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7y7, 可否向您咨询一个问题??

我是这里大学本科毕业,主修金融, 副修的数学。因为上学时对ACCOUNTING很是感冒,所以学的accounting课很少。毕业后在这里工作了一年,但是不是相关本专业的工作。现在面临着选择,很是迷惑,我不知道像我现在这种情况,是继续读MBA好呢,还是用这一年多读书的时间,去考什么证书, 比方说cfa,CGA之类的。
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 加拿大财会行业系列之 加拿大专业简历 - 实践篇
    • 这篇东西实在又有用,我喜欢。顶。
    • Good,Good!!!
    • 预先道个歉,不知为什么ROLIA发过来的EMAIL全落进JUNK MAIL,防不胜防。马上要回国办大事,5月会组织一些非正式活动,到时大家见面好吗 :-)
      • 是结婚吗?:)
        • :-))))
          • GXGX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          • 呀呀呀,恭喜恭喜!
          • 记得当年在文学城说有如何如何一个大钻戒云云。。。如今终于往前迈一步了。。。恭喜啊。。。
            • 呵呵,你搞得人家都不好意思了。当年年轻嘛。哈哈。
    • 已经收藏,十分有用,多谢!力顶!
    • 总有一种迷失方向的感觉,现在终于找到前辈了!谢谢!
    • 实在是有用!收藏
    • 看过很多你写的文章很有用,谢谢!
    • It is very useful! Thank you!
    • 有一点不明白,考CGA, CA,或 CMA,必须有至少三年的加拿大工作经验(还要有两年SENIOR POSITION)呀,怎么能在校时就考证了呢?
      • 考证通常要3年以上,一边考一边拿经验是最好的。在校能多考几门工作以后就轻松很多。
        哎,这位MM或DD,我又忍不住要说难听话了,估计我们是校友,学校CAREER CENTRE是不好,自己也得用心做点功课啊。连这个都不清楚,怎么找会计工作?

        • 发了封信给您,多谢指点!
        • 立即行动,我已经开始报名CGA Program了,起步晚了点,希望能赶上下一学期的课时,谢谢啦!不知怎样找到CGA在网上的studygroup?
        • 先祝贺事业感情双丰收!其次想问“勤学好问”mm能给你发信,我能发信给你吗?说不定咱俩也是校友呢?:D
          • 当然啦!说不定我还是姐姐呢!有空欢迎多切磋!
    • 能不能来个IT简历系列。在这里找电脑工作好难,相信好多问题都是出在简历上。你的文章很好很有帮助,要是有电脑方面的就更好了。
      • 抱歉,隔行如隔山,实在不敢多说 :-)
    • 真是雪中送炭. 发了近三个月的简历, 只有一个回信的. 现在要对我的简历做大手术了. 非常感谢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • 纠正:大的award,包括高中数学竞赛第一之类的都要写.老外重视竞赛中获奖的!
    • 拜读了个人专辑,很有帮助,非常感谢:-) 重要的问题大家都在问了,我问个相对题外的,盼指教:
      • 语言是相通的,我中文写作表达能力相当强,英文语感也比较好。此外读书只求及格,大量时间花在课外活动上,事实证明是正确的选择。
        我T G成绩都一般,学校也很普通,只是中学比较好,初中就有外教,英语老师基本都出国培训过。


        • HH, 那也叫读书?? 那叫培训.
          • 呵呵,呵呵呵呵呵呵。
        • 不会吧!这么cool! :-)
        • 可以讲讲是怎样的事实证明的,以及这些事实是怎样证明的吗?谢。
        • wow. great woman, really like a cow (Niu woman) .
    • 7y7, 可否向您咨询一个问题??
      我是这里大学本科毕业,主修金融, 副修的数学。因为上学时对ACCOUNTING很是感冒,所以学的accounting课很少。毕业后在这里工作了一年,但是不是相关本专业的工作。现在面临着选择,很是迷惑,我不知道像我现在这种情况,是继续读MBA好呢,还是用这一年多读书的时间,去考什么证书, 比方说cfa,CGA之类的。
      • 我冒充答复一下:-)你还年轻,又有本地教育背景,主修又不错,还是多想想自己的兴趣所长是什么.FINANCE和ACCOUNT是对头,转专业是需要很多付出的,尤其你又对ACCOUNTING感冒.MBA+FINANCE不错,有很多JOB选择的.
        • 那您可不可以讲讲都哟什么样的工作我可以选择!!
          • 给你篇文章看看,别嫌长哦!
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Salaries will vary depending upon years of experience and actual job tides; however, compensation for a large number of these careers is often in the six-figure range after five to 10 years of experience have been obtained.

