧!這樣豈不是說明我們中國人素質差?自打嘴巴不太好吧!老外有老外的好,中國人也有中國人的优點--重情義!(不過可不是絕對性的!)
      • the person who called didn't think you're a Chinese doesn't mean you speak English like a native.
        Maybe the caller thinks you're Indian. Don't fool yourself ! You can never sound like a native. Maybe only youself have this food feeling for your English. Good luck! ^_*
      • Rollor, 看来你我练习英语的法门需要改一改啦. 但是, 实在是拉不下这张脸皮.