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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛当铁鸟飞翔和马在轮子上奔驰,西藏人民会分散在世界各地,达摩会来到赤色土地之上。
根本仁波切(Guru Rinpoche)



“西藏和平解放17点条约”(The 17-pointAgreement on Measuresfor the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet )许诺一国两制的架构,很像现在提供给香港和澳门的。但是提供了很少的保证这样的许诺将被遵守。西藏使节抗议他们没有被授权签署这样的条约加上没有达赖喇嘛的印章。深思熟虑的中国政府已经伪造了达赖喇嘛的印章,条约被批准了。



同一年,西藏东部爆发了反抗;在1957年和1958年抗议和武装反抗蔓延到西藏中部(有CIA隐秘的协助)。达赖喇嘛带着沉重的心情于1957年3月从印度的庆祝佛诞生2500年庆典上归来。看上去西藏不可避免地要爆发反抗,同样不可避免的将面对中国冷酷无情的镇压。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 最近在看Lonely Planet Tibet的旅游指南,看了介绍西藏历史、现在的部分,感觉怪怪的,也许是从西方的角度出发。我翻译了全部这些介绍,不代表个人观点。大家尽管讨论,报国翻译错误,文笔拙劣多多包含。
    • 神话的开始
      • 辛苦了,不過我對這些從來不太看,歷史從來是勝利者的紀錄。他們這麽關心西藏,爲什麽不好好揭露一下如何屠殺上億的印第安人,更應該賠償幾千萬黑奴和間接死亡的數億非洲人。大家都是半斤八兩
        • 老婆大人就是这个认为的
        • [不過我對這些從來不太看,]? maybe better to read something carefully before you wanted to say someting.
          • 要摆脱固有的思维模式不容易, 特别是对於18岁以上的人
        • 这类书很多, 多到CHAPTERS转转, 能发现不少, 另外电视频道HISTORY也有不少专题片, 你时间不够的话, 可以去ORDER点来看看, 拍的不错。
        • 另外关于屠杀印第安人的事很复杂,不知道这上亿的数字哪里来的, 愿闻其详。
        • 反应过激。
          • why?
            • 就是一篇介绍文章而已,我们自打上学读过的类似东西还少吗?可能是因为方向不同,基于本位主义而比较乐于接受吧。
        • 作者說的也許是事實,但是結論都或多或少是錯誤的。說漢人欺壓藏人,沒錯;但是,歷史上藏人也沒少襲擾漢人,反過來漢人自己殘殺了更多的漢人。300年前,美洲還是印第安人的呢,澳洲也是土人的,這些帳又該怎麽算呢?
    • 雅伦流域王朝
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛就像藏人起源的神话所说的,雅伦流域也是西藏中部文明起源的摇篮。早期的雅伦国王们,尽管在传说中被赋予荣耀,但是实际上也就是个酋长,统治的区域超不过雅伦流域地区太多。被重建的西藏的第一个堡垒雍布拉康依然能在雅伦流域看见,就在这里据说在公元5世纪第28任国王收到了西藏第一批佛教经文。传说中说,这些佛经掉到了雍布拉康的屋顶。
      根据可靠的历史记载,雅伦流域王朝的雏形只有在6世纪才通过征服和联盟进入国际舞台。在那时候雅伦国王们已经通过征服和联盟在统一中部西藏的进程中迈出了很大的一步。囊日化赞(Namri Songtsen大约 570-619),第32任西藏国王,继续了这个趋势并扩展西藏 对亚洲内陆的影响,在中国边境上击败羌族部落。但是让西藏成为一个真正的地区势力是囊日化赞的儿子松赞干布(630-49)开始统治之后。
      松赞干布统治之后的两个世纪,西藏的势力和影响继续扩张。到赤松德赞(Trisong Detsen 755-97)时代,西藏的影响力已经到达土耳其斯坦,巴基斯坦北部、尼泊尔和印度。在中国,西藏部队征服了甘肃和四川并且控制了敦煌的伟大的佛洞。在公元763年,西藏部队占领了都城长安(现在的西安),迫使唐朝达成一项协议承认西藏大部分占领地区的新边界。
      一个进一步的唐蕃条约在公元821年赤祖德赞Tritsug Detsen Ralpachen ( 817-36)统治时期签订。它被刻成三块石碑,一块在拉萨大昭寺外,一块在当时中国的都城长安,另一块在西藏和大唐的边境上。只有在拉萨的那块现在依旧竖立着(参看拉萨八廓广场章节)。条约的签名者发誓道“……以东所有地区属于大唐,以西确实属于西藏,边境两边都不得战争,不得敌意入侵,不得夺取领地……” 盟约继续预示着一个“蕃人乐蕃,唐人乐唐”的新时期。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 佛教的引入
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在松赞干布统治时期佛教首次被传入西藏的时候,佛教已经繁盛了1100年并且成为周围所有邻国的主要宗教信仰。佛教最初在西藏传播得很慢。
      早期的传教士,比如从印度佛教中心Nalanda(现在是Bihar)来的息护(Shantarakshita,又成为住持菩萨)要面对来自本教(Bon-dominated court)的很大敌视。松赞干布的唐朝妻子和尼泊尔妻子的影响力仅仅局限于宫廷,那时候的祭祀大概是印度人和唐人,没有藏人。
      对于西藏是否要接受佛教的争论在桑耶寺到达了顶点。据说在那里赤松德赞的判决有利于提倡基于学院研究和道德准则建立起逐步启蒙的印度教师,但是也有很多反对制度化、全体化佛教的反对者,很多的支持者来于本教(Bon faith)。下一任西藏国王Tritsug Detsen Ralpachen成为反对派的受害者,被他的兄弟Langdharma暗杀了,Langdharma发起了对佛教的攻击。在公元842年Langdharma 自己在一个节庆中被一个装扮成黑帽舞蹈者的佛教僧侣暗杀了,整个西藏很快就崩溃成互相征战的公国。在随后的混乱之中,佛教的支持萎缩了,经历了150年的裂痕。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 佛教的第二轮传播
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛自从公元842年西藏的崩溃,西藏对亚洲的扩张也停止了,西藏再也没有举起手臂。最初在本地压倒性势力的挣扎之下,佛教再次逐渐地发挥出它的影响力,在精神上把藏人的思想作了转换,转换为朝着佛教的方向发展。随着佛教信仰在印度、尼泊尔和中国的消退,西藏逐渐成为世界上最虔诚的佛教国度。
      这所谓的佛教的第二轮传播(也参看佛法)与两个发展是一致的。第一,在东部康区(Kham)避难的教师回到了中部,在10世纪建立了新的寺庙。第二,在不久之后的11世纪中期,位于西部的古格王朝邀请了孟加拉学者阿底峡(Atisha)。阿底峡的信徒,主要是敦巴(Dromtonpa)帮助建立了嘎当派,和在例如热定(Reting)Ü 的寺院。
      在11世纪的这次佛教影响的复苏使得很多藏人前往印度去学习。这些被他们带回来的新思想在藏人的思考方面有着新生的影响并且产生了藏传佛教的其他新学校。在这之中有噶举派(Kagyupa order),是翻译家玛尔巴(Marpa,1012-93)的门徒米拉日巴(Milarepa,1040-1123)创立的。同时在萨迦,Kon家族在1073年建立了一个寺院,在那里形成了萨迦派(Sakyapa order)。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 萨迦派统治和蒙古封建君主权位
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛随着西藏中部王国的崩溃,西藏同唐朝的接触日渐减少。到唐朝在907年快结束的时候,唐朝已经收复了几乎以前被西藏占领的所有土地。在整个宋朝(960-1276)两国直接几乎没有接触,而西藏危及外国的接触就是南部的佛教邻居们。
      这些在1206年成吉思汗(Genghis Khan)发动一系列的征服之后都改变了。成吉思汗的霸权横跨中亚和中国的广大帝国。当时的宋朝直到1279年才沦陷,但是同时蒙古很快占领中亚。因为全神贯注于其他事物,西藏直到1239年才注意到蒙古,那时候蒙古军队对西藏进行了多次袭击。蒙古军队在返回之前几乎到达拉萨,并把途径的无数寺院夷为平地。
      藏人认为回来的蒙古部队将西藏喇嘛们的显赫精神和阔端Godan Khan 联系了起来,阔端是成吉思汗的孙子并且统治着库库诺尔(Kokonor)地区(现在的青海)。作为回应阔端召集了萨迦寺的首领(住持)萨迦班智达(Sakya Pandita)前往他的宫廷。这次会议的结果就是开始了深度宗教的西藏和军事强悍的蒙古的神职赞助。藏传佛教成为了蒙古在东亚地区的国家宗教,萨迦喇嘛的首领成为了精神领袖,这个职位同时也蒙受了当时整个西藏的权力。许多寺院转变成(或者被转变成)萨迦学院。
      萨迦派的支配地位持续了不到100年。从最早开始就存在斗争(It was strife-tom from the start.)。萨迦派和蒙古朝廷的关系以及对西藏的统治引起了其它宗教派系的嫉妒。政治阴谋,权力斗争和流血冲突是那时的流行事务。到公元1350年,一个最早在接受萨迦训练的僧侣Changchub Gyaltsen 回到他的雅伦流域的家乡地区作了地方长官,通过联盟和直接面对推翻了萨迦霸权。仅在18年后,蒙古的元朝被推翻,明朝建立。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 西藏独立
      在Changchub Gyaltsen 击败萨迦派之后,他担保要去除所有蒙古机构的痕迹。为了做这些,他利用了前雅伦国王的传统:官员们必须按照前朝廷的方式穿着,被修订过的松赞干布的法律条文被颁布;新的税收系统被增强;描述雅伦王朝辉煌的手卷被使用(尽管Changchub Gyaltsen声称这些手卷是被“发现”的)。这个运动完全就是声明西藏从外国干预中独立并且寻求国家身份。
      Changchub Gyaltsen 和他的继承者一直统治到公元1435年,直到雅伦流域附近的乃东(Nedong)。他们的统治被仁布(Rinpung)王子继承,那是一个在拉萨西南的地区。在1565年,藏王Tsang在日喀则(Shigatse)成为了西藏的长期统治者。那时候的精神统治被既定为在楚布寺(Tsurphu Monastery)的噶举分派的首领噶玛巴(Karmapa)。
    • 格鲁巴(Gelugpa)和达赖喇嘛的上升
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在1374年,一个叫做宗喀巴(Tsongkhapa)的年轻人从他在藏东库库若尔(Kokonor)的家出发前往西藏中部,在那里他拜访了藏传佛教所有的主要学校并且担任教值。到他25岁的时候,他已经成为很有名声教师和作者,尽管那时候他自己还师从一名当时很显赫的喇嘛。
      宗喀巴的门徒决定传播他们的大师的学说,他们在哲蚌(Drepung ,1416)和色拉(Sera ,1419)建立了寺院。公元1447年另外一个寺院(扎什伦布寺,Tashilhunpo)在日喀则(Shigatse)建成,新诞生的教派被称为格鲁巴派。扎什伦布寺的建立者Genden Drup 是宗喀巴的一个侄子,就在他死前不久他宣布他会在西藏再生并且给了追随者一个记号使得他们能够发现他。他的再生者甘丹加措(Genden Gyatso)成为哲蚌寺的领导,这个寺院现在是西藏最大的寺庙,并且他进一步加固了在新格鲁巴派的声望。
      到格鲁巴派的第三任转世索南加措(Sonam Gyatso ,1543-88)蒙古开始对西藏的新的不断壮大的门派感兴趣了。就像13世纪萨迦派进入政治舞台那样,索南加措接受了阿尔泰可汗(Altyn Khan)的邀请于公元1578年在库库若尔(Kokonor)与之进行了会谈。在会上索南加措接受了达赖的头衔,达赖的意思是“海洋”暗示着“智慧的海洋”。这个头衔也被回溯到他的前两任的转世者上,索南加措就成为了第三任达赖喇嘛。
      不奇怪, Tsang的国王们和楚布寺(Tsurphu Monastery)的噶玛巴(Karmapa)看见了格鲁巴派与蒙古的联盟对他们的权力是一个直接的威胁。争论就此爆发了,在公元1611年Tsang国王进攻了哲蚌寺和色拉寺。第四任达赖喇嘛逃出了中部西藏,并且在公元1616年25岁的时候死了(他可能被囚禁了)。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 伟大的第五世达赖喇嘛
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛第四任达赖喇嘛的继承人很快被找到了,男孩再次被蒙古兵护送送到了拉萨。同时,蒙古介入了西藏的事务,继续表态支持四方受敌的格鲁巴派。
      在公元1621年蒙古的入侵在最后一分钟通过扎什伦布寺的班禅喇嘛(Panchen Lama)的调停停止了。这意味着格鲁巴派内可能有某种因素想和Tsang国王休战避免直接冲突。
      不像萨迦派-蒙古对西藏的统治,萨迦派的领袖需要居住在蒙古朝廷,第五世达赖喇嘛可以在西藏内部实行统治。在蒙古的支持下整个西藏在公元1656年平息了下来,达赖喇嘛的控制延伸到从西部的冈仁波齐山(Mt Kailash)一直到东部的康区(Kham)。第五式喇嘛同时成为精神上和世俗上统一的西藏的君主。达赖喇嘛在所有的画像上都被展示成手持作为他们新建立的政治力量标志的法轮。
      第五世达赖喇嘛被纪念为西藏伟大的新世纪的开拓者。他游历了西藏诸多的寺庙,尽管他为了财富推倒了大部分作为他主要权力对手的噶当寺庙,但是之后他允许重建他们。新一轮的庙宇建设高潮开始了,主要的成就是拉蚌寺(Labrang Monastery,位于现在的甘肃省)。在拉萨,对西藏新统治者的住所的装修工作开始了,这就是布达拉宫。达赖喇嘛还邀请了印度学者访问西藏,在蒙古的财政支持下许多寺庙被翻新和扩建了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 满族的介入
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转世血统延续可能最早是为了维持在各种派系中持续一个精神统治的虚幻而采用的。第五世达赖喇嘛在公元1682年去世的时候,这样的体系的弱点已经很明显了。西藏政府面对先寻找灵童然后等到18岁的可能性。第五世达赖喇嘛的个人声望和威信在将新统一的西藏捏合在一起中起到很大的作用。达赖喇嘛的摄政者决定秘密的掩盖达赖死亡,对外宣布第五世达赖喇嘛进入了一个长期的冥想之中(超过10年)。
      西藏对新成立的清朝的处理方式一开始就是错误的。清朝第二个皇帝康熙认为隐瞒第五世达赖喇嘛死亡不让他是一种冒犯的态度。同时,一个充满野心的蒙古王子Lhabzang Khan 认为早年的蒙古领导人在和西藏的关系中作了太久的幕后位置。他请求康熙的支持,并且理所当然的在公元1705年率领蒙古军队袭击了拉萨,杀死了西藏的摄政者,俘虏了第六世达赖喇嘛并且想引渡给在北京的康熙。第六世达赖喇嘛在途径理塘(Litang)的时候死了(很可能是被谋杀的),Lhabzang Khan 在拉萨安置了新的达赖喇嘛。
      Lhabzang Khan 的诡计适得其反了。第六世达赖喇嘛可能是被谋杀并且被替换在西藏引起了强烈的敌意。更糟糕的是,这树立了其他蒙古部落的敌对,这些部落将达赖喇嘛视为精神领袖。
      在公元1717年来自中亚的准噶尔蒙古人(Dzungar Mongols)袭击了拉萨,杀死Lhabzang Khan ,废除了新达赖喇嘛,但这并没有解决任何问题。根据第六世达赖喇嘛的预言在理塘(现在的四川)找到的第七世达赖喇嘛,在清政府的“保护”之下在塔尔寺(Kumbum Monastery)日渐憔悴。
      康熙皇帝马上宣布西藏成为中国的保护国。两个满清代表,被称为办事大臣,被安置在西藏,此外还有大清的卫戍部队。这个是可以小看的大开端,导致了两个世纪的满族的封建君主权位,并且很方便的在250年后被共产主义者当作了历史的先例接管了西藏。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我读过“蒙古通史”,记得是蒙古军队先于康熙的派遣军到达。并阻击了康熙的军队,双方交战一段时间,最后清军胜利。但康熙为了拉拢西藏佛教上层,
    • 满族封建君主权位
    • 门外的野蛮人
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最早的英国和西藏的接触开始与公元1774年苏格兰人George Bogle带领的代表团前往日喀则。Bogle 很快讨好了班禅喇嘛,并且到了娶了他一个姐妹的地步。到第三任班禅喇嘛在1780年死亡和廓尔喀族人在1788年的入侵,英国已经和西藏没有任何官方接触了。
      与此同时英国很紧张的旁观,因为俄罗斯帝国吞噬了中亚,将自己帝国的边境往印度进一步推进了1000公里。从在拉萨的俄罗斯“顾问” Agvan Dorjieff来的报告进一步加重了英国的担心,因为俄罗斯对英国的“皇冠上的珠宝”有军事图谋。
      Dorjieff 是一个布里亚特(Buryat)佛教僧侣,最早来自贝加尔湖,在哲蚌寺学习了15年最终成为第十三世达赖喇嘛的精神顾问。Dorjieff 看上去已经将他自己和达赖喇嘛都说服了,俄罗斯帝国是香巴拉(Shambhala,关于香巴拉进一步解释请参看耶律大石写的西藏文化谈14章节)的故乡,香巴拉是来自北方的神话的国度的国王(或者沙皇)将把西藏从敌人手中解救出来。
      当Dorjieff 带领达赖喇嘛的大使及其随员在1898,1900,1901年前往沙皇尼古拉二世,并且当英国情报人员确定拉萨接受了俄罗斯代表团(类似的英国代表团曾经被拒绝过),英国统治阶级(Raj)出了一身冷汗。更有大胆的推测说俄罗斯的沙皇有姿态皈依佛教。
      这违背了印度总督Lord Curzon 的背景,他决定在萌芽阶段就阻止俄罗斯的图谋。在1903年晚期,一支由Francis Younghusband 上校带领的远征队从锡金进入了西藏。在等待西藏的代表若干个月后英国远征队终于进入了拉萨,在那里他们发现达赖喇嘛已经和Dorjieff.一起逃到了蒙古。但是,一次英国-西藏会议中和来自甘丹的被达赖喇嘛指定为在自己不在的时候作为摄政者的Tri Rinpoche喇嘛签订了以下协定。英国军队在两个月后撤出拉萨。
      在英国-西藏协定中缺少的一环是满族的签字。实际上协定暗示者西藏是一个主权力量并确有权力自己定下条约。满族对此拒绝并且在1906年英国和满族签订了第二个协定,承认中国对西藏有领主地位。在1910年满族清朝在垮台的边缘摇摇欲坠,满族实现了协定入侵西藏,迫使达赖喇嘛再次逃离,这次是到了在印度的英国军队那里。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 西藏再次独立
      • [不管怎样,西藏享受了30年的没有中国干预的自由。] is this true? when was it? 1913 to 1943?
        • 按照这里说得似乎是
        • 推翻清朝后的大规模内耗使中国失去了很多东西,特别是领土,这也是当今很多中国人努力维持政治稳定的原因之一。
    • 现代化的尝试
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在达赖喇嘛逃亡到印度的期间,他和Charles Bell 爵士成为了亲密的朋友,Charles Bell 是西藏学者以及锡金的政治长官。这个关系开始了英国-西藏关系的升温,英国开始在西藏和中国之间扮演了日趋重要的调停人角色。
      在1920年Bell 被作为代表团派遣到拉萨,在那里他延续了和达赖喇嘛的友谊。英国答应提供给西藏现代武器只要西藏答应只用于自卫。达赖喇嘛欣然接受,武器弹药的装备的供应建立起来了。西藏的军官在江孜和印度接受训练,在拉萨和日喀则之间架设了电报线。其他的建设包括在拉萨边上建设水力发电站,在江孜建立英语学校。四个西藏男孩被送到英国Rugby 的公立学校。在达赖喇嘛邀请下,英国专家进行了西藏部分地区的土地测量,评测有无潜在矿产。
      而且西藏的主要的独立阶段不仅仅被无力去现代化扰乱。班禅喇嘛和达赖喇嘛在扎什伦布寺以及资产自治上发生了争执。班禅喇嘛在请求英国调停后逃往了中国,在那里他住了14年一直到去世。到1933年第十三世达赖喇嘛去世,将国家的运作留给了摄政者热定(Reting)。现任的第十四世达赖喇嘛在靠近安多(Amdo)西宁一个叫做祁家川(Pari Takster)的村子被发现,但是直到支付给本地的中国指挥官一笔三百万中国钱的巨额费用后才被带到拉萨。这个男孩被改名叫做丹增嘉措(Tenzin Gyatso)在1940年2月22日四岁半的时候就职达赖喇嘛。
      在1947年一次迅速推翻政府的试图震撼了拉萨,这次事件也叫做热定共谋(Reting Conspiracy)。在1949年中国国家主义政府消除了各种不确定因素成为了毛泽东和他的共产党的“强盗”。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 解放
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛当铁鸟飞翔和马在轮子上奔驰,西藏人民会分散在世界各地,达摩会来到赤色土地之上。
      根本仁波切(Guru Rinpoche)