            The list below identifies a number of finance careers and a brief description of the duties associated with them. For more details, go to the Careers in Business website.

            Corporate Finance

            1. Treasurer: Responsible for financial planning, raising funds, cash management, and acquiring and disposing of assets.

            2. Financial Analyst: Determine financial needs, analyse capital budgeting projects, conduct long-range financial planning, analyse possible acquisitions. arid asset sales, visit credit agencies to explain firm's position, work on budgets, analyse competitors, implement financial plans, monitor the market price of your company's securities, analyse leasing agreements, and determine needs and methods of dealing with derivatives.

            3. Credit Manager: Establish policies for granting credit to suppliers, establish guidelines for collecting on credit, and consider whether to securitize receivables.

            4. Cash Manager: Establish relationships with banks, manage short-term credit needs, ensure that sufficient cash is on hand to meet daily needs, put excess cash into a concentration account bearing interest, and handle international transfers of funds.

            5. Benefits Officer: Manage pension fund assets, set up employee retirement plans, determine health care benefits policies, and work with human resources to set up cost-effective employee benefits.

            6. Real Estate Officer: Find real estate locations for a company and negotiate lease agreements. Also responsible for acquisition of real estate and valuation of properties.

            7. Investor Relation Officer: Deal with the investing public by disseminating financial information, respond to queries from institutional investors, issue press releases to explain corporate events, and organize teleconferences with investors.

            8. Controller: Responsible for financial planning, accounting, financial reporting, and cost analysis. Will get involved in property, revenue, benefits, derivatives, leases, and joint interest accounting. May need to develop forecasting models to project revenues and costs. May be called on to implement or work with a complex costing system, financial re-engineering, transfer pricing issues, or interface with auditors.

            Commercial Banking

            1. Credit Analyst: Evaluate business and consumer loan applications made to your bank. Your duties include projecting a company's future cash flow, evaluating its current financial soundness, visiting and interacting with financial people at businesses, and dealing with lenders. You will learn a lot about business in this job.

            2. Loan Officer: Make loans to businesses and consumers.

            3. Branch Manager: Responsible for overseeing all activities at your branch including opening new accounts, loan origination, solving customer problems, foreign exchange, and safety deposit boxes. Most importantly, you are responsible for establishing relations with customers.

            4. Trust Officer: Responsible for delivering trust services, financial products, and advice to bank customers (often more upscale ones).

            5. Mortgage Banker: Responsible for making mortgage loans to homebuyers and businesses. This involves heavy contact with real estate professionals, credit checks, and dealing with new buyers.

            6. Other Jobs: Other jobs in banking involve accounting, marketing and advertising, commercial card operations securities transfer, wire operations, private banking, cash management services, instalment loans, loan servicing, correspondent banking, personnel, operations, and communication.

            Investment Banking

            1. Corporate Finance: Responsible for helping companies raise capital needed for new projects and ongoing operations. Work to determine the amount and structure of funding needed by a client through equity, debt, convertibles, preferred, asset-backs, or derivative securities.

            2. Mergers and Acquisitions: Setting up deals in which one company buys another, an important source of fee income for many investment banks. Responsible for helping out and working with a team that acts as an advisor to a client, values transactions, creatively structures deals, and negotiates favourable terms.

            3. Project Finance: Involves funding infrastructure and capital projects.

            4. Trading: Involves undertaking transactions in equities, bonds, currencies, options, or futures with traders at commercial banks, investment dealers, and large institutional investors.

            5. Structured Finance: Create financing vehicles to redirect cash flows to investors, known as asset-backed securities (ABS). Typical ABSs securitize credit card receivables, auto loan receivables, or mortgages.

            6. Derivatives: Many jobs associated with the sale of management of derivatives, which require substantial knowledge of technical details regarding derivatives and their pricing.

