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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Private Guards Repel Attack on U.S. Headquarters

By Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 6, 2004; Page A01

An attack by hundreds of Iraqi militia members on the U.S. government's headquarters in Najaf on Sunday was repulsed not by the U.S. military, but by eight commandos from a private security firm, according to sources familiar with the incident.

Before U.S. reinforcements could arrive, the firm, Blackwater Security Consulting, sent in its own helicopters amid an intense firefight to resupply its commandos with ammunition and to ferry out a wounded Marine, the sources said.

The role of Blackwater's commandos in Sunday's fighting in Najaf illuminates the gray zone between their formal role as bodyguards and the realities of operating in an active war zone. Thousands of armed private security contractors are operating in Iraq in a wide variety of missions and exchanging fire with Iraqis every day, according to informal after-action reports from several companies.

In Sunday's fighting, Shiite militia forces barraged the Blackwater commandos, four MPs and a Marine gunner with rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47 fire for hours before U.S. Special Forces troops arrived. A sniper on a nearby roof apparently wounded three men. U.S. troops faced heavy fighting in several Iraqi cities that day.

The Blackwater commandos, most of whom are former Special Forces troops, are on contract to provide security for the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Najaf.

With their ammunition nearly gone, a wounded and badly bleeding Marine on the rooftop, and no reinforcement by the U.S. military in the immediate offing, the company sent in helicopters to drop ammunition and pick up the Marine.

The identity of the Marine and two other wounded men could not be established, but their blood was still fresh hours later, when the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, and spokesman Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt arrived to survey the battle zone.

Without commenting at a news conference yesterday on the role of the Blackwater guards, Kimmitt described what he saw after the fighting ended. "I know on a rooftop yesterday in An Najaf, with a small group of American soldiers and coalition soldiers . . . who had just been through about 3 1/2 hours of combat, I looked in their eyes, there was no crisis.

"They knew what they were here for," he continued. "They'd lost three wounded. We were sitting there among the bullet shells -- the bullet casings -- and, frankly, the blood of their comrades, and they were absolutely confident."

During the defense of the authority headquarters, thousands of rounds were fired and hundreds of 40mm grenades shot. Sources who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of Blackwater's work in Iraq reported an unspecified number of casualties among Iraqis.

A spokesman for Blackwater confirmed that the company has a contract to provide security to the CPA but would not describe the incident that unfolded Sunday.

A Defense Department spokesman said that there were no military reports about the opening hours of the siege on CPA headquarters in Najaf because there were no military personnel on the scene. The Defense Department often does not have a clear handle on the daily actions of security contractors because the contractors work directly for the coalition authority, which coordinates and communicates on a limited basis through the normal military chain of command.

The four men brutally slain Wednesday in Fallujah were also Blackwater employees and were operating in the Sunni triangle area under more hazardous conditions -- unarmored cars with no apparent backup -- than the U.S. military or the CIA permit.

One senior Blackwater manager has described those killings to U.S. government officials as the result of a "high-quality" attack as skilled as one that can be mounted by U.S. Special Forces, according to a copy of a report on the incident obtained by The Washington Post.

The four victims of that attack, according to Blackwater spokesman Chris Bertelli, were escorting trucks carrying either food or kitchen equipment for Regency Hotel and Hospitality. Regency is a subcontractor to Eurest Support Services (ESS), a division of the Compass Group, the world's largest food service company.

ESS provides food services to more than a dozen U.S. military dining facilities in Iraq, according to news accounts.

Blackwater, a security and training company based in Moyock, N.C., prides itself on the high caliber of its personnel, many of whom are former U.S. Navy SEALs. It has 450 employees in Iraq, many of them providing security to CPA employees, including the U.S. administrator, L. Paul Bremer, and to VIPs visiting Iraq.

Blackwater has applied to occupy a former MIG air base near Baghdad as a counterterrorism training facility for Iraqi forces. The training range will mirror the 6,000-acre Moyock site, which is frequented by U.S. law enforcement and military personnel.