      “西藏和平解放17点条约”(The 17-pointAgreement on Measuresfor the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet )许诺一国两制的架构,很像现在提供给香港和澳门的。但是提供了很少的保证这样的许诺将被遵守。西藏使节抗议他们没有被授权签署这样的条约加上没有达赖喇嘛的印章。深思熟虑的中国政府已经伪造了达赖喇嘛的印章,条约被批准了。



      同一年,西藏东部爆发了反抗;在1957年和1958年抗议和武装反抗蔓延到西藏中部(有CIA隐秘的协助)。达赖喇嘛带着沉重的心情于1957年3月从印度的庆祝佛诞生2500年庆典上归来。看上去西藏不可避免地要爆发反抗,同样不可避免的将面对中国冷酷无情的镇压。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • "深思熟虑的中国政府已经伪造了达赖喇嘛的印章",好么,都盖了章还说是伪造的,当时怎么不说?“他被告知宗教是“毒药””时,他要是虔诚,怎么不反驳?既然不够虔诚,他说的话是否真实也难以确定了
    • 1959年反抗
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在1959年的藏历新年,向所有以前的新年庆祝一样,吸引了众多的人前往拉萨,比平时人口翻了一倍。除了往常的节日庆祝之外,中国加上了自己的亮点—中国军区的中国舞蹈团表演。对达赖喇嘛的邀请隐隐有命令的意味。达赖喇嘛为了避免冲突接受了邀请。



      达赖喇嘛毫无权力去介入,只能写信给中国说他的人民准备在拉萨的街上战斗。为了防止流血的最后的努力中达赖喇嘛甚至愿意将自己提供给中国(作人质)。对此的回应是罗布林卡院子里面两声破击炮的爆炸声。这次的进攻很明显使得达赖喇嘛唯一的选择是逃亡。在3月17日达赖喇嘛化装成士兵离开了罗布林卡。14天后他出现在印度。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 流血的拉萨

      流血依然持续着。炮兵轰炸了布达拉宫,色拉寺和在铁山(Chagpo Ri)上的医学院。用汽油弹武装的藏人被中国狙击手摘除,当大约一万藏人撤退到大昭寺的圣地,依然被炮击。据估计在3天暴力冲突之后大约有1万到1万5千藏人横尸拉萨街头。
    • 世界屋脊的社会主义天堂
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛中国迅速加固在拉萨的镇压,控制了通往印度的所有关口。自由战士被中国部队歼灭,健康的年轻男性被围捕、射杀、禁闭或者劳改。就像中国自己说的,他们在解放西藏的反动份子和引入一个新的社会主义社会。自然的他们不会去问藏人是否需要一个社会主义天堂。





      在1965年9月1日西藏自治区在众多号角吹奏和谈及藏人忍住眼泪喜庆成为伟大祖国一员中正式成立了。为了将来留住眼泪。在中国,动乱以社会运动方式在酝酿着,这个就是文化大革命。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 文化大革命
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在毛泽东的作品中有一篇标题叫做“On Going Too Far”。他是很符合写这个标题的人。1965年毛泽东和刘少奇的权力斗争在1966年演化成无产阶级文化大革命,这是个一震动到中国核心的运动,将所有的传统踩在脚下,导致无数人的死亡将国家的运行在红卫兵乌合之众手中。整个中国遭受着毛泽东大胆的建立社会主义新天堂实验的痛苦,但是西藏遭受着最深重的苦难。



      到1969年末期,人民解放军将红卫兵控制住了。西藏继续成为可能爆发暴力的地方。西藏的反抗是简单的和被压制的兽性的。在1972年,禁止藏人自由祈祷被大张旗鼓的兴起,但是关于这方面没有什么结果。在1975年,一组到同情中国的外国记者被邀请到西藏。他们发表的报告描绘了这片土地上悲惨的肖像,民众被中国强加的政策猛击跪在地上,暴行的总和不亚于文化种族大屠杀。同一年,被CIA支持的最后一个西藏游击队营地在尼泊尔北部的Mustang 关闭了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 毛泽东后时代
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛到毛泽东1976年过世时,甚至中国自己都意识到对西藏的统治走错了方向。叛乱曾经就在后方,维持高原的次序对北京来说是不断干耗国库。毛泽东选定的继承人华国锋决定软化统治西藏的线路,这被叫做复兴西藏的习俗。在1977年中期,中国宣布欢迎达赖喇嘛和其他流亡者的归来,不久之后班禅喇嘛被从10年的关押中释放出来。



      胡耀邦的结论没有像西藏考察团的那样令人诅咒,但是描绘了世界屋脊人民的严酷的景象。提高生活质量和自由的六点计划被草拟出来,减税两年,允许有限的私人企业。在1978年大昭寺一个月被允许开放两次,布达拉宫在1980年重新开放。在中国的其他地方,政府着手在一党统治下扩展个人自由。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 邓小平时代
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛80年代早期看到了有限的宗教自由的回归。以前被变为瓦砾的寺院重新开放,一些宗教物品从中国回到西藏。






      在1988年3月的祈愿大会(The Monlam festival)还看见拉萨街头的射击,同年9月一个荷兰旅游者肩部中弹,骚乱中18个藏人死亡150人受伤。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 原作者的立场不同,导致采用了部分臆测材料。内蒙古怎么存在被“汉化”?很多人汉人世代生活在那片土地,别忘了李白是哪里出生的,是在比外蒙古还靠北的俄罗斯。
        • 我就出生在内蒙古。漢朝時長城附近就是漢夷雜居,鮮卑族完全融入了漢族,南匈奴也完全融入了漢族,東北的渤海囯、高句麗更是以漢文化為榮,朝鮮在滿清時以“小中華”自居。如果要反對漢化,更應該反對世界的“英語化”,哈哈
          • 这英语化是自愿性的, 美国人可没有强迫中国放弃传统文化啊!这与当初满清入关强迫汉人剃发蓄辫, 着汉服是两码事
        • 老金又说错了。 李白出生地现属吉尔吉斯共和国, 不是俄罗斯
          • 在贝加尔湖那块
            • 碎叶城在吉尔吉斯的世界第二大高山湖伊塞克湖的附近古城托克玛克
            • 离贝加尔远了,贝加尔可没入过唐朝的版图
    • 达赖喇嘛和寻求解决之道


      • On Sunday, April 25th, 2004, Dalai Lama will be giving a Public Talk at SkyDome, entitled "The Power of Compassion". He will be introduced by Justin Trudeau.
        • 有没有人会去听? #1647562
    • 今日西藏
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛西藏赢回了很多的宗教自由,但是代价沉重。喇嘛和尼姑通常是抗议和渴望独立的焦点,被当局猜疑重视,经常导致被殴打和被捕。尤其是尼姑,考虑到很少的数量,变得十分活跃,在90年代中期的126次独立抗议中占了55次。教义使得尼姑在被捕、入狱后不再可能回到尼姑庵。




      近几年代喇嘛安静的承认了他在同中国处理中的失败,在西藏社区内部也存在了微小的但是也实在增加的分歧,什么才是最好的前进方向。一系列小炸弹在1996和2000年的夜晚被引爆(一个在法院边上,另外一个在八郎学(Banak Shol)旅馆附近),暗示着至少一些藏人正在背离达赖喇嘛公开宣称的和平主义的立场。


