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记者Mark Halperin出现在2WAY节目中,讨论最新的民意调查,肯定卡马拉·哈里斯在各方面都遇到了麻烦,民意调查是准确的,川普总统正在获胜。

“There's no doubt in my mind that the polling as I've characterized it this week is accurate, that right now Trump would win and that the numbers are moving in his direction,” says Mark Halperin. Kamala Harris' “problems in each individual state with different demographic groups are pronounced … There’s confidence in Mar-A-Lago, concern in Wilmington and greater concern amongst Democratic elected officials who I hear from daily asking me what I know … And telling me explicitly and through their questions, they are worried. That doesn't mean she won't win, but that's how we head into the weekend. Democrats are worried about where things stand.”
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 记者Mark Halperin出现在2WAY节目中,讨论最新的民意调查,肯定卡马拉·哈里斯在各方面都遇到了麻烦,民意调查是准确的,川普总统正在获胜。 +3

    “There's no doubt in my mind that the polling as I've characterized it this week is accurate, that right now Trump would win and that the numbers are moving in his direction,” says Mark Halperin. Kamala Harris' “problems in each individual state with different demographic groups are pronounced … There’s confidence in Mar-A-Lago, concern in Wilmington and greater concern amongst Democratic elected officials who I hear from daily asking me what I know … And telling me explicitly and through their questions, they are worried. That doesn't mean she won't win, but that's how we head into the weekend. Democrats are worried about where things stand.”
    • 民意调查水很深。看看就可以了。 +2
    • 看“民调”如果直接看当前数据肯定会被牵着鼻子走。要看就看四年前这个时候拜登如何“遥遥领先川普”(5%~8),八年前这个时候“希拉里领先川普”(8~12%)。现在的哈里斯才“领先”了多少? +1
      • 这位记者说的民调不仅仅是公开民调,他还掌握了一些内部民调。内部民调的用途是不一样的。 +2
        • “内部民调”更是只能自己用 +1
          • 是啊,所以民主党内部的人很恐慌 +2
            • 我不怎么担心基础实际数据,实际数据肯定是川爷赢,这个基本上是不用说的,更担心的是恐慌的民主党人会祭出什么恶招,用各种手段作弊肯定不在话下,但如果还不够呢,到时候估计还会有各种事情发生。 +1
              • 正常选举川普赢了。 +2
              • 说是月底前一周
                • 希望不要有大事
          • 所以trump一直心情不好
            • 你这个, 哈哈, 完全活在自己的世界里。 +2
              • trump现在就是孤家寡人,身边的人没几个说他好的,共和党集体出走,和主流媒体不对乎,还是人品的事儿
                • 哈哈哈, 对对, 有10万在PA参加他的拉力的“孤家寡人”。 川普的漂白粉把你伤害的不轻。 +2
                  • crown size。有啥用,2020不也是红旗招展锣鼓喧天,到头来还是靠J6结束竞选
                    • 還是漂白粉管用 +1
                      • 满世界谁不知道往身体里直接注射漂白粉可以治疗covid,他不在记者会上说谁知道这个偏方呀
                        • 大家都move on了。 但是漂白粉在你的腦子裡永遠的留下來了。 +2
                          • 这是历史,就和J6一样,经历过的就会留在历史中
                            • 但是漂白粉對妳尤其重要。 會只留在你的腦子裡。 +2
                              • 我从不洗衣服,所以无感
                                • 你肯定不洗衣服。 你能說出這句話, 就說明你經常洗腦。 +2
                                  • 那就是洗衣服的东西
        • trump这两个月一直苦苦追赶
      • 当你考虑2个月的时候,就会吃惊了
        • NBC都在哀叹,两个月前贺锦丽领先5个点,现在打平,他们不得不承认贺锦丽要输了。
          • prove it
            • here
              • “caught up” 多好啊,为什么心情不好呢。
    • Halperin 据说是比较准的 +1
      • 王婆卖瓜自卖自夸