            7. Advisory: Provide advice to the public and to private clients involved in mergers or financing.

            8. Equity and Fixed-Income Research: Analyse stocks and bonds and make buy or sell recommendations based on your analysis.

            9. International Sales/Emerging Markets: Analyse foreign markets and securities within those markets and/or act as a salesperson for investors who wish to invest in these markets.

            10. Public Finance: Assist various government agencies (at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels) in raising funding.

            11. Retail Brokerage (Stockbroker): Involved in selling stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other products to individual investors.

            12. Institutional Sales: Convey information about particular securities to institutional investors (such as pension funds and mutual funds).

            13. Computer Guru: Maintain computer and information systems and assist with the development of software.

            14. Ratings Analyst: Assign credit ratings to the debt instruments of businesses and governments.

            Money Management

            1. Portfolio Manager: Responsible for selecting and managing investments to meet the goals of a group of investors usually working for a money management firm or pension fund.

            2. Portfolio Management Sales: Attempt to attract and maintain clients for a portfolio management company.

            3. Investment Advisory: Provide investment advice, performance evaluation, and quantitative analysis to the money management sector.

            4. Mutual Fund Analyst: Analyse mutual funds and/or the variety of potential investment instruments that might be included in a particular fund.

            Financial Planning

            Financial planners help individuals plan their financial futures, which requires an understanding of investments, taxes, estate planning issues, as well as excellent interpersonal skills.


            1. Actuary: Use analytical skills and techniques to predict the risks associated with writing insurance policies on property, businesses, and people's lives and health.

            2. Agent and Broker: Advise people and organizations on their insurance needs and sell them the appropriate products.

            3. Claims Adjuster: Negotiate claims for people who have experienced a loss that is covered by insurance.

            4. Service Representative: Serve as the link between agents who sell insurance policies and insurance companies that write the policies.

            5. Loss-Control Specialist: Assist in maintaining accidents and losses to a minimum by identifying and helping to eliminate potential hazards and promoting precautionary mechanisms.

            6. Risk Manager: Help organizations to identify the risks they face and make recommendations for dealing with them.

            7. Underwriter: Evaluate applicants' exposure to risk, decide whether they meet minimum acceptable standards, and assist in product pricing.

            Real Estate

            1. Real Estate Agent/Broker: Sales professionals who contract their services to real estate companies for a commission-sharing agreement.

            2. Real Estate Appraisers: Provide unbiased estimates of a property's value and quality, often working for banks or real estate companies.

            3. Property Managers: Manage real estate properties for the owners. Duties include negotiating leases, ensuring tenants are satisfied, and collecting rents.

            4. Real Estate Advisory: Help investors select properties that are likely to increase in value and help them care for their properties.

            5. Development and Construction: Identify the potential for new real estate developments; and work through to the ultimate completion of such projects. A high-risk, high-potential reward career that requires an entrepreneurial flair.

            6. Real Estate Entrepreneur: Buy properties based on the expectations that they will increase in value because of improved market conditions or as a result of planned renovations.

            Venture Capital

            Venture capital firms provide funding (usually in the form of equity and/or long-term convertible debt) to private companies that are unable to obtain adequate financing from traditional channels. The companies they finance are usually in the early stages of their development, and their future is considered risky. Therefore, venture capitalists demand high returns to compensate them for the risk. They also provide business planning and other services to these companies.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 看过了,他这个只是说具体职位都是做什么的,没说有什么要求啊?而且我想我能做的只是entry level,我想知道多一些这样的信息!
              • 这个就是针对MBA+FINANCE所提供的CAREER OPPORTUNITY呀,贴在我们学校MBA网址上的.你不是拿不定主意要不要念MBA吗?
                • 哦,这回算是找到点方向了,很是感谢啊!!对了,你是哪个学校的啊,那你有想过要过要考什么DESIGNATION吗
                  • 那些是职业方向,还要细分下去的话还有行业方向(不过这个你很难把握,落到哪个行业算哪个吧).
                    我们学校本校在滑铁卢,在金融方面还算强项.不过我读PT,根据我现在的工作选定的方向是MBA中的MERGE&ACQUISITION还有ENTREPRENEAURSHIP,也有不少金融课可选的.原来想再读个CMA但对写报告实在发怵,所以现在打算就这么混着,嘿嘿! 我觉得对于我们这种学的"万金油"型的人来说,与其先拼命攻读什么DESTINATION,不如好好找个工作边做边学,到时候你自然知道自己往哪方面走最合适.我现在还没有拿到任何北美学位和证书,但是已经比我知道的很多完成硕士学业的人找到了更高薪又满意的工作.趁自己年轻,加强工作经验,不要急功近利,慢慢会看到自己成功的一天(我可没说我成功),一起努力加油吧.
                    • 你这还不算成功啊,在我眼中算是很不错了!!嗬嗬!!感觉你和我年纪差不多,我可不可以和你聊聊阿!!我的e-mail:wofeifei@hotmail.com想向您多请教一些经验!!
    • Good Article, Not authoritive
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hello 7y7,