      有利的一面是,美国政府在1997年指定了一个“西藏特殊协调人”,在1998年联合国人权委员Mary Robinson 访问了西藏。甚至希望达赖喇嘛和中国总理江泽民能开始对话;达赖喇嘛的兄弟Gyalo Thondub 在2000年10月访问了北京。不要因此摒住呼吸。很多方式符合西方:只要在拉萨没有血腥镇压,外国能继续与中国交易同时在中国能听到的范围内批评人权记录。2001年西藏“解放”50周年提供了一个冷静的时刻去反省西藏人民半个世纪的悲剧。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 有几个中国人愿意移民去西藏?我看,只有做生意的人才愿意去。当然,军人是被派去的,可军人不能算移民吧?
        • 就象没人愿意移民阿拉斯加一样
          • 阿拉斯加还是不能和西藏比吧?如果中国人可以自由移民阿拉斯加,阿的population可以轻易超过ontario
            • 现在你就可以自由去育空,也没见那里的华人超过安达六
              • 中国农民能去吗?如果能去,我马上改行干这个,一船一船的运,不怕发不了财。
                • 现在中国农民虽然有一定限制,但是去北京、上海、广州、深圳(这几个地方对外来人口管制最严)的农民还是最多。新疆西藏等地管制没这么严,取得农民也没有去大城市得多。一句话,有饭吃的地方才有人。你那一船一船的吃什么?
                  • 你太小看中国人的生存能力了,偷渡到西博利亚的农民已经上百万了。光加拿大就可以吸引那么多“技术”移民,农民要能去育空/阿拉斯加还不打破头?
                • 船运太慢了,还是空运吧*_^
        • 至少四川有很多农民是愿意去的,因为西藏的旅游业实在是太有利润了。去看看西藏有多少川味小饭馆就知道汉族移民的厉害了。而这也不局限于西藏,新疆也一样。四川作为全国人口第一大省,往任何有钱途的地方的人口输出都不少。
    • 英语原稿
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mythological Beginnings
      Little is known of the beginnings of the Tibetan people. They originated from the nomadic, warlike tribes known as the Qiang. Chinese records of these tribes, which harried the borders of the great Chinese empire, date back as far as the 2nd century BC. However, the people of Tibet were not to emerge as a politically united force to be reckoned with until the 7th century AD.
      Like all peoples, the Tibetans have a rich corpus of myths concerning the origin of the world and themselves. In the beginning, according to a Tibetan creation myth, the void was filled with a wind that gathered in force until storm clouds brewed and unleashed a torrential rain, forming in time the primeval ocean. After the cessation of the rains, the wind continued to blow over the ocean, churning it like cream, until lands, like butter, came into existence.
      According to myth, the Tibetan people owe their existence to the union of an ogress and a monkey on Gangpo Ri at Tsetang (anticipating Darwin by over a millennium!). Another legend tells of how the first Tibetan king descended from heaven on a sky cord. These early myths are no doubt Bon in origin, but have been appropriated by Buddhism, so that the monkey is seen as a manifestation of Chenresig (Avalokiteshvara), the Bodhisattva of Compassion. The ogress and the monkey had six children, who are seen as the ancestors of the six main tribes of Tibet.

      Yarlung Valley Dynasty
      As early myths of the origin of the Tibetan people suggest, the Yarlung Valley was the cradle of the civilisation of central Tibet. The early Yarlung kings, although glorified in legend, were probably no more than chieftains whose domains extended not much further than the Yarlung Valley area itself. A reconstruction of Tibet’s first fortress, Yumbulagang, can still be seen in the Yarlung Valley, and it is here that the 28th king of Tibet is said to have received Tibet’s first Buddhist scriptures in the 5th century. According to legend, they fell on the roof of Yumbulagang.
      Credible historical records regarding the Yarlung Valley dynasty date only from the time when the fledgling kingdom entered the international arena in the 6th century. By this time the Yarlung kings, through conquest and alliances, had made significant headway in unifying much of central Tibet. Namri Songtsen (c. 570-619), the 32nd Tibetan king, continued this trend and extended Tibetan influence into inner Asia, defeating the Qiang tribes on China’s borders. But the true flowering of Tibet as an important regional power came about with the accession to rule of Namri Songtsen’s son, Songtsen Gampo (r. 630-49).
      Under Songtsen Gampo, central Tibet entered a new era. Tibetan expansion continued unabated. The armies of Tibet ranged as far a field as northern India and emerged as a threat to the Tang dynasty in China. Both Nepal and China reacted to the Tibetan incursions by reluctantly agreeing to alliances through marriage. Princess Wencheng, Songtsen Gampo’s Chinese bride, and Princess Bhrikuti, his Nepali bride, became important historical figures for the Tibetans, as it was through their influence that Buddhism first gained royal patronage and it foothold on the Tibetan plateau. The king went as far as passing a law making it illegal not to be a Buddhist.
      King Songtsen Gampo’s reign saw the establishment of the Jokhang and Ramoche temples and the construction of a fort on the site of what much later was to become the Potala palace in Lhasa. Contact with the Chinese led to the introduction of the sciences of astronomy and medicine, and a Tibetan script was developed from Indian sources. It was used in the first translations of Buddhist scriptures, in drafting a code of law and in writing the first histories of Tibet.
      For two centuries after the reign of Songtsen Gampo, Tibet continued to grow in power and influence. By the time of King Trisong Detsen (r. 755-97), Tibetan influence extended across Turkestan, northern Pakistan, Nepal and India. In China, Tibetan armies conquered Gansu and Sichuan and controlled the great Buddhist cave complex of Dunhuang. In 763, Tibetan armies overran Chang’an (present-day Xi’an), the Chinese capital, forcing the Chinese to conclude a treaty that recognised new borders incorporating most of the Tibetan conquests.
      A further Sino-Tibetan treaty was signed in 821 during the reign of King Tritsug Detsen Ralpachen (r. 817-36). It was immortalised in stone on three steles: one in Lhasa, outside the Jokhang; one in the Chinese capital of Chang’an; and one on the border of Tibet and China. Only the Lhasa stele still stands (see Barkhor Square in the Lhasa chapter). Signatories to the treaty swore that “... the whole region to the east… being the country of Great China and the whole region to the west being assuredly that of the country of Great Tibet, from either side of that frontier there shall be no warfare, no hostile invasions, and no seizure of territory... ”. The treaty went on to herald a new era in which “Tibetans shall be happy in Tibet and Chinese shall be happy in China”.

      Introduction of Buddhism
      By the time Buddhism first arrived in Tibet during the reign of Songtsen Gampo, it had already flourished for some 1100 years and had become the principal faith of all Tibet’s neighbouring countries. Buddhism was initially slow to take hold in Tibet.
      Early missionaries, such as Shantarakshita from the Indian Buddhist centre of Nalanda (in modern-day Bihar), faced great hostility from the Bon-dominated court. The influence of Songtsen Gampo’s Chinese and Nepali wives was almost certainly limited to the royal court, and priests of the time were probably Indian and Chinese, not Tibetan.
      It was not until King Trisong Detsen’s reign that Buddhism began to make any real progress. Trisong Detsen was responsible for founding Samye Monastery, the first institution to carry out the systematic translation of Buddhist scriptures and the training of Tibetan monks.
      Still, the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet was no simple matter of adopting a prescribed body of precepts. By the 9th century many schools of Buddhism had evolved from the original teachings of Sakyamuni (Sakya Thukpa), and Tibetans were in no way presented with a coherent unified body of beliefs.
      Contention over the path that Buddhism was to take in Tibet culminated in the Great Debate of Samye, in which King Trisong Detsen is said to have adjudicated in favour of Indian teachers who advocated a gradual approach to enlightenment, founded in scholastic study and moral precepts, There was, however, much opposition to this institutionalised, clerical Buddhism, largely from supporters of the Bon faith. The next Tibetan king, Tritsug Detsen Ralpachen, fell victim to this opposition and was assassinated by his brother, Langdharma, who launched an attack on Buddhism. In 842, Langdharma was himself assassinated - by a Buddhist monk disguised as a Black Hat dancer, during a festival - and the Tibetan state soon collapsed into a number of warring principalities. In the confusion that followed, support for Buddhism dwindled and clerical monastic Buddhism experienced a 150-year hiatus.

      Second Diffusion of Buddhism
      The collapse of the Tibetan state in 842 put a stop to Tibetan expansion in Asia; Tibet was never again to rise to arms. Overwhelmed initially with local power struggles, Buddhism gradually began to exert its influence again, giving the Tibetan mind a spiritual bent and turning it inward on itself. As the tide of Buddhist faith receded in India, Nepal and China, Tibet slowly emerged as the most devoutly Buddhist nation in the world.
      While Tibetan Buddhist tradition holds that the collapse of the Tibetan state corresponds with the systematic persecution of Buddhism, many Western scholars believe that this was probably not the case. It is more likely that Buddhist institutions, such as Samye Monastery, which were brought into being by the state, fell into neglect with the collapse of central power. There is evidence that Buddhism survived in pockets and received the patronage of some noble families in the 150 years that passed before the resurgence of monastic Buddhism.
      The so-called second diffusion of Buddhism (also referred to as the dharma) corresponded with two developments. First, Tibetan teachers who had taken refuge in Kham, to the east, returned to central Tibet and established new monasteries in the late 10th century. Second, and not long after, the kingdom of Guge in western Tibet invited the Bengali scholar Atisha (Jowo-je; 982-1054) to Tibet in the mid-11th century. Disciples of Atisha (Jowo-je), chiefly Dromtonpa, were instrumental in establishing the Kadampa order, and monasteries such as Reting in Ü.
      This resurgence of Buddhist influence in the 11th century led to many Tibetans travelling to India to study. The new ideas they brought back with them had a revitalising effect on Tibetan thought and produced other new schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Among them was the Kagyupa order, established by Milarepa (1040-1123) who was the disciple of Marpa the translator (1012-93). Meanwhile, in Sakya, the Kon family established a monastery in 1073 that was to emerge as the seat of the Sakyapa order.

      Sakyapa Order Ascendancy & Mongol Overlordship
      With the collapse of a central Tibetan state, Tibet’s contacts with China dwindled. By the time the Tang dynasty reached the end of its days in 907, China had already recovered almost all the territory it had previously lost to the Tibetans. Throughout the Song dynasty (960-1276) the two nations had virtually no contact with each other and Tibet’s sole foreign contacts were with its southern Buddhist neighbours.
      This was all set to change when Genghis Khan launched a series of conquests in 1206 that led to Mongol supremacy in the form of a vast empire that straddled central Asia and China. China was not to fall to the Mongols until 1279, but in the meantime the Mongols made short work of central Asia. Preoccupied with other matters, the Mongols did not give Tibet serious attention until 1239, when they sent a number of raiding parties into the country. Numerous monasteries were razed and the Mongols almost reached Lhasa before turning back.
      Tibetan accounts have it that returning Mongol troops related the spiritual eminence of the Tibetan lamas to Godan Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan and ruler of the Kokonor region (modern-day Qinghai), and in response Godan summoned Sakya Pandita, the head of Sakya Monastery, to his court. The outcome of this meeting was the beginning of a priest-patron relationship between the deeply religious Tibetans and the militarily adventurous Mongols. Tibetan Buddhism became the state religion of the Mongol empire in east Asia, and the head Sakya lama became its spiritual leader, a position that also entailed temporal authority over Tibet. Many monasteries converted (or were converted) to the Sakya school.
      The Sakyapa ascendancy lasted less than 100 years. It was strife-tom from the start. The Sakyapa relationship with the Mongol court and its rule of Tibet aroused the jealousy of other religious orders. Political intrigue, power struggles and violence were the order of the day. By 1350, Changchub Gyaltsen, a monk who had first trained in Sakya and then returned to his home district in the Yarlung Valley as a local official, contrived, through alliances and outright confrontation, to overturn the Sakya hegemony. Just 18 years later, the Mongol Yuan dynasty in China lost its grip on power and the Chinese Ming dynasty was established.

      Tibetan Independence
      Certain Chinese claims on Tibet have looked to the Mongol Yuan dynasty overlordship of the high plateau, and the priest-patron relationship that existed at the time, as setting a precedent for Chinese sovereignty over Tibet. Pro-independence supporters state that this is like India claiming sovereignty over Myanmar (Burma) because both were ruled by the British.
      In fact, Tibetan submission was offered to the Mongols before they conquered China and it ended when the Mongols fell from power in that country. When the Mongol empire disintegrated, both China and Tibet regained their independence. Sino-Tibetan relations took on the form of regular exchanges of diplomatic courtesies by two independent governments.
      After defeating the Sakyapas, Changchub Gyaltsen undertook to remove all traces of the Mongol administration. In doing this he drew on the tradition of the former Yarlung kings: Officials were required to dress in the manner of the former royal court; a revised version of King Songtsen Gampo’s code of law was enacted; a new taxation system was enforced; and scrolls depicting the glories of the Yarlung dynasty were commissioned (although Changchub Gyaltsen claimed they were “discovered”. The movement was nothing short of a declaration of Tibet’s independence from foreign interference and a search for national identity.
      Changchub Gyaltsen and his successors ruled Tibet until 1435 from Nedong, near the Yarlung Valley. Their rule was succeeded by the princes of Rinpung, an area south-west of Lhasa. In 1565, the kings of Tsang became secular rulers of Tibet from Shigatse. Spiritual authority at this time was vested in the Karmapa, head of a Kagyupa suborder at Tsurphu Monastery.

