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有生人经过家门, 如果他不是忙着吃/睡/玩, 金毛会汪汪大叫, 不过意思是, "快来陪我玩, 门开着哩!" "黑背又太凶,不好训练"? 完全反了,

"Those who would say a dog has no soul, have never looked into the eyes of a German Shepherd."
GERMAN SHEPPERD非常聪明, 很好训练, 周围有几只都很友好,反而是小狗大多很凶, 又叫又咬, 让主人很操心. 打骂劣怠狗狗违法, 冬天养院子里不人道, 有人会报告, 警察会找你.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 请问哪种狗好养,又能看家,我没养狗经验
    • 弄个警报系统比养狗便宜.
    • 还是你厉害,“准备养院子里”,爱斯基摩狗也不一定扛的住一冬天吧?
      • 楼主本着这样的态度养狗,还是趁早别养吧。养宠物是需要爱心的,不能把它当一工具来用啊。太。。。哎
        • 不能这么说,人家当看门狗来养的话,自然有相应的狗可以胜任.按你这么说,警犬早就折磨死了
        • 中国农村的狗都是养在院子里的,象有些狗,如“藏敖”跟本就不能养在屋里,我只是想找适合养外面的品种,黑背适合养外面吗?难道着加拿大的狗只能供着,就不能干点正事?
          • 把狗养在外边,会有人告你的!
            • really, but I heard some people said they have two dogs, one is indoor, the other is outdoor.
              • the outdoor one stay in the garage.
          • 这里的冬天多~~~冷~~~啊~~~,狗狗长时间在外面会冻死的。
    • 有生人经过家门, 如果他不是忙着吃/睡/玩, 金毛会汪汪大叫, 不过意思是, "快来陪我玩, 门开着哩!" "黑背又太凶,不好训练"? 完全反了,
      "Those who would say a dog has no soul, have never looked into the eyes of a German Shepherd."
      GERMAN SHEPPERD非常聪明, 很好训练, 周围有几只都很友好,反而是小狗大多很凶, 又叫又咬, 让主人很操心. 打骂劣怠狗狗违法, 冬天养院子里不人道, 有人会报告, 警察会找你.
      • 我家LG坚持说,他以前养狗的时候,都是养到院子里。据说要给它们弄个窝,所以他很不理解为什么不能把狗冬天养到院子里。:)
        • yeah, you can build a dog house in the yard, with the air condictioning and heating
          • 市场上有带暖气的狗窝吗?多少钱?
            • never never seen one, just put a heater in the dog house, but make sure it is covered and the dog won't get burn
              why you insist to have a guard dog? what kind of property you want him to watch? what do you want him to do? make sure you find out every thing before you get the dog.
              • TuanTuan, I need to speak to you about my personal life, do u have time to listen to me now?
                • call my cell
            • 可 以 在 窝 里 装 电 暖 气, 自 动 恒 温. 在 青 海 西 藏 地 区 的 藏 民 们 养 的 藏 狗 就 很 耐 寒, 每 天 爬 在 雪 地 上 睡 觉, 这 种 狗 我 养 过, 很 凶, 有 时 会 咬S 人 的,
        • 我小时在乡下养土狗, 他也是很可爱, 不过乡下两岁后就不许进屋, 在后门外建一窝, 晚上吓狐狸,狼. 不过冬天温度没有这儿低, 当然主要中国狗和这儿狗的地位不同, E.G 国内还吃狗肉, 警察随便打死狗.
      • 借问一句,买只小黑背大概要多少钱,从什么PETLAND,SMARTPET能买到吗?
        • never ever buy a puppy from pet store, those puppy are not breeded properly, even they are registed at CKC,because a good breeder never sell puppys to pet store. Buy it from breeder, $800-$1600
          In my own experience, to find a good German shepherd and train them well is not easy.
          • thanks.-(
          • 对着呢!