© 2004 The Washington Post Company更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗,正义究竟在哪边? Iraqi insurgents mount a large-scale attack against U.S. Marines, with "about a dozen" Americans feared killed, initial Pentagon reports say. --CNN.com
    • 我是完全支持伊拉克人对美国的攻击,直至将美国鬼子赶出伊拉克。美国侵略伊拉克,就像当年日本鬼子侵略中国一样,所以我支持伊拉克人能够杀死多少美国人就杀死多少美国人,直至美国回老家。。。
      • 美国鬼子回快乐老家。
    • 美国人很可能认为,伊拉克人杀死美国无辜援建人员,是野蛮行为,应当予以打击。但对于被占领国百姓来说,无论美国士兵还是美国工程师,都是美国侵略者。希望仇恨不要蔓延到加拿大。
      • 什么“援建人员”, 那死的四个人都是Blackwater Security Consulting 的雇员,去 Blackwater网站看看他们是干什么的,说白了这些人就是美国政府的雇佣兵。
        据说现在有600多black water的雇员活动在依拉克,每人每天$500~$1000。都是特种部队退伍军人,平时一般做政府保安,美军人手调派不过来的时候这些人就上,而且死伤不记算在美军头上。最近几天的战斗都有他们参加,在一处驻守阵地弹尽粮绝的时候美军空中支援不能马上赶到,Blackwater出动了自己的武装直升机空运弹药并救出伤员。Blackwater现在还搞到了一个体育场什么的作为他们自己的基地,简直就是一直正规武装了。
        • 原来如此啊!我以为美国严格区分军人和非军人的区别呢。这下没法同情他们了。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Private Guards Repel Attack on U.S. Headquarters

          By Dana Priest
          Washington Post Staff Writer
          Tuesday, April 6, 2004; Page A01

          An attack by hundreds of Iraqi militia members on the U.S. government's headquarters in Najaf on Sunday was repulsed not by the U.S. military, but by eight commandos from a private security firm, according to sources familiar with the incident.

          Before U.S. reinforcements could arrive, the firm, Blackwater Security Consulting, sent in its own helicopters amid an intense firefight to resupply its commandos with ammunition and to ferry out a wounded Marine, the sources said.

          The role of Blackwater's commandos in Sunday's fighting in Najaf illuminates the gray zone between their formal role as bodyguards and the realities of operating in an active war zone. Thousands of armed private security contractors are operating in Iraq in a wide variety of missions and exchanging fire with Iraqis every day, according to informal after-action reports from several companies.

          In Sunday's fighting, Shiite militia forces barraged the Blackwater commandos, four MPs and a Marine gunner with rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47 fire for hours before U.S. Special Forces troops arrived. A sniper on a nearby roof apparently wounded three men. U.S. troops faced heavy fighting in several Iraqi cities that day.

          The Blackwater commandos, most of whom are former Special Forces troops, are on contract to provide security for the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Najaf.

          With their ammunition nearly gone, a wounded and badly bleeding Marine on the rooftop, and no reinforcement by the U.S. military in the immediate offing, the company sent in helicopters to drop ammunition and pick up the Marine.

          The identity of the Marine and two other wounded men could not be established, but their blood was still fresh hours later, when the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, and spokesman Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt arrived to survey the battle zone.

          Without commenting at a news conference yesterday on the role of the Blackwater guards, Kimmitt described what he saw after the fighting ended. "I know on a rooftop yesterday in An Najaf, with a small group of American soldiers and coalition soldiers . . . who had just been through about 3 1/2 hours of combat, I looked in their eyes, there was no crisis.

          "They knew what they were here for," he continued. "They'd lost three wounded. We were sitting there among the bullet shells -- the bullet casings -- and, frankly, the blood of their comrades, and they were absolutely confident."

          During the defense of the authority headquarters, thousands of rounds were fired and hundreds of 40mm grenades shot. Sources who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of Blackwater's work in Iraq reported an unspecified number of casualties among Iraqis.

          A spokesman for Blackwater confirmed that the company has a contract to provide security to the CPA but would not describe the incident that unfolded Sunday.

          A Defense Department spokesman said that there were no military reports about the opening hours of the siege on CPA headquarters in Najaf because there were no military personnel on the scene. The Defense Department often does not have a clear handle on the daily actions of security contractors because the contractors work directly for the coalition authority, which coordinates and communicates on a limited basis through the normal military chain of command.