      Rise of the Gelugpa & the Dalai Lamas
      In 1374, a young man named Tsongkhapa set out from his home near Kokonor in eastern Tibet to central Tibet, where he undertook training with all the major schools of Tibetan Buddhism. By the time he was 25 years old, he had already gained a reputation as a teacher and a writer, although he continued to study under eminent lamas of the day.
      Tsongkhapa established a monastery at Ganden near Lhasa, and it was here that he had a vision of Atisha (Jowo-je), the llthcentury Bengali scholar who had been instrumental in the second diffusion of Buddhism in Tibet. At Ganden, Tsongkhapa maintained a course of expounding his thinking, steering clear of political intrigue, and espousing doctrinal purity and monastic discipline. Although it seems unlikely that Tsongkhapa intended to found another school of Buddhism, his teachings attracted many disciples, who found his return to the original teachings of Atisha (Jowo-je) an exciting alternative to the politically tainted Sakyapa and Kagyupa orders.
      Disciples of Tsongkhapa, determined to propagate their master’s teachings, established monasteries at Drepung (1416) and at Sera (1419). In 1447 yet another monastery (Tashilhunpo) was established at Shigatse, and the movement came to be known as the Gelugpa (Virtuous) order. The founder of Tashilhunpo, Genden Drup, was a nephew of Tsongkhapa, and shortly before his death he announced that he would be reincarnated in Tibet and gave his followers signs that would enable them to find him. His reincarnation, Genden Gyatso, served as the head of Drepung Monastery, which was now the largest in Tibet, and further consolidated the prestige of the new Gelugpa order.
      By the time of the third reincarnated head of the Gelugpa, Sonam Gyatso (1543-88), the Mongols began to take an interest in Tibet’s new and increasingly powerful order. In a move that mirrored the 13th-century Sakyapa entrance into the political arena, Sonam Gyatso accepted an invitation to meet with Altyn Khan near Kokonor in 1578. At the meeting, Sonam Gyatso received the title of dalai, meaning “ocean”, and implying “ocean of wisdom”. The title was retrospectively bestowed on his previous two reincarnations, and Sonam Gyatso became the third Dalai Lama.
      The Gelugpa-Mongol relationship marked the Gelugpa’s entry into the turbulent waters of worldly affairs. Ties with the Mongols deepened when, at the third Dalai Lama’s death in 1588, his next reincarnation was found in a great-grandson of the Mongolian Altyn Khan. The boy was brought to Lhasa with great ceremony under the escort of armed Mongol troops.
      It is no surprise that the Tsang kings and the Karmapa of Tsurphu Monastery saw this Gelugpa-Mongol alliance as a direct threat to their power. Bickering broke out, and in 1611 the Tsang king attacked Drepung and Sera Monasteries. The fourth Dalai Lama fled central Tibet and died at the age of 25 (he was probably poisoned) in 1616.

      The Great Fifth Dalai Lama
      A successor to the fourth Dalai Lama was soon discovered, and the boy was brought to Lhasa, again under Mongol escort. In the meantime, Mongol intervention in Tibetan affairs continued in the guise of support for the embattled Gelugpa order.
      In 1621 a Mongolian invasion was turned back at the last minute through mediation by the Panchen Lama of Tashilhunpo Monastery. This suggests that there were probably elements of the Gelugpa order that preferred a truce with the kings of Tsang to outright conflict.
      Whatever the case, it seems that proponents of Gelugpa domination had the upper hand, and in 1640, Mongol forces intervened on their behalf, defeating the Tsang forces. The Tsang king was taken captive and later executed, probably at the instigation of Tashilhunpo monks.
      Unlike the Sakya-Mongol domination of Tibet, under which the head Sakya lama was required to reside in the Mongol court, the fifth Dalai Lama was able to carry out his rule from within Tibet. With Mongol backing, all of Tibet was pacified by 1656, and the Dalai Lama’s control ranged from the Mt Kailash area in the west to Kham in the east. The fifth Dalai Lama had become both the spiritual and temporal sovereign of a unified Tibet. The Dalai Lamas are shown in wall paintings holding the Wheel of Law (Wheel of Dharma) as a symbol of their new-found political power.
      The fifth Dalai Lama is remembered as having ushered in a great new age for Tibet. He made a tour of the monasteries of Tibet, and although he stripped most Kadampa monasteries - his chief rivals for power - of their riches, he allowed them to re-establish afterwards. A new flurry of monastic construction began, the major achievement being Labrang Monastery (in what is now Gansu province). In Lhasa, work began on a fitting residence for the head of the Tibetan state: the Potala. The Dalai Lama also invited Indian scholars to Tibet, and with Mongol financial support saw to the renovation and expansion of many temples and monasteries.

      Manchu Intervention
      Reincarnation lineages were probably first adopted as a means of maintaining the illusion of a continuous spiritual authority within the various monastic orders of Tibet. With the death of the fifth Dalai Lama in 1682, however, the weakness of such a system became apparent. The Tibetan government was confronted with the prospect of finding his reincarnation and then waiting some 18 years until the boy came of age. The great personal prestige and authority of the fifth Dalai Lama himself had played no small part in holding together a newly unified Tibet. The Dalai Lama’s regent decided to shroud the Dalai Lama’s death in secrecy, announcing that the fifth lama had entered a long period of meditation (over 10 years!).
      In 1695 the secret was leaked and the regent was forced to hastily enthrone the sixth Dalai Lama, a boy of his own choosing. The choice was an unfortunate one. The sixth Dalai Lama soon proved himself to be more interested in wine and women than meditation and study - he would often sneak out of the Potala to visit the brothels at its base. A resident Jesuit monk who met him noted that “no good-looking person of either sex was safe from his unbridled licentiousness”. The enthronement of an inept head of state chosen by a dubious process requiring the child contender to select specific auspicious tokens could not have come at a worse time.
      In China, the Ming dynasty had fallen in 1644 and the Manchus from the north had swiftly moved in to fill the power vacuum, establishing the Manchu Qing dynasty (1644-1912). The events that followed were complicated. Basically, Tibet’s ineffectual head of state, the Qing perception of the threat of Tibetan relations with the Mongols, disunity within the ranks of Tibet’s Mongol allies and Qing ambitions to extend their power into Tibet led to a Qing intervention that was to have lasting consequences for Tibet.
      Tibet’s dealings with the new Qing government went awry from the start. Kangxi, the second Qing emperor, took offence when the death of the fifth Dalai Lama was concealed from him. At the same time, an ambitious Mongol prince named Lhabzang Khan came to the conclusion that earlier Mongol leaders had taken too much of a back-seat position in their relations with the Tibetans and appealed to Emperor Kangxi for support. It was granted, and in 1705, Mongol forces descended on Lhasa, killed the Tibetan regent and captured the sixth Dalai Lama with the intention of delivering him to Kangxi in Beijing. The sixth died en route at Litang (he was probably murdered) and Lhabzang Khan installed a new Dalai Lama in Lhasa.
      Lhabzang Khan’s machinations backfired. The Mongol removal, possible murder and replacement of the sixth Dalai Lama aroused intense hostility in Tibet. Worse still, it created enemies among other Mongol tribes, who saw the Dalai Lama as their spiritual leader.
      In 1717 the Dzungar Mongols from central Asia attacked Lhasa, killed Lhabzang Khan and deposed the new Dalai Lama. Not that this solved anything in particular. The seventh Dalai Lama, who had been discovered according to a prophesy by the sixth in Litang (present-day Sichuan), was languishing in Kumbum Monastery under Chinese “protection”.
      The resulting confusion in Tibet was the opportunity for which Emperor Kangxi had been waiting. He responded by sending a military expedition to Lhasa in 1720. The Chinese troops drove out the Dzungar Mongols and were received as liberators by the Tibetans. They were unlikely to have been received any other way: With them they brought the seventh Dalai Lama.
      Emperor Kangxi wasted no time in declaring Tibet a protectorate of China. Two Chinese representatives, known as Ambans, were installed at Lhasa along with a garrison of Chinese troops. It was the thin end of the wedge, leading to two centuries of Manchu overlordship and serving as a convenient historical precedent for the Communist takeover nearly 250 years later.

      Manchu Overlordship
      The Manchu overlordship was characterised by repeated military intervention in reaction to crises rather than a steady hand in governing Tibetan political affairs. Such interventions typically resulted in a reorganisation of the Tibetan government. The Manchus appointed a king at one stage, but temporal rule reverted to the seventh Dalai Lama in 1750.
      The seventh Dalai Lama ruled successfully until his death in 1757. However, at this point it became clear that another ruler would have to be appointed until the next Dalai Lama reached his majority. The post of regent was created, and it was decided that it should be held by a lama.
      It is perhaps a poor reflection on the spiritual attainment of the lamas appointed as regents that few were willing to relinquish the reins once they were in the saddle. In the 120 years between the death of the seventh Dalai Lama and the majority of the 13th, actual power was wielded by the Dalai Lamas for only seven years. Three of them died very young and under suspicious circumstances. Only the eighth Dalai Lama survived to his majority, living a quiet, contemplative life until the age of 45.
      The last Chinese military intervention took place in reaction to a Gurkha invasion from Nepal in 1788. As usual there was an administrative reshuffle with short-lived consequences, and from this time Manchu influence in Tibet receded, although the post of Amban continued to be filled until the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1911. Perhaps the one significant outcome of the 1788 intervention was a ban on foreign contact, imposed because of fears of British collusion in the Gurkha invasion.

      Barbarians at the Doorstep
      Early contact between Britain and Tibet commenced with a mission to Shigatse headed by a Scotsman, George Bogle, in 1774. Bogle soon ingratiated himself with the Panchen Lama - to the extent of marrying one of his sisters. With the death of the third Panchen Lama in 1780 and the Gurkha invasion of Tibet in 1788, however, Britain lost all official contact with Tibet.
      Meanwhile, Britain watched nervously as the Russian empire swallowed up central Asia, pushing the borders of its empire 1000km further towards India. The reported arrival of Russian “adviser” Agvan Dorjieff in Lhasa exacerbated fears that Russia had military designs on Britain’s “jewel in the crown”.
      Dorjieff was a Buryat Buddhist monk from near Lake Baikal who had studied at Drepung Monastery for 15 years before finally becoming one of the spiritual advisers of the 13th Dalai Lama. Dorjieff seems to have convinced both himself and the Dalai Lama that the Russian empire was the home of Shambhala, the mythical kingdom from the north whose king (or tsar) would come to save Tibet from its enemies.
      When Dorjieff led embassies from the Dalai Lama to Tsar Nicholas II in 1898, 1900 and 1901, and when British intelligence confirmed that Lhasa had received Russian missions (while similar British advances had been refused), the Raj broke into a cold sweat. There was even wild conjecture that the tsar of Russia was poised to convert to Buddhism.
      It was against this background that Lord Curzon, viceroy of India, decided to nip Russian designs in the bud. In late 1903, an expedition led by Colonel Francis Younghusband entered Tibet via Sikkim. After several months waiting for a Tibetan delegation, the British expedition moved on to Lhasa, where it was discovered that the Dalai Lama had fled to Mongolia with Dorjieff. However, an Anglo-Tibetan convention was signed following negotiations with Tri Rinpoche, a lama from Ganden whom the Dalai Lama had appointed as regent in his absence. British forces withdrew after spending just two months in Lhasa. (For more on the story of the British invasion, see the boxed text “Bayonets to Gyantse” in the Tsang chapter.)
      The missing link in the Anglo-Tibetan accord was a Manchu signature. In effect the accord implied that Tibet was a sovereign power and therefore had the right to make treaties of its own. The Manchus objected and in 1906 the British signed a second accord with the Manchus, one that recognised China’s suzerainty over Tibet. In 1910, with the Manchu Qing dynasty teetering on the verge of collapse, the Manchus made good on the accord and invaded Tibet, forcing the Dalai Lama once again into flight - this time into the arms of the British in India.

      Tibetan Independence Revisited
      In 1911 a revolution finally toppled the decadent Qing dynasty in China. The spirit of revolt soon spread to Tibet, which was still under occupation by Manchu troops. In Lhasa, troops mutinied against their officers, and in other parts of the country fighting broke out between Tibetans and Manchu troops. By the end of 1912, the last of the occupying forces were escorted out of Tibet via India and sent back to China. In January 1913 the 13th Dalai Lama returned to Lhasa.
      The government of the new Chinese republic, anxious to maintain control of former Qing territories, sent a telegram to the Dalai Lama expressing regret at the actions of the Manchu oppressors and announcing that the Dalai Lama was being formally restored to his former rank. The Dalai Lama replied that he was uninterested in ranks be stowed by the Chinese and that he was hereby assuming temporal and spiritual leadership of his country.
      Tibetans have since read this reply as a formal declaration of independence. It certainly was in spirit if not quite in letter. As for the Chinese, they chose to ignore it, reporting that the Dalai Lama had responded with a letter expressing his great love for the motherland. Whatever the case, Tibet was to enjoy 30 years free of interference from China. What is more, Tibet was suddenly presented with an opportunity to create a state that was ready to rise to the challenge of the modern world, and, if needs be, protect itself from the territorial ambitions of China. Sadly, the opportunity foundered on Tibet’s entrenched theocratic institutions, and Tibetan independence was a short-lived affair.

      Attempts to Modernise
      During the period of his flight to India, the 13th Dalai Lama had become intimate friends with Sir Charles Bell, a Tibetan scholar and political officer in Sikkim. The relationship was to initiate a warming in Anglo-Tibetan affairs and to see the British playing an increasingly important role as mediators in problems between Tibet and China.
      In 1920 Bell was dispatched on a mission to Lhasa, where he renewed his friendship with the Dalai Lama. It was agreed that the British would supply the Tibetans with modern arms providing they agreed to use them only for self defence. The Dalai Lama readily agreed and a supply of arms and ammunition was set up. Tibetan military officers were trained in Gyantse and India, and a telegraph line was set up linking Lhasa and Shigatse. Other developments included the construction of a small hydroelectric station near Lhasa and the establishment of an English school at Gyantse. Four Tibetan boys were sent to public school at Rugby in England. At the invitation of the Dalai Lama, British experts conducted geological surveys of parts of Tibet with a view to gauging mining potential.
      It is highly likely that the 13th Dalai Lama’s trips away from his country had made him realise that it was imperative that Tibet begin to modernise. At the same time he must also have been aware that the road to modernisation was fraught with difficulties. The biggest problem was the Tibetan social system itself.
      Since the rise of the Gelugpa order, Tibet had been ruled as a theocracy. Monks, particularly those in the huge monastic complexes of Drepung and Sera at Lhasa, were accustomed to a high degree of influence in the Tibetan government. And for the monks of Tibet, the principal focus of government was the maintenance of the religious state. Attempts to modernise were seen as inimical to this aim, and before too long they began to meet intense opposition.
      Perhaps as much as anything else, the large monastery complexes of central Tibet feared the increasing empowerment of lay elements in Tibetan society. The establishment of an army, for example, was seen as a direct threat to the monasteries rather than as a means of self defence against external threats to the nation. Most monasteries kept their own small armies of fighting monks, and the presence of a well-equipped state army posed the threat of state intervention in monastic disputes. In fact, such fears proved to be well founded when the Dalai Lama brought the newly established army into action to quell a threatened uprising at Drepung Monastery.
      Before too long, the 13th Dalai Lama’s innovations fell victim to a conservative backlash. Newly trained Tibetan officers were reassigned to nonmilitary jobs, causing a rapid deterioration of military discipline; a newly established police force was left to its own devices and soon became ineffective; the English school at Gyantse was closed down; and a mail service set up by the British was stopped.
      However, Tibet’s brief period of independence was troubled by more than just an inability to modernise. Conflict sprang up between the Panchen Lama and the Dalai Lama over the autonomy of Tashilhunpo Monastery and its estates. The Panchen Lama, after appealing to the British to mediate, fled to China, where he was kept for 14 years until his death. In 1933 the 13th Dalai Lama died, leaving the running of the country to the regent of Reting. The present (14th) Dalai Lama was discovered at the village of Pari Takster near Xining in Amdo, but was brought to Lhasa only after the local Chinese commander had been paid off with a huge “fee” of 300,000 Chinese dollars. The boy was renamed Tenzin Gyatso and he was installed as the Dalai Lama on 22 February 1940, aged 4 1/2.
      In 1947 an attempted coup d’etat, known as the Reting Conspiracy, rocked Lhasa. And in 1949 the Chinese Nationalist government, against all odds, fell to Mao Zedong and his Communist “bandits”.

