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川普吓尿了:Trump urges judge in 2020 election case not to allow release of more evidence, claiming election interference

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump accused the special counsel of cherry-picking and mischaracterizing evidence compiled by prosecutors in their case against him.
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 川普吓尿了:Trump urges judge in 2020 election case not to allow release of more evidence, claiming election interference +1
    Lawyers for former President Donald Trump accused the special counsel of cherry-picking and mischaracterizing evidence compiled by prosecutors in their case against him.
    • 人家说的是不要‘cherry-picked". +3
      • It atcually IS cherry picking in some way, and it’s per the order of the SCOTUS to determine what were official presidential acts and what were not. If it weren’t for this reason, there will be much more to come out against Trump +1
      • The former president's lawyers also asked Chutkan to pause any decision to release additional information relating to Smith's filing to allow them to "evaluate litigation options."
    • 此 ID 就是专门在肉脸断章取义斩头去尾黑川普。每一个帖子都是。一星期有一个例外我请你吃饭😛 -once01(作风优良自找苦吃); 10-7 +34 -once01(作风优良自找苦吃); 10-10 +18 +12
      • 一再显示川粉的道德水平。可以相像他们支持的会是个什么货色 +1
        • 这不是想请人吃饭么?肉脸上多几个这样“货色”就和谐了 +2
          • 这种上来就人身攻击、胡说八道的,基本暴露是什么货色在当川粉。也说明他们支持的川普有多垃圾 +4
      • 所以一般直接忽略,如果发现灰色主贴是这个ID发的,直接点眼睛图标就好了。 +2
        • 我偏不。他发一个主贴,我跟一个附贴 +3
          • 嘿嘿,好的。 +2
          • 正好暴露川粉的道德水平 +1
      • 建议老大增加神选之子分坛,否者太憋屈了 +1
    • 感谢分享,已经下载川普律师意见原文。他的律师水平很高的
      • 现在公布出来,很明显是要干预大选,谁知道那些证据是真的假的。 +2
        • 月底前还会有大事发生的
        • 民主党早就没有底线了,不择手段,一点都不意外。 +3
          • 奥巴马委任的黑人女法官,跟贺锦丽惺惺相惜,当然要出手帮贺锦丽一把了。 +3
            • 破坏司法公正是破坏民主的根基,但他们根本不在乎。 +2
            • 这么说,共和党两次委任的偏右大法官,正在破坏司法公正,把美国拖向陈旧腐朽的中世纪