          The four men brutally slain Wednesday in Fallujah were also Blackwater employees and were operating in the Sunni triangle area under more hazardous conditions -- unarmored cars with no apparent backup -- than the U.S. military or the CIA permit.

          One senior Blackwater manager has described those killings to U.S. government officials as the result of a "high-quality" attack as skilled as one that can be mounted by U.S. Special Forces, according to a copy of a report on the incident obtained by The Washington Post.

          The four victims of that attack, according to Blackwater spokesman Chris Bertelli, were escorting trucks carrying either food or kitchen equipment for Regency Hotel and Hospitality. Regency is a subcontractor to Eurest Support Services (ESS), a division of the Compass Group, the world's largest food service company.

          ESS provides food services to more than a dozen U.S. military dining facilities in Iraq, according to news accounts.

          Blackwater, a security and training company based in Moyock, N.C., prides itself on the high caliber of its personnel, many of whom are former U.S. Navy SEALs. It has 450 employees in Iraq, many of them providing security to CPA employees, including the U.S. administrator, L. Paul Bremer, and to VIPs visiting Iraq.

          Blackwater has applied to occupy a former MIG air base near Baghdad as a counterterrorism training facility for Iraqi forces. The training range will mirror the 6,000-acre Moyock site, which is frequented by U.S. law enforcement and military personnel.

          © 2004 The Washington Post Company更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 這個讓我想起很久以前的c&c,"your reinforcement will arrive in xx minutes"....
    • 美国人很傻,到哪里都要强制推销他们最得意的民主制度,还是当年大英帝国聪明,到哪里都是占了就是殖民地,强势镇压,反倒是相对稳定。
      • 当初傻大姆高压统治的时候, 血腥镇压杀无赦, 又是生物武器又是坦克的上. 我也没看到这些伊拉克斗士们. 反倒是老傻差不多100%的投票连任. 如果美国人也采取杀无赦的政策. 我估计斗士们要少多了.
        • 高压下也照样有反抗的。只不过,不同的统治者怀有不同的目的,采取不同的手段,得到不同的效果。日本人在中国也采取过高压,终究还是没能统治中国。
          • 我的意思就是, 这些组织在老傻的高压下乖乖当着顺民. 现在都又成血性汗了. 给我种趁乱捞地盘的感觉. 还有, 我一向对以宗教名义组织起来的武装组织非常非常地不感冒.
            • 高压之下的未必是顺民,只不过没法反抗。谭嗣同那样愣往刀口上撞的毕竟是极少数。什叶派穆斯林因美国人推翻萨达姆得以解放,却不对美国人感恩戴德,也不为将来政府中的席位而卑躬屈膝,很有民族气节。
              • 哥们,看来你挺明白的,可惜呀,道理都是用来说服别人的.
              • 多半不是因为"不为将来政府中的席位而卑躬屈膝,很有民族气节",而是因为不能在将来政府中真取到期待的席位而铤而走险。
                • 多半是想要把所有的权力都抓到自己的手上, 而不是期待一个"席位"而已. 比如当年坚决拒绝参加伪政协的某某党.
                  • 当年要“想要把所有的权力都抓到自己的手上”是坚决组织伪政协的某某党
                • 不是。美国人很早就请什叶派领导人出山,可他们出来的同时,极力强调民族自决,决不做洋奴。美国希望建立阿拉伯共荣圈,而反美却使两派穆斯林形成统一战线。就连我认识的伊拉克基督徒也反对美国入侵。难啊。
                  • 是美国不让他们全民选举?还是他们要exclusive控制权?
          • 在日本人来之前还有27大罢工,5.4,五仨什么的,日控区好像就没有反抗了,解放后更是没什么反政府的事。还是高压奏效,要是台湾那样松绑,还不是让民进党搞翻了天
      • 同意。
      • 所谓又要做**,又要立**。
    • 正义这种东西是靠打架争来的,不是靠嗓门大声讨来的.
    • 俺的观点比较直接了当:这是狗跟臭鼬干架呢。
    • 今天伊拉克人将日本参加伊拉克维和部队的人作为人质,警告日本人,如果不从伊拉克撤军就烧死人质。其中还有一个女人质。。
      • 今天也绑了中国人,无赖就是无赖,没那么崇高。