      When the iron bird flies and horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered throughout the world and the Dharma will come to the land of red men.
      Guru Rinpoche
      Unknown to the Tibetans, the Communist takeover of China was to open what is probably the saddest chapter in Tibetan history. The Chinese “liberation” of Tibet was eventually to lead to 1.2 million Tibetan deaths, a full-on assault on the Tibetan traditional way of life, the flight of the Dalai Lama to India and the large-scale destruction of almost every historical structure on the plateau. The chief culprits were Chinese ethnic chauvinism and an epidemic of social madness known as the Cultural Revolution.
      On 7 October 1950, just a year after the Communist takeover of China, 30,000 battlehardened Chinese troops attacked central Tibet from six different directions. The Tibetan army, a poorly equipped force of some 4000 men, stood little chance of resisting the Chinese, and any attempt at defence soon collapsed before the onslaught. In Lhasa, the Tibetan government reacted by enthroning the 15-year-old 14th Dalai Lama, an action that brought jubilation and dancing on the streets, but did little to protect Tibet from advancing Chinese troops.
      An appeal to the United Nations (UN) was equally ineffective. To the shame of all involved, only EI Salvador sponsored a motion to condemn Chinese aggression, and Britain and India, traditional friends of Tibet, actually managed to convince the UN not to debate the issue for fear of incurring Chinese disapproval.
      Presented with this seemingly hopeless situation, the Dalai Lama dispatched a mission to Beijing with orders that it refer all decisions to Lhasa. As it turned out there were no decisions to be made. The Chinese had already drafted an agreement. The Tibetans had two choices: Sign on the dotted line or face further Chinese aggression.
      The 17-pointAgreement on Measuresfor the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet promised a one-country two-systems structure much like that offered later to Hong Kong and Macau, but provided little in the way of guarantees that such a promise would be honoured. The Tibetan delegates protested that they were unauthorised to sign such an agreement and anyway lacked the seal of the Dalai Lama. Thoughtfully, the Chinese had already prepared a forged Dalai Lama seal, and the agreement was ratified.
      Initially, the Chinese occupation of central Tibet was carried out in an orderly way, but tensions inevitably mounted. The presence of large numbers of Chinese troops in the Lhasa region soon depleted food stores and gave rise to massive inflation. Rumours of massacres and forced political indoctrination in Kham began to filter through to Lhasa. In 1954 the Dalai Lama was invited to Beijing, where, amid cordial discussions with Mao Zedong, he was told that religion was “poison”.
      In 1956 the Preparatory Committee for the Autonomous Region of Tibet (Pc art) was established. Although headed by the Dalai Lama, a majority of its seats were filled by Chinese puppets. In any case, real power lay in the hands of the committee of the Communist Party in Tibet, which claimed no Tibetan representatives at all.
      In the same year, uprisings broke out in eastern Tibet (see History in the Kham (Eastern Tibet) chapter); and in 1957 and 1958, protests and armed revolt spread to central Tibet (with covert CIA assistance). With a heavy heart, the Dalai Lama returned to Lhasa in March 1957 from a trip to India to celebrate the 2500th anniversary of the birth of the Buddha. It seemed inevitable that Tibet would explode in revolt and equally inevitable that it would be ruthlessly suppressed by the Chinese.

      1959 Uprising
      The Tibetan New Year of 1959, like all the New Year celebrations before it, attracted huge crowds to Lhasa, doubling the usual population of the city. In addition to the usual festival activities, the Chinese had added a highlight of their own - a performance by a Chinese dance group at the Lhasa military base. The invitation to the Dalai Lama came in the form of a thinly veiled command. The Dalai Lama, wishing to avoid offence, accepted.
      As preparations for the performance drew near, however, the Dalai Lama’s security chief was surprised to hear that the Dalai Lama was expected to attend in secrecy and without his customary contingent of 25 bodyguards. Despite the Dalai Lama’s agreement to these conditions, news of them soon leaked, and in no time simmering frustration at Chinese rule came to the boil among the crowds on the streets. It seemed obvious to the Tibetans that the Chinese were about to kidnap the Dalai Lama. Large numbers of people gathered around the Norbulingka (the summer palace of the Dalai Lama) and swore to protect him with their lives.
      The Dalai Lama had no choice but to cancel his appointment at the military base. In the meantime the crowds on the streets were swollen by Tibetan soldiers, who changed out of their People’s Liberation Army (PLA) uniforms and started to hand out weapons. A group of government ministers announced that the 17 -point agreement was null and void, and that Tibet renounced the authority of China.
      The Dalai Lama was powerless to intervene, managing only to pen some conciliatory letters to the Chinese as his people prepared for battle on the streets of Lhasa. In a last-ditch effort to prevent bloodshed, the Dalai Lama even offered himself to the Chinese. The reply came in the sound of two mortar shells exploding in the gardens of the Norbulingka. The attack made it obvious that the only option remaining to the Dalai Lama was flight. On 17 March, the Dalai Lama left the Norbulingka disguised as a soldier. Fourteen days later he was in India.

      Bloodshed in Lhasa
      With both the Chinese and the Tibetans unaware of the Dalai Lama’s departure, tensions continued to mount in Lhasa. Early on the morning of 20 March, Chinese troops began to shell the Norbulingka and the crowds surrounding it, killing hundreds of people. Later, as the corpses were searched, it became obvious that the Dalai Lama had escaped –"abducted by a reactionary clique” went the Chinese reports.
      Still the bloodshed continued. Artillery bombed the Potala, Sera Monastery and the medical college on Chagpo Ri. Tibetans armed with petrol bombs were picked off by Chinese snipers, and when a crowd of some 10,000 Tibetans retreated into the sacred precincts of the Jokhang, that too was bombed. It is thought that after three days of violence, 10,000 to 15,000 Tibetans lay dead in the streets of Lhasa.

      Socialist Paradise on the Roof of the World
      The Chinese quickly consolidated their quelling of the Lhasa uprising by taking control of all the high passes between Tibet and India. Freedom fighters were put out of action by Chinese troops, and able-bodied young men were rounded up, shot, incarcerated or put to work on Chinese work teams. As the Chinese themselves put it, they were liberating Tibet of reactionary forces and ushering in a new socialist society. Naturally they did not bother to ask the Tibetans themselves whether they wanted a socialist paradise.
      The Chinese abolished the Tibetan government and set about reordering Tibetan society in accordance with their Marxist principles. The educated and the aristocratic were put to work on menial jobs and subjected to struggle sessions, known as thamzing, which sometimes resulted in death. A ferment of class struggle was whipped up and former feudal exploiters some of whom the poor of Tibet may have harboured genuine resentment for - were subjected to punishments of awful cruelty.
      The Chinese also turned their attention to Tibet’s more than 6000 “feudal” monasteries. Tibetans were refused permission to donate food to the monasteries, and monks were compelled to join struggle sessions, discard their robes and marry. Monasteries were stripped of their riches, Buddhist scriptures were burnt and used as toilet paper, and the vast wholesale destruction of Tibet’s monastic heritage began in earnest.
      Notable in this litany of errors was the Chinese decision to alter Tibetan farming practices. Instead of barley, the Tibetan staple, Tibetan farmers were instructed to grow wheat and rice. Tibetans protested that these crops were unsuited to Tibet’s high-altitude conditions. They were right, and mass starvation resulted. It is estimated that by late 1961, 70,000 Tibetans had died or were dying of starvation.
      By September 1961, even the Chinese groomed Panchen Lama began to have a change of heart. He presented Mao Zedong with a 70,000-character report on the hardships his people were suffering and also requested, among other things, religious freedom and an end to the sacking of Tibetan monasteries. Four years later he was to disappear into a high-security prison for a 10year stay. For the Chinese, he was the last obstacle to be cleared away in the lead up to the establishment of the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR).
      On 1 September 1965 the TAR was formally brought into being with much fanfare and talk of happy Tibetans fighting back tears of gratitude at becoming one with the great motherland. The tears were set to keep on coming. In China, trouble was brewing in the form of a social movement that came to be known as the Cultural Revolution.

      The Cultural Revolution
      Among the writings of Mao Zedong is a piece entitled “On Going Too Far”. It is a subject on which he was particularly well qualified to write. What started as a power struggle between Mao and Liu Shaoqi in 1965 had become by August 1966 the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, a movement that was to shake China to its core, trample all its traditions underfoot, cause countless deaths and give running of the country over to mobs of Red Guards. All of China suffered in Mao’s bold experiment in creating a new socialist paradise, but it was Tibet that suffered most dearly.
      The first Red Guards arrived in Lhasa in July 1966. Two months later, the first rally was organised and Chinese-educated Tibetan youths raided the Jokhang, desecrating whatever religious objects they could get their hands on. It was the beginning of the large-scale destruction of virtually every religious monument in Tibet, and was carried out in the spirit of destroying the “Four Olds”: old thinking, old culture, old habits and old customs. The Buddhist “om mani padme hum” (“hail to the jewel in the lotus”) was replaced by the communist mantra “long live Chairman Mao”. The Buddha himself was accused of being a “reactionary”.
      For more than three years the Cultural Revolution went about its destructive business of turning the Tibetan world on its head. Tibetan farmers were forced to collectivise into communes and were told what to grow and when to grow it. Merrymaking was declared illegal, women had their jewellery taken from them, and the traditional plaits of Tibetan men were cut off by Red Guards in the street. Anyone who objected was arrested and subjected to thamzing. The Dalai Lama became public enemy number one and Tibetans were forced to denounce him as a parasite and traitor. The list goes on: a harrowing catalogue of crimes against a people whose only fault was to hold aspirations that differed from those of their Chinese masters.
      By late 1969, the PLA had the Red Guards under control. Tibet, however, continued to be the site of outbreaks of violence. Tibetan uprisings were brief and subdued brutally. In 1972, restrictions on Tibetans' freedom of worship were lifted with much fanfare but little in the way of results. In 1975, a group of foreign journalists sympathetic to the Chinese cause were invited to Tibet. The reports they filed gave a sad picture of a land whose people had been battered to their knees by Chinese-imposed policies and atrocities that amounted to nothing less than cultural genocide. In the same year the last CIA-funded Tibetan guerrilla bases, in Mustang, northern Nepal, were closed down.

      The Post-Mao Years
      By the time of Mao’s death in 1976 even the Chinese themselves must have begun to realise that their rule in Tibet had taken a wrong turn. Rebellion was ever in the wings, and maintaining order on the high plateau was a constant drain on Beijing’s coffers. Mao’s chosen successor, Hua Guofeng, decided to soften the government’s line on Tibet and called for a revival of Tibetan customs. In mid-1977, China announced that it would welcome the return of the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan refugees, and shortly afterwards the Panchen Lama was released from more than 10 years of imprisonment.
      The Tibetan government-in-exile received cautiously the invitation to return to Tibet, and the Dalai Lama suggested that he be allowed to send a fact-finding mission to Tibet first. To the surprise of all involved, the Chinese agreed. As the Dalai Lama himself remarked in his autobiography, Freedom in Exile, it seemed that the Chinese were of the opinion that the mission would find such happiness in their homeland that “they would see no point in remaining in exile”. In fact, the results of the mission were so damning that the Dalai Lama decided not to publish them.
      Nevertheless, two more missions followed. Their conclusions were despairing. The missions catalogued 1.2 million deaths, the destruction of 6254 monasteries and nunneries, the absorption of two-thirds of Tibet into China, 100,000 Tibetans in labour camps and extensive deforestation. In a mere 30 years, the Chinese had turned Tibet into a land of nearly unrecognisable desolation.
      In China, Hua Guofeng’s short-lived political ascendancy had been eclipsed by Deng Xiaoping’s rise to power. In 1980, Deng sent Hu Yaobang on a Chinese fact-finding mission that coincided with the visits of those sent by the Tibetan government-in-exile.
      Hu’s conclusions, while not as damning as those of the Tibetans, painted a grim picture of life on the roof of the world. A six point plan to improve the living conditions and freedoms of the Tibetans was drawn up, taxes were dropped for two years and limited private enterprise was allowed. The Jokhang was reopened for two days a month in 1978; the Potala opened in 1980. As was the case in the rest of China, the government embarked on a program of extended personal freedoms in concert with authoritarian one-party rule.