      I really appreciate your article and your efforts.
      However, here are some of my points.

      1. CPA license definitely useful in Canada.
      2. Fortune 500, e.g. Goldman Sachs, if you want to apply for Associate Accountant position ( it is like Senior Analyst, the first entry level is called Financial Analyst, then Associate, then Vice President, then Senior VP), you need to have MBA and CPA degree and you should come from Big 4 only.
      3. Let's assume that a person who worked for US KPMG a couple of years, get MBA degree, get CPA license, then go to Goldman Sachs as a Associate (Once again, like senior analyst), then go to Canada, do you think any Canada company will ignore such resume? Of course not!
      4. My point: As an auditor or accountant, the hightest professional level is to join called Big 4 ( it is used to be called Big 5) Public Accountant firms, then go to anywhere you want. I am in US, I do not know much in Canada. However, I think the best ones still be in Big 4 Canada branches. e.g. Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young LLP, KPMG LLP, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
      5. My recommendation. Yes, it is hard to even get a license, How could we possible to be hired by these big 4 or Goldman Sachs?
      I will talk this matter if someone interested.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I'm interesting in your comments. I heard the big 4 only hire two kind person. One is very experienced person with very good background. The other is the student just graduated from school. Is it true?
        • My comment
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛So far, I know several types of being hired by big 4.
          1. got a pretty decent MBA degree, get very high CPA exam scores! got a couple of years experience from small or middle-size CPA firms.
          2. got a reputable MBA degree, e.g. NYU Stern Business School.
          3. got a reputable MPA degree from universities which Accounting major is ranked among top lines, e.g. Texas University MPA program.
          4. get a chance to do internship work in Big 4, then get an offer.

          One thing I want to point out: do not compare China's CPA with US CPA. People may do not care about your professional experience in China. However, if you said you do not know US CPA or US CPA is nothing or not worth of much in Canada, that means at least you are not coming from the top Big 4 Public Accounting firms.

          Once again, if we are talking about accounting professionals, I think we better starting from Big 4 and Investment Banking firms. Why? again, what is the highest level of accountants? Of couse, CPAs in this global world. Why we need CPAs? one of the two major types of their work is related to auditing Publicly traded companies. Then Merill, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs are in the first lines.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • wonderful~!thanks
    • 想和你聊一聊
      读了你的文章很有感触, 我在大学读第二学位, 是会计, 快毕业了, 才想起要找coop, 或工作. 昨天刚有过面试, 但自我感觉不好, 不到10分钟就结束了. 我在国内银行工作, 可我在国内做的这里用不上, 用上的我语言又表达不好,很糟糕. 很想和你这样的人聊一聊. 你能告诉我你的个人联系方式吗, 或私人e-mail 也行. 谢谢.

      另外请问EXCELL要掌握到什么程度, 什么是G/L 系统, FINANCIAL REPORTING 系统. 我在学校学的都是理论, 不会这些应用系统, 我用去私立学校学么?
      • 抱歉我下月回国度假。5月可能搞些活动,欢迎参加。
        我的专辑里面对EXCELL, G/L, FINANCIAL REPORTING SYSTEM有一些描述,可以去看一下。

        没有准备DESIGNATION,不会财务应用系统,基本没有希望找到ANALYST类工作。说实话,现在才想到找工作实在是太晚了,光靠这个学位连DATA ENTRY的工作恐怕都很难找。

        • 我也一直在等着您的回复呢!!
        • 想参加, 到时怎么联系了.