      The Deng Years
      The early 1980s saw the return of limited religious freedoms. Monasteries that had not been reduced to piles of rubble began to reopen and some religious artefacts were returned to Tibet from China.
      Importantly, there was also a relaxation of the Chinese proscription on pilgrimage. Pictures of the Dalai Lama began to reappear on the streets of Lhasa. Not that any of this pointed to a significant reversal in Chinese thinking on the question of religion, which remained an opiate of the masses. Those who exercised their religious freedoms did so at considerable risk.
      Talks aimed at bringing the Dalai Lama back into the ambit of Chinese influence continued, but with little in the way of results. A three-person team sent to Beijing from Dharamsala, India, in 1982 heard lectures on how Tibet was part of China and was told in no uncertain terms that the Dalai Lama would be given a desk job in Beijing if he were to return. By 1983 talks had broken down and the Chinese had decided that they did not want the Dalai Lama to return after all Tibet became the “front line of the struggle against splittism”, according to the Chinese government.
      Perhaps most dismaying for Tibetans, however, was the emergence of a Chinese policy of Han immigration to the high plateau. Sinicisation had already been successfully carried out in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Qinghai, and now Tibet was targeted for mass immigration. Attractive salaries and interest-free loans were made available to Chinese willing to emigrate to Tibet, and, in 1984 alone, more than 100,000 Han Chinese took advantage of the incentives to “modernise” the backward province of Tibet.
      In 1986 a new influx of foreigners arrived in Tibet. The Chinese began to loosen restrictions on tourism, and the trickle of tour groups and individual travellers soon became a flood. For the first time since the Chinese takeover, visitors from the West were given the opportunity to see first hand the results of Chinese rule in Tibet.
      For the Chinese, the foreigners were a mixed blessing. The tourist dollars were appreciated, but foreigners had an annoying habit of sympathising with the Tibetans. They also got to see things that the Chinese would rather they did not see.
      When in September 1987 a group of 30 monks from Sera Monastery began circumambulating the Jokhang and crying out “Independence for Tibet” and “Long live his Holiness the Dalai Lama”, their ranks were swollen by bystanders and arrests followed. Four days later, another group of monks repeated their actions, this time brandishing Tibetan flags.
      The monks were beaten and arrested. With Western tourists looking on, a crowd of some 2000 to 3000 angry Tibetans gathered. Police vehicles were overturned and Chinese police began firing on the crowd.
      The Chinese response was swift. Communications with the outside world were broken and foreigners were evicted from Lhasa. It was still too late, however, to prevent eyewitness accounts of what had happened from reaching newspapers around the world. A crackdown followed in Lhasa, but it failed to prevent further protests in the following months.
      The Monlam festival of March 1988 saw shooting in the streets of Lhasa, and in December of the same year a Dutch traveller was shot in the shoulder; 18 Tibetans died and 150 were wounded in the disturbances.

      The Dalai Lama & the Search for Settlement
      By the mid-1970s, the Dalai Lama had become a prominent international figure, working tirelessly from his government-inexile in Dharamsala, India, to make the world more aware of the plight of his people. His visits to the USA led to official condemnation of the Chinese occupation of Tibet. In 1987 he addressed the US Congress and outlined a five-point peace plan.
      The plan called for Tibet to be established as a “zone of peace”; for the policy of Han immigration to Tibet to be abandoned; for a return to basic human rights and democratic freedoms; for the protection of Tibet’s natural heritage and an end to the dumping of nuclear waste on the high plateau; and for joint discussions between the Chinese and the Tibetans on the future of Tibet. The Chinese denounced the plan as an example of “splittism”. They gave the same response when, a year later, the Dalai Lama elaborated on the speech before the European parliament at Strasbourg in France, conceding any demands for full independence and offering the Chinese the right to govern Tibet’s foreign and military affairs.
      Protests and crackdowns continued in Tibet through 1989, and despairing elements in the exiled Tibetan community began to talk of the need to take up arms. It was an option that the Dalai Lama had consistently opposed. If there was to be any improvement in the situation in Tibet, he reasoned, it could only be achieved through nonviolent means. The Dalai Lama’s efforts to achieve peace and freedom for his people were rewarded on 4 October 1989, when he was awarded the Nobel peace prize. It must have seemed a small consolation for the civilised world’s notable failure to put any real pressure on China regarding its activities in Tibet.

      Tibet Today
      Tibetans have won back many religious freedoms, but at great expense. Monks and nuns, who are often the focus of protests and Tibetan aspirations for independence, are regarded suspiciously by the authorities and are often subject to arrest and beatings. Nuns in particular, considering their small numbers, have been very active, and accounted for 55 out of the 126 independence protests in the mid-1990s. Regulations make it impossible for nuns, once arrested and imprisoned, to return to their nunneries.
      Religious institutions have recently been the focus of “patriotic education” and “civilising atheism” campaigns, and strict quotas have been imposed on the numbers of monasteries and their resident monks and nuns. Monks in Drepung were recently forced to sign a form denouncing the Dalai Lama on pain of imprisonment. Tibetan guides educated in India have been banned from working. Religious crackdowns were continuing at the time of research.
      The Chinese officially deny any policy of Han immigration to Tibet, but for visitors who have made repeated trips to Tibet the increased numbers of Han Chinese are staggering. The extent of immigration poses the grave danger that the Tibetans will become a minority in their own country. The Dalai Lama has described the policy as cultural genocide.
      It must be said that great effort has been made to curb the worst excesses of the Chinese administration and that a comparatively softened line on “minorities” has improved conditions for many Tibetans. There are now over 2000 functioning monasteries in Tibet. But the basic problems remain. Protests and government crackdowns have continued into the new millennium. The Chinese government has in no way relented in regarding Tibet as a province of China and is no closer to reaching an agreement of any kind with the Dalai Lama.
      The Dalai Lama continues to be vocal in the Tibetan struggle for independence in some form. He has abandoned any hope of nationhood, but continues to strive for a system of Tibetan cultural, religious and linguistic autonomy within the Chinese state. In Western political circles covert sympathy rarely translates into active support, and foreign governments are careful not to receive the Dalai Lama in any way that recognises his political status as the head of an exiled government. The Chinese government continues to protest regularly against the Dalai Lama’s international activities. In February 2000, celebrations were held in Dhararnsala for the 60th anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s enthronment.
      In recent years the Dalai Lama has quietly admitted to a growing sense of failure in his dealings with the Chinese and there is a small but growing split within the Tibetan community on the best way forward. A series of small bombs were detonated at night in Lhasa in 1996 and 2000 (one next to a courthouse near the Banak Shol hotel), suggesting that at least some Tibetans are moving away from the Dalai Lama’s overtly pacifist stand.
      As the Chinese authorities trumpet rapid advances in industrial and agricultural output, there is a growing feeling among observers that China has switched from systematic persecution to a second, far more sophisticated phase in assimilating Tibet into the motherland. Foreign investment, Han immigration and an education system that exclusively uses the (Mandarin) Chinese language at higher levels ensures that only Sinicised Tibetans will be able to actively participate in Tibet’s economic advances. Chinese economic control, coupled with large numbers of Chinese settlers, makes the Tibetan dream of independence ever harder to realise.
      On the positive side, the US government appointed a “special Coordinator for Tibet” in 1997, and in 1998 the United Nations human rights commissioner, Mary Robinson, visited Tibet. It is even hoped that talks might begin between the Dalai Lama and Chinese premier Jiang Zemin; the Dalai Lama’s brother Gyalo Thondub visited Beijing in October 2000. Don’t hold your breath though. In many ways the status quo suits the West: As long as there are no bloody crackdowns in Lhasa, foreign countries can continue to trade with China while quietly criticising its human-rights record well out of China’s earshot. The 50th anniversary of the “liberation” of Tibet in 2001 offered a sobering moment of reflection on half a century of tragedy for the Tibetan people.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 无论如何,工作量很大呀,辛苦了。建议斑竹给首页导读~~~
    • well done.
    • 这个应该进精华, 让我们从另一个角度看西藏.
    • 辛苦了。翻译得很好,内容也不错。谢谢。
    • 再来一篇早年从新浪旅游论坛抢下来的,耶律大石写的西藏文化谈
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛耶律大石:西藏文化谈(1-21)全文
      (参见John Stevens的 Lust und Erleuchtung. Sexualitaet im Buddhismus,Bern, 1993)
      (参见Helmut Hoffmann:Religionen Tibets. Bon und Lamaismus in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung, Freiburg 1956)
      桑结第巴(Sangy Gyatso)据称是五世达赖的亲生子,那么这个五世达赖的亲生子和五世达赖的转世仓央加错的关系应该是相当微妙的。实际上桑结第巴大权独揽,仓央加错形同傀儡。当仓央加错要求掌权时,他的“淫乱”突然变成了很重要的罪行,有人要求将他废退。仓央加错出人意料地同意了这个要求,1702年他将宗教权交与班禅,但却想保留世俗政治权力。从这里看,权力对仓央加错来说到底重要不重要?仓央加错的行为,是他的个人行为,还是达赖喇嘛这个“神”的行为?在我看来,这是要理解西藏宗教文化的最基本的问题,是人在玩弄着“神”的招牌,还是“神”(或魔鬼)的意志在主导着人的行为?
      (参见John Stevens的 Lust und Erleuchtung. Sexualitaet im Buddhismus,Bern, 1993)
      (参看Guenther Schulemann:Die Geschichte der Dalai Lamas,Leipzig 1958)
      (参见Per K. Sorensen: Divinity secularized. An inquiry into the nature and form of songs ascribed to the sixth Dalai Lama, Wien 1990)
      (参见Erwin Erasmus Koch: Auf dem Dach der Welt. Tibet. Die Geschichte der Dalai Lamas, Frankfurt 1960)
      写了这么一段与常人印象迥异的仓央加错,想使大家明白,如果不了解喇嘛教的本质,光靠现代人自以为是的天真幻想去解释西藏是多么的荒诞可笑。不光是仓央加错,整个喇嘛教都躲藏在虚假的外壳里,我希望通过我的文章能使大家对喇嘛教的本质有所了解。 题外话:关于Kagyupa是红教还是白教的问题,我写了信给Kagyupa自己的组织(Tenzin Elwell offic-@kagyu.org)去询问,得到的答覆是:“黑帽子”。看来这个问题上是没有意义再纠缠下去了,我行文中再也不会采用这种汉语和西文中有歧议的俗称,对此的争论算是结束了。
      Hermanns的话:“佛教中良性的一面全被盖住了。”(参阅Matthias Hermanns: Das Nationalepos der Tibeter,
      Gling Koenig Ge Sar, Regensburg 1965)这种杀人巫术不是什么少见的例外,也不局限于私事上,正相反,它通常是喇嘛的主要任务。所谓的“鬼学”是西藏喇嘛寺庙里面的一门重要“科学”,有关这些魔鬼所举行的各种各样的仪式,是喇嘛政权的一项重要工作。想要招唤魔鬼现身,必须给魔鬼献上其喜欢的贡品,不同种的魔鬼有不同的口味。下面列了几项喇嘛的贡品:
      (参阅Rene de Nebesky-Wojkowitz: Oracles and demons of Tibet, the cult and Iconography of the Tibetan
      protective deities, Kathmandu 1993)
      如果魔鬼接受了这些牺牲,它就会听命于作法的人。有个四只手的魔鬼Mahakala 被认为是很有助的杀敌者,它的六只手的变种,更血腥的Kshetrapala则在有国家大事时被呼唤。魔法师用金墨水或刀刃上滴下来的血把咒语和愿望写在一张纸上,法力就应起作用了。
      解放西藏前夕黄教喇嘛曾唤Kshetrapala来打解放军,喇嘛把这个魔鬼关进一个三米高的大饼(Torma)里,放在拉萨郊外点燃,这个魔鬼冲出牢笼后就带着它的手下奔往边界,和一条“九头怪龙”打了起来。为了完成这个仪式有二十一人被杀,他们的内脏被用来做牺牲大饼(Torma)。(参阅A. Tom Grunfeld: The making of modern Tibet, New York,1996)
      这些混合物据称对Tsan有吸引力,就象蜡烛对飞蛾有吸引力一样,Tsan来了以后就会陷在网里。一个活佛大喇嘛坐关七天后说,这些魔鬼现在可以受命去攻打敌人(汉人)了!(参阅Rene de Nebesky-Wojkowitz: Oracles and demons of Tibet, the cult and Iconography of the Tibetan protective deities, Kathmandu 1993)
      大家都知道海地的Voudou,做一个和敌人相象的玩偶,毁掉或折磨这个玩偶,使敌人的真实肉体也受到同样的打击。这种法术其实在藏文化中是极普遍的。通常需要在玩偶中附上敌人的头发或衣物,有时也需要更多,如下面描绘的一个仪式:“划一个红色的半月形的魔力图案,在一个痨病鬼的裹尸布上,写上那个人的名字和家谱,墨水是一个黑皮肤的小女孩的血。把这块布举在黑烟里,同时呼唤你的守护神。然后把布放进魔力图案里,手里晃动着痨病鬼骨头做成的匕首,念十万遍咒语。然后把这块布放到那人睡觉的地方。”这一方法可以置敌死命。(参阅Rene de Nebesky-Wojkowitz: Oracles and demons of Tibet, the cult and Iconography of the Tibetan protective deities, Kathmandu 1993)
      另一个使敌人变疯的方法:“在一个山顶上划一个白色的魔圈,把用有毒的树叶做成的敌人偶像放进圈里,在这个偶像上用白树浆写上敌人的名字和家谱。把偶像举在人油灯的烟里,当你念咒语的时候,用右手握着骨头做的匕首摩擦偶像的头部。最后把偶像放在魔鬼Mamo喜欢出没的地方。”(参阅Rene de Nebesky-Wojkowitz: Oracles and demons of Tibet, the cult and Iconography of the Tibetan protective deities, Kathmandu 1993)
      这些巫术绝不是什么少见的宁玛巴或Bonpo的歪道,它是自五世达赖起国家最高政策的一部分。五世达赖制作了一本“方法书”(《金册》),用黑色唐卡做成,内容全是用巫术杀人。比如其中所绘的gan tad法术:一个圆圈中间画着一男一女,是作法的对象,手上和脚上系着铁链,人物的四周是密宗喇嘛写下的咒语:“命被割掉,心被割掉,身子被割掉,权力被割掉,来源被割掉(意为敌人的亲属也要被灭绝)。”然后将娼妓的经血滴在图案上,将头发和指甲放在图案里的人物上,做法的喇嘛将图案折起来,和一些藏文化中特有的物质,一起塞进一个□牛角里。(至于这些藏文化中特有的物质是什么,大家读到这里一定也可以想象了,我就不再数罗了)做这个法必须戴着手套进行,否则对法师身体有害。在一个墓地里,行法者将大群魔鬼呼唤进牛角,再将牛角埋在敌人的领地里。敌人便会死去。(参阅Rene de Nebesky-Wojkowitz: Oracles and demons of Tibet, the cult and Iconography of the Tibetan protective deities, Kathmandu 1993)
      五世达赖曾在甘丹寺作法,毁灭Kagyupa和藏巴汗,藏巴汗的像被放进大面饼里(Torma),面里还有一个被杀死的年轻男子的血,人肉,啤酒,毒药等等。(参阅Zahiruddin Ahmad: Sino-Tibetan relations in the seventeenth century, in: Serie Orientale Roma XL, Roma 1970)
      藏巫术认为每个生命有一个叫La(bla)的能量源泉,这个源泉不一定在体内,而在别的地方如山上,湖里,野兽身上。一个人可以有不止一个La(bla)。大人物如大喇嘛,贵族的La(bla)在高贵的动物身上,如雪狮,熊,虎和象;中等人的动物是牛马羊驴之类;下等人的动物是老鼠,狗,蝎子之类。La(bla)也是一个家族,一个部落,一个民族生命的源泉,比如羊卓雍湖就被称为是藏人的能量源泉,传说如果它的水干枯了,藏人就会全死光。流亡藏人曾经传播谣言,说汉人要排干羊卓雍湖水。(参阅Tibetan Review, Januar 1992)如果想消灭敌人,应将敌人的La(bla)摧毁。每个喇嘛都应该有能力通过占星和算命的方法算出一个人的La(bla)的所在。
      据称五世达赖曾有极其利害的武器,八齿之轮,可以在一瞬间将敌人成百上千地杀死。(参阅Rene de Nebesky-Wojkowitz: Oracles and demons of Tibet, the cult and Iconography of the Tibetan protective deities, Kathmandu 1993)
      另一件超级武器,在十四世达赖手中也曾使用过,就是在拉萨城外的黄教寺院Kardo Gompa里,被称为“魔鬼之磨”的两块圆石。据Nebesky-Wojkowitz称,1950年当时西藏政府曾用此武器来攻击解放军:“一个精通黑巫术的喇嘛受命操作此物。在好几个星期的坐关里,他试将敌人的能量源(La)引入几个芥子中去。当他从征兆里发觉成功后,他就把芥子摆进石磨里碾碎。。。石磨的巨大毁灭力使行法者都受到伤害,有些喇嘛在转过石磨后死去了。” 五世达赖是一个疯狂的巫术崇拜者,他的巫术仪式,分为每年定期举行的,和突发举行的(杀敌法)。他认为他政治上的胜利主要是由于他的巫术,而蒙古人的帮助则是次要的。(参阅Zahiruddin Ahmad: Sino-Tibetan relations in the seventeenth century, in: Serie Orientale Roma XL, Roma 1970)Kagyupa的文件则称五世达赖将九个恶魔从牢笼中放了出来,让它们将蒙古军队引入西藏进行屠杀。五世达赖的巫术记载在他编写的两本书里:《密封的秘密传记》和《金册》,有兴趣者可以去看Samtsen Gyaltsen Karmay所写的 Secret visions of the fifth Dalai Lama. The gold manuscript in the fournier collection, London 1988.
      五世达赖是当今十四世达赖的最高榜样,那么十四世达赖的巫术作法是如何呢?这是西藏流亡政府中一个讳末如深的秘密,但我们仍能从蛛丝马迹中看到它的踪影。在达赖的自传中有这样一段,描述他在毛泽东去世时所做的和《天轮经》(Kalachakra Tantra)有关的仪式:“在三天的作法中,毛死于第二天,第三天的早上一直下着大雨,然而到了下午,却出现了我一生中所见到过的最美丽的彩虹。我相信,那是一个很好的征兆。”(参阅Dalai Lama XIV, Das Buch der Freiheit, Bergisch Gladbach 1993)达赖的宫廷御用文人Claude B. Levenson说此次仪式是“一个很严格的法事,事前有几个星期的隔绝坐关,特别按照五世达赖定下的法则进行。”(参阅Claude B. Levenson所写的《达赖喇嘛传》)在喇嘛教的圈子里确实是将毛的死亡“归功”于达赖的巫术。
      邓小平死于1997年2月12日,而在此之前不久他曾见过达赖的兄弟,Gyalo Thondup,此人也是“活佛”( Tulku),按照喇嘛教的教义,这之间是有必然联系的。
      本来热振喇嘛不是我要谈的内容,但这几天七世热振坐床,算是新闻人物,所以谈一段热振喇嘛。十三世达赖死后,五世热振喇嘛掌权,主持寻找十四世达赖。十四世达赖原名Lhamo Dhondup,这是一个女孩子的名字,意为“满足愿望的女神”,这暗合喇嘛教的最高宗旨:阳阴人。十四世达赖的官方描述是这样的:当热振喇嘛带领人找到这个男孩时,男孩要喇嘛手中的原属十三世达赖的念珠,喇嘛问男孩:“你知道我们是什么人吗?”男孩用拉萨方言答道:“你们是色拉寺的喇嘛!”而事实上男孩根本不会说藏语,他一家的日常用语是汉语甘肃方言。德国藏学家Matthias Hermanns那时候正好在甘青地区,他认识十四世达赖的一家。他说,当他问那小男孩叫什么名字时,男孩答道:“祁!”(男孩住的村子叫祁家沟)(参阅Matthias Hermanns:Mythen und Mysterien.Magie und Religion der Tibeter, Koeln 1956) 五世热振喇嘛成了十四世达赖的第一个老师,1941年,热振喇嘛将管理政府的权力交给了另一个喇嘛Taktra Rinpoche。但热振喇嘛后来又想夺回权力,他和十四世达赖的父亲,Choekyong Tsering联合起来。1947年,四十七岁的Choekyong Tsering在一次吃饭时突然死去。十四世达赖的兄弟Gyalo Dhondup等认为是当时的西藏政府下的毒。(参阅Mary Craig:Kundun, a biogrphy of the family of the Dalai Lama, London 1997)热振喇嘛于是打算武装夺权,但阴谋失败被Taktra 喇嘛抓了起来。这是色拉寺的喇嘛们准备来救热振喇嘛。他们先把本寺的主持(Taktra 喇嘛的亲信)杀了,然后由一个十八岁的喇嘛Tsenya Rinpoche (在藏教中他是凶恶的 Dharmapala的转世)率领杀进拉萨,Taktra 喇嘛命令藏军用大炮轰击,结果两百多名色拉寺的喇嘛被炸的尸骨无存。
      救兵没了,热振喇嘛只有在布达拉宫的地牢里受着无休无止的酷刑,最后,被“捏碎睾丸”而死。另一西藏政府的高级官员(可能是隆夏,我不确定,待查)被处以剜眼之刑,行刑人从眼眶四周慢慢往里按,直至眼球迸出来为止。(参阅Melvyn Goldstein, A history of modern Tibet 1913-1951.The Demise of the Lamaist state, Berkely, 1989)
      小乘,大乘佛教之后,在佛教内部的演变中,产生了所谓的金刚乘(Vajrayana, Tantrayana or Mantrayana),这就是喇嘛教的起源。汉语世界里所称“佛教”这个词的意义,基本上是根据大乘佛教的内容。所以我认为,为了有所区别,最好不要对喇嘛教冠以“佛教”的称呼。金刚乘自认是佛教的最高阶段,如黄教将佛教的派别划分为这些等级:小乘,大乘,金刚乘;而金刚乘内部则为宁玛巴,萨加巴,喀举巴,格鲁巴;后一级高于前一级,等级森严。喇嘛教的僧侣,喜欢到别的教派那里去宣传自己的教义,但绝对不会请非喇嘛教的其它派别到喇嘛教的地头来。大乘佛教的戒律,堪称是僧侣道德的典范,金刚乘表面上也称颂这些戒律,但金刚乘有一种特殊的“翻转条例”,即对任何一条戒律,如果反其道而行,反而算是大澈大悟地遵守了此戒律。
      仔细观察喇嘛教(西藏)的历史,就能体会到这个法则不仅是教条上的存在,而是在实际中具体被运用了。当然这个法则并不只被用在政治层面上,私人领域里同样可以运用。金刚乘的经文,重要的有:Guhyasamaya Tantra, Hevajra Tantra, Candamaharosana Tantra, Kalachakra Tantra 等等,这些经文中,最早的(Guhyasamaya Tantra)写成于四世纪,最新的(Kalachakra Tantra)成书于十世纪。按喇嘛教的自称,这些经文都是佛祖释迦摩尼所写,而在释迦摩尼死后千年出现于世。
      这些经文的最高峰就是《天轮经》(Kalachakra Tantra,这是我给它起的汉语名,当然也可以起别的名, Kala=时间,chakra=轮),这部经文和其它经文相比,以它宏大的权力取得术和对未来的预测和定论而突出。这部经文可以看作是一个超政治运作的工具,即通过某些象征意义的仪式修行来影响世界的走向,使其为使法者所掌握。《天轮经》的秘密教义是达赖喇嘛政治运作的根据,只有理解了《天轮经》,才能理解喇嘛教。
      Kailash的贴子里谈了些佛教发展史,本来我不打算系统地谈历史,但完全绕过去也不可能,因为喇嘛教的本质自然是和它的历史发展相关联的。正好Kailash的贴子谈了一些相关的问题,我就在她的说法上讲一下我的观点。所谓的“金刚乘”不是我的发明,汉语书籍中也有这样的称呼,喇嘛教更是这样称呼自己。上一篇里我提到的三个称呼(Vajrayana, Tantrayana or Mantrayana)中,Vajra是金刚的意思,Tantra可以翻译为“密”,Mantra是“语言”,“咒语”的意思。至于金刚乘是产生于四世纪,还是如Kailash所说的七世纪,这样的枝节问题应不是我们讨论的重点。我们知道,佛教最初产生的目的之一,就是要抛弃当时印度教中所充斥的神鬼崇拜。那么这些无数的神鬼恶魔,为什么会再次进入佛教,而成为金刚乘的主体呢?据说在当时大乘佛教的两个哲学支派产生了这样的观念:Madhyamika派将“空”(Shunyata)这个概念极端化,认为既然一切都是空,那么这些神鬼也都是空的幻觉,于是修行者便可以使用这些神鬼恶魔,如同使用一个工具一样,用过后可以再扔掉。Yogachara派认为世上所有的一切(包括神灵)都是精神上的感觉,那么修行者就可以通过他的思维和意志来影响和控制宇宙。既然宇宙中的一切都只存在于思维之中,那么任何物质与现象都可以通过意志使其产生,毁灭或转化。神鬼自然也在其列。
      我们再来看看喇嘛教是怎样征服西藏的。虽然佛教早已传入西藏,但真正将金刚乘带入西藏的应是莲花生(Padmasambhava),他来自印度有名的巫术之乡Uddiyana,780年受藏王Trisong Detsen(赤松德赞?)之邀入藏,传说他与藏王相见时,藏王要求他鞠躬,而他从指中射出闪电,反而使藏王跪倒。他所带来的喇嘛教,是一种疯狂外露的原始状态,是“乱”的象征。在摧毁了当时西藏统一的王权以后,此种状况下的喇嘛教并不能建立一个僧侣强权,西藏的状况反而更加混乱。于是就有了所谓的阿底峡(Atisha)的改革,阿底峡来自孟加拉地区,1032年受古格王邀请入藏,1050年阿底峡招集宗教会议,制订戒律,使当时泛滥成灾的喇嘛疯狂修行(杀人,抢劫,乱交,黑巫术等等)有所控制,他还试图建立一个宗教组织(Kadampa),以严明纪律,并时喇嘛教组织化。但阿底峡的改革并不完全成功,一个僧侣强权仍建立不了。在这个意义上,宗喀巴可以说是阿底峡的继续者。宗喀巴的改革,在教义上对喇嘛教并无大变动,它的意义是政治上和组织上的。宗喀巴的本人的十六部著作,都是些对古经文的注释。黄教本身也不以“创造性”为长处,而习惯于死记硬背。宗喀巴建立了一个等级森严的金字塔形的宗教组织,并制订了严格的纪律,那些秘密的修行法只能由这个组织的高层使用,广大的中下层僧侣必须遵守纪律。这个组织就象军队一样(实际上喇嘛的确常常参与武装战斗),一层管一层,将权力凝聚在最高层手中。有了这样一个严密的组织,喇嘛就具备了建立一个政教合一的僧侣强权的条件。然而要再过二百多年,到五世达赖之时,喇嘛教的这个愿望才第一次得以实现。这个愿望(建立一个政教合一的僧侣强权)不是某一个人的个人想法,而是来自喇嘛教的基本教义,是“神”的意旨。
      在达赖的全盘计划中,台湾是进入中土的跳板,据海外流亡藏人自称,现在台湾已有五十万喇嘛教信徒,一百多个寺庙。每个月有上百个藏僧来台湾,为“世界上其它地方的喇嘛寺募捐”。台湾现在已经有四个转世的喇嘛(1987,1990,1991,1995),据喇嘛Lobsang Jungney称:“台湾可以有四十个转世喇嘛。”(参阅Tibetan Review, May 1995)
      达赖本人曾多次提到过“喇嘛教的信仰将给汉人社会带来幸福与和平”(如1995在波士敦与中国学生的对话)。达赖提出要去五台山朝圣,五台山是供俸文殊菩萨(Manjushri)的地方,喇嘛教中中国皇帝是文殊菩萨的化身。那么按照喇嘛教这个地方就是汉文化的能量源泉(La),达赖可以用某种仪式(法术)使此一能量源泉为他所控制。达赖的确计划在五台山做《时轮经》(Kalachakra Tantra)的沙盘仪式( sand mandala)。1987年西藏喇嘛Khenpo Jikphun曾在五台山做《时轮经》(Kalachakra Tantra)仪式,表演了“悬浮术”(Levitation)。
      关于Kalachakra Tantra,依据Kailash,汉语中已有翻译为《时轮经》,那么为了不产生混淆,我也将这样称呼它。另外我未曾自封“大师”(否则我和那些喇嘛岂不成了一丘之貉?!),请不要如此称呼。
      在Hevajra Tantra经文中我们可以诸佛诸菩萨是怎样在性交合中产生的,五元素(空间,气,火,水,土)是怎么产生的:接触产生了土;精液产生了水;摩擦产生了火;运动产生了气;欢乐产生了空间。(参阅Farrow and Menon: The concealed essence of the Hevajra Tantra with the commentary Yogaratnamala, Delhi 1992)
      比如我们可以读宗喀巴对经文的解释:从这些物质:头发,骨头,胆,肝,体毛,指甲,牙齿,皮肤,肉,神经,屎,垢,脓中专产生了神山MERU,大陆,大山以及各种地貌;从泪,血,经血,精液,淋巴和尿中产生了海洋与河流;从头,心,肚脐和下体产生了外在的火焰;等等。(参阅Alex Wayman: Yoga of the Guhyasamajatantra, The Arcane lore of forty verses, Delhi 1977)同样,所有的感觉与能力也产生于此交合。我在这里就不一一列举了。
      喇嘛教的态度可以说是一百八十度的大转弯,喇嘛教认为性交是一切的源泉,生命的源泉,将控制性交看做成佛的大门。从这种思想发源性器官就成了崇拜的对象。男性器官的称号就是金刚(或宝石,Vajra),藏语词译为Dorje,并加上了许多其它的意义(如勇士,雷电等等)。女性器官称莲花(Padma)或铃铛(Gantha)。金刚棍和铃铛是每个喇嘛必备的法器。(还记得那句真言“Om mani padma hum”吗?)所有的密宗经文都以此句开头:“我听说:从前最高的神逗留在金刚女的阴道里,所有佛祖的身体,语言,知觉都体现于金刚女。”据称这句话包含着密宗的最高真谛。
      上面提到,这些神(魔鬼)不是可以随意凭空创造的,而是在喇嘛教的经文中写死的,他们的思想,行为,本领,好恶,感情,服装,乃至于每一个细微的表情,每一个手势都被规定的清清楚楚。这些神(魔鬼)的数目和各自的形象自十二世纪以来已不再有什么变化(只有很少几个地位低的神灵被添进来,如十七世纪的Dorje Shugden),今天喇嘛教的信徒,无论是在美洲或欧洲,仍然在呼唤着这些千百年前的来自印度或西藏的神灵恶魔。
      西藏文化谈(七):采阴术 (上)
      实女(Karma Mudra),这是有血有肉的真实女性。
      灵女(Inana Mudra),她是由修练者的意念所塑造出来的。
      内女(Maha Mudra),修练者自身内部的阴性。
      现来看“实女”,修练者应选择什么样的女子?密宗经文里有各种各样的说法,比如“选择一个漂亮的,有大眼睛的,苗条的少女,黑色的皮肤。。。”喇嘛Geduen Choepel(1895-1951,著有《性术六十四式》)的说法:西康的女孩肉软;卫藏的女孩性技术好;喀什米尔的女孩笑的好;等等。(参阅Geduen Choepel: Tibetan Arts of Love, Ithaca 1992)
      有的经文要求采用经过Kama Sutra技巧训练的女孩。年轻是另外一个重要条件,我们来看看密宗的大法王(Maha Siddha) Saraha做的分类:
      (参阅Alex Wayman: The Buddhist Tantras, New York 1973)
      喇嘛Geduen Choepel警告和太年幼的“智慧女”行仪式所可能带来的外伤,并教导了一些减轻的方法。他并推荐,在与十二岁的“智慧女”行仪式前给她吃糖果和蜂蜜。密宗的大法王(Maha Siddha) Dombipa原是一个国王,他有一天看到一个流浪歌手的女儿,就把她买了下来,她是一个“无罪的处女,没有任何此世界的污染,是极罕见的,极贵重的莲花女(Padmini)”。(参阅Keith Dowman: Die Meister der Mahamudra, Leben,Legenden und Lieder der vierundachtzig Erleuchteten,Muenchen□1991)
      仪式后“莲花女”的命运如何,书上没有记载。“八岁处女仪式”(Kumaripuja)是这样的:选出一个女孩,为灌顶仪式准备,不要让她知道将会发生什么。仪式时,让她裸体在祭坛上,接受信徒崇拜,最后由大法师或一个弟子破她。(参阅Benjamin Walker: Tantrismus. Die Lehren und Praktiken des linkshaendigen Pfades, Basel 1987)
      那么喇嘛的这些“智慧女”是从哪里得来的?通常情况下是由弟子献给法师的。实际上在喇嘛教里信徒最重要的任务之一就是为“大师”物色“智慧女”。我们可以在喇嘛教的经文里读到:“信徒应该将他的姐妹,女儿或者妻子献给法师。”(参阅Alex Wayman: The Buddhist Tantras, New York 1973)
      这个“智慧女”对弟子来说越珍贵,就越应将她献出来。自然喇嘛教中还有很多这方面的咒语法术,比如:Om hri savaha!修练者将此咒语念上一万遍,一个“智慧女”就会出现在他面前并听命于他。
      《时轮经》(Kalachakra Tantra)上介绍的方法:通告含酒精的饮料可以使“智慧女”更利于行仪式。有的经文则建议,如果“智慧女”不顺从,应以武力进行。(参阅Bhattacharyya: History of the Tantric religion, Manohar 1982)
      “智慧女”需要有什么知识?这个问题说法不一,基本上来说,她应该对密宗有所了解。宗喀巴要求“智慧女”必须发誓,不对外泄密,他警告不要和不称的女人行法:“如果一个女人没有表现出高质量,那么她就是一个低级的莲花。不要和她在一起,给她一点贡品,表示一点尊敬,把她打发走,不要和她行法。”(参阅Miranda Shaw: Passionate Enlightenment, Women in Tantric Buddhism, Princeton 1994)
      在Hevajra Tantra中要求行法前对“智慧女”要有一个月的准备期。
      我们从教义上了解了喇嘛教的性仪式后,再来看看其现实中的运行。既然喇嘛以佛教僧侣的面目出现,他们的这些性仪式当然是秘密中的秘密。我们就来看看这露出水面的冰山之角。英国的一个女作家Jane Campbell,她曾是Kagyupa大喇嘛Kalu Rinpoche(1905-1989)的翻译。有一天大喇嘛忽然要求她做他的“智慧女”,她虽然很吃惊但不得不服从师父(那时已年近八十)。后来她逃出了喇嘛教的圈子,所以我们今天能通过她的描述来窥视现代喇嘛教的“智慧女”仪式。西方的女子为什么甘心做“智慧女”并且保守秘密?一个原因是“大法师”是以神的形象站在她们的面前,当她们深信其宗教时,这个力量是不可抗拒的;第二个原因作为“智慧女”,她在信徒的小圈子里会忽然享有很高的地位,会被信徒们象女神一样地崇拜,因为她和大法师(活佛)行法。“智慧女”必需下毒誓,如果她不遵守誓言,她就会发疯而死并下千年地狱!为了吓她,Kalu Rinpoche曾对Jane Campbell说,他前世曾将一个泄密的女人通过咒语杀死。根据Jane Campell,此类手段在现代喇嘛教圈子里很有效的。“智慧女”在她与大喇嘛行法的期间,被信徒们当做女神般崇拜,但完后便被废弃,自然有更新鲜的“智慧女”出现。Jane Campbell描述,当她和Kalu Rinpoche行法期间,Kalu Rinpoche还和另一不到二十岁的女子行法,她突然死去了,据称是心脏病。当时Jane Campell受到严重的惊吓,以至她完全和外界失去了联系而成为大喇嘛的奴隶。(参阅June Campbell: Traveller in space, In search of female identity in Tibetan Buddhism, London 1996)
      根据另一个英国女作家Mary Finnigan在她所在的喇嘛教圈子里“活佛”同时和几个女学生做法,并使他们各自以为自己是惟一被选中的。当被问到圈内的藏族女性是怎样看这个问题时,她说:“她们觉得是荣幸和任务,被喇嘛选中;我想藏族女人大概根本就没有性侵犯这个概念吧。”
      《西藏死亡书》的注释者Sogyal Rinpoche被控告到法庭上,多位女性要求他赔偿一千万美金。后来他们庭外达成交易,据Sogyal Rinpoche的信徒称,这是Sogyal Rinpoche一次长时间做关冥想的结果。
      由于此类时间不断暴露,某些喇嘛采取了另一辩解法,称这种法术并无不妥之处,并公开承认,他们是:Jattral Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyentse, Dilgo Khyentse, Ongen Tulku。
      西藏文化谈(八):采阴术 (下)
      上篇谈到了修练所需的女性分为三种:实女(Karma Mudra),这是有血有肉的真实女性。灵女(Inana Mudra),她是由修练者的意念所塑造出来的。内女(Maha Mudra),修练者自身内部的阴性。
      灵女(Inana Mudra)是修练者在意念中塑造出来的,和在《化神术》中所讲的一样,这个“意念塑造”不是由修练者自由发挥,而是必须精确地按照经文中所描述的形象使她在意念中再现。通常修练者需要长时间地坐关冥想,才能用第三只眼(灵眼或慧眼)看见意念中的灵女(Inana Mudra)。
      通过与实女(Karma Mudra)和灵女(Inana Mudra)的交合,修练者自体内集聚了阴精而转化成内女(Maha Mudra),她是修练者自身的一部份,她就是修练者自己。此时,修练者就可以在自己身体内部再现孕育万物的交合,他以此具有了操纵宇宙的能力。
      这里出现了一个问题,既然此交合可以在意念中完成,那么实女(Karma Mudra)和灵女(Inana Mudra)的意义有什么不同?为什么和实女(Karma Mudra)仪式是不可少的?根据喇嘛教教义,实女(Karma Mudra)和灵女(Inana Mudra)的意义都在于使修练者看穿这世界的虚幻(空),他澈悟之后,便可以用意念塑造由他控制的宇宙。在这个意义上,要将有血有肉的实女(Karma Mudra)看穿为虚幻是更困难的考验。所以实女(Karma Mudra)比灵女(Inana Mudra)更重要。看穿了这世界的虚幻本质后,修练者便不再受此虚幻世界的法则(自然法则,人为法则)所约束,因而便具有超自然的法力。根据黄教创始者宗喀巴:“在大澈大悟的道路上,“女伴”是必不可少的”,灵女(Inana Mudra)适合于地位比较低的修练者,或者作为仪式前的练习。另一个为什么实女(Karma Mudra)必不可少的原因是:喇嘛教的魔法需要取得所谓的“阴精”。
      我们再看看翻转法则的一些具体运用:因为传统上僧侣禁酒肉,所以喇嘛教修行者就要去吃禁肉,这就是所谓的五种肉,其中人肉(称Maha mamsa,意为“大肉”)。通常这些人肉来自死尸或者来自那些“因为自己的孽源(Karma)而死,如在战场上因为因果报应而被杀死的人”。人肉可以制成丸药,以便服用。有些经文详细描写了人肉各部份的作用,比如脑,肝,肺,内脏,睾丸等在相应的仪式上的作用等。
      Candamaharosana Tantra列了一些修行者和他的智慧女在灌顶仪式上吃的东西:屎,尿,唾液,残留在她牙齿间的食物,呕吐物,洗过屁眼的水。(参阅Christopher George:The Candamaharosana Tantra,New Haven 1974)
      Hevajra Tantra的灌顶仪式上修行者用人头骨盛着经血饮下,其它食物还有臭鱼,狗屎,死尸体内的油,死尸体内的屎,月经布等等。(参阅Benjamin Walker: Tantrismus. Die Lehren und Praktiken des linkshaendigen Pfades, Basel 1987)
      一个重要的原则是,当喇嘛教的修行者在吃这些物质时,不可以有任何恶心的感受,无论他吃什么,他都应该如美味地咽下。顺便提一下,屎尿之类不仅在喇嘛教的灌顶仪式上出现,它更是藏医药里的重要成份。大喇嘛(活佛)的屎尿是万能的良药,这些屎尿被做成药丸而买卖,这是现在西藏和流亡藏人社会中的一项重要经济。最珍贵的当然就是达赖喇嘛的屎尿了,1954年他到北京来时,他的屎尿都被收集在金盆里送回拉萨做成药丸。(参阅Tom Grunfeld: The making of modern Tibet, New York 1996)
      同男子的精液一样重要,女性拥有所谓的阴精。阴精是指经血或者其它阴道分泌物。男子的精液称“白色”,女子的精液称“红色”。我们知道经血在绝大多数文明里都是不洁的象征,这里自然又是喇嘛教的翻转法则运用的好地方。所以灌顶仪式最好在智慧女来经血之时举行。当然藏文化里对经血也有详细的分类,如处女的经血,出身卑贱的女人的经血,结了婚的女人的经血,寡妇的经血等等,等级不同。参阅Bhattacharyya: History of tantric religion, Manobar 1982)
      要掌握这一技巧需要更痛苦更长期的练习,比如将金属棍插入尿道等等。(参阅Mircea Eliade: Yoga, Unsterblichkeit und Freiheit, Frankfurt 1984)
      西藏文化谈(九):时轮大法(Kalachakra Tantra)(大纲)
      《时轮经》属于密宗最高的神秘经文(Anuttara-Yoga-Tantra),它的秘密内涵是喇嘛教千方百计想要隐藏的,比如我们在喇嘛Ngawang Dhargyey关于《时轮经》的书中读到:“要限制此书的扩散,只有受过《时轮经》灌顶的人才可以阅读。不小心而产生的后果对本教的影响将是很负面的。”(参阅Lharampa Ngawang Dhargyey: A commentary of the Kalachakra Tantra, New Delhi 1985)
      西藏文化谈(十):时轮大法(Kalachakra Tantra)七级低层灌顶
      《时轮经》的灌顶仪式是按照印度的国王登基仪式(Rajasuya)设计的。通过Rajasuya王储得到国王的权威,同样,通过灌顶仪式喇嘛教的修练者教得到作为神的光芒而出现的权力。当然这里施灌顶的大喇嘛(更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 大家看看最后几段
      • 不看不知道,一看吓一跳。原来臭名昭著的奥姆真理教竟然跟所谓的藏传佛教有如此深厚的渊源。而且假如这个作者的一切引经据典属实,那么所谓的藏传佛教实际完全是披着佛教外皮的印度教极限版……
        • 这实在是作者主观臆断。各大宗教都有分支,极端主义者与其他派别完全不同。按作者的逻辑,伊斯兰教极端主义者与耶稣、上帝都是矛盾共同体,布什和宾拉登是"担任了同一本质的两个不同角色"。
          • 似乎不完全是主观臆断,用google可以在别的文章里面发现类似的内容。这篇文章当年在新浪旅游论坛引发过广泛的争议。
          • 至少密宗修炼需要女人参与这一点不是假的,查了一些资料,索然写得隐讳得很,但显然这一点是事实。
      • 好文!
      • zui guo zui guo. shi fei dian dao zi you ding lun. jiu rang zhi hui qu kai ming yi qie ba. Na Mo Fo Pu Sa.